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ULMF Directive OOC

Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Ok, so monster ideas and my character. For ease of read, char first, then the munstars. The last one is a toying of a second character/special monster idea-

Name: Sandy Askias
Age: Recorded in GenX Database as 29 upon time of 'capture'
Gender: Female
Appearance: Black/Blue hair, red eyes, dark tan skin, long fingernails. Has been recorded to seem to grow horns, hipwings, a tail, and hooves when a person isn't looking. Believed to be a failed GenX project that was allowed to continue working for the company.
Bio: Believed to be the instigator of the 'GenX Incident' in Redgrove several years ago, Askias was still an employee with the genetics company upon her rescue, same with various other survivors. However, her use to Genis, the runner of GenX, was starting to wain, and forced to find a way to recoup the losses when Redgrove GenX was destroyed. To attemt to fix it, Genis made a partnership deal with the Directive, allowing them access to full experiment logs and creatures they developed over the years, as well as scientist support, for experiment funding. Luckily for Genis, they agreed to her proposition. Askias was one of the scientists asked to come over, and she agreed. However, these outsider scientists were swiftly caught by security and lead into cells after they were caught hacking into the mainframe. Askias is the only one that hasn't gone insane yet, and seems to be thriving in captivity.
Kinks/Fetishes: Askias is very machoistic at heart, and enjoys being the dominant one of a encounter, resorting to tactics such as trickery and charm to worm her way out of situations she can't get out of normally. When it comes to sex, she enjoys rougher treatment, either giving or recieving- whipping, bondage, light torture, and light wounding among the things that really press her buttons. Opertunities in which she can allow some of her 'true nature' to shine she thoughly enjoys, mostly when she's sure she isn't being watched.
Turn-offs: She is disgusted of the ideas of scat, piss, guro, or heavy mutilation/torture, and is easily bored by 'vanilla' sex with a creature if she isn't either controling or being controlled.


Name: Lust Rose (Subclass Poison Petal)
Gender: Female, though can be argued Hermephodite by female victims
Appearance: The Poison Petal is similar to several other 'breeds' of the Lust Rose grouping of plants, however, several differences are noticeable from the get-go- The flower's colorations are a deep black, with bright green highlights on the edge of the flower petals. From the center of the plant comes a humanlike torso, from the ankles up of a human-style female. The creature's eyes are pupiless lime green, and the skin of the creature is a matted black, with the same green edging when it comes to fingers, hair bangs, and nether tissue. All it's bodily fluids seem to be a bright lime green, whether it's blood or pleasure liquid. As it starts to grow in pleasure, it's clit seems to grow into a pallus, a trait uniqe to this Lust Rose, and only availible in certain individuals.
Bio: Poison Petals are a higher creation of the standard Lust Rose, with vines and roots strong and mobile enough to allow movement. The Poison Petal's thorns and claws secrete a potent mixture of toxins, with the grower able to infulence it's poisons during growing. When hunting for prey to sait it's usual diet of blood, however, it forces itself to two strains- one, which increases the victim's pleasure draw, to the point that even pain- say, from constant pricking of thorns- turns into pleasure. The second potent poison is an antiquagulant, meaning that the Poison Petal will need fewer wounds and can focus on immobilizing and using it's prey to sait it's sexual urges as well.

Upon catching it's victim, it drags them into it's petals, then binds them tightly, forcing them still and at thier mercy, allowing the Rose full control on how to pleasure or pain them. Like the other Roses, as it gets more aroused, it draws small thorns from it's skin, however, the thorns of a Poison Petal are a lot less lengthwise, and a lot more sparse in placement. It is believed that is the reason it relies on it's toxins soo much.
Kinks/Fetishes: The Poison Petal is highly dominative, enjoying the feeling of control it gets. The feelings seem to triple once it has a victim hidden in it's petals.
Turn-offs: It does not enjoy being forced to leave it's petals open for long periods, or being turned into a victim herself, often reacting violently to agressors.

Name: Skimmers
Gender: Believed to be genderless
Appearance: A long, blackened eel, who's genetic code is similar to the Slime Eel of the natural world. Has large fins along it's top and bottom and limbed fins on the side to help it steer. Has large, red eyes to help see.
Bio: The skimmer is drawn to dark, extremely moist areas, but for some reason, GenX was working on them being a 'replicating' weapon used to clog water supplies and lakes. Upon the aproach of a nearby female, the skimmers will come in a great mass, working hard to slide inside her, and release a torrent of it's reproductive juices with a violent blast of cum from it's mouth into her, before withdrawing for another skimmer. It's not uncommon for multiple skimmers to slide into a victim at once, though very rarely will the creatures aim forother orivices. A mix of training and biological coding assures that the Skimmer will only target the vaginal opening. Other intrusions can be blamed on either inexperienced Skimmers or outside tampering.
Kinks/Fetishes: The skimmer technically has no kinks, as they are only going by instincts
Turn-offs: The skimmers will attempt to avoid the other entries of the female, and upon entering the wrong hole, they will try hard to escape, often squirming in an attempt to get free.


Name: She's been held for several months, but by now she's only known by the science staff as 'Serum Slut' due to her being used to test various transformation serums. Her recorded name- Sarah.
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Appearance: Blonde hair, red eyes, pale skin. Often seen with a vacent look, as her mind is oten too drugged up for her mental state to truely show. Often seen in her cell, seemingly zoned out. Injecting this cocktail of sedatives is a large harness locked onto her back with several needles constantly keeping the amount of active sedative in check.
Bio: It's unsure where this girl came from, except that it took several high-level security staffmembers to keep her incarcerated in the first place, leading her to be constantly hooked up to sedation medicines to keep her from going crazy and attempting to escape again. Several serums were recovered along with her, serums that seemed to have similar effects to GenX experiments that existed, but were supposedly not in the public domain. The science team is currently working on 'prefecting' this subject's work on the serums, using her as the test subject.
Kinks/Fetishes: The experiment's mind is heavily clouded, so not much really gets through her beyond extreme actions, such as light wounding and hard sex. Often she'll seem at least slightly more responsive to such stimulai. Upon being freed of the sedatives, she's a determined lady, however, secretly she enjoys the feelings that tentacles and being restrained grant.
Turn-offs: Like Askias, she does not care for scat, piss, heavy torture, or guro. The threat of these is one of the few things to break through her sedated state that can elict a cowardly or violent response.
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Everything seems in order, and I apologise for not starting this yesterday but my fucktard of a mother decided to punish me for not doing something she didn't tell me to do. Work that one out. After that I lost the motivation to type up the story and send it to Lila to edit/add to it. But never fear! This will be starting up at least tomorrow as I have a few things that need to be done first.
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Double post, but whatever.

The Characters, Monsters and Drugs/Devices threads are up. You can post your relevant info there now cos I'm too lazy to :p
Re: ULMF Directive OOC

Setting up threads, game should be starting tonight if my mother isnt a cunt or tomorrow if she is.
Re: ULMF Directive OOC

RP has started, there's not really much the test subjects can do at the moment though feel free to post in your respective rooms. The researchers, your assignment has been posted in your thread.
Re: ULMF Directive OOC

Lila, could you repost your character to the character thread?
Re: ULMF Directive OOC

I's baaaaaack... >:3
Re: ULMF Directive OOC

Yay! *jumps up and down*
Re: ULMF Directive OOC

Are the hounds in sight or not? If not, I would think the serum would mostly cover up Sen's scent in that part of the ventilation.
Re: ULMF Directive OOC

If Sen were to look behind her then yeah, they'd be in sight. Though I'd imagine the slow serum would have a large enough effect to counter the speed serums effect on Sen so that she would be only marginally faster than her.
Re: ULMF Directive OOC

I had just been wondering, since I was thinking they may have been a few turns back in the vents and therefor didn't have a line of sight on her.

As for the serum, since the vial she tossed back was meant to be injected, the fumes would probably be about half as effective as if they were injected given that it isn't in it's aerosol form.
Re: ULMF Directive OOC

And thats what I've got them as, hence why the dogs aren't going at a snails pace. Also, I'm waiting on you to post now before I can move you along further.
Re: ULMF Directive OOC

Technically, yes. Everyone is still on the 69th floor, though they are in different area's.

Sandy + Sen are in a corridor full of mist
Sarah is on her own about to be raped by dog monsters
Michael + Sam + Lila + Suzy are in the elevator shaft, that has dropped back down to the 69th floor, and is gonna continue to drop.
Re: ULMF Directive OOC

Insults are a measurement of Dark Power. Darkness can be pain encarnation, or power depending on if the creature is made of Darkness, the scattered spacedustlike DNA spawned from a black hole. Marisa, her lab master used this to create monsters, but after Lila's humanization, she took some of her weapons. One Insult is like 1 degree in heat.

Lila assumes Darkness wasn't used in the experiments for the Directive, but those of a dark heart or tainted mind can easily handle it.
Re: ULMF Directive OOC

Um... are you aware how silly using 'insult' sounds as a method of measuring dark power?

I just have this mental image of your gun firing out elementary school student grade insults whenever fired. (So, instead of a gunshot sound, you hear the loud exclamation of 'Doodie Head!'.)
Re: ULMF Directive OOC

I apologize. Insult just sounds.... dark enough for a unit.

I did not mean for it to sound silly. =o.o=
Re: ULMF Directive OOC

So, instead of a gunshot sound, you hear the loud exclamation of 'Doodie Head!'.

I lol'd. I also had a similar thing going on in my RL RP, I said the gun went "like *pewpewpew* only less cute" and the reply was "So something along the lines of 'I AM THE WIDOW MAKER!' when it shoots?"

That was very lol-worthy.
Re: ULMF Directive OOC

Cant remember whether I said it or not (too lazy and/or tired to go check at the moment) but I'm certain someone has asked me, but the girls are indeed naked. Well, except Sarah, but she grabbed some clothing after busting out of the mindwipe chamber. So Imma have to ask Lila to alter your post.
Re: ULMF Directive OOC

I altered it. I did not know. I apologize for that mess. Please forgive me and I will promise to stay canon with the story.