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Wandered Astray (theguy09)

: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine...Ish, Eggs = 5

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

Navigation: 1 success

Aki's hastily sketched copy of Haley's map noted a few other nearby sites, useful as landmarks in case she got lost. There was a spring a short ways from the mine where the alchemist sometimes went to collect rare mosses and water plants nurtured by the spring's minerals.... At least according to the alchemist's notes. She would still have to travel a ways along the main road before branching off from it, however, and anyone that she passed would undoubtedly need only a single glance to get an idea of how much of a slut she was.

Fortunately, her brief foray onto the road saw that it was deserted, and when she turned back off into the wilderness Aki found herself following a wild, bush-lined path. The region around Crowncrop was fairly barren and hilly, and the extra greenery was likely a sign that she was heading towards a water source. The landscape grew more lush the further down the path she went, even including a few fruit trees, albeit without any ripe fruit hanging from their branches by the look of things. Eventually, Aki came upon a spring that turned into a small stream headed away from the road. It was an opportunity to clean herself up, but if she just hopped right in she might leave herself open to an ambush, or let someone or something sneak off with her sack full of eggs.

Aki let out a sigh of relief as she studded her quick sketch of Haley's map. There were a few different places that she would be able to find some water so she could bath herself before returning to town! The closest to her was a spring of water that Haley noted as the area she could gather some rare mosses and water plants. The alchemists notes made the spring sound safe, and Aki hoped it was. She was too tired to put up too much of a fight against anything right now. She just wanted to wash up, go get paid, and then crash back at the Inn she had been staying in. Figuring out what to do after that point would be future Aki's problem. Looking at the map, she would have to travel back on the main road for a little bit before a neglected side path would take her towards the spring. Aki wasn't too worried about running into someone. She hadn't seen a soul on the roads when she had traveled here, though if she did happen to run into someone, she would have a hard time explaining her current condition. She looked like a slut with how much jelly cum still ran down her inner thighs. Hopefully they would just accept her saying that she had been raped and wouldn't bother her more than that. She had been raped, technically... but it had felt really good...

Thankfully it didnt come to that, as the roads were deserted once again and she had no problem slipping back into the wilderness and onto a bush beaten path towards the spring! She looked around as she traveled. The area was quite hilly and overgrown with some difficult to traverse vegetation, making it the first of such an area for Aki to have explored. Thankfully it didnt take too long for her to reach the spring!

She first drew her weapons and gave the area a good look around. She didnt want to be ambushed as she cleaned herself! If she found nothing of note, Aki would start to strip, making sure that her weapons were close, and her loot even closer! She kept all of her items right next to the spring and got in herself. Even if it meant that she had to bath in shallow waters, Aki stayed right on the edge of the spring, and right next to her stuff as she bathed, ready to defend herself, and more importantly, her loot!
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine, Eggs = 5

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

Perception: 3 successes.

A more thorough look around, guns in hand, revealed a number of colorful flowers among the fronds growing along the sides of the spring. The only creatures that she saw were frogs and insects, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched, and kept on picking up strange notes among the sounds she'd expect to hear from the environment; a buzz that was more like a feminine titter, a croak that sounded like a giggle. After a few confusing moments, there was a flash of soft blue light, and suddenly there was a woman sitting in the spring, lounging with her arms spread out to either side.

"You can stop poking around now~ And put those away! Nothing here to bother you but me and maybe the dragonflies~" she said, looking relaxed. The woman was utterly naked, her skin a light blue with darker blue marks - lines and simple shapes - that looked like tattoos visible on various parts of her body, including her breasts and face. Their coloration matched the darker blue shade of her nipples, which were sitting just above the water line, and the marks were scattered symmetrically across her curvy frame. Bright green eyes peered at Aki mischievously through a slightly messy layer of white hair, and a pair of flat flowers were visible on either side of her head, each of them a different color ranging between red, pink, light blue, and violet.

"Had a run in with a shorn weed or an alraune?" she asked, eyeing Aki's thighs with a knowing smirk. "Or... Oh, you've got to be working for Haley and coming back from the hive in the mine! She's never let them do that to her, but a few of her other helpers have ended up here after... Like they were too embarrassed to show up in town like that. Did you get the full experience, or just the jelly?" she'd asked with innocent curiosity.

Even after searching through the area around the pond, Aki couldn't shake this weird feeling in the back of her head. It was hard to describe, almost as if the sounds of nature around her were off and she was being watched, yet when she listened to them, she couldn't hear or see anything that stood out as wrong... Aki decided that it had to just be her own imagination, she was still really tired and drained from her pregnancy, so giving one last glance over, Aki started to undress! Yet before she really got anything off, there was a soft blue flash in the middle of the spring and a women appeared!

Aki immediately drew her pistols, aiming them towards the sudden intruder! The spike of adrenaline had her ready to fight, but she hesitated as the women talked, lowering the tips of the revolvers till they weren't pointing threateningly towards her. "W-who are you? And what are you doing here?" Aki nervously shifted backwards like a frightened rabbit as she glanced at the blue skinned women. As she spoke, Aki's eyes shifted between looking into the women's bright green eyes and wandering her beautiful body, tracing some of the tattoo like lines that traced her curvy figure. The mix between nervousness at the sudden appearance and the small amount of arousal she had built up made her nervous around this sudden stranger....

The more the women talked, the less threatening she seemed. Surely if others had met her already then something would have been done already if she had been a threat. Her weapons lowered some more, one of her hands went and shyly tried to cover her jelly/shorn juice covered thighs. "A-ah yeah.... Went to go help Haley in the mines but.... but I got the full treatment, I just got out.... Though I didnt hate it." She said that last part in a quieter voice. Though slightly less tense, Aki waited till she got some answers before she didnt anything else.
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine, Eggs = 5

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

The strange woman didn't immediately answer her questions, instead staring at her apprehensively as the catgirl slowly lowered her guns, which seemed to calm her somewhat. She giggled when Aki admitted to not hating the treatment that she'd suffered when in the clutches of the miner bugs, and then sighed and tilted her head back, smiling. "I am the Waters from Deep Within the Earth, the boon to travelers both dirty and thirsty, and most pertinently the guardian of this lovely little spring!" she said after a moment, tilting her head down to fix Aki with a sultry smirk.

"As for what I'm doing here, well... Other than fulfilling my purpose, I believe that I was about to enjoy a bath with a cute young woman~ You want to clean up, yes?"

Aki honestly couldn't tell if that was a name or a title, and neither of them rang a bell with the education she had received from Angela. That same education had told her she should be more cautious with an unknown like this, but she was just too tired. She had drawn weapons upon this lady without any provocation... she was defiantly out of it. Letting out a tired sigh, Aki holstered the revolvers and gave a weak smile before saying, "Im sorry about that, I... I guess Im still a bit on edge. My trip to the mine was filled with pleasure yet it was still a bit scary..." The sultry smirk helped lower Aki's tension even more and sent Aki to lightly biting her lower lip. Gods she was beautiful, and it had been a while since she had the attention of another person...

Aki gave a brighter smile than her last and started to undo some of her clothing. "Are you sure you dont mind me dirtying your beautiful spring?" She had though this a random spring before, but now it actually belonged to someone and might actually be her home as well so Aki felt it right to ask permission as she undressed.
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine, Eggs = 5

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

"You are forgiven," the woman replied graciously following Aki's apology, still lounging in the pool in an apparently fully relaxed state. "Oh, don't worry about that honey kitten~ The water will wash it all away!" She watched Aki undress with that sultry smirk, and then beckoned her to join her in the pool. The water was actually pleasantly warm, and there seemed to be a shale shelf at the perfect height to sit on while leaving her legs dangling into the deeper well from which the water in the spring was steadily rising.

Aki took off her armored jacket, letting it slide to the ground next to the spring and proceeded to strip the rest of her clothing. When she unzipped her skirt and let it join the rest of her clothing on the floor, her poor pussy was reveled as she still hadn't put on the panties that were still in her pack! It was still a little red and puffy from the great amount of use the bugs had gotten out of it, with a large amount of mostly dried jelly and shorn juice spilling forth from her! As she continued and eventually finished with her stripping, Aki could feel her cheeks start to burn under that sultry stare and smirk the blue women was giving her. It was a different arousal from when she had submitted to the bugs back in their mine. That had been the thrill of the taboo and of her submission, and not to mention how primal it was. This though... the women's attention felt softer than the mindless bug's. It was just as arousing though, just... different. Her blush subtly deepened slightly as she dropped the final bit of clothing! Her nude breasts glistened slightly in the sun's light thanks to her milk that was left on her skin.

She stepped into the water and onto the shelf. She paused for a moment, letting herself get slightly acclimated to the warm water before she moved to sit down right on the convenient shelf. Aki couldn't help but notice that this was either a really weird natural formation or someone had planned for others to use this spring to relax, lending credibility to the blue women's claims.

"I, uuhhh. Thanks again for letting me use your spring." Aki shyly said as she realized that being naked in front of a person was different than being in front of a beast. She started to scrub at her thighs where alot of the gunk was dried, here cheeks still dyed with shyness and embarrassment.
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine, Eggs = 5

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

"No problem dearie~" the woman replied in musical tones, watching Aki from her side of the small pool. The sticky substances clinging to her thighs proved fairly stubborn, requiring a good bit of work to dislodge the chalky, cracking remnants of her recent impregnation. Stubborn as some of it was, Aki did manage to clear it off relatively quickly, after which her host would ask; "So, little kitten, what brings you all the way out here? Your people are from much further West, no? I suppose the climate here isn't too different from Anudor, but..." She trailed off and shrugged, still smiling at Aki.
New Art!

The women's every word was like music to the ears and she seemed at one with nature. It was surprisingly relaxing to listen to the women talk. With alot of hard scrubbing, Aki finally started to make progress on the leftover chalky like substance that clung to her thighs thanks to the recent impregnation... Aki blushed again slightly as her mind wandered back to that whole ordeal. Gods she was a slut, but it had felt so exciting and pleasurable.... She lightly cleared her throat and looked around to try and focus on some other thought. She eventually looked at Waters from Deep and asked, "Soo, uhm, would you happen to have anything that could help me clean up easier? I made the mistake of not thinking I would have to bathe while out and left my cleaning supplies back at my inn..." Oh crap, did she pay ahead for a few days? Was her room still hers and if not what did Rutger do with her stuff? Aki started to get visible anxious as her thoughts once again changed course.
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine, Eggs = 5

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

"Just my hands," the faerie replied jovially, though as Aki became visibly agitated about the state of the gear that she'd left in town, she quirked an eyebrow. "Something wrong? You look worried."
"U-uhmm..." Aki blushed as the woman replied that she only had her hands and Aki's mind instantly went into a lewd zone of imagining the women helping her scrub away at the stains left on her sensitive and private areas, though she was forced to push them to the back of her mind as her anxiousness grew and the woman asked her second question. "I... well I left my stuff in a room I rented, and... I don't think I paid ahead so I don't know whats happened to the rest of my stuff..." Aki stayed silent for a second longer before she huffed and continue to talk. "Welp, nothing I can do about it right now." She threw the majority of that anxious feeling into the back of her mind, with only some of it lingering. Instead she bit her lip and looked over to the beauty sharing her spring with Aki. "D-do you, think you could maybe help me... with this... y-ya know s-scrubbing..." She stuttered over her own words, kind of shocked with herself for just saying what she did. She continued scrubbing even if she was rejected, just trying to get the sticky stuff finally off of her!
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine, Eggs = 5

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

"Aaaahhhh, and you have no guarantee that your things hadn't been seized or thrown out?" the woman asked sympathetically, tilting her head and drumming her fingers on her chin. "Indeed, best to put it out of your mind until it's time to deal with it~"

When Aki asked for help, the woman's smile widened, and she gestured with a finger for the catgirl to approach. "Come to my lap, little kitten~" she said, and once Aki had moved over to her she would guide the su-ku-ta to sit on her lap. She was warm and soft, and started by placing her hands on Aki's inner thighs and delicately guiding them apart, humming softly all the while as she rested her chin on Aki's shoulder. For a minute she seemed to do exactly as she'd suggested and merely rubbed the remaining stains of her recent bug-breeding off of Aki's skin, doing so with a gentle touch that seemed more effective than her efforts had been. The rubbing of her thighs and mound was still fairly arousing, however, and all too soon the strange woman's hands moved a little inwards, beginning to stroke Aki's nether lips, the tip of one of her middle fingers slowly circling Aki's clitoris, teasing it out of its protective hood in order to stimulate it directly.

"They made a big mess inside of you, huh?" she murmured teasingly, "I might need some help to clean you up~ Oh, and these are making a mess too!" A hand rose to Aki's chest, giving one of her breasts a gentle squeeze that caused some of her milk to leak out. "They'll have to be taken care of, mhm~ Give you some relief from the pressure, spare your clothes on the walk back to town..." The plants around her began to stir, vines slowly winding their way towards Aki as she sat in the woman's lap, and it was up to Aki whether or not she wanted to protest or simply let herself be played with like this.

Aki simply nodded with a slightly tired expression to the faerie's question about her situation. Maybe Rutger would hold on to it for her? She mentally shrugged and sent it into the back of her mind once again.

Aki lowered her head as her blush increased as the faerie called her over with a finger. It was a bit of surprise for Aki, but when she heard the women's silky and sultry voice call her a little kitten, Aki could feel her loins heat up and they probably got wetter. It was hard to tell that aspect underwater! "O-Ok!" She made her way across the spring to the bigger women, and once again Aki could feel her arousal increasing as the faerie grabbed her hips and helped Aki sit her cute little butt onto her lap! Aki shuddered and felt breaths growing huskier as the faerie's hands found their way into her inner thighs, slowly pushing them open! For some reason, this slow and caring way the faerie was treating her was just arousing as the fast and wild experiences she had back in the mine! She felt so vulnerable sitting on her lap, yet having the faerie humming away on her shoulder while carefully cleaning her was leaving Aki biting her lower lip to stop herself from moaning as soft fingers explored and cleaned her private parts! Aki finally loss control when her clit was being teased out. She shivered in arousal and moaned out loud!

"T-they did.... mmmhhhh, make a big mess inside of me, especially inside my, Mmmhhhh! M-my pussy and womb..." Aki let out a surprised squeal of pleasure as her heavy breast was slightly squeezed, still completely new to the increased sensitivity they had! Just feeling milk squirting out of her nipples was such a new and pleasurable experience! "O-oh, gods why does that feel so good...?" She leaned back into the bigger women, letting her body be played with and enjoying it! "P-please do! I-I think I would be an utter mess without your help."
Last edited:
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine, Eggs = 5

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

"You'll get used to it~" the strange woman replied in a sing-song voice, "eheh, you're leaking way too easily, those bugs usually don't cause this much! It just might be something permanent!" Movement suddenly sprang up everywhere in her peripheral vision as the plant life began to move and shift, and moments later vines were closing in from every direction, moving far more than any plant should. Tendrils slid along her rubs and collar, slowly making their way across her torso while the woman behind her continued idly toying with Aki's clitoris. Others coiled around her arms and shoulders, slowly binding Aki's arms to her sides and eventually going down to coil gently around her fingers, though a very vehement effort would allow her to pull them free.

Slowly but surely, the catgirl's breasts were squeezed between the two closing sets of vines, prompting the woman behind her to lower her hand to resume sliding along Aki's inner thighs. The light pearls of her milk turned into a steady dribble running down the curve of her breasts, but the flow of nourishing fluids didn't go to waste for long. A pair of vines tipped in transparent flowers approached pressed delicately against her nipples, hovering for a moment before the "petals" closed and suddenly began to apply suction, extracting a small gush of her milk in the process. The pleasure of her milk being pulled out of her only heightened the pleasure of the attention being applied to her chest, and over the course of about a minute her flowing milk filled the transparent "cups" formed by the sucking flowers, at which point their suction nearly entirely ceased. "Oooh, full already~ That's fine!" Most of her milk promptly disappeared, sucked into the vine, and Aki could watch it travel away in the form of a small bulge, "I'll just save that for later~ I'm sure it will be lovely with my tea!"

Her fingers, in the meantime, had continued to tease Aki's clitoris, ultimately allowing her to apply her gentle teasing directly to it. Bursts of steady and intense stimulation were separated by bouts of teasing buildup, and after another minute or so her other fingers closed in towards the catgirl's quivering folds. "Time for some deeper cleaning~" she purred into Aki's ear, before nipping on it while her middle and ring finger slipped between Aki's folds and pushed into her. Further pleasure erupted into her core as she was spread open, centimeter by centimeter, by the strange woman's delicate touch. Her fingers twisted and twitched, spun, twirled, and ultimately began to slowly pump into Aki's depths, carefully exploring her depths in search of her sweet spots. "Mmm, I might need my friends to go even deeper," she purred after another moment, before again nipping one of Aki's feline ears. "That could be trouble though~ You could end up as a big round catermelon all over again!"

"Haaaaa~" Aki shamelessly moaned out loud. I-it was a really bad idea to get used to this, but...but it just felt sooooo good~! So much so that Aki couldn't even be bothered to worry whether or not the milk was a permanent feature of her breasts! It would work out.... somehow! That was for later! Aki twitched from the intense pleasure of being repeatedly teased, her clit at the complete mercy of those blue fingers that just repeatedly rubbed, twisted, and tweaked it! The causal confidence that the faerie had while doing this was such a turn on to Aki! She felt like she was melting in the bigger women's lap! Aki didn't fight the plants that rushed over to her and bound her arms to her torso, letting them trail over and explore her sensitive skin! She even felt one wind up and around her tail, which was so erotic feeling! The faerie was so nice to help her out like this! She wouldn’t do anything to harm her!

Two tentacles wound around her breasts, constricting and then relaxing repeatedly, milking little white rivulets of nourishing milk from her moderate bust and cute pink nipples! With the vines there to automate the milking, the faerie redoubled her attentions on teasing and edging Aki's folds! Even as two new tentacles started to approach her tits, Aki felt her arousal being pushed past her control thanks to the fae's efforts down below! She was slowly devolving into a wet, moaning mess in the fae's lap! "N-Nyyaaaa!!" She moaned out as the two special vines sealed themselves around the tips of her breasts, adding a suction force to the milking! Duel little fountains of milk shot out with each squeeze now! "M-my miilllk… so-soooo good~~!" The added suction was sending little bursts of lightning throughout her tits, and then her body! By the time the next minute passed and the little transparent cups were clearly filled with her own milk, Aki had drool coming out of the corner of her mouth. She couldn't hold her pleasure in check anymore! To think, the woman wanted to use her milk in her own drinks! Oh, gods she was starting to wonder just how her own milk tasted!

"O-oh Gods, p-please I need to cum!" She begged as the fingers teasing her were repeatedly bringing her to the edge of orgasm with their erratic teasing of her swollen clit and folds. Yet every time, without fail, they would slow down to a still pleasurable pace but one that was incapable of sending her over! Aki moaned as the fae whispered into her ear and bit on it, starting another bout of pleasurable shivering! "Y-yes, d-deeper cleaning! That w-what I need, please!" Aki tried to hump against the two fingers that oh so slowly were entering her folds, trying to bring herself over! Yet once again, this torturous pleasure was just barely not enough for the horny kitten to cum! Just a little further in! Just a little faster! “T-thats fine! I-I-I love being a c-catermelon! P-please do what you want, I just w-want to cum!” Aki begged for her friend's help while incredibly horny and drunk on pleasure!
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine, Eggs = 5

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

The strange woman gave a delighted litter into her ear as Aki proved so malleable to her depraved whims. "Oooohohohohohoh~ Aren't you a horny one?" she murmured while her fingers drew teasing circles around Aki's clitoris. Then she nipped the catgirl's ear again and purred; "Lets see if you're still saying you want to be nice and round in a few minute~"

She nipped Aki's ear again after her sentence, but as she did so her hands shifted, fingers pressing together and pushing into Aki's flower. Slowly but insistently, three of the woman's digits wormed their way into her sex, spreading her inner walls, and in so doing sending fresh bursts of pleasure up the horny catgirl's spine. The woman worked her fingers knuckle deep into Aki's sex, and then began to turn and twist around each other inside of her, leaving the stimulation constantly changing as she artfully sought out Aki's most sensitive spots. The tentacle suckers continued to do their work on her breasts all the while, extracting pleasure and her nourishing milk in equal measure, filling the transparent cups with gushes of her milk only to draw it away in substantial gulps. The combination of stimulation was intense, and the more perversely that Aki reacted audibly, the more aggressively the fingers exploring her sex would move within her.

"Ooooohhhhh, you're very dirty in here~" she joked into Aki's ear, the strange woman's fingers giving a particularly vigorous twist, but then began to withdraw slowly. She spent a moment idly teasing Aki's outer petals, but the reduced stimulation stretched that moment torturously for the amorous catgirl. "You want me to go back in... Keep stirring you up inside?" she purred slowly, dragging out every word while teasing the now bound and helpless Aki with slow gliding pressure against her nether lips. Her host would indulge for a few moments before Aki's pleading got her to thrust her fingers back into her quivering sex, and this time the woman's digits remained rigid and started to pump rapidly into her.

For the next few minutes, the blue woman's fingers pushed deep into the soft, sensitive flesh that they'd so recently explored, sending Aki's nerves singing with every motion. Her arm writhed in a controlled rhythm, and the water began to slosh from the vigor of her clearly well-practiced pattern. She released Aki's ear, instead simply resting her head on Aki's shoulder and murmuring with pleasure as she listened intently to the gunslinger's ecstatic outcries. The teasing was, at least momentarily, over; she pumped her fingers into Aki hard and fast, and she didn't stop should Aki announce her orgasm verbally before she'd reached it, and continued at that pace well into her peak to keep the waves of relieving bliss roaring through her belly. Only when those ecstatic waves were starting to shrink did her host begin to slow the pumping of her fingers, ultimately sliding out of Aki's quivering depths almost painfully slowly and starting to gently rub at her clit again.

"Mmmm, you make such wonderful music," she murmured, still resting her head on Aki's shoulder. "Think you've been cleaned up enough? Ohohohohoh... Or do you want a DEEP cleaning now?"

G-gods what was she doing... b-but it felt so good, surely it wouldn't hurt to just enjoy it... She wasn't a slut! She was just enjoying the occasional perverseness! Aki tried to rationalize why she was letting this fae woman pleasure her so, though these questions didn't last long as the horny kitty's lust soon took over! The women's snickers were music to Aki's ears. Lewd music with how pleased she sounded with Aki's acceptance of her 'deep cleaning'! “O-oh gods, i-it just feels soooo good~...” The incident had really awakened Aki to how pleasurable sex could be, especially what was supposed to be taboo… She moaned out again, though this time it was because she was thinking back on what she had let those bugs do to her!

More moans and shivers soon followed as her sensitive clit was teased and her kitty ears were nibbled on! “Fuuuck…” She had said that in the heat of the moment, but… if this woman kept teasing her so, she might just really end up nice and round because of this fae! And Aki couldn't tell if that scared or excited her more!

A slight spasm ran through the kitty as the fingers that had been rubbing and prodding at her sex finally pressed against her drenched and so recently used sex, pushing into the still pretty tight love tunnel! Here she was, sitting naked on the lap of a larger fae woman, her legs spread wide open while she moaned and shivered like a submissive bitch for the fae! Every movement of those slithering fingers inside of her cunt sent bursts of pleasure that rocked Aki! It felt amazing! And yet that was just the start! Her invaders searched and wiggled around the sensitive walls of her pussy, finding and assaulting her most sensitive spots! Each movement seemed different and somehow drew out a slightly different pleasure from before, denying any chance for Aki to grow used to the ongoing stream of intense pleasure, driving her closer and closer to that blissful edge!

She couldnt help but buck her hips slightly against the fingers even though they were already knuckle deep inside of her, trying to help them fuck her even harder! And it wasn't just her cunt that was still under delightful assault! No, the tentacle cups attached to her breasts never gave up on milking the steady stream of mother’s milk that they had drawn from Aki’s engorged breasts! They sucked and pumped milk from Aki’s breasts till they visibly filled up with white milk and then sent all the milk down the rest of the tentacle in one large rush of liquid. It felt so erotic and lewd to be milked like this and Aki even knew that the fae planned on drinking it later which just compounded that lewness and made Aki even hornier! Aki’s worries about what could happen if she fully submitted to this treatment were long washed away by now!

“I-I am, mmhhhh, s-so very dirty…” Aki moaned out as the fae women thrusted her fingers into Aki’s cunt one last time before slowly pulling out! “N-nooooo~ keep going, please!” She begged as the finger exited her and started to rub around her folds once more! It was maddening! So close to fucking her again! “Yes! P-please go back inside, f-fuck me! Stir me up some more! Please, I-Im so damn close~...” The horny kitten begged. She was so damn close! It was right there! She was a quivering mess as the teasing continued for a little while longer till she was blessed once more!

Those blissful finger pushed back into her tight pussy, and this time, they were fully finger fucking her! Rapidly, they went in and out, finger fucking her and within the first minute, Aki started to cry out! “I… I-I-I’m cumming!!! O-oh YeS!” She cried out as she started to cum her mind out! She fully spasamed and quivered atop the woman’s lap, fem-cum squirting outwards! It went on and on, yet it wasn't ending! The finger fucking hadn't even slowed at her cries, rather it felt like it had sped up and thanks to that, Aki’s mind numbing climax just kept on going and going!~ For almost a minute and a half she sat there bound in place and stuck in this painful bliss! By the time the waves of ecstasy ended, Aki was left panting, and once more, quivering on the larger girls lap. A low and needy moan slipped past her lips as the fingers in her pussy oh so slowly pulled out of her used cunt! Energy seemed to start to return to Aki as she moaned thanks to her clit being rubbed and teased once more.

“T-thank you…” She gave a sloppy grin which melted away into another moan before she continued to answer the other question. “I-I feel so clean Ma’am, b-but… I probably s-shouldnt… I d-do need a deeper cleaning, oh gods I do~...” Aki leaned back into the dominant woman. “I-Ill end up as a catermelon again~…”
: HP = 44, PP = 36/36, EP = 36, Status = Fine, Eggs = 5

Crowncrop: The hill town that she's in.
Stasia: Short haired blonde mercenary who gave Aki advice, staying at the Maniacal Toad
Rutger, aka Toad man McFrogFace
Haley the Alchemist

Guard's Note:
-41 Baker's Alley, the black stained brick shoppe called Haley's Herbals, the operator is looking for someone to help her get something out in the wilds.
-The Blue Wagon outside of town to the Southeast, says he was robbed in the city but refuses to say when or where or who, won't talk to us further about it.
-227 Brayer on the Ruby Spire, the smaller green mansion off to the side; ask for Brigadier at the door. The family who owns it is dead, but the will is missing, and the current occupants - distant relations - can't legally live there until the will is found and the matter of the original occupant's death resolved.
-4681 Main, between Ruby and Emerald Spires, the stone carved building with the flower mural decorated on it. The owner is looking for young ladies to model her clothing line and will pay, but is having trouble finding any to her liking that are willing to work with her for more than a few days for some reason.

Current Spoils:
38 Eggs, 3 denarii each
2 and a half jars of jelly, 5 denarii each

"Heeeheeehee, you sound like you WANT to end up as a catermelon~" the faerie murmured into Aki's ear, before giving it another soft nip and then slowly pulling her hand back. She continued to slowly toy with the catgirl's now exposed and vulnerable clitoris as the tendrils continued to milk her, soon leaving Aki with a comfortable empty sensation in her breasts, all over the course of another couple of minutes. She wouldn't allow the catgirl to cum again, but she wouldn't let her free of the tendrils binding her either. Only after Aki was stuck on the edge of orgasm again, and the gushing of her mother's milk had been reduced to small spurts as her reserves of the nourishing fluid were drained away, would the bindings begin to go slack.

Slowly, the vines would relax, freeing her, and the ones that had been milking her released her peaks and retracted away, slinking back into the water. "Hmhm~ I'll take that in trade for letting you clean up here! Now... I'm going to call up someone to give you that DEEP cleaning that you need, and you... You are going to get up and bend over, and then ask very nicely for what you want when they show up!" she murmured into Aki's ear, giving the catgirl one last brief strumming over her clit before she was released in full.

The nymph would pull her hands from the water and bring her fingers to her lips, issuing a low whistle while the gunslinger climbed out of the water and assumed the position demanded of her. Aki felt a brief shift in the wind as she did so, and her host would stand and sit next to her, crossing her legs and planting one hand on the ground to her left, and the other on Aki's upraised rear. For a few moments she idly kneaded the gunslinger's bottom while humming and staring off into the distance, away from Aki, but then a not entirely humanoid figure would step out of the woods across from her. The goatman wore a leather fauld and armor, had the lower legs of a hooved beast covered in fur, and the elongated features of a beast. They fixed the nymph with a glower and huffed a heavy breath, and coolly demanded; "Why have you called upon me? I have no time for your petty nonsense!"

The nymph rolled her eyes - though Aki couldn't see that part in her current position - and declared; "Oh, drop the haughty act! It's not like you were busy doing anything other than brooding! I have something much more fun for you!" She gave Aki's bottom a soft smack, "this one stumbled in from the badlands all hot, bothered, and in heat!" She gave Aki another spank, and turned back to Aki to command; "Go on, precious~ Tell him what you want!"
Aki let out a low, needy moan at that, not exactly denying it in her horny state. She was like jelly in the fae's experienced and skilled hands, becoming even more and more willing to do whatever the fae wanted her to do with each rub, ear nip, and other pleasurable touch from the fae! "M-more~.... pwease..." She mumbled as another shiver of pleasure shot through her body. Her breasts felt soooooooo fucking good~ being all empty. It was a constant pleasure that just didn't exist before the mine incident and a strange sense of fulfillment wrapped around her lust addled mind now that she managed to empty them out. She was truly in heat now and it didnt look like she was going to be free from it for some time thanks to the constant teasing of her pleasure nub! She was stuck on the edge of an orgasmic release for what felt like an eternity and oh by the gods, was she willing to do anything to get past that line! Even if non lusty Aki might have to deal with being a cattermellon!

Eventually, the vines that bound her in place slacked away and Aki slowly fell down to her butt, her legs spread on each side of her, too weak to fully support herself. Each shuddering breath sent her no longer full breasts to a slight bounce. She looked up absently at the fae as she spoke about calling someone else over to ‘deep clean’ her. "N-not you?" She managed to ask between breaths, her hips making small humping movements thanks to the sheer arousal coursing through her. If Aki wasn't completely consumed by her need to fuck, then she might have been concerned more that it wasn't going to be the fae 'cleaning' her. She had assumed the fae would lay more eggs or something like that inside of her, something that wouldn't leave her a cattermellon for a long time. Unfortunately for non horny Aki, slutty Aki followed the fae's order, although a little slowly. She laid forward, her knees planted on the group and rose her butt upwards, unconsciously lightly swaying it back and forth in an enticing display of submission. She couldn't help herself and if the fae didn't stop her, an idle hand found one of Aki's nipples and started to play with it. She would roll and pinch it between her fingers, lightly tugging on it as well, just wishing she was able to bring herself over the edge, but in reality she was just edging herself even more for whatever this fae had planned!

Every few butt squeezes got a muffled moan from Aki. She managed to catch a glimpse of harry, beast legs as something came out of the forest from behind her and her heart rate started to sky rocket! W-was she going to be fucked by a beast? A wolf? Or something else even more taboo? She somehow got even wetter as she spiraled into more erotic thoughts! When the goatman spoke, Aki’s breath caught in the back of her throat. ‘Oh, oh no. What had she gotten herself into?’ A river of juices ran down her thigh from her exposed and vulnerable pussy.

Aki let out a squeak at the unexpected smack of her ass! Uncontrolled anticipation was rolling through her as the fae asked her to say what she wanted, and it hit her then. This may be a really, really bad idea, but she couldn't give a fuck right now! She needed this! “P-please help me.~ Ive been a very dirty cat, and need some ‘deep cleaning’ done~~” She intentionally swayed her ass this time, showing off her soaking wet pussy towards the goatman, begging him to take her! “Please, n-nyaaa… I really, really need it!”