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What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Sparkle grinned when Syn spoke of mastering the ability to die. "That's the spirit~" she chuckled. "I just felt the need to remind you of the price of betrayal, as I do to everyone I do not fully trust. Since we're in the demon world, that's pretty much everyone, so don't act so victimized. I do not even trust the dullahan with me, thus why I make sure my minions are weaker than me. So if they do get wise ideas, they will have their soul obliterated." she explains.

With that, they were getting close to the vault. That's when numerous gargoyles took to flight from within, flying up to perch on the outside walls to welcome their guests with threatening stares, their gray skin leaving nothing to the imagination as their breasts and genitals were uncovered. Though, they weren't without protection, being made of solid stone. To a higher being, mere fodder. Such creatures were only threatening to humans and their sharp blades that dent and shatter against their stone bodies. However, with so many, Syn would have trouble. The other Dullahan took formation, forming a line in front of Sparkle. Meanwhile, Sparkle didn't even make a single weave, just grinning and letting her bodyguards go forth to lead the charge. One among them, with long and straight black hair, looked back at Syn. "In front. It is time for us to defend our benefactor." she declared.

If and when Syn took formation, they'd charge, prompting the gargoyles to charge as well, engaging in a battle of four versus many dozen.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

"One could argue everyones always victimized down here.," says Syn wryly, "But sure. Usual stakes on my soul."

Syn whistled a bit in bemusement when they approached the large number of gargoyles, raising an eyebrow. "Horny rocks. Only in Hell I suppose." She moved into position, stretching a bit. They were rocks. Magic rocks but still rocks. How hard could they be to smash? Well, guess she was about to find out.

Syn took into a sprint with her "allies" when they charged, preparing to swing into the mix. She didn't see fire helping much here. They were rock. She'd need one hell of a fireball to do any damage to stone.

Given the opportunity she;d try to grab one Gargoyle and swing her into another. All else failed, crack them against each other.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn and the other dullahan charged into the fold, and for once, Syn didn't feel out of place. With all the weavings and material they were made of, magic was stupid to use. So she blended in with the others, grabbing one gargoyle and tossing it into another, smashing both into chunks of rock. Thick chunks, considering how tough they were. Meanwhile, other chunks of rock were flying everyone as the dullahan around her smashed into the gargoyles with force. Meanwhile, a pair of other gargoyles swooped in, both slamming into Syn hard enough to shake her to the core, but do little more than dazzle her. She'd find she was wearing good armor to absorb their impact.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn wished she had a helmet right now, given all the chunks of stone flying every which way. Least this was her element, somewhere she could feel, well, adequate compared to the others as she brute forced through the gargoyles best she could.

The slam from two diving Gargoyles knocked her back a step, but the armor was definitely of good quality, as good as her last set if not better. She promptly reached out to grab both and slam their heads together, growling a bit in irritation. She kept one eye on the gate they were to be protecting though, she'd have to disengage fast if they went to bother Sparkle.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

The two gargoyles were smashed together easily, crumbling to chunks of inanimate rock as their bodies were destroyed and souls released.

Though, as they cleaved through the enemies, the gargoyle defenders gave way to what seemed to be their boss. , light brown hair and a pair of very long, very sharp looking red horns.

"Ah, the indebted one." she greeted Syn. And as memory happened to serve, this was the woman who took Syn's loan to be allowed into the human world. "How demon-like of you to be here. I will give you one chance to come quietly, before I collect your soul by agonizing, violent force." she declared in a very calm manner. She was clearly a direct underling of Avarice, as her aura intimidated each dullahan standing there. A very high class demon.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

The gargoyles were dropping like mad. But now the real challenger was here. That... Was not a good sign. All of the other Dullahans seemed intimidated. So that meant she should be absolutely terrified. However, the obvious laid before her.

"Eh, I go with you willingly or not, I'm still there and screwed. I fight, there's the most vague chance I win though. And well, let's be honest. Being in agony is what I do best. Shall we?," says Syn sardonically.

She didn't have a hope in heaven of winning. No, she just had to keep her busy long enough for Sparkle to do whatever it was she was doing. That might be a long shot, but she wouldn't be able to say Syn didn't try at least. No telling what she might do, so she decided her best course was to try and keep as many gargoyles between her and her opponent as possible. Since they were so magic proof, they might be of use as a shield.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

The high class demon nodded. "Agonizing it is." she declared, before rushing at Syn, colliding into her with brute force and hitting her so hard that she heard a loud crack. What that crack was, was anyone's guess. But Syn was hit with enough force that it took her a moment to realize she was kicked, and sent flying into the wall so hard she was buried into the solid concrete. While Syn emerged from the rubble, the three other dullahan took to the gargoyles that swarmed them, before Syn found the demoness steadily walking towards her. She seemed calm. "Did you learn any magic? Or are you still useless?" she inquired. "To be honest I don't know how you couldn't know magic while keeping such a transient body. It's a miracle of stupidity." she said. "Do you have anything for me? Or are we done?" she inquired, about to answer her own question as Syn could tell she was channeling up something to throw at her.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn grunted as she got up from the rubble. Damn. Well she was moving, so that crack had to be her armor buckling rather than her spine. Well she was definitely outclassed. That was hardly the question. But she just needed to keep her busy, not win. So the longer she could keep this going, the better. She was channeling something, probably something big.

"Well, you know, magic is the great equalizer they say. Might be almost unfair for others if I could use it.," says Syn wryly, "But nah, I wouldn't be in this situation if I knew when to quit. And you can't say kicking me around isn't cathartic."

She couldn't let it go off, she decided to channel as much through that glove as she could and make the fireball appear behind her enemy and lob into the back of her head, while tossing one of those bricks forward at her opponent. She doubted it'd make a difference, but she had to do something to try and break her concentration. She didn't exactly have anything to hide behind out here, but she started moving either way after throwing.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

The woman arched her brow as she spotted Syn's threads weaving behind her. She quickly made a motion with her hand, an ethereal blade cutting through the threads to dispell the fireball, before the block hit her in the face, shattering into pieces against her horns... While chipping one of her horns off. Looking up, she saw the damage Syn caused, and immediately began pouring an impossible amount of power into her weave. "I'm amazed, you actually can do something well. That is... Pushing MY BUTTONS!!!" she growled in a rage at Syn damaging her perfectly crafted form, and instead chose to take a far more chaotic sinister form.

(Inspirational Music Used - )

Her body bulged in a grotesque way, as if her muscles were being forcibly expanded while her size inexplicably grew as well. She twitched and spasmed over the course of a couple seconds, growing to double her former size only long enough for Syn to maybe do a thing. Once in her brand new, immensely muscular form, broken horn included, she snarled at Syn. "I HEREBY DUB THIS THE MURDER FIELD! I'MA RAPE YA BITCH!" she snarled, before stampeding her way towards Syn, seemingly shrugging off whatever quick blow she landed as the tyrant came at her in full ferocious force. If Syn did NOT move, the adventure would end there as her body, soul and all, would become paste on the wall. If she did dodge, then the demoness proved strong enough to bust through the protective walls that kept it safe from lesser demons. A feat not even human explosives would manage.
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Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Huh. Somehow the exact opposite of what she intended happened yet it... Kind of worked the way she wanted anyways. And she definitely had her attention now. Of course, that also was having her transform into some sort of monstrosity. While she doubted she could stop the change, she could at least do as much harm as she could while she was changing. So she lobbed as many fireblasts into her opponent as she could. She doubted she could do significant damage, but even chipping at her might help.

Soon enough she was being charged by the enraged demon. Damn. Deja vu. It was like the wyrm. If the wyrm ate twelve other wyrms and wore their skin like a mask. Time to move.

Syn threw herself to the side as the demoness slammed past her like a freight train, and slammed not just into the Vault walls, but Through them. Uh oh. Well, maybe that meant they could speed up this robbery then if she was blowing the way open for them by accident. She could hope anyways.

Syn didn't dare get near that hole. The demoness be returning soon, so instead she used the opportunity to get a bit of distance, before throwing another blast of flame in after the hole. She really hoped the others were getting the loot and getting an exit. And she really hoped they weren't planning to just abandon her here afterwards while she kept their foe distracted. So she had to make sure she came out after her. "Ole."
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

The demoness ripped herself free of the concrete following the blast of fire from Syn. The blow scorched the demoness' false flesh, before she lifted a chunk of concrete and chucked it at Syn, pelting her armor right in the chest and sending Syn several lengths back along her back with her legs in the air. Her body was intact, thanks to the armor, but it shook her to the core. The next thing Syn knew, the demon was leaping into the air, coming down to where Syn lay, aiming to bury her fist into the hellish landscape, and Syn along with it.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn grunted as she's nailed by a shotputted rock, and sent skidding to the ground. Oof. She wished she had that helmet now. Back of her head just got a serious case of rugburn.

She didn't have time to assess the damage however, as she had to promptly roll to the side as her opponent slammed a fist through the ground where she had just been. No way she could win a punching match with someone who could punch through sin fortified stone like the vault had been. Only reason she was alive to keep fighting was that cyclops was obviously a master of her craft and she hadn't gotten hit in the head yet.

So she used her proximity to lob another blast at her opponents head while darting away again. Run and shoot, run and shoot. Keep her too mad to do the obvious things that would end her and just keep going until hopefully Sparkle got what she wanted. She really hoped she'd hurry up though.

She did have a few ideas, but she couldn't just yell them to Lock, Shock and Barrel. Her opponent was pissed, not deaf. So she was on her own for this one.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn's repetitive tactic was working, for a while. A sound strategy of kiting, before the demoness apparently got sick of it. "YOU LITTLE BITCH, ENOUGH!" she shouted, letting unleash a tsunami of magic that came at Syn like a purple tidal wave of magic. One that made her simple fireball dissipate in moments. The demon was then charging at her once again, arms wide. Though in her wake the tidal wave of magic pushed on her figure, threatening to knock her head off even with the brace keeping her head on, forcing her to keep one hand on her head to secure it, and allowing the beast to catch her and lift her over its shoulder, hauling off with Syn only to stop short of a small cleavage in the hellish landscape, which was a breeding nest for the lust tentacles. "That's the end of that," the demoness spat, before turning out of sight.

Syn fell, and was promptly secured by the tentacles, which wrapped around her arms and legs, already coating her in foreign succubus magic to upset her ability to weave and concentrate. At the same time, Lock, Shock, and Barrel flew into view, checking on her. "You got thrown," Lock announced. "You got TOSSED!" Shock laughed. "Need some help?" Barrel inquired.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Playing keep away lasted a long while, about as long as Syn could hope really. Eventually however, what she was worried about happening did, and her opponent remembered she had magic too and promptly used it. The blast was catastrophic, she had to keep her head on with one hand, unfortunately slowing her enough to be caught and tossed in a tentacle pit. Great.

Syn grumbled and cursed as she had tentacles rubbing anti magic venom of some sort on her or something. Fortunately her familiars were on hand.

"Yup. Fortunately she was so pissed she tossed me out of sight instead of pile driving me into the ground or something. Yeah, help me out of here.," says Syn, grimacing at the tentacles as she tried not to struggle too much. She figured struggling would just attract the appendages to try harder to tighten upon her and in greater numbers.

For now she'd have to rely on her familiars a bit to get her loose. Hopefully Sparkle and the others had gotten what they had come for. Chances were they bailed off ages ago and abandoned her.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

The little imps cast their weak magic, working together to take the tentacles off one by one, until Syn was freed and lifted by three winged imps, each straining. "S-so... So heavy...!" Barrel complained. "Lose a few pounds, fatty!" Shock criticized, before they set Syn down in a heap on the level above, all collapsing from the exertion put on them.

Syn emerged to a scene of total domination. The raged demoness was finishing up by slamming two dullahan together, while the third and last was impaled upon a massive prick. She was beaming with energy, and due to this she was completely paralyzed. A massive sack pulsed with life, filling her with more of it as she fattened from the act, until the demon dropped the two smashed dullahan and lifted and threw the third, who crumbled into a heap.

Syn was unlucky enough to be spotted on her return. The demon released her threads, returning to her normal, smaller form. "Ugh, like a cockroach some people just keep coming back." she sighed. "Do yourself a favor, and lay there. I'll be back to deal with you." she said, opting to ignore Syn entirely. Her destination was the vault, and Sparkle seemed to be gone.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

"It's the armor and muscle. Wait, I don't even eat, how the hell can I be fat. Maybe you guys should work out!," grunts Syn once she's up, grimacing and getting to her feet before tucking the three imps behind a rock where they'd be hidden too recover. "Thanks girls. You did good."

Course, the scene nearby was... Well not what she expected but definitely telling. The other dullahans were completely manhandled, and the third... Well she was lucky they couldn't get pregnant. Unfortunately she got spotted as the demoness seemed to calm herself.

The demoness seemed to be making her way for the Vault. And Sparkle seemed to have bailed out. Then again, the other Dullahan were still here. And they didn't even stand a ghost of a chance. She grimaced and hurried over to the pile of the Dullahans and tried to shake em awake. "Hey, come on, you cannot possibly be on the ground still while I'm up, you guys are that much better than I am... Is Sparkle still here or not?"

If she got no response, she'd try to search them for anything she could use to tip the scales. Running seemed like the smart thing to do, but as made abundantly clear, she couldn't run far or fast enough to get away. She needed some sort of answer. And these three had to have something she could use to even the scales somehow. Or get them all out of there or something.

She was somewhat tempted to search the vault for something useful but she doubted the demoness would let her get remotely close to search it. So she made due with what she had right now.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

"Sparkle... Inside..." one of the two smashed Dullahan said. It looked like the worst of the damage was the threads connecting her body functions together were smashed and rendered useless. It seemed she was already weaving to repair herself. "Get going, you foo-ugh!" the one who'd been force fed another succubus' energy turned as if to vomit.

"Weren't these the guys that were stronger than you?" Lock inquired.

"Yeah, you're a goner if you fight the demon!" Barrel declared.

"I guess you better pack it up and leave!" Shock suggested.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn grimaces, nodding at the dullahan's comments, before getting up and heading after the demoness to back up Sparkle. She responded to the peanut gallery calmly.

"You don't have to follow me in. And if I always did what was smart, I'd be in a worse position too I'd say. Funny how that works. Besides. I don't need to fight her. I just need to make sure Sparkle doesn't lose. Not the same thing necessarily. I've nowhere to go anyways."

She was definitely outmatched here. She just had to be sure that she'd lose in a way that it made sure Sparkle could win. Since of the two, Sparkle at least was the devil she, relatively, knew and seemed to have enough of a vested interest in keeping her around to have helped her thus far. She did have a debt to pay ultimately.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Moving in, the demoness would be standing at the entrance to the vault, which now seemed closed. "You closed yourself in to prevent someone from following you? What a bitch, I swear." she sighed, before hearing Syn's armor and turning around on a heel. "You REALLY do not learn, do you? I guess the body will break before the spirit, or are you simply too stupid to feel fear?" she inquired, wasting no time in throwing a bolt of lightning as if it was a spear at Syn.
Re: What you Could have Been (Syn;Zilrax)

Syn glanced at the door. Was Sparkle hiding out, hoping to escape once it was clear? She supposed it made sense to prevent pursuit. If the vault was so hard to get into to begin with... Well no matter.

Syn cursed and ducked aside. The demoness had been burning power left right and center. Syn remembered what Sparkle had said before. A bunch of mooks to make you burn your energy to soften you up for the big guns. Syn wondered how much power this demoness had left to burn.

"Nope, totally terrified. I can be Stupid AND Scared. I'm just that good at multitasking. But, you know, guess I have a sense of loyalty. Pretty stupid, but well, here we are. Or maybe my employer is just that much scarier than you. Oh well. The reasons ultimately don't matter now. I'm here, you're here, so let's do what we're here to do."

Course, Syn was here to keep distracting and wear the demoness down so outright defeating her, while desirable, was not her primary goal. If it happened, great. Maybe she burned up so much energy on the previous display and the other dullahans she'd have a chance. If not... Well, she just had to keep being a fly in the ointment.

Syn tried to blast a few fireballs back at the Demoness, her focusing best she could on dodging and harassing. Sooner or later one of the two of them would land a hit. Syn hoped her armor would give her the edge in such a case, she wasn't using magic to block every blow and thus would burn out slower. Hopefully.