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When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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(Lol at title. Seeing as it was used as the theme for the new Dawn of the Dead, seemed like it'd work, eh?)

(Also, seeing as you provided your own backstory for the day, I'll keep the intro here shorter and jump right in)

Alot had happened since Gerran had left his family. His quest to stay out of danger had been cut short when a wave of monsters had swarmed over the block he was on. He hadn't even had a chance to fully think up a plan when the first screaming citizens had come bolting down side streets away from the monsters. In his panic, one man had run right into Gerran, knocking him down where he hit his head on the hard concrete of the sidewalk. When he tried to get back up a second man tripped over him and both went tumbling back down.

Gerran was nearly knocked out cold, it hurt to open his eyes, but he could still hear. He felt someone check his pulse, then they dragged him a short ways, then a door slammed. Some excited yelling from two or three people, though in this state Gerran could not make sense of it, then the door opened again and more running footsteps. This was followed almost right away by a very loud roar and shaking sensation. It was hard to tell how much of this was what was going on and how much of this was from head trauma. Suddenly, it stopped, and all was quiet.

Slowly Gerran regained the strength to open his eyes and sit up, though there was no telling how much time had passed. He was alone in a hallway of a small urban home, the type built into a larger structure of such homes. The paintings were off the walls and he could see down the hall in the kitchen there was a large mess. All the other doors were shut, including the one he was right next to, which seemed to lead outside, judging from the strange red-orange glow from a small window near the top. He still ahd his gear with him, and besides the headache he now had, seemed okay for the most part.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

((Yay! All right lets get this thing started. I like to give my characters an 'In thought voice' which is done in red text, and a 'verbal voice' which others can hear and such, just talking.

And yeah, pretty good movie. Black guy reminds me of Coach off of L4D2))

His head hurt, pounding from the collision. Blinking softly, opening his eyes slowly to allow himself to adjust to the light. Immediately realizing he had no idea where he was, he went through all the rules that he could think of at the moment. With his head pounding, it was hard to think but he could at least remember the basics of how to do these situations.

Ok, rule 1, know your surroundings. Problem is, I have no clue where I am and I have no idea what's around me. The situation as well. This is bad. Well, since all the doors are closed, I should make sure I have an escape route before doing anything else. But is it even safe outside at the moment?

((have him sneakily look through the windows of the house, without opening any doors to another room. Also he starts to wield the crowbar in his hand.))
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Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

It wasn't hard to safely take a look outside using the window at the top of what seemed to be the front door, though the sight outside was hardly something anyone would want to see. The street outside was littered with dead bodies, mostly human, but there were a few of the unidentified creatures. Gerran couldn't get see anything else from here, he was too far away. There was a small pile of bodies at the bottom of the four steps leading down from the door, two adults, male and female, and a teenage girl. No movement whatsoever, though that didn't nessisarily mean everything outside was dead.

However, those details were not the worst of it. There had clearly been a large explosion, probably the shaking Gerran had felt. Debris was everywhere, and at certain angles glimpses of the city's skyscapers were visible, showing most of their glass siding blown out as well as other serious damage. There were lots of fires, both on the buildings, and at street level, though mainly in the distance, causing the orange glow. There was a small fire about a block away, but it was just a car-fire, nothing threatening.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Oohhhhhhhhhhh shit.
He blinked at the sight, looking at all the destruction and mayhem. The blood, bodies... he'd never seen so much in one place. It was like one of those sick CSI movies where the cops would find bodies hung on the walls and crap.

Ok can't panic, your alive, that's all that matters. Going outside right now would be suicide. You have no idea if something is out there, let alone in here. Before going anywhere, I need to make a destination.

There were so many doors though. Could there be other survivors in this building with him as well? Surely since people brought him in here, there had to still be some people.

((knock on all doors without opening them.))
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

The door to the living room in this house did not seem to latch properly, when Gerran knocked on it the door slowly swung open. Fortunately, the room was deserted. Books and various things had fallen off shelves from the shaking, but besides that the room was pretty much intact. There was a large picture window allowing an even better view of the city in peril, but that worked both ways, and venturing into the room would put Gerran on display for anyone outside. On the far side of the room was another door, this one cracked open slightly.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Looking out the window would give a better view... but I think I got the main idea. This city has gone to hell. Better to still make sure what's inside the house before venturing out.

He tried to at least look around on the floor, see if anything useful had fallen within his reach. The place was full of books, so there should be a map of the city somewhere right? Searching the room, he made sure not to display himself through the window in the process.

After that, he got on his hands and knees to crawl below the window, trying to reach the door on the other side.

(have him search the room, then attempt to reach the cracked door, then knock lightly.)
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

The white carpet was remarkably free from objects in most places, the objects having fallen in piles. Nearby was a pile of books, but it was mostly medium sized hardbacks, novels and such. Across the room was another pile of books, but it looked to be some encyclopedias and other non-fiction books. Some would have maps no doubt, but not a city level map. The only other things Gerran bumped into were the TV remote, a small digital clock, and yesterday's newspaper.

Gerran was able to avoid being seen from the outside by being all fours quite well. As he crossed the room he noticed that unless someone walked right up and looked in through the large windows there was no way he could be seen. The road was a good distance back, so no worries there. This time when Gerran reached the door he was ready, making sure that the door didn't open when he knocked. However, there was no reply, the dead silence continued.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

(sorry about the short posts, kinda hard to describe or elaborate on opening a door. XD)

He nodded softly to himself, pulling the door open quickly and leaning over the side of the opening peaking in cautiously as the door creaked, readying his crowbar.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

(Heh, well I couldn't have you go ahead and open it if you didn't tell me to, so :p)

The door opened into another somewhat dark hallway. This one was shorter then the other. Across from Gerran was an open door to a small bathroom, too small for someone to be hiding in. There was a door at both ends of the hallway, as well as one more directly to his left, all closed.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Damn you'd think there wouldn't be so many freaking doors in this place. Where is everybody? Thinking aloud to himself, he decided to check the bathroom anyways. Perhaps he could find some antiseptic, or at least some bandages if something got bad. He had a first aid kit back at home underneath the sink, but maybe others weren't as weird as him like that. Still, wouldn't hurt to check.

((have him check all the bathrooms and knock on each door quietly. If one makes a sound, make him prepare for a fight.))
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

(Heh, my locations are realistic, IE theres alot of places to check. This, as well as about 70% of my locations are based off a place I've actually been)

Checking the bathroom, this one appeared to be the "kids" bathroom, though the kids of this household were probably in their late high school or early college years. The toothbrushes were both themed, cute little characters from some popular tween cartoon of about four years ago, but there was also a stack of some female hygene products in the cabinet in addition to the standard items. Items of use that Gerran found amounted to one box of bandages, half used, with a small bottle of anti-infectant in the box with them, plus one bottle of painkillers. While not much, quite a bit if the house also had a first-aid kit in the "adult" bathroom, wherever that was.

When Gerran checked all the doors there was no response from the other side of any of them. However, when knocking on the one directly next to the door he entered the hall from he heard a slight echo from the other side of the living room. That room must not be another bedroom, but perhaps the dining room or something like that, with another door in the other hallway.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

((Crud I don't think I mentioned in his bio that he had a backpack, not exactly big but enough for a couple supplies. He is the cautious type, I hope this doesn't make things too out of the blue?))

As he searched through the kids bathroom, he proceeded to put the disinfectant and the bottle of pills on the floor, dumping his backpack and taking inventory of things while he was at it. Convinced the house was secure and safe since knocking on almost every single door did nothing, he talked out loud to himself to think more clearly.

"Ok, we got a couple gauze bandages, disinfectant, and...
He couldn't help but chuckle before saying aloud softly.
"Pills here!"

Checking his other stuff, he proceeded to check his pack. Unloading his gun and taking the bullets out, he took a small piece of white cloth from his pack, washing it in the bathroom sink and wringing it out. He disassembled his Brock 1729, cleaning any residue he could find and put it back together and reloading it again, slipping it back into his right pocket. Unzipping his other pocket he checked 21 bullets were ready for reloading already out of their case.

He continued to take inventory as he searched through his backpack.
"One full case of 9mm ammo, each containing 50 bullets each. So I got 71 spare, and my gun loaded makes 92. Other than that...a crowbar." He held the crowbar firmly in his hand, still ready for use. Putting everything he had found and already had into his backpack, he continued through the house.
Time for a search. In a disaster situation, every house is a gold mine. You just got to know how to dig right.

((make him briefly check all the rooms he had encountered, searching for anything of use including weapons, maps, first aid etc. Then take the door that echoed if no encounters. Oh yeah, he is THIS thorough. ;)))
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Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

There was nothing useful to Gerran's current situation to be found in any of the rooms he'd been near besides what he'd already found. Plenty of items of both great value, if sold, or sentimental value such as the various pictures, and even a few things that could work as a weapon in a very desperate spot, such as a vase or two, but their combat value was nothing compared to the crowbar. Gerran's time had not been well spent in the search. Fortunately, nothing disturbed the man as he took his time before opening the door to the next room.

Gerran found a nice dining room, mostly intact, though the shaking had once again knocked a few things off the walls. By the far door, where the other hall would be, were two suitcases closed securely and stacked as if the family here had been preparing to leave quickly. On the wall to Gerran's left was a window into a back porch which in turn offered a view of a small paved area before the back ally. The porch seemed to be littered with odds and ends of various sizes, a bicycle stood out from the others.

While Gerran could not see any movement outside, as he peeked into the room he became aware of a strange sound from out back. It sort of sounded like a large animal walking, but it also sounded "squishy", if that was possible. The source sounded a good distance away, but sometimes it got a bit louded, and sometimes a bit quieter...
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

((Time not spent well, HAH! You know how many people die in zombie movies just because they forgot to check that one room in the back? :p And would of been nice had you specified exactly where out back it could be heard, the porch out back, out back the house, or out back inside of the room, or outback outside of the room he's searching.))

He cursed slightly, disappointed he didn't find anything of use. But at least he determined the place was safe for now. However, seeing the bicycle on the porch at least gave him the idea for better transportation, rather then going on foot once he determined a destination. He could perhaps go to check it out a bit later.

Suddenly he heard something. He perked his ears, trying to determine where it was coming from. Out back? On the Attack: Rule 8... let them come to you. He nodded to himself, and shouted down the (hall? room?) from the left side. "Oi! Anybody there?"
Wielding his crowbar, he hid against wall that was on the opposite side from where he shouted, pressed tightly as to prevent being seen from the things approaching angle.

((Prepare, and surprise attack whatever comes around the corner..))
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

("I thought "out back" would clearly mean "outside and out of view", especially considering Gerran is at the very back of the house, as evident by the porch. Infact, I even said it was outside right before that by implication. Also, you're way out of range for melee right now.)

Following Gerran's shout, there was a loud clatter from out in the yard, like trash cans being knocked over. Soon, a giant squid, somehow able to remain upright on land, stumbled into view. It was clearly injured, a large gash ran down one of its sides, leaking a bit of fluid. It started making a bit of squaking when it saw Gerran through the windows and slowly moving towards him.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

((I'd prefer 'outside and out of view.' I need alot of details, sorry. But seriously I'm having fun here not complaining at all man. Miss-communication is bound to happen every once in a while. This was my fault this time, I should of clarified how much details I need to get a clear picture.))

"Oh shit!" He gets startled, seeing it had seen him through the windows. But that still gave the monster only a limited view of where he was. Dashing back into the house a bit more, he hides again hoping to stay out of view this time and let the monster come to him for a surprise attack. Checking his gun, he makes sure the safety is off if he doesn't get a chance for a melee attack. Shouldn't be too hard to shoot something right in front of his face. If it came to that, he'd just shove the barrel right into this creature and unload the whole clip.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

The monster could be heard banging up against the back of the house a few seconds after Gerran had safely hidden himself. It couldn't seem to open the door, but it was making an awful and loud noise, no doubt loud enough to attract attention. The racket was enhanced by the sound of the screens and windows rattling as the squid's tentacles struck them over and over.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Well shit, this is actually starting to backfire a bit. Why the hell did it have to try to come in that way? Ugh... He winced as he heard the banging and loud noises, knowing this would probably bring either more of those monsters. He had to take action.

Rushing up to the door which was vibrating from the impact of the monsters efforts, he turned the knob on the door briefly enough to let the door swing open upon the monsters next heave. Hopefully this will catch it off guard and would stumble inside off balance, as he readied his crowbar for a swing done in major league baseball games. He was going for a 'home run'.
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Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Gerran's luck wasn't TOO bad, this plan went exactly how he wanted it to. The squid creature fell over going through the door, presenting its core mass to his crowbar. However, the monster was a bit squishy, and the blow as not as good as it could be. It quickly started to pick itself back up off the floor, lashing out with a tentacle at Gerran, but he was able to get back without taking a hit or being grabbed by the limb.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

(Wait how much damage did it do? Or was it not very effective. Damnit, I should of used an electric type attack against a squid! Or a grass type.)

At first, Gerran made a huge grin as he heard the impact made upon the monster, the flesh making a wet thwacking noise as the crowbar collided with it's flesh. But he soon quickly realized that this monster wasn't very sturdy, in fact was way too soft and almost seemed to absorb the blow. Had it been a zombie this should of gone perfectly, but he never had known such a creature like this thing to exist. Immediately upon realizing the little damage it would of done to the monster, he dropped the crowbar to brought the gun from his belt and let loose a third of his clip into the monster. It may be soft, but he was at least certain bullets at such a close range would still be enough to take it down.

((Shoot the crap out of that thing, aim between the eyes!))
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