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When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

(Yeah, me too, I prefer women, not boobs with a human attached)

At first the zombie seemed a bit clinging, but with a little coaxing agreed to stay behind for a moment. Gerran climbed up and reached the top quickly, the woman not making any noise behind him. At the top was a short hall with a door on either side and a window to the fire escape, but not a door, at the far end. The doors led to two different appartments probably. Both doors were shut, no way of telling if they were locked or not without checking.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Glancing about, he jiggled the handles on both doors, waiting for a response on the other side should there be anything.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

The door on the left was locked and there was no response from behind it. The other door was unlocked, opening into a silent and dark apartment, quite nice, but not upper class, though only a glimpse was seen. Even though Gerran had only intended to jiggle the handle, the hinge must have been overgreased or something, it simply took little to no force to open, but after the initial surprise he was able to keep it from swinging all the way open.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Odd. Locked door. Usually that means somebody is inside, unless somebody locked it while leaving the room. Either way, somebody is locked in there or somebody wanted to make sure something didn't get out.

Looking down the stairs, he waved for the girl to follow now. He had good evidence it was safe, but still was risky. In fact he didn't like the fact she was alone down there by herself.

Now the other door was way too easy to open. Either it's currently in use or somebody really loved this door.

Closing the loose door, making sure it was now firmly closed instead of loosely, he knocked on both doors harder, seeing if his previous noise was too quiet for a zombie to have heard them. Or whatever creatures these days.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

The zombie girl obediently came up the stairs, she was almost smiling, in an odd way. She stood close behind Gerran, quite good at following instructions or waiting for them patiently. Unlike some might, she didn't bother him as he went about whatever he was doing, trusting he knew best.

As Gerran was at the loose door, it got knocked on first. Unlike before, his noise caused a loud bump to sound from deep within the apartment, followed by a distinctly feminine voice. "Owww! Oh Sh....!" Sounds of scuffling followed, as if things were being frantically thrown about that were in someone's way. Whoever was doing it was having a bit of trouble, though. There was alot of bumping into what sounded like a wall and perhaps some muttered curses.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Holy shit! Somebody else who's a living being! This is g-

A thought suddenly occurred to him though as he glanced back at the zombie woman.
Oh shoot, how am I going to handle this? How are they going to handle this? They probably never heard of a friendly zombie before, they'll probably shoot her on sight!

But still, hearing a human voice was such a relief. His first instinct was to NOT shout, but if this person was running away would he eventually be able to catch up with whoever it is?

Looking back at the zombie woman, he pushed her back around the corner out of view from where he had heard the noise.
"Ok, now don't come out from here until I tell you too ok? I don't want them to hurt you on accident." He whispered to the zombie woman. Gonna have to come up for a name for her sooner or later.

He immediately began to shout down the apartment hallway towards the voice. "Hey! Are you human?! I heard you speaking! You all right? Please it's been forever since I saw a living person!"
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

At first the comotion seemed to get a bit more frantic, but then as Gerran's last sentence sunk in it seemed to stop. "Uhhh... just... stay away... I'm hiding... I don't want anyone to find me!" The owner of the voice sounded young, and scared. There was an undercurrent of relief that could be heard, as well, when the girl realized Gerran wasn't a looter. Still she didn't seem to be coming out of her hiding space elsewhere in the apartment just yet.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Nobody would ever want to be by themselves at a time like this.

Again he grabbed the zombie girls hand...
This is stupid. I'm calling her Karin from now on. Probably isn't right but she probably wouldn't care until her memory or mental status clears up again.
Grabbing Karin's hand, he moved toward the voice down the hallway.
"You sure? All right then I'll be going. Just be careful of those squid monster things!"
He had no intention of leaving, in fact while speaking he just kept approaching. But it would probably be more convincing to get a person out if the the only human they've come in contact with that didn't try to kill them was leaving them.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

(Heh, I approve of the name)

The girl's voice was a bit stuttery as she replied, while she said she wanted to be alone, her tone didn't exactly suggest it. "Ye...yes..." Gerran could hear her breathing was heavy, and it tensed when he took a step into the apartment, the floor was a bit creeky, but she didn't do anything to protest. The zombie followed him inside, even getting a look of mild concern on her face. They were in a nice dining type room, and Gerran could hear the girl's sounds coming through a door, into what looked to be a medium sized bedroom, muffled by what was probably a closet door.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Approaching the door, he knocked on it.
"Hey, you armed? Put your weapon down for a second ok? I'm opening the door."
Something occured to him.
"Were you hiding before I got here? Is there something in the house I don't know about? Is it in the room with you or something?"
Jiggling the handle, he readied his gun, flicking off the safety and cocking it loaded.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Only a few sniffles were the response, the girl was quite clearly just afraid and alone. That wasn't help when the door opened and a gun was pointed at her. She screamed and dove under a stack of clothes that had fallen on her, what was making the noise from before. From behind Gerran the zombie let out a concerned noise, but did not advance.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

"Um, sorry bout that. I had to make sure you weren't trying anything funny. Disaster situations people show their true colors and for all I know you could of been a cut throat playing the 'oh poor me girly' act. Oh by the way this is Karin. She's a nice zombie, don't ask how though. Not sure how."

Flicking the safety back on he holstered his gun, plus now he at least didn't have to cock it next time if he needed to shoot.
Looking about the room, he did a quick scan. "You sure this place doesn't have monsters here? Did you see any supplies anybody might use?"

He went back to the door, locking it and at least making this room a temporary safe haven as long as they were quiet.
"Honestly I'm truly sorry about that. I'm Gerran."
He offered a friendly smile.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

The girl pushed into the back of the closet, eyes a bit teary blue, but slowly calming down. She still didn't seem to like that Gerran was there, but she couldn't do anything about it. While she didn't say anything, the fact that Gerran wasn't being overly hostile after the incident was sort of reassuring to her. After Gerran had finished his quick search and securing of the apartment, the girl finally broke her silence. "I... I'm alone here..." She colapsed a bit into a soft pile of blankets that was in the small compartment with her, exausted from her recent terror and finally giving in the newcomer's presence.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

((YAY! It's back up! X3 ))

THANK YOU GOD! I can now finally sleep... or rest. Or at least relax.

Nodding to Karin, Gerran slumped back against the door exhausted and tired from all his ordeals. He unslung his backpack and tossed it into the corner of the room.
"It's finally nice to meet a human being..." He blinked with realization and glanced over to Karin apologetically "No offense. I still consider you half human." Still, nice to meet a person who could understand him.
"Look I'm sorry if I interrupted something, or scared you or whatnot, but I haven't had a good rest for a long time. Being alone since whatever outbreak caused all this has become a constant burden on me. I can't sleep, can't rest, always cautious, nobody else watching my back. If I was attacked I couldn't have anybody to help me out. Damn.... Well, he was stuck here for a while, since he was too tired to do much else. Probably best to get to know your allies.

"Sorry if this is so sudden, but what's your story? Mine isn't much, I just refused to go to the hospital after one of my parents were infected when the outbreak started. I knew that would only lead me into trouble and tried to convince them they'd only get themselves killed, but they didn't listen. So I just... ran to get out of the city. And here I am.
Shrugging his shoulders, he glanced around a bit.
"You mind handing me a couple of those blankets? I need to lie down. I'm not sure if Karin needs to rest though."
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

The scared girl was not much help at the moment, but seemed to be still calming down, she just needed a moment. Karin kind of circled around, making some low noises as if sensing the change in atmosphere, before finally settling down and awkwardly getting to the ground to sit next to Gerran, curiously looking at the girl in the closet. For her part, the occupant just hung her head in silence for a long while, only responding when asked for a blanket. She spoke in a much more steady tone as she slowly slid one over. I'm... I'm Amy. I guess you can stay here... if you promise not to cause any trouble..."
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

(damnit, said that the latest entry was mine! 0_E)

Trouble? That's the last thing he wanted. "I never intend to bring trouble to anybody. Why would you say that though? Something happen"

Possibly a somebody got her into this situation and might be the reason she's alone, or she could just be paranoid considering the circumstances the world has crumbled into.

Grabbing the blanket, he layed it out on the floor for a makeshift mattress. He couldn't stand sleeping on carpet or hard floor.
Looking at Karin briefly, he said "You should probably lie down and rest too for a bit. Um... unless you don't need to."
Maybe half zombies didn't need sleep? His stomach moaned softly, as he was starting to become hungry. But he wasn't in the mood right now, if he tried to get food while tired he'd probably end up dead.
"I'm going to need to raid this house's fridge or something soon."
Looking back at Amy, he lied down on the blanket. "Don't worry, if trouble comes knocking on that door I'll shoot it. Anyways, I've noticed there are more creatures then zombies. I only fought a squid like thing, but do you know if there are more?"
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Amy made a bed for herself as well, though she was kind of spacing out too. "I... I saw some monsters... but mostly looters... and yelling and screaming... down outside... around the corner." Her voice was far off, as if she was traumatized. Karin was looking around like a curious child, obviously tempted to get up and go exploring, but staying beside Gerran for now. At his promise to defend her, Amy nodded once, relaxing slightly, but still very sad. The situation was going to be awkward for awhile, babysitting one girl and comoforting another, no doubt, unless something changed soon.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

His body tensed at her response.
Wait, 'just around the corner?!' Gee maybe that's something that should be mentioned first to others! Well... as long as we remain quiet..

"What kind of screams? Human? Are they good people? Do you know them? Plus you seem to be acting all.... twitchy. What the hell happened?"
Glancing over at Karin he noticed her moving about. Grabbing her hand he pulled her downward to sit. Not for any logical reason really, but it bugged him when people just kept entering and leaving his peripheral vision.
And the last thing I need is somebody wandering off, let alone the person who could possibly provide a damn cure to this hell.

But now this new information meant he'd still need to be on guard. "Look, this is important. Is this happening... right now? Are the people out there dead now?"

It's pointless to go check now that he's on a second story room. By the time he got down the person whoever she was speaking of could of been killed by now. Let alone she mentioned some of those people were looters and that usually means stupid people, cause only stupid people would be trying to steal TV's and jewelry and things of no value in the current situation. Money means nothing now. Entertainment means nothing now. If it doesn't help you survive, it's pointless. And stupid people would only put him in danger. As much as he wanted to help others...
You can't save everybody.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

"It was awhile ago, everyone else went to check..." Her voice was a bit different. Her tone implied she thought they were dead, but was not yet ready to admit it to herself. However, as she sighed and settled back into her "nest" she visibly relaxed, getting used to Gerran's presence, though flicking her eyes to Karin a bit suspiciously. She didn't seem like she was going to freak out again.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Despite him most likely being right, that's what depressed him the most. Usually, he enjoyed being right and and sometimes got a sick pleasure when people had something bad happen to them after he said "I told you so." But he never wanted people to die, this was completely different. For once in his life, he wanted to be wrong about a lot of things.

He nodded his head, understanding her and knowing that she most likely felt they were gone.
"Well... if there is nothing we can do... it's best that we rest right now. If you want, you can follow me. I'm planning on heading out of this place and heading out of the city. Karin here, I believe she might hold the possibility of a cure or anti-virus. But if you don't want to follow, that's fine. But..."
He paused.I'm worried about her. I highly doubt she'd be able to survive by herself.
"Best not to think too much for now. We'll talk more in the morning, ok?"

((Try to go to sleep and rest up and heal.))