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When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

The girl nodded, then settled down to rest. As she drifted off she actually looked a little relieved to have someone around her again to fight off the monsters and other threats. However, Karin was not quite as cooperative. The infected woman was getting kind of restless, wiggling around alot, as well as making small, energetic noises. She was definitely not in the mood to go to sleep right now.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Ignoring it for a while, he tried to keep his eyes remain closed and was hoping Karin would settle down. But as time passed on she wouldn't stop moving, making it impossible for him to sleep regardless of how tired he was. He let out an irritated grumble, rubbing his eyes with a yawn.

Damnit, son of a bitch! If it's not monsters trying to kill me it's being unable to sleep that comes in second to most annoying things so far.

Glancing over at Karin with a glare, he could only tell himself that it wasn't really her fault for being this way. The infection had gotten to her head, and for all he knew something could be eating her brain right now. He honestly expected something to pop out of her stomach like in an Alien movie.

"What? What is it? You hungry? I can't tell what you want ok? Just rel-" Suddenly a thought did occur to him, something that should of been quite obvious. She was one of them....
So couldn't it be possible that she can sense when other creatures like the ones I encountered earlier are lurking nearby?
Quickly sitting up, he grabbed his gun and flicked the safety off, remembering he had it already cocked and loaded for a fight he readied himself at the door. Grabbing the crowbar from Karin, he didn't wan to leave Amy defenseless. But from the look of her, he doubted she would know how to use a gun. Handing her the crowbar, he said in a low tone..
"Hey Amy? I'm going to need you to lock the door as soon as Karin and I leave. Don't open it for anybody except me ok? If somebody is trying to get in... well... just scream I suppose."
Unlocking the door he pulled Karin outside with him and quickly shut the door behind him.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Amy had started to drift off, but sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes. "Oh.... okay..." She sounded a little surprised Gerran was going someplace, or doing something right now, but did not question, she just didn't have the effort. When the two were outside they eventually heard a small click behind them, though Amy had taken her time locking up.

Karin stopped goofing around as soon as Gerran had moved her to the hall, looking with the best look of concern she could muster. It was much darker now, but there still was not an obvious threats about that the man could see or hear. The infected seemed to sense his serious tone, and paid close attention.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Gerran looked around, seeing the place had gotten a bit darker. "Well that's not good..." Glancing over at Karin, he stared at her for a bit, mostly out of annoyance, he wanted to sleep but he didn't like doing something for no reason.
"Well your the one who fidgeted around so damn much, what's the problem? You look fine now." Did she just not like small rooms? Why the hell would she be comfortable out in the open exposed?

Might as well get some freaking food since I'm out here. Everything seems to be ok.... so far. Grabbing Karin's hand with some agitated force behind it, he went looking for the kitchen...

(Um... whatever until he makes it to the kitchen I guess? Heheh)
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Karin put on her version of a smile and made a few content noises as she followed Gerran. She looked intently at all the objects in the kitchen, taking in the sights of this new place as the leader looked for food.

The fridge contained the ususal, milk, eggs, some yoghurt, vegitables, though it was slightly low, it was probably close to time for the family here to go shopping. Everything was still cold, the power hadn't been off all that long, so it'd keep for awhile longer. All told, there was no way they'd eat it all before some spoiled though.

There was less food in the cabinets, from the variety around the kitchen, it didn't seem these people were much into cooking. Still, there was about six or so cans that'd keep. Some dry goods were on one shelf too, such as a nice looking pack of beef jerky and some crackers.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

He got to work. Grabbing the vegetables and fruits, he decided it was best to eat spoilables before resorting to canned goods. Besides, they were in safe place for now and the food was still good for now. Vegetables tended to never seem spoiled, and it was always easy to tell if a fruit was spoiled. Shuffling through the fridge he almost gave the fruit and veggies to Karin to hold.
Huh, making an infected person hold spoilables that we are going to eat is a BAD idea.
Handing her his backpack instead, he put all the dry goods inside it.
"Hold onto this will ya? I'm going to carry the other food upstairs." With cans and dried goods zipped up in his backpack he gave her the bag. Filling his own arms with fruits and veggies he headed back upstairs to the room, telling Karin to follow.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

(It's on the same floor btw)

Karin did as she was told, holding the backpack with one strap in each hand while watching Gerran intently. She almost seemed to be watching to learn what he was doing, or at least had a very thoughtful look on her face the entire time they were in the kitchen. When it was time to leave she actually nodded before following, still quiet now that she was occupied. Returning to the bedroom all was as they had left it, Army was nearly asleep, hugging her bedding tightly and murmuring as she drifted off.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

He was very surprised to see her actually respond with confirmation. Is it possible that not all their cognitive thinking vanishes? They can learn? If that's true, then this is a double edged sword. Good, being that now Karin will be able to communicate with me somewhat and will make it much easier to bring her somewhere that might develop a cure. Bad, being that this means the other creatures and zombies can learn and figure more things out as time goes by.
Glancing back at the fridge he headed through the room, smalling softly upon seeing the sleeping Amy. She looked so scared though, even in her sleep. Quietly locking the door behind them, he lied down on the floor, looking up at Karin and gesturing her to lie down as well. She might be a zombie, but at this point he trusted her not to hurt him.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

The zombie obediently followed Gerran and got down next to him. She still looked to him for direction, though it was starting to seem like her attention was wandering. Karin's face held the classic look of child like curiosity many children got when in a new place. She started to make little gibbering noises again as she looked around, though her gaze snapped back any time it looked as if Gerran was going to say something. Her eyes were wide, not tired in the slightest.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

(OMG I can't just.. not sleep! ACK!)

It was a couple minutes... maybe 10 or 12. He kept hearing whimpering and odd noises. He knew who it was. But he tried to ignore it. Sadly though, he was the kinda guy who couldn't even go to sleep if a clock in the room was ticking. It had been a long day, and he needed it. So what the hell was he supposed to do?
This is just gonna get weird.
Sighing out loud, he sat up, looking at her for a couple seconds before hugging her and laying back down on the floor.
Maybe if she lays down and I hold her still for more than 30 seconds she'll get the idea.
"I need sleep... please be quiet. I'm guessing your unable to sleep as a zombie, but you got to realize I can't function without sleeping! Hell, I'm not even sure you understand a damn word I'm saying. But please, for the love of everything that's humane, go to sleep!"
He gave an exaggerated huff, holding her tightly too him. If this girl was actually alive, and a person, he'd probably be really bashful right now. But it was a zombie, so instead he was actually somewhat weirded out. Never in his lifetime would he think of resorting to hugging a zombie to the floor.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Karin got a bit excited, in a happy way, as she was was hugged, but a bit of nerviousness crept in as she was pulled down. Gerran could feel her tense up. His voice calmed her down, though, despite the firm tone. She could tell he was tired.

In his grip, Karin slowly settled back against Gerran, even resting her head on Gerran a bit. She tilted her head back to look at him slightly, eyes making the cute puppy dog imitation. It almost seemed as if she was smiling, too. One last utterance escaped her mouth, a childlike sound, as she settled in.

(Didn't timeskip to morning in case you want to react to her somehow or something)
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

(Good thing too XD)

As he lied down, he noticed that she had tensed. It was a small thing, but to him it gave a lot of evidence that she really did feel emotion. Tensing either meant surprise, nervousness, or fear. None of those things a zombie would ever do. She had done other things, numerous things previously, but the more and more he was with her, he had to acknowledge she was... well... a person. But this now led to a moral dilemma for him. Now that he knew that she actually could feel, hell still be human, what kind of tests would they run on her to get a possible cure? Would she be like this for life? A constant test tube? Before he would of had no problem giving her away to some doctor in a lab coat. But now it seemed so much different.
A pang of deep stabbing guilt shot down his spine as he glanced down at her, only to see her returning caring innocent eyes. Letting out a deep sigh, he rested her head on his shoulder, and attempted to drown out his foreboding thoughts in much needed sleep.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Karin was unsure at first, but slowly relaxed against Gerran. She seemed to like the feel of him, how he was soft, and rubbed against him a few times. With a very audible sigh, she stopped squirming and closed her eyes, soon breathing heavy as she passed out. She was quite still, so Gerran had little trouble going to sleep as well.

Gerran awoke to a small squeek coming from his side. It was just enough to wake him up, there was no sense of imminent danger. He felt well rested, like he'd been out for awhile, too. As his mind slowly came back, Gerran also became aware of some shuffling, follow by a small, quiet voice. It had to be Amy, trying to be quiet, but failing pretty bad.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Finally getting some sleep, the night went on.....

A squeak. At least that's what it sounded like. Raising his head, he rubs his eyes and looks about the room. First thing he notices, Amy didn't seem to be around here.

"Hey, what's going on? Did something happen while we were sleeping? Amy? Where did you go?"
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Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

(Oops, should have checked sooner. Amy isn't in the room with you, hence why everything sounds muffled

I'll come back later tonight if you've fixed it to do the update even if I'm done with the one's I'm doing now)
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Karin was awake, looking intently at Gerran. Her eyes were wide and bright, with the goofy smile across her face that she seemed to be taking a liking to. She was very quiet now, though, and didn't move, but was clearly happy the man was awake.

The noises continued from the kitched, someone walking around and moving things, only a little bit louder. It didn't seem like whoever was out there was in any great distress, just trying to be secretive.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

He groggily woke up, checking his gun and holstering. Karin was here, so where the hell was the other girl? Glancing over, he saw a rather goofy smile on Karin, it sorta threw him off. But what threw him off more was if anybody was missing, he'd expect it to be Karin, since she was more likely to explore out of curiosity again. But here she sat, watching and sitting obediently.

"Karin, if that other girl gets us killed, I'm sorry." Standing up, motioned for her to stay here, and began to head out toward the noise. And if she's going to run away, she could at least leave me behind my crowbar.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Karin reluctantly stayed on the ground. Her smile faded into a frown, but she didn't protest beyond clinging on a little longer then she should have.

Amy was out in the kitchen area, gathering supplies into a strapped bag. She didn't notice Gerran come up behind her, but seemed a bit frantic nonetheless, despite trying to be quiet. Most of what she was getting were food items, technically. With all the best stuff picked over, she was choosing spices and the like to fill her bag.
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

She's in an awful hurry. Trying to run away? Well, I suppose I should be casual about this, make it more comfortable for her. Or would that make her more uncomfortable? Whatever.
He gave a loud cough to clear his throat, making sure his presence would be known to her. Leaning back against the wall, he stood there with a wide smile.
"So, your heading out all by yourself alone? Well I can't force you to stay, I honestly think it would be better if we traveled together as it's always best to be in groups during a disaster. But if you insist, just be careful ok?"
Re: When the Man Comes Around (Sponge)

Amy jumped and turned around with a scowl. Her mouth opened and closed several times, as if trying to think of what to say, before finally settling on something. "I can't trust you to look after me in the way I want you to. I may not make it far, but at least I'll be heading in the right direction." She quickly stormed off, not even bother to look through the cabinets any more or shut them, leaving Gerran alone in the kitchen and Karen in the bedroom closet. Her footsteps echoed loudly down the stairs.