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Yo yo yo, afro!



Alrighty, Shrike7 got me in the game here. I could use some more input as I'am working on developing my style as much as possible before I ever open commissions...

I hope you enjoy these...

Side Note:

I do draw mostly tentacle rape as it's my favorite fetish. The green blob, you'll see the most of, is from a story I'm working on. These are basically promo and development pics. I'm showing off characters who will be in the story and also working of the ultimate technique for my style.

The blob's name is Zeg. The story is pretty simple, Zeg travels the universe from planet to planet, raping chicks. Initially each planet he goes to will have a different cartoon world... so for example, one planet will be Kim Possible and another will be Danny Phantom (these are American toons). I don't really care if both shows take place on planet Earth, in my story all cartoons/anime have different planets.

There is actually more depth to the story on how Zeg becomes a rapist. To say the least, it's because of an illegal steroid called the "PXK Pill".


Here is the K Series:

This line up is what I feel is my least developed on the series.

These are what I feel are better developed...


I do have more, but the rest are from a dead series (the P series) which is total crap.
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Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

Wheee!! I love new members, they listen to me!!!

*dances in crazy little circles*

Ahem, anyways, I'll give them a look-see in an hour, if the house is asleep when I get home :)
Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

Either way, I just hope you enjoy em as that is my main point to this stuff...
Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

Well, on the general level of well-drawn-ness, the drawings are great. On the erotic level of well-drawn-ness, not so much, though that's a personal matter and thusly shouldn't be given as much importance at the general level of well-drawn-ness. You see, I, personally, find that the art style you use really doesn't lend itself to hentai, but that's just me. I also think you're the best artist we have on the forum in terms of how well drawn you pictures are, and am sad that you're not doing commissions. Then again, I couldn't pay if you were (I am correct in my assumption that commissions are the ones you have to pay for and that there some other name for free ones... right?).
Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

i think i can see hosts main point. you are clearly a very talented drawer, but with a bit of work on concept design you could go from good to great.

all the humans are drawn great but i just don't feel anything for the green guy (who comes across as a poorly endowed snowman in most aspects). However in the last picture you don't have this problem and i think the picture is showing some of your true potential.

Also some of the emotions seem a little off, like if in the second last picture her eyes were closed the feeling that she is in pain would be much stronger and it wouldn't seem like mixed messages.
Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

Well, on the general level of well-drawn-ness, the drawings are great. On the erotic level of well-drawn-ness, not so much, though that's a personal matter and thusly shouldn't be given as much importance at the general level of well-drawn-ness. You see, I, personally, find that the art style you use really doesn't lend itself to hentai, but that's just me. I also think you're the best artist we have on the forum in terms of how well drawn you pictures are, and am sad that you're not doing commissions. Then again, I couldn't pay if you were (I am correct in my assumption that commissions are the ones you have to pay for and that there some other name for free ones... right?).

Thank you! I'm curious though, could you perhaps pin point what exactly makes the art less like hentai? Is if the fact that it's not anime? Could it be because of the lack of physical emotion?

i think i can see hosts main point. you are clearly a very talented drawer, but with a bit of work on concept design you could go from good to great.

all the humans are drawn great but i just don't feel anything for the green guy (who comes across as a poorly endowed snowman in most aspects). However in the last picture you don't have this problem and i think the picture is showing some of your true potential.

Also some of the emotions seem a little off, like if in the second last picture her eyes were closed the feeling that she is in pain would be much stronger and it wouldn't seem like mixed messages.

Heh, as for the green guy... that's my point. I don't want people to feel anything for it. I just want people to concentrate on the female ^^

I thought about having her eyes closed, but I felt it would have taken away from the character I was doing a parody on. Having every bit of detail as I can from the show helps to express who she is. So instead of closed eyes, I just put in so little tears. I always feel that crying is the last extreme and that to me shows pain or a terrible hurt. I probably should have shown more tears rather than just little spots.

I'm super glad to have gotten the input, lately I haven't gotten jack in the other forums on the subject... it has been awhile since I've gotten some good criticism on my art. Thanks again ^^
Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

It’s not because your pictures aren’t in an anime style, so much as because they are in a cartoon style. It does seem to have something to do with a lack of physical emotion though… …After editing your pictures in paint and removing the features on the faces, I’ve come to realize what some of the reasons for cartoons being bad choices for hentai are, and it’s largely in the head.

The first and most notable part is the eyes. Most of the characters in your pictures have round or oval ones, with little detail on the pupil. They can’t move into any of the shapes that eyes need to in order to look erotically attractive. The one named Gwen Loses The Battle is a good example of eyes being done well, as is Leela's Creamed Melons. Perhaps it’s because the pupils have more detail, perhaps it’s because the shape of the eye makes it look more like an eye… but something about them makes that picture look better. I’d say the first place to look is the fact that it’s shifted into a more complex shape.

I would also suggest looking at the shape of the head, and probably it’s proportions too (though I’m not good enough an art critic to be able to make judgment on that). In general, the character’s you’ve drawn with simple single-shape heads – i.e. most – look worse than the ones with multi-shape heads. Than again, the only ones with complex shaped heads are the two I already mentioned were good because of their eyes. In several of your earlier ones – basically all the non-Kim Possible ones – the head shape is clearly detracting from the picture (though I’m not a good enough art critic to be able to determine why).

One of the things not to do with the face is the breasts. In most cases, they look wrong on the body. Cartoon style characters’ bodies usually aren’t made to have particularly large breasts – especially since most are teenage. Deflating most of them by about a cup size may improve the pictures. Pictures with breasts done right are, again, the same two as before, though each for a different reason. Leela was reasonably endowed in the show and her body was designed to have reasonably large breasts, which is why they work on her. On the other hand, Gwen was not made to have large breasts but small ones – and you’ve given her small ones, (I’d say about a B but I’m just guessing,) which makes the picture better.

Other than that, all I can think of that seems iffy is the general body proportions of the characters – it might be fixed by changing the breast size, but you may also need to change the head… or possibly arm or shoulder size/width/etc. to get it to look properly erotic. Doing the characters in their signature style is commendable, but if that style is cartoon-y, you’re generally going to have trouble getting the picture to look arousing.
Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

Very nice critique.

My Style: keeping the look of the show by keeping the head style the same as much as possible as well as the clothing in addition. Then I just throw in a mature body without going too far into reality.

Aside from that I can understand the point about body proportioning. I'd say I've developed quite well though and I myself can notice huge differences. A lot of the proportion looks come from shadowing - which seems to be a problem for me. My most recent drawing I used my tablet to shadow where I normally use the pen tool. I found using the tablet a hell of a lot easier and I can get more detailing done that way. So I believe that in the future of my art, shadowing will be uplifted extremely. >.>
Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

OK, now I am a terrible hentai artist myself, but I have seen more than the next guy. (Unless of course the next guy is Lurker or Hentai Finder or someone like that.)

Some important points:
The green guy is Not very well endowed in most of the pictures.

You should have some clenching of teeth or something, Showing some emotion in the faces.

Your Restraints often seem to be there, but there's no tension on them, and no clear physical exertion from the victims to escape.

I think you're probably technically one of the best artists on this forum, but if you look around at most tentacle rape and stuff things to make are:

Clear Insertion: There should be no doubt as to the fact that she now has a tentacle way up, so a little bit of moisture down the tentacle that isn't cum doesn't hurt.

Overpoweredness: The leelah or whatever the cyclops name is again is a good example of this, the Dick in that picture is big enough to stimulate imagination as is the one where donnie get's raped by the yellow thingies.

As for the emotion of kim possible faces, that can be hard, but you can close their eyes and some stuff like that, and trust me people will have NO problem recognizing the characters with your drawing skills.

Also, search around for Kim possible porn to see how others have portrayed their emotions.

Oh, and, since this is tentacle rape after all, add more than one tentacle:)

Your drawings are GREAT anyway, but they can get even better:)
Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

I've had a closer look, and just from the hentai perspective, giving the green glob a bigger member will help, but I must say your ability to draw emotion seem better in the less developed series than in the developed one.

Could you post some of your early stuff too so that we can see the progress?

(And have more fap material:rolleyes:)
Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

Could you post some of your early stuff too so that we can see the progress?

I would first like to say, thank you for the criticism. I'm seriously taking what everyone says to heart here... Improvements must be made!


Here is the P Series. This was the very beginning art, and no doubt you'll see that. Heck, this should tell you that you can draw too! ^^

I forgot what I named these, so forget that...

Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

Oddly enough, I now fear this green blob thing. It makes me think of this picture:

Don't open this if you're faint of heart.
Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

Ok, looked at a lot of Kim Possible on Rule34, (Yes it was a terrible task, but I took it on for the community.) and well, firstly, I soon realized that some of the best pictures in there are yours. So from me the only advice you should worry about is, to use a little more fluids, in general, anime/hentai/cartoons are just stylizing, this involves for example having a big head, So when drawing tears or saliva or cum or anything put in a little extra. Don't drench (unless of course that is the style you want, which is not uncommon.) And to take advantage of the human imagination. If someone draws a few extra tentacles on the sides of the picture most people won't notice, but the people who enjoy Multiple penetration will, and their mind will work with it. Make an organ that extra Inch, and people will Imagin it going in...

Great Work, You can go far! And as I noticed on rule34 you allready have fans.
Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

Ok, looked at a lot of Kim Possible on Rule34, (Yes it was a terrible task, but I took it on for the community.) and well, firstly, I soon realized that some of the best pictures in there are yours. So from me the only advice you should worry about is, to use a little more fluids, in general, anime/hentai/cartoons are just stylizing, this involves for example having a big head, So when drawing tears or saliva or cum or anything put in a little extra. Don't drench (unless of course that is the style you want, which is not uncommon.) And to take advantage of the human imagination. If someone draws a few extra tentacles on the sides of the picture most people won't notice, but the people who enjoy Multiple penetration will, and their mind will work with it. Make an organ that extra Inch, and people will Imagin it going in...

Great Work, You can go far! And as I noticed on rule34 you allready have fans.

You're one brave soul for venturing into that massacre of a site. I can't stand that site, I tried a long time ago but the comments were just so dam* random and ridiculous; it's not place for an artist to take insight. So I stopped going there and it's been... hmmm, probably a couple of months before my last visit. If you say people are liking the art, that's good to hear and I'll take your word for it.

I've been asked a few times prior about making the penetration areas a bit more wet. I suppose I could work with that, but I honestly hate wetness that isn't a final climax. I'll need to find a way to incorporate a wet tone without making myself upset... If you have any thoughts on that task, then please do share. ^^
Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

Hai. xD
Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

Hentai Foundry as well? Nice.

Anyway, I like the artwork... I don't really have any criticism as I'm not much of an artist myself and am not as good at spotting some of these things. Well done.
Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

Oddly enough, I now fear this green blob thing. It makes me think of this picture:

Don't open this if you're faint of heart.

I'm very glad you fear it... I do want a sense of scary and uncomfort with the thing... ^_^ Excellent... MUAHAHAHAH!!!

Hai. xD

Hello! ^_^

Hentai Foundry as well? Nice.

Anyway, I like the artwork... I don't really have any criticism as I'm not much of an artist myself and am not as good at spotting some of these things. Well done.

Well, if there is anything you feel you need to say... like ScrewDriver said. If there is anything about the art - just mention it.


My newest addition is an Art trade with Russkere. I've been a fan of his art since the beginning of me discovering hentai. His art is actually one of the few that had gotten me into the tentacle gRape fetish. The other stuff being La Blue Girl and Urotsukidoji.

Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

Here be my latest... I hope you enjoy it. =D

Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

Awesome Vuki! Thanks for sharing!