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Yo yo yo, afro!

Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

One question, Lol
How did Mr. Rapist Guy avoid getting his life sucked out by Rogue's powers? Was it a long-range encounter? Were there condoms involved? o_O

Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

Porn. It always finds a way.
Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

One question, Lol
How did Mr. Rapist Guy avoid getting his life sucked out by Rogue's powers? Was it a long-range encounter? Were there condoms involved? o_O


Quote from the story side...

"Green blob like creatures that harbor the ability to manipulate their bodies using the light green colored substance inside of themselves. This substance is formed by many other substances, but when placed all together, the light green color is shown. The manipulation process relies on how concentrated a Kreylim can be. The outer skin of the Kreylim is very flexible and thus with manipulation, can be pushed into the users desired shape or form, of course; many restrictions follow. At birth, a Kreylim gains a layer of skin on their back, which can be stretched far greater then that of the rest of the bodies skin.

At birth, one “tentacle” is grown. Over childhood, two more develop in the same area. At maturity, anywhere from one - two more can develop (depending the users concentration skills). Finally, over mid age to senior, one more can develop. It has been recorded that the most amount of tentacles that can develop for any Kreylim, are in fact; six..

The Kreylim have a vary unusual way of experience. Emotions can develop but only after having a first experience with such. After maturity, the two substances (P+K) leave the body and thus; emotions can no longer be experienced. Many Kreylim have been known for only having very few emotions available, which most like this are usually mocked."


So basically, them blobs are made up of different substances in which... Rogue has no effect... ^_^
Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

It's like Rogue trying to steal Shaq's ability to play basketball. While it may seem like a mutant power, it really isn't ;)
Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

It's not just powers she steals, its the things' life force itself :p Its why she can't really kiss nobody. So she could try to get Shaq's superball skills, but she'd end up killin' him (then maybe we wouldn't have had Shaq Fu!)
Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

Yeah and instead we'd have had "Rogue Fu", with an even cornier storyline.
Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

The easy way to explain this, which I should have stated before.

Think of his skin as a material rather than a series of tiny cells that do more than protect the innards. Like humans, our skin is liable to her powers due to our skins function with our innards. However, this alien blob has skin that does keep his innards in tact, but ultimately it doesn't function with his body in the sense of cells working together.

So if you were to wrap any piece of rubber, or stretchy material, around your skin and then have Rogue hold that part. Will she absorb you? No.

Same concept...

I don't imagine all alien creatures are gonna have the same functions as the things, that notably, she can absorb. It's just logical. Heck...

This same question was asked on another forum and I responded with the same statement above. A follower of my works also mentioned:

"there is one more explanation for Zeg not getting drained by Rogue...he have made a machine that disables superpowers :D"

There are several points of logic to apply to the image. So bringing up the whole issue when SciFi Out-worldly tech is involved, doesn't make much sense.
Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

Yeah, but power-disabling machines of death are kinda lame Lol
If anyone is curious...

I've been pretty active in trying to make strong cases versus cold manipulation. So I'd be very happy to hear what you have to say, in response to my post.

Also, I've been giving out little spoiler words and hints towards the big project I'm working on. It'll be released near Halloween (I hope). If you want to try to guess at what it's going to be, then take a peak at the hints I drop.

Thanks, all you Tentacle Lovers... *kisses*??? O_O lol
Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

Have a GREAT Halloween!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

Hey, you're getting better, nice detail with the shading of the stomach:)
I still think it's wierd that his penis is pointy, but I've never seen a tentacle-monster penis IRL so... They have bad breath though, seriously, if anyone of you people are thinking of kissing a tentacle monster bring lifesavers.

Wow, no wonder this forum goes offtopic, I can't even keep on topic for five sentences. Well, anyways, You're getting a lot better. I'd still look into drawing some chars that have more potential to show emotion, but you're really good at drawing these, so I dunno.
Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

Well, whatever works... works. As long as it's appealing, even at the slightest. =D Thanks for the compliment. ^_^
Re: A little something for you peeps. [my art]

Enjoy more of Bonnie. =3

Forced Titjob [Jessie + Toxicroak]

Angry Jessie always felt like a huge turn on... oh yes....

Working on a revision... sorry... it'll be back soon...
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Revision is done...

I'm sorry about the issues, I had to go back and redo the hands to get it approved at HF. It's what I get for being lazy...

Re: Yo yo yo, afro!

Yo yo yo!

I changed my artist name (as you should have noted)...

I have some new stuff that's in progress, which can be found here:

Re: Yo yo yo, afro!

Your hentai foundry account has no pictures. What the hell, man?
Re: Yo yo yo, afro!

Your hentai foundry account has no pictures. What the hell, man?

I'm working on it. I have a couple of art trades to finish then it's tentacle madness time. The Bonnie WIP will have two versions. One that's going to HF and one that's DA friendly. That's just a sexy pin-up though.

Soon enough, there will plenty of tentacle love.

Also, if you have any ideas, then feel free to share. I can't promise I'll make any, but I won't mind hearing some.


Also, you can download my entire collection of old crap: . Keep in mind, I don't draw that poor anymore. =3 More awesome stuff will soon appear.
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Re: Yo yo yo, afro!

Your original links appear to be broken.
Re: Yo yo yo, afro!

Yea, just download the collection. I don't feel like re-posting all of that stuff. =/ Gotta move on...