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YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!


Demon Girl Pro
Feb 22, 2010
Reputation score
So while I can't really give away names as both myself and my artist are rather prominent
in our own circles of life/jobs and we'd want to keep things secret for now, both of us have fallen on hard times.

We're also both major hentai fans: in fact, we're long time lurkers (and infrequent posters) on here.

So one thing we've wanted to do for a while now was to make a
hentai game (specifically a platform based-RoR game, since it's all I can program).

He's an INCREDIBLY talented artist: while I'm not an amazing programmer, I can get what's needed to be done, done.

The game would be in 2D, done with MMF2, but otherwise, I need to get to the main point of this post.


If you could tell us some things that you DON'T want to see in the game,
and DO want to see in the game, considering what you've liked/disliked about
recent hits in hentai games, what would you like/dislike seeing?


I should note that we both definitely want the following:

-In game sex animations/other animations/GO animations

-CG endings/animated CG ending loops (think stuff on par with the Viper series: he's THAT good)

-Nothing that would outright kill a person IRL
(i.e. we want tentacles, gangbangs, a whole host of fetishes, but nothing
like a 4 foot thick cock going in a chick, or all-the-way-through tentacles, etc.)

-ACTUALLY SOLID GAMEPLAY, think Kurovadis, or at least close
to that level of gameplay/depth outside of the actual hentai

-Clothes destruction/removal

-Struggle/grapple system where you have to tap buttons to get out,
progresses through stages of sex etc.

-Main character will be a woman, but we might have a level where a guy gets
dominated as sort of a bonus level
(and for female fans/men who are into that,
possibly the main character's sidekick/ally?)

-Not much Ryona content (I know this will disappoint some people, but we
want to keep the ryona content to only logical things like getting beat up,
or knocked down, or other expected physical damage at the most: neither
of us are fans of heavy ryona at all, really, so we wouldn't be able to design it. Sorry!)

-LIKELY going to go with "traps" (traps like floor traps, etc. not futanari traps)
for most of the GO situations and/or various monsters, but there will likely be at least some
humanoids/humans that are involved at one time or another.

-A realistic and sexy female main character design (the artist is well-versed in realistic anatomy, so
the woman main character would have realistic proportions and body shape/figure that you
could easily find in real life. So yes, she'll have a decent chest, but it won't be Cattleya
size or look like two big beach balls.)

-No scat (We'll explore many other fetishes in this game, but definitely not
scat of any kind, again, to people into that, sorry!)

-No loli (for obvious reasons)

So yeah, essentially what we're looking for is:


When you've played hentai platformer RoR games, what did you specifically hate
about the majority of them, specifically love about the majority of them,
wish there was more of, less of, whatever else?


If you'd like, in return, we'll include your names (online obviously) in the credits
of the game once it's done. If you don't want it put in there, no problem, of course.

But let me be serious when I say this isn't just some fly by night project,
we are dead serious about making this and we have the resources, skills,
and most importantly, the motivation (i.e. not being homeless) to make it happen, and we WILL make it happen.

EDIT: forgot to add a few things to the list of things we wanted to do for sure!
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Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

the thing i hate most in ror games... mmmhhh.

game over h-scenes being the only h-element, i dont like getting game overs through h-content at all. there should be a distinction between losing someones life and losing some willpower/stamina/selfesteem when getting fucked. of course losing all of your willpower would result in the character giving up on his/her quest, but that could be regained by positive events, such as defeating those bad guys.
too much gangbang and oversexed scenes also suck.
there should at least be a decent amount of scenes that a girl *could* like for real. losing through seduction is always an option.

i'd like to see ingame h implemented in some kind of bonus/malus system such as pregnancy or another debuffs (character disgusted by dirty clothes etc.) that's blocking your movement a bit etc...
clothes destruction is also fine. a grappling system with the option of escaping and multiple phases would be VERY nice. (like pressing down -> trying to rip clothes -> foreplay -> insertion -> sex -> climax)
a lust system would be nice, too. meaning that the characters resistance to sex attacks drops to a certain point or the character doesnt resist at all because super horny and profits (by removing all debuffs) because he/she's satisfied then.

most importantly i'd like to see that there aren't just levels to run through but some kind of rpg elements. traveling map, leveling up, learning new things (both h and non-h elements). perhaps some main quests and some repeatable side quests. just anything that lets you do something besides running/fighting and getting raped.

the game should be hard, too. and it would be fun if there was a way to lose exp (getting caught and imprisioned so you lose some ability/willpower/whatever and have to find your way out), so if you're failing too much, you just have to go back a few steps.

just my ideas for now. ... and i dont want my name shown in the credits ;)
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Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

For one, I dislike it when an enemy 'defeats' a character in general games like this and it goes straight to a game over screen or to a generic ending scene with zero variation on the ending scene.

I also dislike not being able to watch the animation from an enemy because the health bar hit zero.

But especially, I hate the games being in Japanese. Please don't make the game in Japanese. Wait...

Lastly, I like it when the screen isn't overly zoomed in. Like, in some games we can hardly see what is around us because the camera is fixed on five feet in front of and behind the character we're playing as. I like games that let us see more on screen.

That's about all the input I have right now. Hope it helps a little.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

If you're planning to put a ryona content, I'd prefer/would like to see:

bearhug (preferably by big guy or a big monster)

belly punching (maybe some sort of 4 armed enemy who hold the character's hand while punching her belly)

electrocution, drowning, repeated wall mash (dunno what's the name, it's like Charger's move in L4D 2), strangulation, and (body stomp? Moves where your enemy repeatedly bouncing on your body)

as for H content, I love to see:

blowjob, double penetration, 69 style, and gangbang :D

#incase you're asking a suggestion for heroine's appearance: no big boobs please, I like to see boobs that are proportional to her body (I'm looking at you, Cattleya >_>), and straight long hair (any color) will do for me :D [bonus if you'll give a cat ear to her :3)

quite a long post I'm afraid... hope you won't mind reading it, thanks! :D
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

I think a platformer is definitely the way to go, unlike with games made with RPGmaker, Platformers don't restrict anyone's enjoyment of a game because of a language barrier, i think the best games now (or at least the most popular ones) have more to do with action than story.

In terms of content, you really have 3 ways to go:

Hero is Female: If this is the case, your enemies would likely be tentacles or beasts, this is what kurovadis did and had great success with it, you can't really go wrong going this route.

Hero is Male: In Kyrieru's upcoming game, the main character is a male and his enemies are all monster girls. Monster girls are a growing genre; i've been saying it for months. With games like Monster Girl Quest and Violated hero paving the way, its a genre which has tremendous unexplored depth and potential.

Hero is.....something else:
I'm not sure how many platformers have featured a Tentacle Monster or Monster girl (such as a succubus) as the hero, but if you did chose to go this route, it would be a fun exercise for sure.

I'm not sure exactly what you have in mind, but you've already referenced Kurovadis, i Suggest you also check out 'EACT'.

In 'EACT', you play as a male hero who defeats female enemies in combat and then rapes them in order to regain health or extend your health pool.

You should decide early on whether you want 'sprite rape' to be a part of your game, where you or your enemies take advantage of each other.

Once you decide who your hero is going to be, it will allow you to further explore the possibilities.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!


I hate it when games stars girls with 'boobs as big as beach balls'. I am definitively a 'small breasts' fetish kind of guy but I wouldn<t mind anything that falls into the normal range of things.

And thank you for allowing us to give suggestions. It is much appreciated and I will surely follow your progress with utmost care as I am a big fan of RoR games.
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Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

I would like the main character to be female and the enemies to be variable, from demons, beasts to humanoids. female or male doesn't matter.

as fetish I would like to see futanari's ( ball-less )
and a fetish I would absolutie not want to see are guro and scat.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

I've already included a bunch of other things in the initial post of "things we want to do/not do" that I forgot to include from my artist and I's initial talk.

Check it out if you get the chance, and thanks for all the suggestions thus far, keep em coming! :)
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Read it, I like where you're planning to go with this, I hope you guys can achieve it though. Oh about ''traps'' do you mean the: female who is actually a boy trap or the catch and rape traps?'
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Regarding difficulty, you definitely need some options. I don't play hentai games for the challenge so I love having an easy mode, but plenty of other people want to be raped by the game as badly as the heroine in it. Kurovadis did this right.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Read it, I like where you're planning to go with this, I hope you guys can achieve it though. Oh about ''traps'' do you mean the: female who is actually a boy trap or the catch and rape traps?'

I clarified it and fixed it, we meant traps like floor traps, etc. not futanari traps.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

I actually think it would be pretty interesting if the protagonist was a futa (no balls w/vagina). However I'm totally okay with it if she's not. I'm picturing tan skinned with red hair, but that's to Nanako style from VH.

Things I like:

Good sex sound effects.

Interesting array of enemies. Beasts, humans, supernatural.

By supernatural I mean ghost like enemies. I've been waiting for a cool ghost to arrive since the Kurovadis green ghoul.

One of my favorite things of all time was the painting in Unholy Sanctuary which grabbed the main character and felt her up, eventually making her a part of the painting.

I'm glad there's no scat, but I'm also not a fan of pee.

Magic. One way or another, let there be magic! Transformations, from female to futa, or female to male by female enemies, anything like that is cool. Elemental beings, creatures who rely on magic to survive.

I only mentioned the futa because I've been playing that futanari Dragon Quest game, and it does open up possibilities were both genitals could be used against male and female enemies.

I'm not really a fan of machine foes. If the machine is personalized, then yes, but a metal box with a dick isn't really cool for me. And if machines do come, I'd like for them to cum semen, not oil.

Thanks for letting me drop of my two cents.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

you know whats never been done yet? (and understandably so since its hard to figure out how to implement in game)

enemies that do sexual attacks that aren't grapples you try to pry yourself out of

as for things i kinda want to see, status effects, sexual status effects that effect the main character in odd ways (not always negative or positive)

what makes a few games have more charm sometimes is when it chooses to do things to add onto the world but has no game play mechanical value but at that point, its you and your friends choice what and if you guys put it in of course
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

A substantial knockdown along with things happening to her there-after really, hentai or ryona based.

I'm picturing tan skinned with red hair

I hope you don't hate me for dropping that one... x.x
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

So long as there isn't a heroine with enormous boobs and there are a decent amount of enemies and animations, I'll be happy. Also, if the controls are good...definite plus!
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

Two things I hate in these kinds of games:
Insane difficulty
Lack of variation in enemy types
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

the only thing I can add that has not been said: If you're planning to start, finish the game.

most thing I hate about a game...is it gets abandoned. The best game in the world is simply trash if it's never completed.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

I'll add +1 to 'machine enemies are not hot in RoR'. Other than that:

-Give the player enough leeway in health/defence so they can enjoy the animations instead of having to throw the game to see them.

-Have semi-lasting effects/penalties if the player gets caught too much.

-Limit the actual platforming. People play these games for the enemy interactions, not jumping over pits. Focus difficulty on combat.

-Have power-ups and/or weapons of some sort. Too many of these games get boring because the player can't do anything except basic attack and jump. Just because it's a RoR game doesn't mean it can't be a solid action game.

-Avoid extreme fetishes if you can. The more people your game appeals to, the beter. It's your game of course, but I'd strongly recommened you keep stuff like guro out.
Re: YOU design a platformer RoR game: need opinions!

The things I'd most like to see are enemies working together, an upgrade system, and exploration.