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You laugh, you lose.

Re: You laugh, you lose.

Actually, one of the best I'd seen was the "Naruto Kakashi with ultra camo action" or something like that...and someone had stolen the figure out of the packaging. If it hadn't been 5 bucks...
Re: You laugh, you lose.

Re: You laugh, you lose.

Re: You laugh, you lose.

full of laugh and lose
Re: You laugh, you lose.

Would be much funnier than the original...


Quite frankly, I lol'd.

Especially note the distinct lack of dog in this...
Re: You laugh, you lose.

This video almost got me...

Where are they taking steve!?
Re: You laugh, you lose.




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Re: You laugh, you lose.

4 days warrants a new post, no?

Re: You laugh, you lose.


A part of me would really, really like to see this made.
Re: You laugh, you lose.

And the scary thing is, the way Hollywood's going, they just might.

And I don't know if it's funny or sad that it goes from page 3 (the first mention of trying to convince Batman) to page 28 (where the actual, uh, convincing takes place.)
Re: You laugh, you lose.

the whole page.


Excerpt from another page.

Think about it. The weirdest, most fucked up, abstract perversion you’ve ever even imagined could be fully realized in seconds without having to get consent from another living human being.

“Computer, please run program Riker 1.”

“Define Parameters.”

“Let’s see. It’s Tuesday, so how about a woman, 1o, no 18 feet tall with the face of Dwight Eisenhower, the body of a 1968 Chevrolet pickup truck…”

“Define Transmission.”

“…manual, and the hind legs of a North American Wildebeest.”

“Define sexual orientation.”

“Put 3 vaginas… 1 meter in diameter, placed randomly on it’s torso. A double headed human male penis on it’s forehead, and instead of eyes, 7 more vaginas… variable diameters and depths.”

“Define location.”

“My seveth grade English classroom. Populate with professional wrestlers in sun dresses urinating into plastic lunch boxes, orangutans with machine guns on trampolines, and 2 middle aged men having a furious argument in Russian. Naked of course”

“Enter when ready.”

Either society would crumble… or all men and women everywhere would be completely happy and fulfilled. The divorce rate would plummet, crime would all but vanish… damn it. THAT’s what brings about the utopia. Everyone is getting their hump on to the fullest possible extent.
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Re: You laugh, you lose.

I almost made it, I lost it at the pro wrestlers.
Re: You laugh, you lose.

This is for you Cananadianins in Canadaland:
(Note this is a coupel years old, but w/e)

Re: You laugh, you lose.

Re: You laugh, you lose.

Just go with the notion that you won this round and move on.

Re: You laugh, you lose.

Aren't tits either nipples or a type of bird?
Re: You laugh, you lose.

PA has the annoying habit of taking a snippet of things and having it not make sense unless you read the article attached to the comic. I was more going for the last panel for the humor. And for the record, they're talking about Bayonetta.