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You laugh, you lose.

Re: You laugh, you lose.

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Re: You laugh, you lose.


Re: You laugh, you lose.


*continues with her day*
Re: You laugh, you lose.

Liked that one better than the Medic/Chaplain speech.
Re: You laugh, you lose.

Come on, people! Do I have to do all the work around here? :p

Re: You laugh, you lose.

Re: You laugh, you lose.

Re: You laugh, you lose.

Friend's dare was to look at the face for a minute and not laugh. Yeah, I lost.

Re: You laugh, you lose.

Debated whether or not to put this up in the Movie thread or here. I opted for here, because the game needs a resurgence now and again.

Re: You laugh, you lose.

At Science Fiction conventions, it's considered a challenge to read The Eye of Argon straight faced for as long as possible.

A small excerpt:
Eyeing a slender female crouched alone at a nearby bench, Grignr advanced wishing to wholesomely occupy his time. The flickering torches cast weird shafts of luminescence dancing over the half naked harlot of his choice, her stringy orchid twines of hair swaying gracefully over the lithe opaque nose, as she raised a half drained mug to her pale red lips.

And if you're just looking for a laugh, someone did a MST3K version of it:
Re: You laugh, you lose.

I know I put this up somewhere on the forum but checking out Maiko's entry made me think of this:

Also, I really wish I had a copy of the screenplay someone sent my one boss' brother to read. I remember it being GODAWFUL and had something like Mulder and Scully interacting with one of the Star Trek plots (I think it was Next Gen, but I don't remember.)
Re: You laugh, you lose.

Okay, I am totally necroing this thread because my friend shared this and hit me just right and I couldn't breathe.

Re: You laugh, you lose.

. :p