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Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ayeka watched and listened intently, internalizing everything that Fade was telling her. Her expression hardened as the demon within her was named, and remained so throughout the rest of Fades explanation. She sat up in bed as Fade began drawing the circle, the sheets falling down, but at this point, her breasts being bare was hardly a major concern to the possessed fairy. She noted, but did not comment on and was not surprised by Fades deft hands. The butlers laundry list of skills and abilities was proving to be too much of a boon at the moment for her to question.

When he told her that she would have to go back to where she'd first been infected in order to get rid of the thing inside of her, Ayeka paled slightly, memories of her home, and of where she'd been taken after her life had been destroyed, flooding through her. She stared, unblinking, for several seconds, but seemed to shake it off after a moment, and then quietly said; "No.... No, I don't think that I can return there.... It happened in a place that is closed to me, now."

She lurched back against the pillow behind her, and breathed heavily for a few moments as she stared down at the covers, before she turned her gaze back to the butler. She drew the blankets back up in order to restore her dignity, and then said; "Thank you.... Fade. I will remember what you have told me. Tell me of these... Cants..."
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Kasumi was blushing slightly as Ariane began to clean her. Not so much at the fact that a beautiful naked woman was washing her back, but more from the compliment and questions. "W-well.. I'm really not sure what I like, really..." The way she said 'preferences' made Kasumi think she was asking if she preferred girls over guys, and that made her think of the way she acted with Zehasael. "I... I still don't know much about myself. Wh-what about you, miss Ariane? Do you have anyone you love?" She asked, turning back to look at her, clearly flushing.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ariane was making a great job, cleaning Kasumi´s back. Her soft feminine hands caress the back of her new friend, as she stay calmed remembering how she was sometimes in charge of the humans cleaning, this of course was more easy and there was not so much to clean. The answers of Kasumi make appear a confused look on the princess and when she turn to look her, Ariane just touched her neck lovely cleaning that part to. Certainly, the person who i love more is my mother, thats other reason of why i want to be close you, you are very similar to her in her portraits of when she was young, you even have her silver hair and a slightly same essence said after getting close her and smell her neck in her calmed sexy voice. Then she decide to continue cleaning her to continue their work of clean the rooms, not before add. I was thinking in make a welcome party after end our work of the day, to meat each other more deeply, we only need to inform to our master and the others girls, Ayeka already accept ...But, i need to talk to her and see if she is right, If she still accept, do you dont will have any problem with her , right? it was not her fault and she is a really good girl.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Far away from the Yukimura Estate, in a labyrinthine network of caves and tunnels, a gathering of cloaked and hooded figures chanted the last notes of their infernal hymns. With a flash of red light, a figure with red hair and dressed in a maid costume appeared in the center of the circle of humans, bound by swirls of high summoning energy.

The maid looked down at her bondage, recognizing it instantly for what it was. "Again!? Fuck you guys! Fuck all of you!" she wailed, pulling futilely at her bonds and gnashing her teeth at the mortal summoners who quickly wove spells of silencing on the imprisoned demoness.

Qarinah turned away from the display with a bored expression. Now that the upstart had been properly corralled, she now only awaited for this arrogant band of mortals to weave the spells to deliver her unto her newest assignment. The Malephite delegation had been suddenly quite insistent upon having a demonic representative on site at this rediscovered hellmouth, and upon learning that this Zehasael was already located there, a breakout of infernal politics had resulted in a reshuffle of priorities. Someone had been demanding Zehasael be recalled to Hell and this Brotherhood was now considering this demand and using the girl for leverage. Qarinah was to be sent in her place and had been given only the barest of briefings:

Find the portal to the Malephite realm beneath the mansion, and open it.

Nothing more had been said and no promises made, but it was an opportunity for Qarinah to show that she could be effective despite her embarrassing condition. The assignment would also put her in contact with a bunch of mortals, ones on whom she could feed on in both ways. It was a good assignment, and the succubus felt up to the task.

The cultists had given her papers that she was to hand over to the Master of the house, as well as a supposedly large sum of mortal currency. She was told that the nature of what was in the note did not matter, save that it would be sufficient to gain her a new role as a maid in this household. A good cover for her to explore every inch of this mansion.

At last the hour had arrived, and the head of the mortal 'brotherhood' called her over to the central casting dias. She stood there and waited for the spell to be cast, content to let the cultists expend magical energy to transport her and let her save her own energies for the task ahead. With a tremendous zot of magical power, Qarinah emerged onto the steps of a sizable mansion, tearing through the fabric of reality like a dark thunderbolt.

She appeared dressed in a cream colored uniform, her blond hair rustling slightly in the soft breeze. Her grey eyes glanced indifferently at the door in front of her. Without moving her head, her hand reached out and slammed the door knocker three times. Then she waited to be let in. It wasn't long before a tall, dark, and handsome man, perhaps in his late twenties or early thirties, dressed in a smart grey butler uniform, opened the doorway.

"Yes?" he said somberly.


Ayeka lay on a cushion in the middle of the drawn circle, chanting out the prayers that Fade had taught her. Upon entering the circle she had felt better, almost immediately. She could feel the writhing thing beneath the surface of her skin slacken in its hold and retreat into a paralytic state. The cants only increased her feeling of self-control. Fade had left her to herself, but had promised to bring her something to eat later. Or if she felt well enough, he welcomed her to go back to work, but had insisted that she return to her room immediately if she felt the creature stirring.

"The circles and the cants should give you windows of an hour or two for safety, lulling the inner beast into a pacified state. I think though that you will be safe if you are diligent in your prayers," he had said.

Ayeka took it to heart, and she finished her final verses, feeling a small twinkling of relief somewhere deep inside of her.

(-3 Stress)
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

As Ariane continued to rub her back, Kasumi began to fidget and her breath was clearly shortening, especially as Ariane began to caress her neck. "I... I do? Th-the same essence? Ahn..." She let out a soft moan as Ariane moved close to her neck. "Ah... A welcome party would be nice... Ay-Ayeka... Yes, she needs to know it wasn't her fault. Uhm... Ariane...?" Kasumi started to ask something but stopped, letting out a little whimper instead.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ayeka knelt in prayer within the circle that the butler had drawn, concentrating solely upon the cant she had been taught that restrained the being within her. She felt the demons presence within her falling away, and as it was reduced to a paralyzed state, she allowed herself a small smile. She could still feel it within her, but the fairy felt confident that it would be sealed for at least a short while. She knew that she'd need to be careful if she didn't want the creature to rise to dominate her once more, but Ayeka also knew that living in fear of such an event would allow the demon almost as much control of her as if she'd simply allowed it control of her body.

She rose, much of the physical weakness she'd felt earlier gone, though she was still tired mentally. She glanced around her room, and then opened her closet. They'd been given two maid uniforms when they had joined Master Gomons mansion, and while she was fairly sure that, while possessed, she had managed to shred her first outfit, the other one that she had was still untouched. She knew that she'd likely need another one soon, and she didn't doubt that she'd done a number on those of Kasumi and Arianes as well, but hopefully one of the maids could sew. If not..... Well, they'd cross the bridge when she came to it.

She pulled the outfit from the closet, and slowly donned it. Back in uniform, she sighed, the fear broiling in her stomach, Ayeka nonetheless turned and walked toward her door. Fade has said that she could go back to work, and there was likely precious little time left for them to clean the rooms for the masters guests. She went to the rooms as quickly as she could, keeping her eyes peeled for any of the other maids, as she knew that she would need some help, and entered the room she'd violated the other two in. She'd always thought that it was best to face her problems, rather than to let them fester within her mind, and this was the messiest place that needed to be taken care of anyway.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

It had been a long time since Qarinah had been at the mercy of humans, so she did have to admit that as she stepped into the circle, she felt a moment of uneasiness. Brotherhoods like these were apt to hubris, so when the succubus was transported to the front steps of the mansion, she had to take a moment to get her bearings and to be certain that nothing untoward had been done to her...

But it seemed as though everything was in order. Though she was not the kind of person to wear her emotions on her sleeve, she was inwardly relieved. She took the knocker in hand, firmly pounding it against its metal plaque thrice, waiting for an answer. She was only glad that it was not bright out: her vampiric condition forbade her from contact with sunlight. Hellfire, on the other hand...

When the butler opened the door, she took a moment to appraise him. For a human, she had to admit that he was rather attractive. To the trained eye, however, it was quite apparent that he would be challenging to subdue... he held himself with a certain poise that spoke of familiarity and physical and psychological training. And he was so sombre and professional, even with (or perhaps because of) that single uttered syllable. An offhand thought passed her mind: he smelled healthy... delicious, even. Suppressing that particular fleeting thought, the woman took a corner of fabric between forefinger and thumb, curtsying one-handed in a short, business-like fashion. "Good evening," she greeted, holding out the envelope that she had been given to deliver. "I was told to deliver this letter to the master of the mansion."

She had not had a chance to read the thing, else she would have skimmed it herself to determine how best to deliver it. This information, like the rest of her instructions, had been extremely stingy in the giving... and she could only guess that that had been for security reasons.

At least she could appreciate that the first impression of this house was one of excellent discipline. If nothing else, she would enjoy that extremely rare trait amongst mortals... and the challenge that it represented, trying to open a hellmouth without attracting attention.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Yes, you were like her when we were resting together, it calm me and clear my mind of all the problems. Said the spidergirl as she asked about the esscence. Ariane just was ending when Kasumi said her name and get even close, trying to hear her question. Yes, Kasumi? I nearly end to clean your back, will you help me now or i must continue? said wishpering, not really happy to have someone cleaning her back, as Kasumi could reach to see her luscious rear.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"Uuu..." Kasumi's blush intensified as Ariane pressed even closer to her and she let out another whimper. 'Why am I feeling this way? It's as though I'm instantly attracted to anyone who shows any kind of affection to me. Am I really so desperate for love?'
Turning her head back to look at Ariane, Kasumi was a little surprised by how close their faces were. "C-can I ask something of you... Ariane?" She whispered. 'I'll just ask her to finish up and then I'll wash her back and we can get on with our lives. Yeah... nothing has to happen.' Her breath hot and coming short, Kasumi opened her mouth to speak... "C-can you wash me... down there?" 'WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!' Kasumi turned bright red and looked away from Ariane, mortified by what slipped out of her lips.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ariane made a little yes? trying to heard the question of the human and then Kasumi launch the bomb. The princess was really amazed by the question that it take her a moment to react and then moved to hug her friend Its fine, you dont need to get ashamed for what you feel. She then make her turn softly to her using her hand to touch softly Kasumi's chin and making her turn to her until she was in front of her eyes and add We are friends, right? and we passed by a really harsh moment a little ago, you dont need to hide me anything. Slowly her fingers slide through the soft skin of the human and was getting really close to her neithers It will be just a gentile clean between friends, this is nothing really bad, but i will stop if you want.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Kasumi's heart was beating like a drum in her chest. "Friends... R-right..." She swallowed hard, but let Ariane move her soft hands along her body and she slowly opened her legs to allow the other maid access to her sensitive flower. "I've never... I mean... I don't remember ever doing this." She admitted, but her face was moving closer of its own volition towards Ariane's, her breath hot. Inside, she was screaming at herself, wondering why she was doing this. Wasn't love between two women wrong?
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ariane make a little grin, before try to call her. Dont worry i will give all to make you enjoy it, all will be right, just relax, as i clean you in your special place. her hand slowly move to her neithers and start stroking softly her honeyhole lips, her other hand was in Kasumi back, as a support to mantain her in place, the princess had some experience on this and soon move her fingers with soap around all the skin of the human neithers, Ariane was only confused if she must use her toungle, but desisted and continued using only her hand, soon opened her cunt lips and continued the cleaning, as the other hand caress the other maid back, now she was using three fingers, as Kasumi was getting even more aroused now that Ariane was close enought to be easily kissed.

The princess fingers were making a great job, taking away the monster slime, as also turn her new friend more aroused, her hand even start to stoke Kasumi,s clitoris, who was getting more aroused with this inocent foreplay I nearly end, but maybe you must start to clean me too Ariane waited for the react of Kasumi to make this better.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Looking down at the pitiful woman confessing all those things to her, Shiina felt somewhat more sorry towards her. But the young maid was not entirely sure about the sincerity of the woman's words, knowing that there was a seed of deceit in every person. Nonetheless, she decided to play along, not wanting to break Toy's mind further. As the imprisoned noblewoman started to chow down on her meal a bit more eagerly, the curly-haired youth kept up her smile and watched from the side. Once the food was done with, she'd gather the dishes up and leave the woman in her cell once more. There might be other things yet to do, so she would take the dishes to the kitchen and quickly wash them before heading out to see if other things required her attention
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The butler took the note, glanced at it, then returned his gaze to Qarinah. "I shall see that the master receives this note. I would bid you a good day, but, you appear dressed as a maid, and there are no estates other than this one within walking distance. Shall I surmise that you are applying for a position here?"

When the answer came back as an affirmative, the butler stepped aside and allowed Qarinah to enter the manor. Before her stood a grand hall, with two stairs leading off to the upper floor on both the left and right. Several large wooden doors led off from both the upstairs and downstairs, and there were two long, windowed hallways to either side of her, leading to a different wing of the house. "Normally I would have you wait, but we are in a bit of a housecleaning emergency at the moment. Since you are dressed for work, I would like to hire you temporarily. Master Gomon will determine if you are to stay longer, but you will be paid either way.

At that moment, the blonde, eye-patched maid came walking in from the left hallway while a pink haired, orange eyed maid wandered down the hall from the right. The four people came together in the middle. The Butler looked from one house maid to the other. "Ayeka, you are up so soon? Please be sure to take all the time you need." He then turned to the other maid. "Shiina, there's been an unfortunate event. Kasumi and Ariane have been given some time to rest and recuperate, as was Ayeka here, but the upstairs bedrooms must still be cleaned before the Master and his guests return. Please take this new maid to Zehasael's room and then you may all together clean the chambers in question."

Finally, the butler turned to to the newcomer and said, "My name is Fade. Please let Shiina and Ayeka here guide you, Miss...?"
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"Please, call me Rina," the blonde replied, taking a moment to dip into a bow to the other maids. A cleaning emergency? Well, it would not get her immediate access to where she needed to go, but this would be a better in than she had originally had prepared. She would take what little she could get. "Thank you," she added, inclining her head to the butler before stepping into the mansion.

Qarinah turned a half step to take in the manor, then levelled her gaze on the eye-patch laden blonde, and the pink-haired maid as well. The latter looked somewhat weak at first glance; her vampiric senses told her that the somewhat older looking maid would be easier prey at the moment... but on the other hand, Qarinah was not in the mode of pouncing mindlessly on the nearest passing mortal. Besides, Ayeka had something about her that gave the newcomer pause.

The blonde, on the other hand, seemed less risky. Qarinah was curious about how she had lost her eye, but stories like that could definitely wait. Moving forward, placing herself between the other two, she said, "your names are Ayeka and Shiina? I would be pleased to begin right away -- let's go at once."
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ayeka nodded to Fade, not yet trusting herself to speak in front of others. Though the monster within was, at least for the moment, dormant, she was still a little shaky on her feet from the days earlier events. Ayeka curtsied to the strange, still silent, but with a warm smile upon her face. To the newcomer, it would seem genuine, but if either Fade or Shiina glanced at her, both would find that it was nothing more than a facade of her earlier, more genuine expression. Fade, of course, knew why, but Shiina only knew what Fade had told her so far. Ayeka would wait for the strangers reply, and then lead her, along with Shiina, up to Zehasaels quarters and then to the rooms that still needed cleaning.

There, to face her demon, and the consequences of what might happen if she failed to control it again.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Upon returning to the main hall, the one-eyed maid found a trio of people waiting. She recognised Fade and Ayeka, but the third one was a newcomer yet to be seen by her single remaining eye. Fade's orders made Shiina somewhat wary. Guide the newcomer to Zeha's room? Had something happened to the redhaired girl from before? The questions had to wait, as there seemed to be a cleaning emergency upstairs. "Alright, let us take care of it." the curly-haired girl replied to the butler before leaving with the pair of other maids towards the room.

"Yes, my name is Shiina." she answered the asked question as they headed towards Zeha's now former room. They needed to get the rooms cleaned, but she wouldn't attempt to hurry them up in any manner.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Considering that Qarinah had seen Zehasael only a few short hours ago, the newcomer was probably the only one who really knew why her demon predecessor had hastily vanished from the mansion. Qarinah had long since resolved not to be such an abysmal failure, though she supposed that striking up conversation with these two wouldn't hurt.

She was vaguely amused: Shiina and Rina. They rhymed nicely... though Qarinah wasn't the sort to mention such frivolous trivia. Never the less, she smiled and, seeing as how Shiina seemed the more talkative of the two, Qarinah directed the conversation towards the other blonde. "Is this Zehasael responsible for the cleaning emergency that Fade mentioned?" she asked, curious if she was about to see why the other demon had been recalled.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

They were making way towards Zeha's former room as Rina brought another question to the table. Shiina was not sure what to say. "That I wouldn't know, I've been doing a task the Master appointed to me and was separate from the others. I'm not sure what has happened in the other areas when I was doing the work." The curly-haired maid was not sure how trustworthy this new person was, but then again she didn't really trust anyone else besides the Master. Not at this point anyways.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The three maids arrived at Zehasael's quarters and gave a few short raps on the door. As Qarinah knew would happen, there was no answer. Shiina gave a few more knocks and called out to Zehasael that they were coming in. A few more moments pause, then the door was opened. It was unlocked.

Inside the room there was no immediate sign of Zehasael. The room was decently tidy, having only just been moved into this morning. Eventually all three maids would notice that the bed seemed to have been moved a little away from the wall, there were a few scuff marks next to where the bed posts had been pressed against the floorboards. Also, the top shelf of the standing drawers had been left slightly open.

The closet areas seemed empty, there was no sign of Zeha's personal affects. The three maids were about to turn and walk out when the top drawer seemed to shudder of its own accord, giving them all a moment's pause.