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Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
( This is where you guys will all show up in the lobby, and sit down while waiting to be briefed on their mission. The mission will begin once all three participants post. )
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

(( Me and Keylo want to go to the shop before we hit this mission. Just a heads up. ))
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

A short period of time after the events at the shop, Luna followed her sister into the lobby, and took a seat on one of coaches. It should be noted that despite the fact the Inn was allegedly a "safe haven", the "former" vigilante kept her blade close by at all times...

(Just moving along...)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Her short sword in its sheath, latched to the back of her body armor, and her handgun in its holster Iris walked into the inn lobby, being followed by Luna and Emily. Sitting in a seat next to her sister Iris sat and waited to be briefed by the Director or the maid or whoever planned to see them. Iris really didn't know what to expect for this mission. She just knew that it wasn't going to be easy and there would be danger.

As Iris sat she wondered if she was well enough prepared for this mission. She had gotten body armor from Jesse so she figured she would have that much more extra protection. Her trusty short sword was with her and she had her 9mm handgun. She had a fair amount of ammo with her.

Iris figured she was as prepared as she could be. She only continued to sit and waited to be briefed.
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

(( Uh I'm here?

Too lazy to write a huge intro post <.< ))
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

( For reference purposes, whenever two groups are in the same place in the zoo, they will be considered to have visited that particular area at another point in time. Two groups cannot find each other inside the zoo, but can help each other out in various non-direct ways. Such as, leaving items for them to pick up, turning the power on, and even rescuing them should another group fall captive. However, the captured group will be sent back to the Inn via helicopter under a mission failure, and cannot join their saviors. )

The infamous Director, accompanied by her friend dressed in a maid's outfit and broad sword, came walking down the stairs, and quickly pulled herself up in her chair due to her small size. once she took a seat in the chair, she appeared much larger than she really was as she leaned forward, her mouth hidden behind her hands as they folded together in front of her.

"Thank you all for coming," she greeted the three formally, "Jesse brought it to my attention that many of the Zoo's facilities are operated mechanically, and since one of you seems to have a know how with electronics, I'm sending you three to see if you can turn the power back on. Right when you enter the zoo from the front gate, you'll find the management building, this is where you turn the power on, as the Zoo itself seems to have it's own power plant of sorts..." She raises a finger, "However, you'll need a code to activate the power reactivation process. How you'll obtain this code is up to you. As I'm told none of you are able to hack into computers, you will be forced to find the actual code and punch it in." she informed them.

Amy, the Director, took a deep breath, "Any questions?" she asked them.
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Emily was sitting like she wasn't interested in talking to this midget again. Still, though when the director went on about their abilities it piqued her curiosity. They seemed to be collecting information on them, somehow.


"How do you know what we can do?"

Then thinking about her abortion clinic ability she wondered if the director knew about that as well.

(I like having skills in a bunch of stuff XD)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Iris listened to the director, word for word. When the woman finished speaking she reflected on what she said, ignoring Emily's questioning to the woman.

It seemed they had to reactivate the power at the zoo. Iris thought for a moment of who out of the group had a "know how" with electronics. Iris only knew basic things about computers and other things so she wasn't very useful in that department. She truly doubted Luna knew anything about this kind of stuff. Iris figured it was Emily who knew a fair amount in electronics.

Iris, speaking in her serious tone now, spoke to the director.
" Yes... When we get the power back on is there anything else we should do or should we leave? And do you have a radio I can use to keep in contact with the pilot? "

Iris also wanted to know what getting the power on would accomplish but decided not to ask that. She didn't want to look like an idiot if the answer was obvious.
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]


"How do you know what we can do?"

The Director smiled mischievously, while Iris and Luna thought they saw her eyes glow red...

"I have my ways..." she brought her folded hands to her mouth, and stifled a chuckle.

(Rather than have another convo about OOC knowledge, I just patched this up while still getting the idea across.)

Iris, speaking in her serious tone now, spoke to the director.
" Yes... When we get the power back on, is there anything else we should do or should we leave? And what if we need help? I remember the Zoo being far away... Are we getting support?"

"As the board declared, this is a scouting mission. After you find the code, or if others do it for you, and get the power running, you are to scout the rest of the area, and report any unusual, or interesting activity."

She then nodded, "Yes, there is a helicopter pilot waiting to take you there, should you desire that mode of transportation. He will also be the one who will be your support, dropping in supplies you may need, and evacuating members of your team that... Meet unfortunate ends." She placed a radio on her desk, and laid it there for any of the three girls to pick up, "This will be your direct link of communication between you, and him. Try not to lose it," she informed the girls.
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Staying silent for most of the briefing, Luna pretended to be relatively disinterested in the briefing, keeping her eyes partially closed throughout the briefing, while paying more attention than she let on. After the Director had finished answering the questions of the others, it was then that the brown-haired girl piped up, her eyes opened more than they had been before.


"Seeing as you know so much regarding us, and how multiple parties are being sent in... what would you say our chance of success is?..."

Returning the small woman's smile, Luna held her blade tighter than before. In truth, she didn't care even in the success rate was slim to none. All she desired at this point was another chance to better assess a person with the capability to become a dangerous enemy should such a situation arise...
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

The Director tilted her head at Luna, only giving her a glance.

"Your probability of success is what you make it to be," she told Luna in a vague, yet truthful answer.
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]


"...Understood then."

She would do as she had always done then, kill anything that she deemed as a threat without hesitation. Whether they possessed emotions, signs of humanity, or such would not matter. All sinners would be cleansed to ensure success. Smile disappearing as she donned her killer's persona, the girl's eyes became unnaturally cold and distant as she prepared herself for what was to come.
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

The answer the director gave was vague and Emily knew she would answer like that, but she still felt curious about it. Also, she wondered how much about the thing David told her about she knew. In the end she just decided to not pursue it. Sighing Emily just pretended she didn't care about what the midget said and went silent.
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Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Iris didn't have any more questions on concerns. She was as ready as she could be. Iris picked up the hand radio and placed it in her backpack. Glancing at her dark sister and then her best friend Emily Iris thought then, she thought of what chance the three of them truly had. Iris felt that the three of them had good odds. This was based off of the fact that Iris had seen what the two girls and herself were capable of.

(( I'm ready to start. ))
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

((As am I. Just make the post, I'll catch up as soon as possible, if it's just movement please skip Luna's posts.)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

After the Director had departed after no more questions were asked, the three were left standing in the lobby, left to decide what mode of transportation they wished to use, Iris's car, or the helicopter they were provided?
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

((Since Iris's car has a gasoline limit... and we really don't want to be looting a gas station, my vote is that we take the helicopter.))

Surprisingly enough, the red-eyed girl opted to speak up following the Director's departure, despite the fact that her was unusually emotionless as a result of her killer's persona.


"When one is offered a gift...one should use it to one's utmost advantage gratefully... Might one suggest that we take the offer of a free trip over to our objectives?..."
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Iris didn't want to in, the least, take her car. As much as she enjoyed driving she didn't want to waste gas when they could just take the helicopter. Facing Emily and Luna Iris replied to her sister, her voice plain.

" Yeah... I'd rather not take my car, I don't want to waste gas. Lets take the helicopter... "

Iris motioned Luna and Emily to follow her as she began to leave the lobby to go and find the helicopter pilot.

* Iris leads everyone to the roof where the pilot is. *
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Emily follows Iris not caring which way they get there as long as they don't have to walk facing off a bunch of monsters. She stays silent the whole way thinking about the director and how she seems to be able to get information off of them and what they can do without them knowing how. Was it this metaphysics stuff that allowed her to do it? That was the only real solution she could come to, but she still thought it about over and over.

( Follow them! )
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

With it decided, the three make their way to the roof, going up the large flight of stairs for the length of a whole minute, until they reached the top, walking through the door leading to the roof, and into the hot sun. The pilot was resting in the cock pit, smocking his cigarette. He turned his head to the three girls, eying them all up with a perverted look.

"So..." he began, "You ladies need a lift, right?" his hand moved to his crotch in a perverted, suggestive manner, "Well, what are you going to do for me?" he asked with a wink and a perverted smile. His eyes seemed set on Emily, who he obviously thought was the most attractive of the three.

(Remember, Emily loves sex, if you wanna have her resist the offer to have her fuck him, it's gonna take a willpower test)