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DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Shinto Victory

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
This list shows the possibilities the Shinto Sherlock finds when she investigates someone.
They're grouped together because regardless if she investigates a Shinto Leader or a 'Fhalma for example, she will always get "Your target is a leader among women."

Shinto Leader, Cultist 'Fhalma - Your target is a leader among women.

Shinto Interrogator, Shinto Guardian, Shinto Eavesdropper, Crazed Maiden - Your target is a devote guardian of the Shrine

Shinto Warden, Shinto Trapper, Cultist Evoker, Maiden Wych - Your target possesses harmful spells

Shinto Healer, Possessed Maiden - Your target has a fascination with the human body

Shinto Peacemaker, Cultist Seducer, Maiden Soulseeker - Your target is a very seductive person, and prone to swapping lovers

Shinto Sherlock, Cultist Soothsayer - Your target seems to keep notes on other maidens

Maiden Survivor, Shinto Divine, Maiden Avenger - Your target possesses little beyond personal protection, seemingly keeping to themselves.

Shinto Whisperer, Cultist Manipulator - Your target possesses mysterious abilities beyond your comprehension.

The Fool, Maiden Fetishist, Cultist Defiler - Your target is a psychotic individual that is seemingly thrilled with the idea of suffering.

Cultist Illusionist - Your target is one of the Cultists! Or is she?

NIGHT IMMUNE ROLES (immunity to being killed unless that immunity is negated)
Any Maiden held by an Interrogator is Immune, and ignores Immunity Negation

Cultist 'Fhalma
Possessed Maiden
Crazed maiden
Maiden Avenger

Roles with Temporary Immunity
Survivor (When using Scroll of protection)
Shinto Protector (When using Scroll of protection)
Shinto Healer (When using Scroll of protection)
Shinto Trapper (When on alert, ready to kill any visitors)

ROLEBLOCK IMMUNE ROLES (Ineffective Roleblocks are reported even on Roles with no night ability)
Shinto Interrogator
Shinto Peacemaker
Shinto Trapper
Crazed Maiden
Possessed Maiden
Cultist Seducer
Maiden Wych

The Story as it were!

It had been years since the last attack. Tentacles, demons, and other perverse horrors, ruining the land. But, the Maidens had beaten them back after many hard battles. For 4 years, there was peace... Until a most unwanted afternoon came to a small shrine in the woods, one that would send chills down everyone's spines.

It began with a letter:

"ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"

Words no one could pronounce, seemingly written by madness itself granted some form of literacy. But all it took was seeing one name amongst the gibberish to make them all understand.

"They're back." announced the Shinto caretaker of the shrine.

After delivering the ominous news, the Caretaker ushered the girls to return to the shrine to gather themselves. As long as they had their wits about them, she said, they were safe. As long as they worked together, they would combat this threat yet again and drive the minions of Cthulhu back before it got too bad... Or so they thought.

The next morning, they found their Caretaker, hanging from a wooden cross as nude as the day she was born. She was soaked in foul semen and filled as well. Her eyes were dead, as if she either lost her soul or was fucked until she was broken. Regardless of the method she was destroyed in this way... It was obvious.

Among them were traitors... And just like that, no one trusted each other.

Player List and Names: (And revealed roles if dead/raped)
1: Zilrax (Vaiza)
2: Bloodshifter (Shinobu)
3: Hentaispider (Alisa) - Shinto Leader ; Raped by Cultists
4: Freeko (Yamane) - Cultist Illusionist ; Killed by Shinto Warden
5: Cross (Yomi)
6: Toxic "Blue Fuck" Shock (Ikumi)
7: Blue "Dubius" Slime (Miyuki)) - Shinto Healer ; Raped by Cultists
8: HopeyouGuess (Keiko)
9: Xivvix (Hikari)
10: Mindflayer (Shiori)
11: Tassadar (Suki) - Shinto Warden ; Raped by Cultists
12: Plmnko (Annette)

Role List
1 Shinto Interrogator
2 Shinto Protector - Miyuki(Healer)
3 Shinto Protector
4 Shinto Investigative
5 Shinto Killing - Suki(Warden)
6 Shinto Support - Alisa (Leader)
7 Shinto Support

8 Cultist 'Fhalma
9 Cultist Deception - Yamane(Illusionist)
10 Cultist Support

11 Neutral Evil
12 Neutral Killing

Things you Probably need to know
Who are you? - You can be yourself if you truly want, or you can take a name and roleplay. I'd personally suggest taking a fitting name for a Shinto maiden and having some fun.

When's the Day over? - The day ends either when I declare it has ended after a certain time has elapsed, or if everyone has voted to end the day.

What happens when someone dies? - Their role is revealed to you, as well as their will.

I want to whisper to someone? - Please forward me messages of your whispering and please make it obvious that it's a whisper you're sending me. Clue me in. If you've done that, then go ahead and post something about whispering to the person you're talking to in your post here. Everyone will know you whispered, but not what you said.

Why should tell you what I'm whispering? - Because there's certain characters that interact with whispering. As well, it lets the other Maidens know that you're whispering. Be sportsmanlike.

What if I decide to not tell you and cheat? - I'll be watching for cheating. Please don't be scummy. You've nothing to gain from this by cheating, it's supposed to be a casual game, so treat it as such. I trust most of you, and I emphasize most. So if someone whispers to you and don't declare their whisper, let me know. I'll drop rocks on them post haste.

What about Wills? - I'm the one who keeps your wills on me. If you want to update your will, either during the night or day, send a PM to me detailing your Will

Without further ado, we can begin!

Day 1

The sky, despite it being morning, is a hazy gray. The Maidens gather in the center of the shrine, all quite Dubious.

(You can ask questions or complain about role list in parentheses here if you want. Otherwise, once you all agree to end this day, I'll reveal your roles individually to you.)
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 1

Suki here, totes not an evil sloot. I guess. Totes needs more cultists.


Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 1

Hello, my name is Keiko. One look at my cleavage should tell you that I am a trustworthy person. Rumor has it that Tass, er, I mean, Suki is responsible for killing LOTS of people (NPCs, mostly).
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 1

I'm the dead caretaker, and I'm dead. Suki did it.

Well, not really dead. Just in a sex coma.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 1

Ahhhh, but I only kill NPCs! We are all PCs! Completely different species! Hope, errrr, Keiko is clearly a cultist trying to pit us all against each other!


Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 1

I'm the dead caretaker, and I'm dead. Suki did it.

Well, not really dead. Just in a sex coma.
*looks at "dead" caretaker* What if... the Caretaker's not really dead, and the ruse is all part of the Caretaker's nefarious plot?!

*pokes the body suspiciously*
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 1


"I didn't even give out the roles yeeeeet!"


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 1

We should totes end the day and get our roles. Must make things happen.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 1

I swapped out a neutral for a Cultist, assuming that is okay since my resident adviser Toxic is rubbing his nuts on his keyboard to talk and thusly is unavailable, then I shall give out roles.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 1

"Annette sit and enjoy the bath with the rest of the awakened Shinto's girls"

Yes, lets end the day, maybe the rest are already sleeping or working, but they will join without trouble.

(i will solve the image issue soon)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 1

Gimme my role! :cool:

Editted to introduce character:

Miyuki wandered around the temple grounds, trying to keep her spirits up by not giving in to the feelings of despair and mistrust. She walked along the moat, as was her daily routine, trying to remember the beauty in the world. She was regarded as one of the more flighty and humorous shinto maidens, and like all of the protectors of the temple, she was a natural beauty. Her cascading hair was cerulean blue, smelled of incense and berries, and she moved with a fluid grace well-admired by her peers, whom she admired and loved in return.

That love and friendship would mean nothing now, she supposed. Everyone was a suspect, and though she knew herself to be true to the temple, there was no way that others would see that, unless they had some method of looking into her pure heart.

She returned from her contemplative walk to the bathing area, where she disrobed and joined Suki, Keiko, and Annette in awaiting for the arrival of everyone else.
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Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Night 1

Everyone knows their role now. The evil cultists have found each other, and the Shinto better shape up quick!

The sun sets. Daylight is no more as the shrine maidens begin their first night of treachery.


Keep in mind that the interrogator may stop you to drag you off for interrogation. Your action will be denied in that case.

PM me your actions, preferably over IM, but PM on ULMF will also sadly do.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 1

As night falls, Miyuki invites all good shinto maidens to drown their sorrows in sake.

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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 1

Suki is all about the sake!


Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Night 1

I need someone like Miyuki in my real life. T.T


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Night 1

What is the proper voting protocol?


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Night 1

Are we allowed to talk/RP during the night time?

If so, Miyuki and Suki are going to get drunk and naughty together.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Night 1

(This is Shiori. ^ I'm doing my posts in character cos I want to and it's more fun that way for me.)

After finding their beloved caretaker crucified like she was, Shiori had burst into tears as she fell to her knees, because she had been secretly in love with her for years. Shiori was the first to move to help get the poor woman down from the cross when they found her, and after that she had gone to the shrine to pray for them all, tears streaming down her face as she went, and while she prayed she sobbed where anyone could see if they came into the shrine. While she prayed and sobbed in equal amounts, what was going on sank in. She knew that the culprit was still out there somewhere, and this thought frightened her even more, because she didn't want to end up like their beloved caretaker.

After a while in the shrine praying and crying, Shiori recomposed herself and decided to go and take a bath to clean herself up try and calm down in the warm relaxing waters. When she got in there she noticed Anette, Suki, Keiko, and Miyuki in there too and bowed politely to her friends as she entered... or at least she hoped she was her friends anyway. She removed her robes and folded them neatly up as she prepared to get into the bath, where she then entered the waters near the others, sniffling slightly still despite having recomposed herself, her large heavy breasts floating in the water as her long black hair cascaded down her back.


As night fell, Shiori went one last time to the shrine to pray for their safety and for the caretaker before heading to bed to cry herself to sleep, feeling a little less shaky after her bath and praying though no less saddened by the days events.


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Night 1

Hikari retired to her room for the night after the tumultuous day the shrine had endured. She cleared her throat and smoothed her flawless dress as she entered her impeccably orderly room. Though she was young and considered quite attractive, her pretty features were tempered by a stern attitude stemming from a strong sense of pride in the holy site and it's traditions. As much as she wanted to find the perpetrator of the Caretaker's assault, she coolly agreed with the others that it would have to wait until tomorrow, when they were all leveled headed enough to consider what was to be done.