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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

It'd be fine if the game gave you some emotional attachment to the little whelp, but it ends up being just an abuse coaster for no reason, and I never ended up caring beyond my initial repulsion at the complete and total 180 the mother character did.

First, she takes in the kid and raises her surprisingly well, and then starts pimping her out on the second game day. Just... really? We're really going there? No real reason? She can't have a kid, but this kid basically worships the ground the mother walks on BEFORE and AFTER being pimped out.

I'm perfectly fine with cruelty and betrayal. Humans are defined by their capacity for both good and evil, and acting out evil in games like these gives you a taste to satisfy the cruelty in your own soul a little bit, or at least helps you understand its shape, so you can come to terms with it.

But this is just meaningless. The author's previous games weren't bad, either. This is just sloppy. It's like watching a video of a little kid making a statuette of her mother that says "BEST MOM EVER. YOU TAKE ME TO THE BEACH AND ARE NICE TO ME. I LOVE YOU.," and then having the mother take it and beat the kid to death with it.
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Hello all!

I am playing the game 'Faam and The Elixir Of Youth' (RJ104245) version 1.1...
I already managed to finish the game with all armors, accesories, helmets and underwear...
Suppossly there are 18 H-Events included (Check the description at the DLSite)... but i only managed to get 17...
The 17 item-events i got are:
01. Hシーン回想0
02. Hシーン回想1
03. Hシーン回想2
04. Hシーン回想3
05. Hシーン回想4
06. Hシーン回想5
07. Hシーン回想6
08. Hシーン回想7
09. バトル・メガス
10. バトル・ミノタウル
11. バトル・クィーンラミア
12. バトル・堕ちた魔術師
13. バトル・巨獣
14. バトル・氷の花
15. バトル・グレンデル
16. バトル・バーサーカー
17. バトル・オークキング

So, if someone knows what H-Event i am missing, please let me know how and where to get it, please.

Thank you for your kind attention!
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Hello all!

I am playing the game 'Faam and The Elixir Of Youth' (RJ104245) version 1.1...
I already managed to finish the game with all armors, accesories, helmets and underwear...
Suppossly there are 18 H-Events included (Check the description at the DLSite)... but i only managed to get 17...

it say 18CG not 18hscene, maybe 1 scene has 2 cg... or count normal cg.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Got released today

I can't run the game.
Could it have something to do with the ini file + vista?


(I though there was a trick about that....)
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I can't run the game.
Could it have something to do with the ini file + vista?

dude, we are not psychics. At least tell us what happens when you try to run it. Some kind of error? Or it just shuts down immediately? Or hangs on loading?
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I can't run the game.
Could it have something to do with the ini file + vista?


(I though there was a trick about that....)

If you're getting a "RGSS200J.dll" error, then download RGSS200J.dll, find it from another game, or reinstall the Japanese RTP correctly. RGSS202J.dll should supersede the older one, but I'm not sure how RPG Maker handles legacy dll calls.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

But this is just meaningless. The author's previous games weren't bad, either. This is just sloppy. It's like watching a video of a little kid making a statuette of her mother that says "BEST MOM EVER. YOU TAKE ME TO THE BEACH AND ARE NICE TO ME. I LOVE YOU.," and then having the mother take it and beat the kid to death with it.

Well i can say that i agree about the story having no real meaning...It was supposed to be a dark story but ended up just as an excuse to have the little girl prostitute herself...
And what's with Russete(the mother)?..She's a briliant scientist(i'm preety sure that she did mention about being a scientist in a few conversations,like the one she had with Marry...) able to make a permanent love potion(she made that potion together with that crazy inventor),but can't fix her own problem...
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

If you're getting a "RGSS200J.dll" error, then download RGSS200J.dll, find it from another game, or reinstall the Japanese RTP correctly. RGSS202J.dll should supersede the older one, but I'm not sure how RPG Maker handles legacy dll calls.

No, I don't get any specific error, the game just crashes :S
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Well i can say that i agree about the story having no real meaning...It was supposed to be a dark story but ended up just as an excuse to have the little girl prostitute herself...
And what's with Russete(the mother)?..She's a briliant scientist(i'm preety sure that she did mention about being a scientist in a few conversations,like the one she had with Marry...) able to make a permanent love potion(she made that potion together with that crazy inventor),but can't fix her own problem...

If she did, then the little meaning the story did have would have been lost. And it truly would have become a prostituting her daughter just for the hell of it game.

After a point, I just threw away the story in my head and played the game. I still have seen worst stories in H games, and the best part is that the doctor in the game pretty much says the same thing you guys are saying (in a much more polite and "nice" way) "You shower this girl with affection like a real mother, become closer than a real mother-daughter relationship, then do all this too her because your grandchild she'll have won't be your real grandchild!? Makes no damn sense!" not his exact words, but you get it.

Other than the story, and the prostituting grindfest I did like a lot about this game.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

With regards to RJ096060....

Did anyone happen to notice that the rare figurines that pop out of the vending machine (right next to the store) are incredibly overpowered for how early on you can get them?

Seriously, if you savespam it up, you can get a +50 to all stats piece of equipment right off the bat.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

With regards to RJ096060....

Did anyone happen to notice that the rare figurines that pop out of the vending machine (right next to the store) are incredibly overpowered for how early on you can get them?

Seriously, if you savespam it up, you can get a +50 to all stats piece of equipment right off the bat.

Yes... etigoya mentioned that earlier.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

One of this days I'll go crazy and read every post in this thread... :cool:

dude, we are not psychics. At least tell us what happens when you try to run it. Some kind of error? Or it just shuts down immediately? Or hangs on loading?

LULLED HARDCORE, we wouldn't be able to guess it even if we were physicists tho but still "dude, we anot physics" LOL just LOL
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

dude, we are not psychics. At least tell us what happens when you try to run it. Some kind of error? Or it just shuts down immediately? Or hangs on loading?

misread this as "we are not physicists"

anyway, anyone know any decent RPGmaker games with Yuri?

none of them seem to have it
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

anyway, anyone know any decent RPGmaker games with Yuri?

none of them seem to have it

As in focus on yuri, or just include yuri content?

completely focus on Yuri...will be hard unless you count futanari

include yuri, here's the dlsite search:
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

As in focus on yuri, or just include yuri content?

completely focus on Yuri...will be hard unless you count futanari
Futa rpg maker games are rare too.

Anyway, does anyone have ?
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

There's also using drugs on Takashi by Rusette and basically raping and mind-breaking him

Fair warning to those who might want to play this. It has animated CGs, and the art is of good quality, but the story is insanely depressing.

It starts with a scene of Rusette (protagonist's mother) being beat up by four bandits. She is saved by a police officer and taken to a hospital, where the doctor tells her that because of the earlier abuse, she won't be able to have children. Cut to a later scene of her walking through the rain, sobbing about how she will never be a mother, when she finds an abandoned child in a basket, Shiruka, the protagonist. Fast-forward about 11-12 years, and Rusette and Shiruka are living together happily, wearing matching outfits.

The player is now given control, and the first thing to do is a trip to the beach with the train. Matching swimsuits are bought at the beach, and after changing into the swimsuits, they run into the same four bandits that abused Rusette in the opening scene. They don't recognize her, but Rusette starts yelling at them, telling them just how the abuse affected here. Realizing who she is, the bandits intend on doing it all over again, this time including Shiruka. Luckily, they are saved by Takashi, a boy of around Shiruka's age. They introduce themselves and realize Takashi lives in the same village, and Shiruka suggests they should play. Then they all head on home.

The next day, Shiruka goes over to Takashi's house and invites her over to her house, where they do typical kid stuff. Shiruka develops a crush for Takashi during this, and tells Rusette about this, including wanting to have babies with Takashi (I wish I was making this up, but that she said). Cut to a scene of Rusette sobbing at night, realizing that Shiruka will one day have children, while she will not, and that Shiruka isn't even really her daughter. Obviously going through some fucked up change.

Because this is when it gets dark. Real fucking dark.

Shiruka wakes up the next morning alone. She notices Rusette isn't home and goes outside on her own. She finds her mother standing in front of the inn with a man, the guy with the cock-nose and ballsack-chin in the red cap. She explains to Shiruka that she arranged for her to have sex with this man as practice so that she knows when what's doing when the time comes with Takashi. She doesn't want to do this, but Rusette commands her to listen to her mother and go through with it. Shiruka follows Cock-nose inside, typical virgin first-time sex occurs, and it ends with Shiruka sobbing about how it hurt.

The next day, Shiruka wakes up and goes downstairs to find her mother sitting at the table, wearing a new fancy outfit. She asks why she is wearing those clothes, to which Rusette replies that she bought it from the money she got from Cocknose.

That's right, folks. Rusette whored out her daughter to Cocknose. But it gets worse.

Rusette then comments on how Shiruka has no activities or responsibilities during the summer vacation, and tells her that she should earn some money. She then sends her outside, naked, saying Shiruka should prostitute herself. Obviously Shiruka is pretty much crying by now.

Then there's a bit of roaming involved, and I played until I got to the brothel, where the dialogue clearly states that Shiruka is just a young girl, no older than 13, and I stopped playing there.

I usually don't mind mindbreak and enslavement and all, but a 12 year old girl being whored out by her own foster mother? Too fucking dark for my blood.

Okay, I am deleting this game from my comp, style. Having spent more time than I should have on /d/ and /b/, I am used to fucked up shit, but no way that I am going to continue playing this game.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

As in focus on yuri, or just include yuri content?

completely focus on Yuri...will be hard unless you count futanari

include yuri, here's the dlsite search:

I wish there was a game focused on Yuri, with free-roaming, prostitution etc. Well, like Scale Garden games, for example.
Also, I wish there was this kind of game with a milf, not just young girls
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

RJ096060 seems a little dark, even for hentai. I can't help but laugh though, I'm pretty much desensitized to crap like this in hentai. Yep, its just another rape, NTR, mind break, abuse to me. In fact, it might be right up my alley, since it seems to have all that, except for the whole mom abuse thing, nothing sexual about that.

What I do don't like about the game though, is the loli. Hope there's plenty of H-scenes with the mom or npc girls.

Ditto. Although I'll say mind break isn't my thing. I prefer when they're defiant during the rapes, or at least struggle.. having them blankly fuck everything at the end is a bit of a put-off for me. What's NTR mean, by the way?

Deleted it anyway, decided the main character / art style isn't really for me, though I like the in-fight sex.
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