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954 184

Yeah movement is probably one of the biggest challenges for VR to really be a big gaming platform

Yeah indeed, I really felt a bit motion-sick for a moment, and off balance. But I think that's something you can get used to by using VR over some time.

I grabbed "Onward" on the Oculus Store, as it's free this weekend, and a shooter like that sounds great. But of course, I'm still overwhelmed with the controls, and my aim is crapperoni. :X
I was shot by an AI, and when you're dead you basically stand in the spot you died and can still look around. That AI rifleman ran up towards my body, looking straight at me, with the gun still up. He got closer and closer, until he stood right next to me, aiming the gun like directly at my face - and I actually felt scared and threatened, and ducked away without thinking. That was crazy! o:

*combs Malo's fur to calm down again*
954 182

Yeah indeed, I really felt a bit motion-sick for a moment, and off balance. But I think that's something you can get used to by using VR over some time.
well the motion sickness is only really a cause most likely of the real issue. Everything in VR, exactly because you move your body to actually do thing, is immersive on a whole other level, you can never get with a traditional monitor, but then you have to go explorer the world, and welp... how do you do that, usually either by teleportaion, or flailing around your arms to get you to glide along the ground. This is I think is the main reasons for the motion sickness, that you feel this extreme disconnect between what your body actually does, and what is happening, in this otherwise incredible immersive world, where everything otherwise happen as you expect it in accordance to your motions. And yes sure you can learn to avoid getting motion sickness for msot ppl, but that doesn't really solve this underlying issue if the extreme disconnect of what you do and what is happening