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ACT [Perveloper]Captivity


Demon Girl Pro
Nov 6, 2014
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F95 Discussion Page

Captivity is an English language 2D sidecroller shooter, in which you control a woman who's inserted into numerous dangerous situations in order to conduct experiments of a sexual nature. There are five stages so far, with the dev planning on adding at least another two at the moment.

Gameplay consists of picking a stage and then attempting to survive waves of stage-specific enemies with the goal of meeting research targets, or 'experiments'. Completing these experiments unlocks clothing options for your character. Scattered around each level are weapons you can purchase with the money you make from kills, drugs to heal you and boost you up, and objects to help you survive waves of monster enemies and open up movement options (doors, lights, powerful weapons). Be warned, some of these enemies have special skills that can really fuck you over if you're not careful.

Essentially, gameplay is a bit like a 2D COD zombies mode, with your character being the hentai-equivalent of Poland in 1939. Fucked.

At the end of each wave, you have thirty seconds to purchase guns and meds from vending machines. Weapons include:
  • Pistols/Revolvers
  • Sub-machine guns
  • Sniper Rifles
  • Shotguns
  • Fully-automatic military-style assault weapons with 200 round clips of child-killing boom boom
  • Light machine guns
Gameplay can be summed up with: kill enemies > buy guns, drugs, ammo to kill more enemies > mistime dodge > get raped and defeated > acquire new pants.

Except for the cave level. Caves is just: cry > cry some more.

You have five stats to look out for:
  1. Health - A green bar, you lose some of this on each hit. You're knocked over when this is depleted.
  2. Strength - A yellow bar. This is a gauge of how well you can resist enemy grabs and holds. If this is low, you'll find it hard to break out of H moves.
  3. Pleasure - The good ol' pink bar, as this increases you grow closer to orgasm. Reach that peak, and you lose a heart.
  4. Hearts - You get three hearts, when they're gone, you've lost the round.
  5. Libido - A big blue heart with a percentage. This shows how effective enemy H moves are going to be on your pleasure gauge.
Stat visual


Movement is standard WASD, with W used to jump up onto ledges that you are facing.
Mouse is used to aim, mouse 1 to fire and mouse 2 to reload
Space is your dodge, you have a stamina bar however, with three dodges in quick succession being the limit.
F is to interact with objects in the environment.
R is to select your drugs
The number keys 1-4 are used to select your weapons and are divided into class. For example, if you have two pistols, they will both be under the '1' section.

  • Light ronya (just some zombie biting and blood, nothing extreme)
  • Rape/non-con
  • Monsters (Undead, undead hounds, goblins/orcs, insects, aliens, FNAF androids)
  • Pregnancy (Some enemies like the fly, maggots, spider alien can impregnate you and result in new enemies for you to fight)
  • The sound that one LMG makes.

Screen shots:

Oh god oh fuck

Where to get it:

The game has been shared on F95, and you can buy it for $5 USD on itch.io.
Personally I think it's worth the five bucks at this point in the current state, and the dev has said that if the game gets enough attention then they'll keep adding to it. At this point, two extra stages and a proper gallery mode is what they plan in the near future.
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jesus CHRIST, this game is hard. I like the gameplay but the h-animations leave a bit to be desired. I think $5 is a fair enough price for it
Actually this game is amazing. One of the few that I bought without thinking after trying. Holy hell, have I wasted No-Nut-November this way...
Frankly, hand-drawn art, pixels etc. do it for me. And the gameplay itself is absolutely SOLID if definitely hard, and it's got a hell of a lot of content for an initial first-showing. Later bug fix versions are definitely a must though as the 1.0 was just TOO difficult and each hotfix makes it easier.
Good concept, definitely has its bugs but wasn't bad to play at all
Difficulty is mostly RNG based despite how it may be laid out. Either you're gifted a cheap automatic gun early (Uzi for example) or you lose. All shotguns are worthless since they take too long to reload. The M4B1 is the best gun hands down and once you get it you're set.
I think this one is a diamond in the rough.

Open-ended side-scroller. You fend off waves of various enemies (one type per map: Resident Evil zombies, flying or hopping insects, African natives, Metroids & Aliens, furry robots) starting with a pistol. As the game goes on you have the option to buy shotguns, automatic weapons and so on, which you'll need since the waves (and enemies in them) get progressively more challenging to deal with. You can also buy drugs that buff you, doing things like increasing durability or rate of fire, but these can be knocked off by (what else?) getting raped. There's only four enemy types per map, but they occupy a distinct gameplay niche.

The gameplay is solid; your character has momentum (which at the very least keeps everything feeling consistent) and a pretty quick means of avoiding telegraphed enemy attacks. The game itself is difficult, but not so difficult that it feels unfair or like an idiot designed it. What it lacks in art I think it makes up for in presentation, as every action and animation feels like it has believable weight. The sex itself is more or less the same few things with various scary monsters doing the deed. Obviously this game contains nothing but rape and monsters. DO NOT ENTER THE BASEMENT OF F.E.R., WORST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE

Unless you're totally addicted to anime-style art and find these visuals way too primitive for your needs, I think it's worth playing. It feels very inspired.
Also of note, as someone who picked this up and has been following it very closely since, the dev is planning to add a gallery in the next major update (predicted 2-3 weeks), and with the amount of positive reception the game has gotten he's also going to add another stage with the usual 4 enemies (another 2-3 weeks after the gallery). The dev also points out in his latest blog post, where he's talking about this, that he's a full-time student and working on the game comes second.

All that said he's actually very active on the f95 discussion thread, so he might pop up here some time, who knows.
I really like it, very rare for a game to make me buy it but it's really good and with a ton of potential.
You know, it's just pure. No pointless 15 minute long intros, walls of text, lore dumps, it's just game, action and heroin abuse, what's not to like.
with your character being the hentai-equivalent of Poland in 1939. Fucked.
Mmm, spitroast.
Nice game~

I for one liked the difficulty being more then the brain dead easy standard and requires at least some practice, got alright and could finish hard on all stages though some requires some luck, finish being Wave 20+, though usually 30+ and beyond.

some tips (for Ver 1.04, apparently 1.05 made cave easier, gave the 2k sniper rifle penetration) :

TLDR : 2.7k SSL Defend / 2.5k & 2.6k Tenelli shotgun all gud endgame loadout choices. SMG/Auto in general excellent choice for ramping, ignore weight 2 SMG/Auto except uzi. Ignore semi-automatic rifles. LMG not as good as you think though there's spot you want to have it with triple drug upgrade. USE fast weapon swap! (default Q)

- the high end pistols (wpn category 1) are pretty eh. I don't use it though outside of ramping up in Shack or Spaceship and sometimes jungle (pistol inside glass box). Again weight 2 weapons are generally scaled weaker then weight 3+ weapons (except uzi, amazing for it's 950$ price tag)

- semi-auto rifles are undertuned. No pierce, eh damage. Get the glass box semi rifle in cave when ramping if you want a death wish example.

- for smg/automatic (wpn category 2), the whole line is generally solid although stick with the 3 weight ones over 2 weight (except uzi) as the higher weight is balanced to be better value wise which make sense, this is your go to ramping weapon class. Of particularly good value is uzi 950$ for ramping early-mid, SSL defender (2.7k) is a tier above all the other smg/automatic and a go to for endgame loadout, in fact it's better then the 3k LMG LK. If I have to choose the best loadout without considering which stage, it would be SSL + the two Tenelli shotguns.

- for shotgun, there's only 2 good shotgun and 1 sorta useable ramp, you should ignore the rest which are trash. the 1350$ shotgun is iffy but useable for ramp in FERR (though the Uzi should last you til an endgame weapon in FER) and much better in jungle, ignore it everywhere else. The 2.5k and 2.6k Tenelli shotguns are the real shotguns. the 2.5k Tenelli shotgun has low range (halfway to edge of the screen), high spread, 12 round magazine reload, this is the go to for wiping horde of chonky boys such as a pile of Musca, FER swarms, Jungle swarms, it'll clear up swarm buildup like no other weapon can when you get overwhelmed by a clump, when you're trapped in the middle of a pile-on this is the weapon you want. the 2.6k Tenelli has long range (full screen), very tight spread and 8 round pump reload, the proper way to use it is to use it like a piercing sniper rifle and you'll do good with it, the thing with pump reload is that you can fire mid reload which is huge and more then makes up for the slower round by round reload, it is very good for spots where a fixed reloading clock can be dangerous (Abby, Litigant...etc), you need to get in the habit of reloading anytime you can with this one since you can fire immediately anyway, you can stay topped up fairly easily other then the worst swarm rush (that's where the 2.5k sweeper comes in), the 2.5k & 2.6k tenelli shotgun in fact compliments each other very well.

- There's only 2 LMG in game, both for 3k, the LK and MG32. LK should be ignored, use SSL instead for real, SSL is cheaper and better, hell the 2.2k smg is probably better then LK. LMG class has some big downsides, The downsides of LMG is weight 5 and long barrel, the long reload issue is alright given the 250 round mag (again ignoring LK). Weight 5 means that you can only have a loadout of 2 main weapon with a 3rd being weight 2 if you insist on it, which by endgame is much weaker then an endgame weight 3 weapon. When you get an ammo pickup your ammo count for your entire loadout is increased, so having 3 main weapon is very good ammo economy vs 2 main weapon, particularly in very very late waves where 2 main weapon max ammo won't last the entire wave, or in FERR where you sometimes have to go a wave without access to weapon/ammo shop. Finally the long barrel make enemies that stick close to you impossible to hit, such as Flies, litigant, maggots ...etc, since they try to sit right on top of you you have to roll out far enough for your bullet to hit them. In general LMG are unwieldy and doesn't offer enough advantage... other then one specific case: MG32 has the distinction of a 250 round magazine, but it bascially requires the 2k precision drug to use especially with the long barrel problem, and you will want to get the 3k dmg boost drug before you get the precision normally, which makes MG32 a very late game weapon in general, and even then it's not strictly better then SSL / Tenellis other then the giant magazine, it's damage output over time also isn't as good as one might think. However, MG is the weapon the fire rate booster drug is designed for, with all 3 booster drug the MG32 has excellent firepower over extended amount of time, and there is one spot that needs this: Space ship in the very late waves where you need to chew thru litigant and get to the floaties before they go fire squad on you.

- For special weapon, you can ignore flamer in Spaceship, it has terrible ammo economy and minimal range. Shocker in FERR is better, it's at most comparable to endgame weapons for that level, feel free have it fill a spot in your 3 main weapon choices, just remember it's very expensive to buy ammo for so it's better to fill it with ammo pickup, this is more a preference thing, I sometimes just go with the usual SSL 2x Tenelli loadout anyway and it doesn't make too much of a difference.

Shack - You almost cannot mess it up once you get used to the movement and spawn mechanic. on hard I like to ramp with the 650$ pistol in the glass box, then save $ to open access to weapon shop and wait for a decent 2nd ramp (Uzi or better), depending on my 2nd ramp weapon I either save for dmg boost or 1 of the endgame weapon (SSL, 2 Tenelli ...etc), from there on the upgrade path is pretty clear cut. My general end state is SSL + 2 Tenelli with Precision and dmg boost, I also drop spare drugs and gun on ground just in case when I reach the point of too much $, such as a MG32 and a spare set of drug stat boost along with other meds (mind break removes your drug stat boost), this is the general practice I do for all level after reaching the point of too much $.

Cave - The bosses of the game can be found here: Maggots! The starting ramp on this map is rough, but once you get your 1st good smg/auto you'll be home free assuming you've gotten a handle on your movement mechanic. On normal after surviving round 1, grab the light and run all the way to the right to the glowing ball tunnel with 2 levels, drop the light in a good spot. Use the 2 level of narrow tunnel and make a good routine to handle the wave (practice and experiment a bit to find a routine to your liking). Ramp for the 650$ pistol then followed by unlocking shop access then get a smg/auto, uzi or better but ignore weight 2 smg that's not an uzi. Depending on your ramp choice it's either dmg boost or SSL next, SSL is made for this map. Precision follows once you got your dmg boost and SSL, although this is the only map where I might consider precision before dmg and/or endgame weapon depending one your 2nd ramp weapon. 2.5k tenelli should be your 2nd or 3rd of the 3 endgame weapon you buy, you'll eventually reach that point where a Musca + fly swarm is such a thicc boi you'll thank god you got the the sweeper shotgun. Oh and you'll love maggots on this level, seriously. PS. Don't get greedy for ammo drop in bad spots, stick to your routine unless it's safe to reach. Also if a fly charges you, turning your back to it will block it's face grab, doing minimal damage to you.

Jungle - The shotgun map, your goal is to survive til you get either the 1350$ shotgun or either of the 2 tenelli, from there you're home free. Remember to use the 1350$ shotty just like the 2.6k Tenelli, reloading at any opportunity since it has pump reload that can be stopped any moment. You'll want to hole up on the multi level tree house, I ramp with the usual 650$ glass box pistol (or 250$ pistol at shop really early if you get lucky) and work toward a 1350$ shotgun, although given bad rng I'll grab the usual uzi or another ramp smg and wait for one of the Tenelli. Once you have a useable shotgun, the spot you want is the choke point next to the weapon shop where enemies can only climb up from 1 direction, shotgun to the head as the swarm climb up is easy street once you get comfortable. For Orcs, if for some reason you're not killing them while they're climbing, if they're in blocking mode you can get close and blast them in the face as they wind up to strike you. PS. Don't get greedy for ammo drop in bad spots, stick to your routine unless it's safe to reach. Also if you have to fall off from the top level to the ground try to switch to your pistol and blast the ground you will land on to remove traps, you can also do a fancy mid air roll leftward after you drop off the top platform on the right side to latch back onto the platform underneath you tucked away to the left (not always easy to do mid combat).

Spaceship - A map that favors early smg/auto. I ramp with the 250$ pistol in the glass box, work your way toward unlocking weapon shop and grab the usual ramping smg/auto uzi or better. Work toward SSL + dmg boost then finish with Precision, then fill out endgame loadout. You'll eventually unlock the last door and hole up all the way to the right (there are other spots ofc, right is just my go to). Note that floaties spawn from vent at the very top right, I start each wave picking off the floaties above and then crawl left preparing for the swarm coming from the left. This is the map where you'll eventually want MG32 with all 3 drug booster online, you need that fire power in later waves to chew thru the initial swarm with charging waves of litigant shielding groups of floaties, you'll need to kill the floaties before they fire their blast, since floaties in a group and firing in sequence is deadly hard to dodge, and rolling forward (to dodge blast you roll toward it) into groups of litigant is bad news, you need the extended killing power of MG32 to hold onto the later waves (like 30+ wave on hard about)

FER - Another shotgun love map, although smg/auto is perfectly good here too. You'll want to find a good spot and 1st ramp with the uzi in the glass box, you'll get 950$ early in the 3rd wave I believe, so get ready to hop up and grab it the moment you got the $. From there you'll unlock you way to the left until you drop down to find the weapon shop and release Abby, there's also a 1350$ shotgun in a glass box here although I usually ignore it unless my weapon shop rng is terrible. Uzi will last you all the way til you can get an endgame weapon (Usual SSL or a Tenelli), with 1 endgame main and uzi backup, build up to about 3k and go back to where you start and make your way to med shop and grab dmg upgrade. Remember it takes more then 30 seconds to make your way from shop to shop so your ammo needs to last 2 waves if you'll going for the med shop. You can consider never flipping the power switch and opening the right most door as that release Jacky (maybe do it on normal to grab Jacky achievement). PS. Don't get greedy for ammo drop in bad spots, stick to your routine unless it's safe to reach. Jacky can cancel your invincible roll frame, pile-ons with a couple Jacky can death trap you so hold your good position carefully and keep enough ammo loaded, 2.6k tenelli is very solid for controlling your position while watching for abby + Jacky ambush while maintaining ammo loaded state with pump reload mechanic.
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I was thinking "damn, this game needs a post on ULMF". Glad I am not the only one who thought this. This game is well worth its $5, especially since it's already a finished product.

This is a really good game. It's a hard game, but with enough practice you become better and better. It has a lot of replayability because of that.
I find the animations very good. The game may benefit from more animations for each enemy, or group animations, but I like what there is currently on the menu. Rough sex, monsters sex, insects, robots, sometimes quite imaginative (special mentions to the muscas and the spider mothers). A game that does sprite game animations properly. This is not the usual two-frames-on-a-loop that you can find a dime a dozen on dlsite.

Finally, the developer seems reactive, and there is already additional stage and gallery mode on the way.

The only thing by which I was a little disappointed was in ending. It makes sense, somewhat, but I expected either a final wave, or an epilogue. The current ending is rather... Sudden.

A full save only gives cosmetics. No cheat, no power up, no starting money.
So unless you want to unlock everything by yourself, feel free to download the file below and place in C:\Users\yourUser\AppData\LocalLow\Perveloper\Captivity


  • xGameDB.zip
    7.1 KB · Views: 1,331
in the lab holding cell, you can enter a code into the door on the right. does anyone know what it is?
It's the ending. If you finish all experiments, you get the code on the wall notes. This game is pretty much following the idea of Cube movies when it comes to test subjects.
The ending is technically a placeholder for now from what I've seen on discord and f95. You just get shot in the face...
Good concept, definitely has its bugs but wasn't bad to play at all
Difficulty is mostly RNG based despite how it may be laid out. Either you're gifted a cheap automatic gun early (Uzi for example) or you lose. All shotguns are worthless since they take too long to reload. The M4B1 is the best gun hands down and once you get it you're set.
Depends on the stage frankly. Submachine guns in particular are really versatile/strong since they have high fire rate and a good amount of damage, but the sawed off shotgun is perhaps one of the single best guns in the game for its value, especially on Shack/Jungle/FER since the enemies tend to stack up on those stages, and there aren't exactly any flying enemies that will cause you much trouble. The real strength comes in letting them group up, allowing you to kill multiples at once, and with a relatively quick reload time, though if you're standing near a ledge more often than not enemies will be stuck climbing for much of your reload time. Especially when you combine this little sucker with psycho, you're basically a one woman army and only really 'lose' when you ultimately get bored. Its how I got the jungle to wave 20 before some of the difficulty adjustments, and its still pretty much the best way to go.

Assault rifles definitely offer the most damage though in general, but some have some hefty reload times so its always something you want to pair with another gun, thus far though, the two best two guns I think I've used in terms of value is handsdown the sawed off and the SPH sub machine gun, get one of those and you pretty much win, both and you're unstoppable.

As an aside however to most of those that might read this, a general tip I'd give is to keep your strength up as much as possible, and make good use of the submit/instant sex mechanic to avoid damage and get some free invul/escapes when needed, much better than getting knocked out/wasting all your stamina on trying to roll away. Find a decent submachine gun in particular, or one you just find good success with, and pair it with psycho and you should manage to get into a loop of you taking little to no damage on most stages, especially ones with what I like to call 'god' ledges, since these allow you for free headshots and without little in the way of retaliation as enemies can't spawn behind you when on many of these, the only real stages that break this functionality largely is the Cave and Space station due to enemies that fly. On the shack once you pay to open the door leading to the tree house, the ledge just below the tree house is perfect to keep an eye on the right side, and kill enemies as they spawn in and hop over the fence, while also giving you plenty of time to react to ones on the left, and worst come to worst you can always retreat higher up and hang out in the tree house, a place that's also generally easy to escape without taking damage. FER has a couple of great places, and the ledges leading up to the shrine area in the Jungle with only way up are pretty fantastic to camp out at as well once you've gotten some good gear.
Ehh, this game doesn't much interest me personally. Several reasons why with at least one of them personal.

Firstly, that perspective of characters facing directly sideways makes me think of the virgin walk meme, thus I'm coining it the virgin walk perspective. There's nothing wrong with drawing a character facing a particular direction normally, but when it comes to scenes... if that's the only direction they face it greatly limits variety. And yes that sort of thing matters in a H-game, of course it does.

There's no demo, no try before you buy. From what I'm seeing/reading on here it seems like the game's come along pretty far, so surely the dev could give us one free stage.

I'm tired of extremely limited body types in female protag H-games. They're normally flat as a board or overly realistic, generally pretty thin with no significant curvature. I see this incredible clinging to realism with protags a lot in starting out H-games, even if the world they're in is populated by transformative magic or in this case, highly experimental and unethical science. Gameplay-wise H-titles can be pretty great, but I find that Devs seem to almost be scared of going into top or bottom heavy character designs, making the face of their game a bit heftier (not fat, just into the 'thicc' territory), and well, I believe this title sits in that ever-growing pile of shrug.

Despite how I've written this... obviously I don't sneer at anyone who enjoys this title, this is just my opinion.
Seems like a very divisive game so far. I personally loved it! Saw it on F95 as well, where the developer is actively joining in on the discussion. Haven't read through that thread yet (grew like mad in a very short amount of time), so he might've already answered any such questions or curiosities, but I really hope he keeps adding to it despite it being technically "done" at 1.0. More enemy types, a second rape animation per enemy would be cool, as well as group sex where one enemy grabs you and a second one joins in. Typical ACT stuff. I imagine a second jungle-style map with more beast type enemies in it, that would be bloody amazing.
More enemy types, a second rape animation per enemy would be cool
Dev is adding in a gallery mode and another stage next. Unfortunately, I floated the idea of a second animation per enemy in the game's discord suggestions chat and the dev said that at the moment it would be too hard to add a second animation in. Guess we will have to wait until he 'finishes' the game, I'm no game dev but I assume it's easier to make a second animation for an already existing enemy rather than designing an enemy from scratch.

as well as group sex where one enemy grabs you and a second one joins in. Typical ACT stuff.

Everyone and their dog has suggested this one, Dev said that paired animations would be a lot of work, but is looking into it as a possibility.

I imagine a second jungle-style map with more beast type enemies in it, that would be bloody amazing.

Yar. Seems to be a few futa-heavy people (ofc) and vanilla 'Give us human enemy' plebs scattered around the suggestion pages, but most people seem to want more beast and monsters (patricians). Thankfully the dev seems to be a fellow monster/beast connoisseur, and intent to design stages based on what they themselves like.

I'm pretty keen on him doing either an Egypt mythology stage, or lovecraft inspired.
It's a very solid game with some nice scenes, but I feel it could use a balance sweep or two to make every weapon type viable instead of having one class of weapons head and shoulders above the rest and certain other weapons only worthwhile on a couple maps.

Also, is there a gallery in game, or are there plans for one? The thought of having to power through waves on certain maps just to get to my favorite enemies sounds like an absolute pain.