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We're building game and would like to ask for references...


New member
Aug 8, 2022
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Hi guys!

I just found out that this is the biggest place to talk about Hentai games related, and would like to ask you guys for any references or any recommends.
I personally enjoy playing hentai games (not that many like I've seen you guys talking about!).
The thing is, I (and the team) we are thinking to create something big in Hentai Game, it's the Hentai RPG game and we do not want to use RPGMaker to create.
My question is, can we ask for any Hentai games with HIGH BUDGET built and really enjoyable. RPG, Combat, Puzzle, any genre is welcome. High budget I mean when they are used them to build the game, which is not used on marketing.
Personally, my goal is to build something really grand and elegant, try to higher the standards for Hentai game that is not only just for fap, but also for real gamers as well. Challenging, story-rich, highly-polished, etc.
We also have high-experienced and professional artists, and production team.
I only know some of the names in mind that already well-known like Illusion. So if you have any recommendation for us to see as reference, please feel free to.
Oh not just recommendations, but suggestions to the system you would love to see in Hentai game that never existed before!

Thanks a lot guys.
I'm not really sure chat you're asking for here...
big AAA pro maker Hentai company ?
Sucessful Doujinshi game circle ?
Non rpg maker engine to use ?
Great hentai (rpg) game name ?
Game content (mechanism, gameplay.....) to put in the game ?

and so on...
I'm not really sure chat you're asking for here...
big AAA pro maker Hentai company ?
Sucessful Doujinshi game circle ?
Non rpg maker engine to use ?
Great hentai (rpg) game name ?
Game content (mechanism, gameplay.....) to put in the game ?

and so on...

Yeah sorry for not being so clear to the question.
My main question is
1. big AAA pro maker Hentai company name?
and the
2. Game content (mechanism, gameplay.....) to put in the game?

is the suggestion I'm open to hear. The mechanism, gameplay that never seen in any H game before.
Well, there not that many big AAA pro company...
is mostly focusing on 3D anime or real like roaming / sim game. But their focus is on the whole "customize a lot your characters" and mod friendly.
is mostly their concurrent, more focused on story (3Dcustom maid ....)

You got quite a few circle doing VN game, but I doubt they're any interest to you if you plan to make a rpg like game.

You have who made some VN and ADV game. (Rance, Evenicle, Escalyer...).
is another circle who made story rich ADV game (although they're not very friendly with non Japanese computer).
is like Eushully in regard of story rich ADV game.
is rather well know for the "venus blood" serie.

I'm sure I'm forgetting others ;)

And as for game content it's difficult to say since it will mostly define your game. It would probably best to brainstorm with your team about what kind of game you when.
Like, are you planning to make a tactital, strategy, story based RPG. Do you intend for grind, dungeon, open or closed world....

If everyone throw away whatever they think you'll get a long list that make no sense and some idea can be counter productive if you pick up another one in the list.

Also, what kind of Engine do you plan to use, the graphic style, MC gender, kind of story / world (some people expect different thing depending on the setup, character. A SF utopia, female MC in a open world won't be the same as a male MC in a dark modern worl with magic and closed world focused on party interaction) ? Will the game be side scroller, isometric view, dungeon crawler ....

I'm not asking for fully detailled plan, but with informations, peoples will have more detailled suggestions.
Also, what kind of Engine do you plan to use, the graphic style, MC gender, kind of story / world (some people expect different thing depending on the setup, character. A SF utopia, female MC in a open world won't be the same as a male MC in a dark modern worl with magic and closed world focused on party interaction) ? Will the game be side scroller, isometric view, dungeon crawler ....

I'm not asking for fully detailled plan, but with informations, peoples will have more detailled suggestions.

Hey thanks!
We're looking to create the game with Unreal Engine > the game will be male MC on an island (open world).... What inspired us is "Octopath Traveler" without pixel-art.
I know that some people playing H games just to satisfy with the fapping materials, so I'm afraid that if we build the game that needs to put high efforts gameplay (or grinding exp) to finish (like Final Fantasy 8, 9, 10) will that make the overall experience feel bad?

Assuming they have enough budget, why there was no company or people created this type of AAA game before??? <<< This is actually the reason I asked. Just want to know if there is the downside that existing on this H industry before for building such AAA game? or there really is no one to build the game...

Sorry for poor English though...
Hey thanks!
We're looking to create the game with Unreal Engine > the game will be male MC on an island (open world).... What inspired us is "Octopath Traveler" without pixel-art.
I know that some people playing H games just to satisfy with the fapping materials, so I'm afraid that if we build the game that needs to put high efforts gameplay (or grinding exp) to finish (like Final Fantasy 8, 9, 10) will that make the overall experience feel bad?

Assuming they have enough budget, why there was no company or people created this type of AAA game before??? <<< This is actually the reason I asked. Just want to know if there is the downside that existing on this H industry before for building such AAA game? or there really is no one to build the game...

Sorry for poor English though...

Hmm, hard to gave real answer. I can gave my feeling and what I think peoples "think" from all the thread over the internet I saw. But that's just one part of the whole, and I may be wrong.

Hentai game are "divided in 2 groups"
Profesional work and fan made (doujinshi).
Most of the fan made are small work, with quite a lot of dev not really knowing how to use the tools, and making basic stuff. While a few fan / circle have pro like skill and can make excellent game (look at , , , the incoming NoR for exemple).

If you take another aspect, you can also divide the H-game in to categories :
game you play for story / gameplay
game you play to fap (aka : fap material).

Most of the AAA pro are mostly of the first category. Especially VN (Visual Novel). Take something like " " ... Personally, it took me more than 80h of reading to cover the whole VN. And that include the roughly 45 mins to cover all the adult scene, including 1/4 + of foreplay only scenes. You play them to enjiy the univers, the story, or the gameplay. The adult content is just a pretty good bonus.

A few AAA like Illusion's are fap material, but that got drawback (look over internet, Illusion is as loved as it is hated because peples feel they keep playing the same thing all the time...).

Most pro company don't make open world game like you suggest because they ARE pro company. Hentai game is a niche market among worldwide video game. They have to make money. So they can't afford 5 years of working to make a game that may very well fall because it's not what hentai player want.

Fan circle can't afford thing too complicated because they lack time, skill, money to do such a long work (event writing the scenario and planing the flag and switches should be too long for them).

So, basically, the risk for your game is having too few peoples interested, especially considering how many peoples just pirate adult game (let's face it, the pro work are usually expensive, card often don't work oversea, game not translated officially or 10+ years later....). Would working for months, years to see a few fan happy but your work ignore by most peoples, putting you way past red into the deep dark worth it ?

If I go back to your first question - about what I'd like to see.
After your open world with mention of Octopath traveler. I'd admit that I always regreted the coridor aspect of most game. I miss game that allow choice and option. Like, if I need to get some evidence from some noble house, will I picklock a window a night and sneak to steal it, will I try to sweettalk the guard and the noble into handing it, will I bribe / blackmail to get it, will I rush in and kill everyone, will I forge evidence ?
Thoses kind of choice depending on the caracter development, how I play (and how I played) are rather thrilling.
In the same way, game often lack personality for the differents character. While they may look different and have different goal / methods... they tend to have the same kind of basic skill. Sword skill for the sword user, blunt skill for the mace user... you won't find a childish character with something like "crybaby - spend your round wailing *high chance to be ignore by enemies but can't defend / dodge if attacked" or a knight with a "noble pride - stats up for every teamate down. Party can't run away from battle if the character is alive"...

If we have a male MC, will there be some look, skill, personality.... choice ? Will our choice in game influence the end ?

If we have one MC - what would be the relationship with other is important. Are they just tool to use for our goal ? Will they be random teamate who grow into friend / lover ? what kind of control do we have over their grow and the realization of their own objectives (and the ending related to them).

They're still question about the game that make it either impossible to gave advice or whishes - else you got a very long list.

I'll gave you one advice you should keep to heart : however you want to please the user, this work will be your work, you and your team. If you gave over to the user whishes, you will either fail to finish the game or have a half backed work at best. You need to make the game you want or you won't have the will to see it through and make a good work of it.
Listen to user, yes, but only so far. Take they whishes, get them through shieve and see what direction that can make the game go, see what please you in it, what you can grab from it. Them decide your game. After that, you can always get more from the user to fine tune - but only when you got your objective and road planned.
Hmm, hard to gave real answer. I can gave my feeling and what I think peoples "think" from all the thread over the internet I saw. But that's just one part of the whole, and I may be wrong.

Hentai game are "divided in 2 groups"
Profesional work and fan made (doujinshi).
Most of the fan made are small work, with quite a lot of dev not really knowing how to use the tools, and making basic stuff. While a few fan / circle have pro like skill and can make excellent game (look at , , , the incoming NoR for exemple).

If you take another aspect, you can also divide the H-game in to categories :
game you play for story / gameplay
game you play to fap (aka : fap material).

Most of the AAA pro are mostly of the first category. Especially VN (Visual Novel). Take something like " " ... Personally, it took me more than 80h of reading to cover the whole VN. And that include the roughly 45 mins to cover all the adult scene, including 1/4 + of foreplay only scenes. You play them to enjiy the univers, the story, or the gameplay. The adult content is just a pretty good bonus.

A few AAA like Illusion's are fap material, but that got drawback (look over internet, Illusion is as loved as it is hated because peples feel they keep playing the same thing all the time...).

Most pro company don't make open world game like you suggest because they ARE pro company. Hentai game is a niche market among worldwide video game. They have to make money. So they can't afford 5 years of working to make a game that may very well fall because it's not what hentai player want.

Fan circle can't afford thing too complicated because they lack time, skill, money to do such a long work (event writing the scenario and planing the flag and switches should be too long for them).

So, basically, the risk for your game is having too few peoples interested, especially considering how many peoples just pirate adult game (let's face it, the pro work are usually expensive, card often don't work oversea, game not translated officially or 10+ years later....). Would working for months, years to see a few fan happy but your work ignore by most peoples, putting you way past red into the deep dark worth it ?

If I go back to your first question - about what I'd like to see.
After your open world with mention of Octopath traveler. I'd admit that I always regreted the coridor aspect of most game. I miss game that allow choice and option. Like, if I need to get some evidence from some noble house, will I picklock a window a night and sneak to steal it, will I try to sweettalk the guard and the noble into handing it, will I bribe / blackmail to get it, will I rush in and kill everyone, will I forge evidence ?
Thoses kind of choice depending on the caracter development, how I play (and how I played) are rather thrilling.
In the same way, game often lack personality for the differents character. While they may look different and have different goal / methods... they tend to have the same kind of basic skill. Sword skill for the sword user, blunt skill for the mace user... you won't find a childish character with something like "crybaby - spend your round wailing *high chance to be ignore by enemies but can't defend / dodge if attacked" or a knight with a "noble pride - stats up for every teamate down. Party can't run away from battle if the character is alive"...

If we have a male MC, will there be some look, skill, personality.... choice ? Will our choice in game influence the end ?

If we have one MC - what would be the relationship with other is important. Are they just tool to use for our goal ? Will they be random teamate who grow into friend / lover ? what kind of control do we have over their grow and the realization of their own objectives (and the ending related to them).

They're still question about the game that make it either impossible to gave advice or whishes - else you got a very long list.

I'll gave you one advice you should keep to heart : however you want to please the user, this work will be your work, you and your team. If you gave over to the user whishes, you will either fail to finish the game or have a half backed work at best. You need to make the game you want or you won't have the will to see it through and make a good work of it.
Listen to user, yes, but only so far. Take they whishes, get them through shieve and see what direction that can make the game go, see what please you in it, what you can grab from it. Them decide your game. After that, you can always get more from the user to fine tune - but only when you got your objective and road planned.

Hey Bryanis! Thank you so much for this comment, this helps me a lot understanding. I've sent you DM btw :) Appreciate it