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City (All posts done directly in the city)

Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Felicity continues beside Quetz, completely ignoring the somewhat less than subtle hint that she doesn't want to hang out. "Bah homework is pointless, I really don't know what they think they're acheiving by making us think of school all the time. The mind gets bored of it, like when you stare at the same colour for too long. You ever tried that? As for the funny kick-me-in-the-gut-from-across-the-table thing, I got nothing, or there'd be a few guys around campus who'd be walking like they're saddlesore, know what I mean?"
She gives a little laugh at her own joke, then turns back to Quetz with a questioning look on her face.

"So what movie do you want to watch? I haven't seen many the past month, so I'm open to just about anything."
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Note? Oh THAT note! Was this some creepy stalker?? It had to be! "Sorry, but who are you? And what do you mean crisis?" Priscilla asked, a slightly worried tone to her voice.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

"I know you've seen the rectangle in the sky. It'll crush our world. You are capable of psychic powers such as this.", Anna says before moving her finger to the side. The latch on your door opens. "You have the power to aid us in saving the world. I shall notify you again when the time comes and it'd be best if you came." she continues as she begins to try and enter your home to finish off what she was saying.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

"Ah!" Priscilla watched the latch slide out. She stared, slightly afraid. It appeared as though her door wasn't going to be able to stop... this person. And... the story of the rectangle crushing the Earth was a bit concerning, although quite far'fetched. She gave in, opening up the door. "C- Come in."
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

I don't normally watch movies in the theater, so I don't know what's playing. Also, are you sure you haven't noticed anything odd? I mean, I do meditation exercises to help me focus on homework or just clear my mind of stress sometimes, and lately I've noticed that mist starts popping up around my body when I do that. Quetz says, not sure how she can escape from the other girl, so simply pressing on with her question from before.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

"Oh that's not a problem, you know the theater downtown? The guy who runs the ticket counter has a crush on me, I always get staff discount. Come on, its only a block or two away I think. Come on, my treat!" She starts leading you off to the right, around a playground where some kids are blaying baseball, talking all the while.

"I don't think so, I mean, I haven't been trying to steal comics out of people's hand with the Force or anything, though I suppose I could try..." Felicity scrunches her face up concentrating, and you hear a crack and a yell from the kids playing baseball. Turning to look, you see one of the kids hit a foul ball and is flying straight at the back of Felicity's head. It's too late to do anything, but you see something strange. About a foot away from the back of her head, there's a shimmer. It coalesces into some kind of shimmering wall about six inches in diameter, stoppiing the baseball dead, witch then drops to the grpund behind her, all its momentum spent. Felicity doesn't seem to notice. She unscunches her face and looks over to you.
"Still got all your books?"
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

... Quetz just stares at her blankly for a second. Your power seems to be about making invisible walls and not yanking stuff. You almost got smashed by a baseball.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

"What, when? Just now?" Felicity turns around and picks up the baseball just as one of the kids comes up to them.

"Hey lady give us our ball back." The kid asks, wiping a bit of snot from his nose.

"How about I buy it from you?" Felicity asks the kid, rummaging around in her handbag. "Alright, I don't have anything smaller than a twenty kid, take it or leave it," she says, holding the bill in one hand and the ball in the other. The kid just grins, grabs the bill and runs back to his friends before she has a chance to change her mind. Felicity turns to quetz and holds out the baseball.

" How good of a shot are you? Let's try this out!"
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Why do I have a bad feeling Murphy's law is going to kick in in just a second. Quetz says as she takes the ball. Are you sure about this? I mean, I'm not a good throw so I'll just lob it at you, but still.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

(Err.. you can just Roleplay this out because Shrike will be the first to discover her powers by dice roll unless someone right now faces a golem. Though, unofficially Felicity will be able to use her powers immediately in her first fight.)

Anna steps in quietly. She, without continuing in, sitting down, or even looking around, quickly summarizes what she had explained in the library. (Too lazy to reword/retype) She smiles after finishing, "So what do you think? Well, you don't have to make a decision now, I'll alert you when the time comes. Be wary around the streets." Anna then begins to walk out wordlessly but before slipping through the door, she turns around, winks and blows a kiss at Priscilla.
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Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Aya finally had enough of just sitting around, and picked up her bag, then headed out for home, on guard and edge now.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Keyla ignored the other girls and hurries home, a little annoyed that she had wasted her time on that. When she gets home she throws her bag down and gets to work on her chores and homework, completely forgetting about the rectangle in the sky, crazy library girls, and psychic powers.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Felicity scrunches up her face in concentration once more, then nods her head and waits for the throw. "Do it."
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Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Alright, then. Quetz says before gently lobbing the ball underhanded at Felicity.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

The ball lazily arcs through the air, bouncing lightly off her left breast before hitting the ground and rolling a short ways away. Felicity opens one eye and gives Quetz a 'what the hell' look, before stooping down and picking the baseball up again.

"Ok, so we've discovered that you throw like a girl, and that my 'psychic power' won't work if it isn't a danger. Either that or I wasn't trying hard enough." She hands the ball back over and scrunches her face up for a third time. "Ok, now throw it like you mean it, pretend I pissed you off or something."
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Priscilla blushed at Anna's antics as she left. "Uh... g- good night... then Anna." She quietly closes the door, being sure to lock it again. Though, locks didn't seem to be as safe as they used to be.

The girl went back to her bed, where she lay down and just stared at the ceiling, thinking over what she was told. It was a lot to take in... especially if it was true. But the latch and the sky were strong pieces of evidence to validate the story. Well, there was nothing she could do about it until she was contacted again.

Sighing, Priscilla got out of bed again and headed to the door. She grabbed a scarf and wrapped it around before she exited her apartment. She needed some fresh air to calm her mind.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Divas finally got home. Her breasts were in pain from being bound to her chest for so long. Divas took off her shirt and bindings, took a bubble bath, logged into her email, nothing new in the inbox, Divas still a little wet from the bath, decided to take a nap.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Felicity, you know there might be a reason I through like a girl? Quetz says with a sigh, Besides, I don't really want to hurt you if you can't bring up anything on demand yet.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Felicity gives a small sigh, then starts walking again. "Oh, fine then, we'll save it for later I guess. Come on then, we're going to be late for when all the movies start." She starts heading towards the theater again, maybe sulking a bit, its hard to tell.
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Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Just how did I get myself dragged into this? Quetz thinks as she follows Felicity.

(Are you sure you don't mean sulking as opposed to skulking?)