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ACT AI Generated [YumamiSoft] Last Town: Fall of Felixia (RJ01067887)


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Jun 12, 2023
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Title: Last Town: Fall of Felixia
Developer website:
Language: English, Japanese
FallofFelixia_MainProductImage.png Fall Of Felixia Sub photo (1).png Fall Of Felixia Sub photo (2).png Fall Of Felixia Sub photo (3).png Fall Of Felixia Sub photo (4).png



Last Town: Fall of Felixia is an Action RPG Hack 'n Slash where you play as a female warrior killing various types of monsters collecting gold in order to upgrade your gear. The goal of the game is to reach and defeat the succubus Lilith whom have taken over the castle of the country.

Monsters can knock you down and grapple you. If you fail to escape, Felixia's mind will eventually break and you'll be presented with a unique game over CG.

Successive Orgasms, Internal Cumshot, Violation, Rape, Tentacle, Interspecies, Mind Break, Corruption, Slime, Monster

Development Log:
Markdown (GitHub flavored):
# **Development Log V1.0.2**
Does not break save game compatibility. Your save will still work.

## **Additions and Changes**
* Changed sprites of town NPCs to be more visually consistent
* Added default icons to equipment slots clarifying their purpose
* Added save confirmation
* Added "game saved" sound
* Added a pause menu with exit button basic options
* Added options to disable screen shake and screen flashes *(NOTE: These will be moved into a settings screen that'll be added in an update coming soon!)*
* Added a button to skip intro dialogue
* Added a Patreon logo with list of patrons
* Added proper widescreen support
* Make input for "Submit" more consistent

## **Bugs Fixed**
* Felixia overlay animation issues
* Sprite layering and positioning issues
* Enemy pathfinding through gates, causing early game bypass
* Aphrodisiac gas status effect never disappearing after surrender
* Loot chests being possible to push around
* Ghost enemy sprite being incorretly sprite sorted
* Game start loading bar jumping from 4% -> 100%

## **Other**
* Various small improvements to performance and stability

## *Coming soon*
*This is what we're either already working on, or have plans for an update coming soon.*
### **Gallery**
We wanted to push this update resolving common bugs out as soon as possible, rather than forcing you all to wait for us to be finished with the entire gallery.

### **Settings Menu**
We will be adding a settings menu including settings for (but not limited to):
* Audio
* Screen effects (Shake, flash, PostFX)
* VSync
* Resolution
* Windowed/Fullscreen
* UI opacity
* Compact console

### **More work on character overlay**
 Currently the main character do not mind too much being naked.

## *Coming later*
*Nothing here is set in stone or a promise, this is more of a peek of what we have on the drawing board and want to look into. We are not sure how the final implementation will end up like.*
* Impregnation / Pregnancy (... and synergetic items)
* Stats window (creampies, orgasms, enemies killed, etc.)
* More status effects, especially H-oriented
* Status effects with multiple stages
* Revised combat (Combo attacks? Charge up attacks?)
* Revised game progression
* More NPC's
* More interactions with NPC's (Various dialogue, H-events, Quests)
* Multi-grapple
* H-traps
* More granular character customization
* Ensure enemies are better rendered if they are obscured (e.g behind trees)
* Need to shower, and visit the bathroom
* Very basic tutorial for new players. (How to move, attack, where to go)

* Some use of generative AI was used in the creation of this game. The team has a dedicated and talented artist whom have created all of the content, however partial AI use have taken place for things such as creating base material to start from, inspiration, upscaling, and translation. We did this in order to make as good of a game as quickly as possible. We'd love to discuss this practice with people and what opinions everyone have on it. Since development started around the time where this technology started becoming viable for use it was a learning process. Some areas were done better than others, however it certainly allowed us to have far more content in the game than had we chosen not to. What is everyone's opinion on this?

* Since we do not plan on waging an unnecessary war against people unable or unwilling to pay for the game, we are planning to soon upload a "pirated version" of the game that is identical to the paid version with the minor change of advertising our DLSite, Itch and Patreon at startup/shutdown. We are doing this because we do realize that a pirated copy does not equal a lost sale, and it would cause nothing but harm for everyone involved if we tried to witch hunt people who wouldn't purchase the game anyway, or annoy everyone by introducing DRM. Simply for your own security we'd suggest not pirating the game from any other sources, but we will not try to stop you (or even mind for that matter, go nuts really). Just please remember that a lot of real work for multiple people have gone into this game, and we'd love to create more games with more and higher quality content!
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Nov 23, 2017
Reputation score
Decided to buy it since I love hack and slash games.
(at the time of this posting i barely got to the second stage with just a steel sword, so this is VERY early impressions)
A major complaint I have is that there's no confirmation for loading and saving your game. I've definitely lost alot of progress in this game off accidentally loading the game instead of saving, and judging by early impressions, i'm going to have to grind alot to get gold for keys.

QoL I would like to see:
An options menu would be nice to lower voice effects, hide the massive player cutin, and lowering the size of the window log.


Demon Girl
Oct 16, 2016
Reputation score
"some ai art" they can kiss my ass, it's just touched up ai art.


Demon Girl Pro
Nov 6, 2014
Reputation score
It's the year of our Lord 2023 and there's no gallery or scene recollection, just as a heads up. Why H games like this one (basically the scenes are the substance) keep skipping this as a feature is beyond me.

"some ai art" they can kiss my ass, it's just touched up ai art.
Ted was right about everything.


May 12, 2019
Reputation score
some news, AI art is starting to cannibalize itself because there is now so much AI art that AI is starting to reference AI art resulting in even more fucked up images than before.


New member
Jun 12, 2023
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A major complaint I have is that there's no confirmation for loading and saving your game. I've definitely lost alot of progress in this game off accidentally loading the game instead of saving, and judging by early impressions, i'm going to have to grind alot to get gold for keys.
Really sorry that happened! Will definitely add in a confirmation of some sort. That was just bad UX-design by us. If you want I could share a completed save file with you, or instruct you how you can modify your own. Again, sorry! Will fix.

An options menu would be nice to lower voice effects, hide the massive player cutin, and lowering the size of the window log.
Definitely good ideas. None if these things should be difficult to add, apart from *maybe* resizing of the window log. We'll at the very least add in the option to toggle to a smaller size, and even "hidden". Most of these are things that we have on our "definitely in update" list and not on a vague "maybe in the future" list. Going to have lots of time to work on the game the coming weekend and forward

It's the year of our Lord 2023 and there's no gallery or scene recollection, just as a heads up. Why H games like this one (basically the scenes are the substance) keep skipping this as a feature is beyond me.
Haha, you're definitely not the first one to comment on this. Even though we're no strangers to H games ourselves none of us expected this feature to be so in demand. *Definitely* in the next update. The way we're kinda having it outlined right now is having a large gallery room where all monsters are available and easy to select from.

I'm here if you wanna discuss the game, the development of it, H-games in general, or what I had for breakfast. : )

// The Programmer of YumamiSoft


Demon Girl
Oct 16, 2016
Reputation score
I gotta respect the sheer bravery of this man to want to engage with the 'community'. If you guys wanted to make this a serious project, then perhaps consider getting an artist onboard next time.


The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Jul 12, 2009
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Pretty disappointed to see it's AI art. I can get behind using it for things like expedient prototyping - but in a full game, it's just a big no. It's so homogenous, bland, often weird, and inconsistent between different images, that it's easy to identify and also completely unappealing - and there are some things it just can't do right or do well. Then there's the ethical considerations of how AI art generators are trained - which is to say, on hundreds of thousands of images without any of the original artists' knowledge or consent.

I'm only ever going to pay real money for real art made by a human. You don't have to be Van Gogh to make a successful H-game. The art in Indvi and AzureZero's games was pretty basic, but still fulfilled the purpose well enough - especially when paired with interesting context through gameplay, story, scene-writing and scene progression - and those images still portrayed exactly what the artist intended. I'll take that over the best soulless approximation generated by a machine any day of the week.

I played the demo - there is a really good game here - the spritework on the environment, enemies and characters is great, the combat and movement are tight and fun, and the implementation of the art in gameplay is effective (though clothing damage not reflected in the scenes is a little jarring). Just wish the art its self were completely original. I'd rather have waited another six months, a year, two years for that, cause it feels like the quality of the game its self is wasted on the borderline zero-effort "art" it primarily exists to deliver.
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Oct 20, 2012
Reputation score
Sucks to see a good gameplay concept here that is completely wasted on peddling AI art. I like AI as a toy and a tool, but selling AI art feels like an insult to life and human accomplishment.
I know the debate is tiresome but it's really hard to ignore when games like these are being advertised here.


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Sep 19, 2020
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Pretty disappointed to see it's AI art. I can get behind using it for things like expedient prototyping - but in a full game, it's just a big no. It's so homogenous, bland, often weird, and inconsistent between different images, that it's easy to identify and also completely unappealing - and there are some things it just can't do right or do well. Then there's the ethical considerations of how AI art generators are trained - which is to say, on hundreds of thousands of images without any of the original artists' knowledge or consent.

I'm only ever going to pay real money for real art made by a human. You don't have to be Van Gogh to make a successful H-game. The art in Indvi and AzureZero's games was pretty basic, but still fulfilled the purpose well enough - especially when paired with interesting context through gameplay, story, scene-writing and scene progression - and those images still portrayed exactly what the artist intended. I'll take that over the best soulless approximation generated by a machine any day of the week.

I played the demo - there is a really good game here - the spritework on the environment, enemies and characters is great, the combat and movement are tight and fun, and the implementation of the art in gameplay is effective (though clothing damage not reflected in the scenes is a little jarring). Just wish the art its self were completely original. I'd rather have waited another six months, a year, two years for that, cause it feels like the quality of the game its self is wasted on the borderline zero-effort "art" it primarily exists to deliver.
Jesus christ (Pun intended) - AI art is not going back in the box. If "there is a really good game here," you should be asking yourself what that is worth to you and pay that amount. Subtract whatever you think the 'obligatory AI Art use deduction' is and move on. The game would still exist and be a solid little H&S without any AI Hentai. If the assets are AI, that's great, because the only people who pay for assets are idiots who get robbed by high-schoolers on Fiverr to use google images. Rest-assured, now those idiots can pay high-schoolers on Fiverr to configure prompts that get them what they want in whatever quality they want.

I can hardly imagine the heat YumamiSoft is getting for this, with all these Keyboard Karens who want to demand human labour and monopolize the realm of imagery itself. This is what you've always wanted, and it means the quality of mainstream art is literally being "upscaled," drowning bad, un-creative artists even farther out of everyone's LoS. "Great" artists will continue to be great and sell overpriced nonsense on canvas, while the starving artists will continue to starve, as they always have and always will. AzureZero will still make great little games, even if he decides to use AI art! Ooh if only we could see everyone's DL history of pirated content from real artists... oh if only. Irrelevant. No one is expected to wholely embrace AI art, but it is inevitable, and dare I say - full of potential?

There will be collateral for sure, but AI art is accessible to everyone. so... tough.

Great little game, @YumamiSoft and keep up the great work!

P.S. -
Take the road to the right when you go south across the bridge - The road is blocked, but you can aggro 2 zombies and maybe a tentacle chick (who will murder you) and damage them through the wall. If they are close enough when they die, 243 gold will float through the gate for each kill... Early-game is dead! You're welcome.


The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Jul 12, 2009
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Jesus christ (Pun intended) - AI art is not going back in the box. If "there is a really good game here," you should be asking yourself what that is worth to you and pay that amount.
The dev asked for feedback on their use of AI generation in their workflow. I'm not asking for AI art to "go back in the box" - I just won't be playing any H-games that use it, because it does nothing for me in the context of adult material. I think it's... fine when used for things like backgrounds, environments, that sort of thing - ie elements that aren't the main focus of the player's attention, or the main selling point of the game - which would help expedite development by allowing greater focus on systems and the most important parts of content. When it comes to H-scenes and their subjects though, I'm simply not aroused by AI art. What that comes down to exactly, I couldn't tell you. H-scenes, their context within gameplay and/or story, and accompanying writing if any, are the most important elements (in that order) of an H-game to me. To your equation - an H-game with art I don't enjoy isn't one I'm going to value. I wouldn't play this kind of game if it wasn't an H-game, and that goes for the vast majority of them.


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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AI H art is always so same-y, like the AI has decided that H art must be done in a single style. Doesn't do it for me. I certainly see the appeal for a dev that can't do the art themselves, given all the problems artists cause with H-games.

I'd like to rag on the 2 post AI shill but, there's honestly no reason to since sucking AI teat that hard is embarrassing enough without me needing to point and laugh.
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Demon Girl Pro
Apr 9, 2010
Reputation score
I find it quite ironic that these 'Keyboard Karen' is mostly on the side where their line of thought rushes to the point of 'AI arts is bad!' even before they carefully read any context in debate or opinions at all ... who's the real self-aware one faster to acknowledge the plague of AI-generated work here, I wonder?

Personally, and I think many people think the same, that AI-generated art, be it from pure prompt or part of the workflow is here to stay. There's no denying that and it will get better by day. Most people already acknowledge that. Many still hate it, many don't even bother, and many are keenly interested to see where it goes.

However, it's least about using AI in workflow and more about the presentation. The style, design, vibe, the 'life' it gives. They certainly look good on the surface but they lack what can make the art itself stand out, the uniqueness. At the end of it process, no matter how hard you work on it, the touch-up made by AI even as part of a tool still turned your work into what I personally call 'factory standard', where it looks good but still too obvious and not distinct enough to call it a genuine art in itself. Just a piece of mass-produced content similar to all alikes of them across the internet.

Unless you're capable to trained the AI itself to make them have an iconic style of your own, which I have seen some of them from ci-en and other SNS, it's unavoidable that this art style will quickly become recognizable and heat pour down on you, your hard work will be diminishing, no matter how hard-working behind the scene each of you makes it happen to be it a sketch, flat color, editing retouching, etc., it will all be devalued to 'AI-prompted' work, that's the pill you need to swallow.

Although it's nothing need to be on the defensive about, many called themselves proudly an AI-prompter despite working hard on their piece with AI as a part of their toolkit and workflow, they know by heart that AI does the heavy lifting for them, and that's something I can respect. A humble one.

For me, it's whatever, this art style is not doing it for me anymore. I tried the game, good little game and fluid. I can feel the attention and dedication your team wants to make this game playable like a real game.

Sadly, the art style which is the main focal point of this game just isn't my tea. Sounds delusional or not but I find most if not all AI touch-ups arts to lack 'soul' and 'life' in them, sometimes minuscule details aren't that important to look at like detailed fingers or point-of-connection of limbs and objects, but once you spotted it, it can't help but feels like the whole immersion of looking at the art is wholeheartedly ruined.

Sometimes I asked myself if I can discern the legit handmade art from AI, the answer is that, unless it's obvious enough, I won't. But in this case, it does.


Demon Girl
Oct 16, 2016
Reputation score
This isn't about the morality of ai art, it's just that ai art is so generic and soulless that it isn't hot. That's it. That's the only thing that matters in this context. I use ai art myself for a few specific purposes, but none of those are for getting people's rocks off.


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Sep 19, 2020
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I'm sure everyone here is a savant when it comes to identifying AI art, but I don't think you're being honest if you don't think you can be fooled, or at the very least appreciate your personal fetish done well enough.

A small dev-team can now focus on making an actual game and have decent art in orders of magnitude-less time and almost no cost. If that doesn't excite you one bit, I don't think I care what you think regarding H-content or H-games in general. (The stylizing similarities are just what sells currently and probably all use the same 2-3 generative models. New models are being developed constantly, though NSFW are still few)

YumamiSoft has put what I consider to be the necessary amount of effort into curation, touch-up and even animation for their H-content. That is so much more than the countless half-assed games already sold on DLsite with zero gameplay, zero touch-up, and comedic price-tags.

That is why I jumped into a convo after years of lurking. I want to see this kind of game survive the vocal majority's "cancelling." If we don't endorse the people who do it well, we're only ever going to get mediocrity. Point and laugh if that makes you feel better.


Demon Girl Pro
Nov 6, 2014
Reputation score
That is why I jumped into a convo after years of lurking. I want to see this kind of game survive the vocal majority's "cancelling." If we don't endorse the people who do it well, we're only ever going to get mediocrity. Point and laugh if that makes you feel better.
The game is move forwards, hit one button to attack, collect gold, move on. There's no higher gameplay save for buying 'plus 1' equipment. You've got no stat leveling, no special attacks or skills, it's just 'move to area, clear, repeat'. There's no gallery or recollection function, there's not even a basic options page.

This game is the definition of 'mediocrity', and seems to just be another rushed vehicle to trot out some CG's like so many of these 'fantasy' setting games are. Except this time the CG's are AI generated, which isn't even to me the main sin of this title. What about this game makes it so important to defend against the 'cancelling' exactly? There's certainly not any ground-breaking or even engaging gameplay unless all you've tried so far is mobile clicker games. Hopefully this release from the devs is a good 'training' exercise and they go on to improve and innovate for future titles, but at the moment this game is not worth 1700 yen.


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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lol, so cancelling has become saying: "I don't like this; I'm not going to buy it because of x"? Last time I checked that was just giving honest feedback and cancelling was when you told your fellow cult members they shouldn't buy something because of X view the creator holds.

Next you'll accuse anyone who's not bending over for the ai of dogwhistling.


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2010
Reputation score
i agree don't throw buzzwords if you don't like it don't buy it but if you do then buy it no one's saying hey everyone fuck this dev, which yes that would be bad personal attacks are uncalled for but that's not happening sure some people are a little bit harsh with their wording but that's ulmf for you haha, anyway i am going to play the demo from the moment i saw it it caught my attention even when i don't like ai art like some fellows here but i mean if the gameplay works and if the h scenes have some good context i am going to like it


Tentacle Monster
Sep 20, 2012
Reputation score
I see AI art as something almost no different from 3D model programs or those 2D art program that let you can change faces, texture and outfits over a static model or image and pose them as you like. The fact that this H game had anything truly positive about it's gameplay shows that there is talent behind the programmer, just nothing in the artistic front. And man is it expensive to hire an artist to your liking to do art for an H game, much less if they have the work ethic to stay consistent in the workflow or peter out. AI art is just more controversial thanks to the argument of plagiarism/tracing for dummies.

There will come a time when AI art will be advanced enough and threaten artists careers for good, maybe 30 years from now when most of us are old or dusted. The more attention and activity we commit to keep discussions like these around for AI generated works, the longer they'll be around and the more motivation they'll have to get better. If you truly dislike AI, you'd need to commit to a silent protest.

I do hope someone makes a 3D AI generated program, there would literally be no change in that industry, heh.
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The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Jul 12, 2009
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I'm sure everyone here is a savant when it comes to identifying AI art, but I don't think you're being honest if you don't think you can be fooled, or at the very least appreciate your personal fetish done well enough.
That's the thing - this game has a lot of content that would be right up my alley, but for whatever reason - probably the complete absence of originality or creativity in AI-generated art, and that its output is derived from an amalgamation of similar images - it just don't do it for me. I wish that weren't the case, and that AI were capable of producing smut with its own unique qualities, that doesn't look like every other piece of AI-generated hentai out there - ideally without deriving it without consent from the work of human artists who had to put real time, effort and creativity into producing it. But that's not where the technology's at yet, and I'm not holding my breath.

A small dev-team can now focus on making an actual game and have decent art in orders of magnitude-less time and almost no cost. If that doesn't excite you one bit, I don't think I care what you think regarding H-content or H-games in general. (The stylizing similarities are just what sells currently and probably all use the same 2-3 generative models. New models are being developed constantly, though NSFW are still few)
Nobody's denying the time and cost-saving measures AI ostensibly provides - but to the person viewing the end result, if it looks like "more of the same" and more of the same is a boring, generic, homogenous art-style with nothing unique, endearing, personal or otherwise compelling about it - it doesn't matter if it was painted by a temporarily ressurrected da Vinci over the course of several years using only the finest of watercolors, or brought into existence with the snap of the devs' fingers, if it just looks like another slight variation on the millions of similar images that came before.

I don't really care about the "game" part of an H-game if I don't find the "H" part fappable, and that's how I feel about every example of AI-generated hentai I've seen so far - even when it's otherwise appealing directly to my fetishes, even if it's decent quality on the surface, and even when it's been adjusted by a real artist to remove aberrations or add details the AI can't do well by its self. Meanwhile, human-made art that's only a couple steps removed from stick-men can do it for me. How much that's down to the lack of variety in AI's output and how easily it can currently be identified as such - and how much it's because of the absence of that intangible human touch - I don't know, and I suppose we'll see as the technology matures. As it stands currently - consider that various popular hentai sites are already implementing filters for AI art.

That is why I jumped into a convo after years of lurking. I want to see this kind of game survive the vocal majority's "cancelling." If we don't endorse the people who do it well, we're only ever going to get mediocrity. Point and laugh if that makes you feel better.
Nobody's "cancelling" anything here - nor has the criticism been particularly harsh, especially by our standards. Just stating our opinions - which the dev specifically asked for. Well, maybe that's about to change;

The game its self has a very basic and repetitive loop. It has clothing destruction, combat-rape animations, an arousal bar and game over CGs - which is the bare minimum for a game like this to be considered decent, art notwithstanding. Don't get me wrong - it's competent, it controls well and everything - but I don't find it compelling. For all the ostensible benefits of AI-generated art, there isn't anything deep or novel about its gameplay systems that could potentially elevate it. Maybe that's down to it being a short project as a sort of proof-of-concept.

So the way I see it, this'll go one of two ways - the dev, or others taking inspiration from them to use the a similar development model, takes advantage of the expedience and cost-savings of AI art generation to continue putting out quick and simple games lke this - or they do so in order to deepen and
flesh out everything else about the gameplay and story. Corruption, stats, more advanced grapple systems, gangbangs - multiple characters, capture/rescue systems, etc.

For one of those eventualities, "mediocrity" would be the perfect descriptor (maybe even both, depending on how AI generation evolves). The adult games industry being as it is, I know which to expect more of.