What's new

Kill the person above you.

Re: Kill the person above you.

Runs in a circle fast enough to create a Space of Fragmented time and Sends Zerospace back to the time when Earth was completly molten space dust.
Re: Kill the person above you.

Power Overwhelming
"Look, SCVs! Thats a nice BIG stack of minirals over there.... have fun!"
Re: Kill the person above you.

*Takes Molten earth, throws it at Lurker*
Re: Kill the person above you.


ZERG RUSH!!!!!!!!

*Trampled by said zerg, thus leaving the thread nothing to kill, and thus winning the game >:3*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*re-animates lurker just in time for him to get frozen and raped by re-deads from LoZ:OoT*

Oh, and I packed you some as well.
Re: Kill the person above you.

Oh I packed you a Navi, gives.
Re: Kill the person above you.

*Throws helmet with stuck on granade to you*
Take it back, I 'throw' in a helmet too.
Re: Kill the person above you.

Soccer kicks it back:

"Sorry I can't accept your love!"
Re: Kill the person above you.

*shoots it back at you*
I don't need an answer, you can just have it.
Re: Kill the person above you.

*Steals it*

...No, wait a minBOOM

*Zero is killed by flying Host scales*
Re: Kill the person above you.

Uh... no, I have shielding.
and since you are already dead... :)
Re: Kill the person above you.

Oh. Fuck, then.

*Reforms inside the shield*

*Sucker-punches Zero - to death!*
Re: Kill the person above you.

Re: Kill the person above you.

*Side stepped*
*Hammers Host off stage*
Re: Kill the person above you.


*kicks Zero's head off*
Re: Kill the person above you.

Hey, you can kick but please don't kick my helmet off.
*Lights Cross on fire*
Re: Kill the person above you.

*Hugs Cross to gain flaming-ness*

*Hugs Zero for being the one to start the fire*
Re: Kill the person above you.

How does that kill anybody?
*Doesn't kill Host*
*Throws him in safe room instead*
*locks him inside*
You will be safe in there :D
*Forgot to give him water and food.*
Re: Kill the person above you.

now to see if burning hunters do more damage then non-burning hunters!

*Both pounce above poster*