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Sex Mugen

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Re: Sex Mugen

Assuming it hasn't been changed since my latest posts, I have the password. If Judael okays it, I'll share it via pm for anyone who desires it.

I know not the rules that apparently exist with sharing it, but in an effort to further avoid stepping on any toes, I'll withhold until I have advanced approval.
Re: Sex Mugen

I suspect it's because of the released characters. Some creators hate warehousing. Not that I work on mugen characters anymore.
Re: Sex Mugen

Well this just became confusing then.

So where is the best place to find mugen character updates? It feels like a drought lately.
Re: Sex Mugen

Honestly Mugen doesn't get updated all that quickly. There are only so many people who take the time to edit sprites for H mugen. Betmark is good, Mugen Ryona (Sakura) is a Japanese site that gets updated the most often but you'll have to google translate or have some Japanese knowledge to navigate it and it's kind of unorganized. Then you have Mugen Hentai (Spanish site). Those are the 3 big ones I check.

I don't know why the English H Mugen community died a few years ago, it used to be so much easier to talk about it, there were like 3 English forums but they all died. It really slowed down the progress and not many English speakers are as interested in it or learning about it anymore. Overall don't expect much from day to day or week to week, it's best to find what you can and wait a few months to check back for updates. It's amazing what you can find if you care to roll around sites in other languages though, so try not to let language barrier stop you or you'll miss a lot.
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Re: Sex Mugen

isnt the japanese mugen site are for WIP characters only? that, and i never seen them japanese sharing their characters to others.

there was mugen imageboard long ago it has lots of characters but some foreign lawsuit messed it up
Re: Sex Mugen

You don't get the point guys.All is shared at the end (Have you ever lost a single character until now?i really don't think that a password can stop all the web). Even authors and modders don't use the password cos they don't want to share but the password is needed as fillter. My problem is in the site itself. H mugen lovers aren't the only lurkers. I've started this project for fun (sharing here and there) but is starting to give me problems and i hate problems.
I would love to post here my email inbox lol

Ye i said that was my last post.well ..sry

I don't know what you're saying, do you want us to be able to play it or not? Yes for play it or No for not.
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Re: Sex Mugen

Nobody cares for the vague answers and responses, just leave it alone. If your site doesn't make it easily accessible, people won't use it, plain and simple. Seems like a waste of work but whatever. Don't play games here with people about it, it's annoying. If you don't want the stress, shut your site down or something.

isnt the japanese mugen site are for WIP characters only? that, and i never seen them japanese sharing their characters to others.

there was mugen imageboard long ago it has lots of characters but some foreign lawsuit messed it up

Well you could consider all mugen characters a WIP :p They're always being updated for new moves. Most the kuro light compatible characters I have are from the Jap site.
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Re: Sex Mugen

Did you take a look at my sig?

Okay so I'm assuming that's a yes, one would think it'd be much easier to just say yes. Anyway, how do you expect to 'share' (the word in your sig) if you don't tell anyone the password? Like you could PM the people asking in this thread yourself instead of telling them to go ask someone else for the password, which isn't possible unless someone comes here and says they have the password and are willing to share it.

On that note though someone a few posts back said he thinks he has the password and would only share if you said it was okay that you seemed to have ignored.
Re: Sex Mugen

I've already ok'ed him yesterday :confused:

Anyway as i expected it's a losing battle and i don't want to start a fight here for something so irrilevant. I've hoped in more brain from "experienced users" anyway nvm as fruit suggested site closed.

Maybe it's less on the users part and more on your laziness and passive-aggressiveness. And he created that post 4 hours ago, and you didn't reply in this thread, maybe you PM'd him but I have no way of knowing that. Or do you expect us users to be psychic? I think you expect a little bit too much.
Re: Sex Mugen

those really are good WIPs. i'd like to know how'd you *get* them, or is it even possible? (that Kai sprite looks delicious man. i wish i had those)

by the way is there any new updates for Kai? like new finisher or moves?
Re: Sex Mugen


those really are good WIPs. i'd like to know how'd you *get* them, or is it even possible? (that Kai sprite looks delicious man. i wish i had those)

by the way is there any new updates for Kai? like new finisher or moves?

That one is a WIP site, so most the stuff there isn't released at all yet. I have seen some if it eventually show up on mugenryona, I know it's difficult because they all mostly have mugen and ryona in them, but the site I'm talking about is hosted on a sakura domain (search: mugenryona sakura). Apparently the lack of a space will make it more difficult to find with google, last time I checked, it wasn't that bad.

Don't want to directly link because of possibly bad content or whatever, but you can find all the resources I mentioned on the last page by searching these names (Search these exactly):

MugenRyona Sakura
mugenhentai crearforosex (This one is a little hard to distinguish with some search engines.)

All of those can usually lead you to other sites or places to download characters like 4share accounts and such, so look around them a bit.
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Re: Sex Mugen

Great. I was about to use that great mugen database and ask politely for the password but it seems its dead now because of a stupid fight that should have been nipped in the bud.

Great job guys.

I don't suppose anyone uploaded the latest version and patches somewhere?
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Re: Sex Mugen

how the hell all files in mugenryona sakura passworded? anyone knows something or anything about those passworded shits?
Re: Sex Mugen

Great. I was about to use that great mugen database and ask politely for the password but it seems its dead now because of a stupid fight that should have been nipped in the bud.

Great job guys.

I don't suppose anyone uploaded the latest version and patches somewhere?

Did you really think it was going to stay down?
Re: Sex Mugen

Hello. Can someone say password for game archive?
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