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Happy Singles Awareness Day/Valentines Day

Re: Happy Singles Awareness Day/Valentines Day

Indeed. I read this article the other day, and it pretty much sums up my own opinion on this V-Day.

Thats an opinion i hear a lot, i have the opposite view. Sure it may be some commercial holiday, but it gives you a reason to do or in my case receive something special. It doesn't have to be a bunch of flowers or a fancy restaurant but just making some form of effort out of the ordinary, then again i'm one of those people who can enjoy the thought (as long as its a nice thought anyway).

It's alright man. We've all been there.

you kids may have gotten screwy valentines days before but this year i got whelched on and snubbed doubly hard due to the double up of valentines / birthday. i don't mean to compare to some of the people here who are going through serious pain, but my normally very stable personality has been quite depressed about all this. In the end i think we can all agree having no expectations is so much easier.
Re: Happy Singles Awareness Day/Valentines Day

I actually enjoyed Valentine's day. Saved up a bunch of minutes on me calling card and called the fiance. I don't usually get to do that.
Re: Happy Singles Awareness Day/Valentines Day

I agree with both points.
I always find a way to enjoy it because it's easy to it is a commercial holiday.

If you get too hung up on the concept of it being a given time for romance, there leaves the possibility of becoming hurt. However, if you view it as just a chance for romance instead, it's really easy to get by. Sure, it may be taking an easy way out, but it doesn't mean I skimp on the chance at all.

I knew a friend of mine didn't have a valentines, so I ended up taping chocolates and a rose to her door, under a paper with her name on it. The rest of the day, I did absolutely nothing but didn't feel like it was a failure just cuz.

It's like, if you have to feeling that you're not obligated to do it, you're more willing to do it anyway.
Re: Happy Singles Awareness Day/Valentines Day

I infiltrated an anti-valentine's party in a friend of a friend's room, where everyone was supposed to be single.

I just hope my girlfriend doesn't find out we played strip ... she'd be upset she wasn't there to join in.
Re: Happy Singles Awareness Day/Valentines Day

I just have to share my Valentines plan with someone, and seeing as my girl is rarely on here it's you guys! (Yay!)

Ok, so I'm working tomorrow, and she's got school, so we don't really have a lot of time. I'm not one of the mindess sheep buying tons of presents, but I am somewhat of a romantic. (Ok, BIG romantic.) So anyways, she lost her phone on Friday near where I live, and it was found by a kindergarden. I retrieved it from the kindergarden, and she's coming to pick it up today. What she doesn't know is that inside the phone between the battery and the battery cover there now rests a little note with a heart and a rather long poem. At some point during her boring day I will send her a message telling her to check there... I might also hide some of her favorite chocolate somewhere she'll find it if I get the chance.

There's probably going to be a shower of red reps for this from some members that are... Not so fond of love, or just think my idea is sucky. But anyways, what are people doing for valentines this year? Staying in? Proposing? Candy? Nothing?

And of course, I am very curious about what people will be doing for SAD as well:)
Re: Happy Singles Awareness Day/Valentines Day


Nunu is being taken out for dinner.
Re: Happy Singles Awareness Day/Valentines Day

Eh, I plan on spending or Horny Werewolf Day eating fried foods and watching cheesy old sci-fi movies, as well as The Apple, with some friends.
Re: Happy Singles Awareness Day/Valentines Day

Bought someone special a gift card to her local spa for 150 dollars and baked her brownies "made with love" (I'm not being weird, she's into that stuff, she just didn't ask for it specifically)
Re: Happy Singles Awareness Day/Valentines Day

Um, I had no idea it was valentines day, whatever day that was.

My plan to not care succeeded!
Re: Happy Singles Awareness Day/Valentines Day

Um, I had no idea it was valentines day, whatever day that was.

My plan to not care succeeded!

It's tomorrow, so you still have plenty of time to fail.
Re: Happy Singles Awareness Day/Valentines Day

I will be working a lot like today, maybe my students try to buy me with candies like the last year, but meh.
Re: Happy Singles Awareness Day/Valentines Day

Happy Shepard Day more like. Gonna be giving the ME3 demo a thorough bashing tomorrow.
Re: Happy Singles Awareness Day/Valentines Day

When it was announced that the date for the demo was feb. 14, I was like "haha, suckers that have girlfriends..." Now I have a girlfriend... :p
Well, I think I can wait on the demo for an evening ;)

Also, Toxic, when you say made with love... What exactly do you mean? Are we talking here?
Re: Happy Singles Awareness Day/Valentines Day

Taking Ben out for $0.35 Oyster night. UGh.
Re: Happy Singles Awareness Day/Valentines Day

Well, at least the icing.
Re: Happy Singles Awareness Day/Valentines Day

I'll be cooking dinner for Nunu :3

But seriously, I'll be spending 8 hours cooking food for half the city, then going home and passing out. Day after though, I have a spa and massage for two, then a dinner, then a movie.
Re: Happy Singles Awareness Day/Valentines Day

Happy Obligation Day!
Re: Happy Singles Awareness Day/Valentines Day

As one of my customers said today, "I find it amusing I'm buying birth control pills on Valentine's day." Told my mother about "Singles Awareness Day" and she got the biggest kick out of that. In the meantime, I think I'll be joining Oni in celebrating Shepard day. Just gotta go set up the download for it.
Re: Happy Singles Awareness Day/Valentines Day

Blargh. Gotta wait 'til tomorrow to celebrate Shepard day. @ 2 GBs and the d/l was going SLOW AS BALLS. Hopefully it'll be better tomorrow when nobody else is home using the internet.
Re: Happy Singles Awareness Day/Valentines Day

Nothing different about my day today than any other day. I think my dad sent me some candy in the mail, but I haven't gotten it yet. When all else fails, he's my valentine. lol

I found this little short film though that I think is pretty cute. And I guess it could serve as sort of a SAD inspirational clip. =P
