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Dungeon of Doors (Chatgame)


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
The Dungeon of Doors (Created by XSI)

Everything in here is optional, all that is needed to play is a name and character picture

(Story of the original)
The dungeon lies under an abandonned castle ruin, which is told to have both treasure and dangers hidden inside it. For this game the players will have the goal of taking as many of the treasure as they could get, and they can take what they have and leave whenever they want.

However, there are not just treasures down the ruins, and there are also monsters. Some monsters may decide to defend themselves against the intruders, and attack, but due to the nature of the dungeon and it's creator, a powerfull warlock said to reside deep within, most monsters will try to use the players for their own ends.

This chatgame is Used to be(Feel free to ask about it) played in chatrooms, I currently go to:

(Chibi's chat)

XSI(me) will GM Dungeon of Doors, but the system is free to use.
In order to join an ongoing game, just message the GM and ask, if no game is currently being played, feel free to ask anyway.

-System and character creation-

Magic is thought up on the go, but has to be aproved before being used.(Private message to GM)

Treasure can be carried in containers, such as backpacks and chests, and not saying you take it along means you will leave it where you found it. A character can wear up to 5 necklaces and 10 rings, after which they will need to store the items in a container, or carry them by hand, which is very limited (Up to 20 coins/hand or 1 item/hand), and gives a negative to all actions they take while carrying it.

While grouping up with others is allowed, there is no team score, so players will have to divide their loot amongst eachother.

Both male and female characters are allowed(Herms are allowed as well, and as herms they can choose from both male only and female only advantages for their male/female parts.), but female characters are preferred unless the player with the male character likes M/M(possible sexual) encounters.

Starting equipment is one weapon and one set of armour/clothes of the user's choice.

A character may pick special advantages/disadvantages to change their experience, for better, or worse. Unless stated, an atribute can only be picked once.(Note that in DoD, most monsters a character encounters will be of roughly equal strength, stacking a lot on one thing does not mean instant victory)

Every advantage/disadvantage has a value, in "Advantage points", or AP. A character needs to have a positive amount of AP, or have 0 AP left. A character can spend these points on advantages, and get more points by taking disadvantages.
The cost in AP is the number in front of it. A +x means you get x AP for taking that one.

Every new character starts with 10 points.(Note, not all good advantages are always good, and not all bad are always bad. Some are situational)

(1)Strong: +1 to rolls involving strength
(2)Very strong: Needs strong, +2 to rolls involving strength
(3)Powerfull: Needs very strong, +3 to rolls involving strength
(4)Very powerfull: Needs powerfull, +4 to rolls involving strength
(5)Extreme power: Needs very powerfull, +5 to rolls involving strength
(The highest one of these counts, no stacking)

(1)Fast: +1 to rolls involving speed
(2)Very fast: Needs fast, +2 to rolls involving speed
(3)Agile: Needs very fast, +3 to rolls involving speed
(4)Very agile: Needs agile, +4 to rolls involving speed
(5)Extreme speed: Needs very agile, +5 to rolls involving speed
(The highest one of these counts, no stacking)

(1)Smart: +1 to rolls involving thought, such as magic, and puzzles
(2)Very smart: Needs smart, +2 to rolls involving thought, such as magic, and puzzles
(3)Inteligent: Needs Very smart,+3 to rolls involving thought, such as magic, and puzzles
(4)Very inteligent: Needs inteligent, +4 to rolls involving thought, such as magic, and puzzles
(5)Extreme mind: Needs very inteligent, +5 to rolls involving thought, such as magic, and puzzles
(The highest one of these counts, no stacking)

(3)Enduring: Character gets a base +1 to hp.(Can be taken 5 times, in the official DoD, 1hp= get hit once in actual combat, anybody using the system may change this value to fit their game.)
(3)Observant: +3 to rolls for discovering hidden things, which can be traps, monsters, treasure, and more. Can be taken a max of 3 times.
(3)Strong will: +3 to rolls for giving in to sex, can be taken a max of 5 times.
(3)Good at seducing: +3 to rolls for convincing the opponent to have sex with the character, instead of fighting.(Can be picked up to 3 times)
(2)Weapon proficiency: +2 to rolls with weapon of choice
(3)Escape artist: +3 to rolls involving escaping grapples, ties, or other things holding down/impairing the character.
(2)Rope skills: The general usage of rope, +4 to rolls involving the use of a rope.
(3)Armour proficiency: +2 to rolls involving armour of type selected. (Includes defensive rolls while wearing the armour)
(2)Magic resistance: Character gets +1 to rolls about magic resisting, can be taken max 5 times.
(3)Magician: Character gets +2 to spellcasting, can be taken up to 5 times.
(3)Poison resisting: Character has a +2 chance to resist poison, can be taken a max of 5 times. (Without this, all poison effects the character)
(3)Puzzler: a 3 out of 20 chance that the character will see right through a puzzle or trap to see exactly how to disable it.
(4)Master puzzler: Requires puzzler, increase chance to 6 out of 20.
(4)Bloodlust: Character can attack two times in one turn, but anything that happens to the character will get a +5 to its roll, including grapples, attacks, and even traps.
(2)Toy expert: +2 to rolls using toys of any kind, I think whoever reads this knows what kind of toys this is used for. (Can be taken a max of 5 times)
(3)Camouflage expert: +2 to rolls for staying hidden when using a kind of camouflage, can be picked 5 times.
(4)Natural camouflage: +3 to rolls for sneaking and/or staying hidden. Stacks with other effects.
(1-5)Natural weapons: Character has natural weapons, granting bonusses depending on the weapon, mostly used in combat, but some things may help with other things. Cost depends on weapon/effect, GM has to aprove it first.

(2)Good with value: The character can easily see which items are worth more then others.
(3)Knows valuables: requires good with value, the character can see how much a item is worth in gold.
(3)Magical identification: Can identify magical items in a crude manner(Shows the kind of magic, no details)
(4)Expert magic identification: Shows in detail what a magical item does(Needs magical identification)
(3)Advanced weapon identification: Identify strange looking weapons, and what they are strong/weak against.(Gives a bonus for the character when fighting with, or against the identified weapon)
(3)Item identification: Allows the player to identify uncommon items.
(2)Basic creature identification: Allows the player to identify common and simple creatures.
(3)Advanced creature identification: Needs basic version. Allows the player to identify rare and special creatures
(3)Tracking: Allows character to track where creatures, including players, went in the area.
(3)Advanced tracking: Needs tracking, Allows a character to follow a specific track, or see what kind of creature made the tracks.

(2)Lucky: Effect is different based on situation.(Minor positive effects)
(3)Extra equipment start: Start with extra equipment of your choice, remember to let the gm approve it.
(1-5)Diferent genetelia: Character has diferent genetelia then normal, granting an effect, or bonus. Cost depends on effect. (Player chooses effect, but GM will have to aprove/disaprove. Having multiple genetelia falls under this.)
(2)Nutritious milk: (Female only) While all milk is nutritious, this character's milk is exceptionally so, even having small healing properties(+1 hp, cures minor diseases and poisons)
(4)Healing Milk: (Female only) Needs nutritious milk. The milk from this character has healing effects.(+3 hp, cures some diseases and poisons)
(8)Life Milk: (Female only) Needs healing milk. The milk from this character has healing abilities that are extremely good.(+5 hp, cures most diseases and poisons)
(2)Nutritious cum: (Male only) The cum from this character has minor healing effects.(+1 hp, cures minor diseases and poisons)
(4)Healing cum: (Male only) Needs nutritious cum. The cum from this character has healing abilities. (+3 hp, cures some diseases and poisons)
(8)Life cum: (Male only) Needs healing cum. The cum from this character has healing effects that are extremely good.(+5 hp, cures most diseases and poisons)
(5)Spatial thinking: all containers used by this character have 50% more space.
(4)Natural armour: Scales, or a very thick hide covers the body, preventing a succesfull attack once. Works only once a battle.
(4)Darksight: Character can see in natural darkness.
(0.5)Parental instincts: Character will be able to identify their offspring when seeing them.

°~-=Neutral:=-~° A blessing or a curse..Depends on the situation.
(0.5)Great looks: Monsters are more interested sexually in the character, +4 to rolls of whether or not a spotted monster is interested in the character for a sexual reason.
(0.5)Intimidating: Monsters are more interested in fighting the character, and flee easier...But they may return with allies. +4 to the chance of a monster wanting to fight, and a 20% chance of it going to run away after getting hit.
(1)After Battle lust: After winning a battle, character will become aroused and get -5 to resisting sex, and +5 to attempting to start sex in a forcefull way.
(3)Functional Wings: characters will have a harder time dodging(-3 to dodging/evading), and are easyer to spot(-5 to attempts at moving unnoticed.). But, they can use their wings to fly around.
(3)Construct/other being- Does not need to breathe, and can survive some hostile areas some races cant. But some creatures rather like this, so these strange traits may make the character more desireable to them...

(2)Sterile: (Male only) -1 to pregnancy rolls, can not reduce below base. Can not be picked along with a positive to male seed.
(2)Infertile(Female only) -1 to pregnancy rolls, can not reduce below a 1/20 chance, counts as advantage for points after 2 picks. Can not be picked along with fertile or increase offspring. (This can be used to nullify an opponent with potent seed, or pvp where that is used.)

(0.5)Lays eggs:(Female only) Instead of live birth, eggs come out much easier, and they don't cry. But, because eggs are smaller, more fit inside. (+3 to max offspring, stacks with max offspring disadvantage, egglaying females have a minimum that is 1/4th of their max, rounded up.)
(1)Extra milk:(Female only) Breasts produce more milk, which helps in a way, but also makes the female more wanted by whatever creatures she meets.

(0)Magic sperm(Male only): Children born from the character's sperm are a random race.
(0)Magic womb(Female only): Children born from this character are a random race.

(+1)Weak: -1 to rolls involving strength(Can be picked multiple times)
(+1)Slow: -1 to rolls involving speed(Can be picked multiple times)
(+1)Dull mind: -1 to rolls involving thought, such as magic, and puzzles(Can be picked multiple times
(+3)Bad stamina: -1 to base hp. Can't be taken so the character has less then 1 hp.
(+3)Weak willed: -3 to rolls for giving in to sex, can be taken a max of 5 times.
(+3)Unattentive: -3 to rolls for discovering hidden things, which can be traps, monsters, treasure, and more. Can be taken a max of 5 times.
(+4)Bad escaper: -3 to rolls involving escaping grapples, ties, or other things holding down/impairing the character. Can be taken a max of 5 times. Can not be picked along with good at escaping.
(+3)Unatractive: -3 to rolls of the monsters being invterested into the character sexually
(+3)Constantly aroused: -5 to all rolls when being sexually assaulted.
(+4)Nympho: Requires constantly aroused, another -5 to all rolls when being sexually assaulted.
(+3)Heat(Both genders): Mostly seen in furry characters, When triggered, character suffers -10 to rolls of resisting sex untill sexually satisfied.
(+4)Heat-2(Female verion): Same as the first heat, but with added RP that character will try to become pregnant once triggered.
(+4)Heat-2(Male version): Same as first heat, but with added RP that character will try to impregnante a female once triggered.
(+3)Easy to notice: -2 to all rolls involving camouflage or hiding, can be picked a max of 5 times.
(+2)'Free spirited': gets a -2 penalty to all rolls when using any kind of clothing covering more then half the torso. Can be picked up to 5 times.
(+5)Nudist: Wearing anything will incur a -3 penalty to all rolls for every piece of clothing or armour.

(+5)Bad space management: all containers used by this character have 50% less space.
(+4)Vow of poverty: Character may never own more then 750 gold worth in items. When he/she does, the character will suffer -1 to all rolls for every 100 gold above 750.
(+2)Expanded vow of poverty: Vow of poverty's gold limit is set to 250 instead of 1500, must have vow of poverty to take.
(+2)Unlucky: Effect is different based on situation. (Minor negative effecs)
(+2)Naked start: Character starts naked, without equipment
(+4)Weaker to Poison: Effects of poison of all kinds doubled for character
(+2)Weak to magic: -2 to rolls of resisting magic, can be taken a max of 3 times.
(+3)Coward: Gets a -2 to all rolls for every hostile present. Stacks with other things. Can be taken once.
(+5)Pacifist: Gets a -5 to all combat rolls. May only be taken once.
(+4)Honourable: If the character attacks something that is defeated already or doesn't want to fight, all rolls for the rest of the day will suffer a cumulative -3 penalty.
(+4)Love for all life: Character can never kill anything, when the character does kill something by mistake or accident, he will get -10 to all rolls for 5 ingame days.
(+3)Claustrophobia: Character gets -3 to all rolls when in a small space. Can be picked up to 3 times.
(+3)Agoraphobia: Character gets -3 to all rolls when in a wide, open space. Can be picked up to 3 times.
(+2)Naturalist: Character gets a -2 to all rolls in Cities/Manmade Areas, can be picked up to 5 times. Can not be picked with Citydweller.
(+2)Citydweller: Character gets a -2 to all rolls in natural Areas, can be picked up to 5 times. Can not be picked with Naturalist.
(+4)Afraid of blood: When the character sees blood, roll a d20, if the result is below 10, character will faint.
(+3)Kleptomaniac: Character will have an urge to take all valuable or shiny things. This must be roleplayed, GM enforced.

(+2)Extra sensitive: Character has a very sensitive body, making him/her climax faster. (Can be taken up to 5 times, each time making the character more sensitive, at 1 time, it's just a little more sensitive, at 2 times, it's easy to set off the character, at 3 time, its the limit of them being able to controll it, at 4 times, any touch sets them off, at 5 times, even the thought of something touching will set him/her off)
(+3)Fetish: Player chooses a fetish, when said fetish happens to the character, all rolls of the character are reduced by 4, can be picked once for every fetish. Fetishes can overlap.(+3 only counts for the first 2 fetishes, after that another fetish only gives +2)
(+2)Fertile: (Female only) (Requires constantly aroused to get 3 times or more, and nympho to get 5 times or more)+3 to pregnancy rolls(Can be picked multiple times, but can not be picked after chance is 100%)
(+1)Potent seed:(Male only) A pregnant monster may just choose to keep daddy around to stay with the kids, and some can be very persuasive. +2 to pregnancy rolls.(Can not pick after chance is 100%)
(+2)Enduring seed:(Male only) The seed from the male stays in the female body longer, giving it more chances at finding the egg. Each level gives an additional preg roll. Can cause multiple pregnancies if the female has that and multiple successes.(Can be picked a max of 5 times)
(+2)Prone to multiples: (Male only) Causes eggs to split an exceptional number of times after impregnating a female, causing more offspring. +1 to maximum offspring, can be picked a max of 5 times.
(+2)bigger cumshots: (Male only) Character has a bigger cumshot, which while being purely for show, does intimidate females nearby, possibly making them attempt to capture the male. (Roll for capturing even when normal needs for that are not met, as long as character has this.)
(+2)Increase amount of offspring: (Female only) +1 to max of offspring, minumum will always be at most 3 lower then max unless female lays eggs. Looses it's point as being bad(So it evens out the good ones) after 7 picks, but may still be picked after that.
(+5)Multiple-Pregnancies: (Female only) character may become pregnant again even while pregnant, can be taken once for each possible additional pregnancy. Max of 5. (Note this will be heavy on the character, and having 5 pregnancies going on at the same time will land her in trouble, provided she isn't already. Only the first pick gives +5, the second +4, third +3, fourth +2, last +1)
(+3)Need for milking: Must have a bonus to milk, character requires herself to be milked regularly or suffers penalties. (Can be taken up to 3 times, each time making the effect bigger)
(+4)Connected holes, mouth:(Female only) The mentioned hole is connected with the reproductive system, allowing the character to get pregnant by blowjobs.
(+4)Connected holes, anus:(Female only) The mentioned hole is connected with the reproductive system, allowing the character to pregnant by anal.

Karma balancing system:
Using the advantage/disadvantage system to attempt to create godlike characters(+everything, negative of all sex related things, then just kill everything in regular battle) will not work. Instead, you will end up fighting monsters with the same bonusses, and sometimes even multiple of them. This way you will even be at a disadvantage compared to people who use the system as it was intended, character costumisation.
This only applies to extreme cases, and the GM decides what is and is not extreme.

Dice used in DoD:

Attacks of any kind: 1d20 rolling against the opponents 1d20. advantage used depends on the action/weapon.
Interaction with objects that need effort: 1d20 against pre-determined number, rolling below the number will be succes.
Casting magic: 1d20 against pre-determined value of spell difficulty.
Finding traps: 1d20 against pre-determined value of trap, used when first entering the room at a -5 penalty, and just before setting off the trap without penalty.
Hiding: 1d20, base value of 10 which the player has to roll to hide successfully, a hidden player can be spotted using the same skills that are used to spot traps.
Giving in to sex: 1d20 on every sexual action used on the character, gives in only when a 1 is rolled.(Effected by constantly aroused/nympho, making the limit 10 and below for nympho characters)
Preg chance: 1d20, 18 and above is a success, potent seed and fertile stack. (Note: Multiple cumshots by anything, most likely tentacle monsters, will have multiple rolls.
Amount of offspring: Base of 1-2, roll a 1d(x-y) for offspring, x being the maximum number, and y being the minimum.

A character with wings can use these to fly and reach higher places. The downside is that with wings the characters will have a harder time dodging(-3 to dodging/evading), and are easyer to spot(-5 to attempts at moving unnoticed.)

Darkness and light:
Some parts of the dungeon are dark.
This may simply be because there is no light there, but it is also possible to be a magical darkness, which just drowns out all light. Normal darkness can be lifted by simply carrying a torch, using magic, or anything else that makes dark areas light.
Magical darkness however, due to it's magical nature, will still be dark even when a character moves a torch near it to see. In this case, it all depends on the darkness itself, and diferent kinds of darkness can be removed, avoided, or just ignored with the right actions.

Bad behaviour:
For bad behaviour, which only applies to repeated behaviour, a point system is in place, if someone earns 5 or more points during a single session of play, his/her character is unavailable for the rest of the session/day. Get over 15 points total, and the character is out of the game..Permanently.
Points get deducted if the player shows that he/she can and will consistently act in a way no points need to be awarded.
Examples of things that get people bad behavior points: Out of character insults, godmodding, repeatedly ignoring the GM, and other things.

Points will never be handed out at first sign of problems, and the GM of the game will first contact the person with bad behavior by pm, then in the normal chat, and only after those things are ignored will points be given.

Time: time progresses normally all over the dungeon, and equal. But with a few exceptions. Powerful magic can warp time in some areas, which is used by the dungeon creatures for several things, including the growing of crops, and other less innocent things. Such warped zones are easy to spot, and even someone who has never seen anything like it before can see what it is.

Hall of Fame:
No entries yet

Hall of Shame:
No entries yet
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Re: Dungeon of Doors (Chatgame)


Created DoD text file

V1.5(formerly v2):
Added dice rolls by request
more advantages/disadvantages
Various spelling/grammar errors fixed
Added basic rules on herms

More advantages/disadvantages, and some moved around
Exploit fixed that allowed characters with infinite advantages
Wings system
Darkness and light explained
Bad behavior points explained
Clarified system slightly
Update notes written down

Weakwilled disadvantage added
Identify magic item advantages added
Advantages clarified by tags around good, bad, and neutral.
Time explained

Amount of offspring changed for egglaying females.
Amount of offspring roll simplified
Observant/unattentive made stackable due to 3 being too little effect for being single pick in such an important roll.
Cleared up nympho description
Description of advantages clarified.
Clarified numbers on great looks/intimidating

Advantage/disadvantages added:
Bad escaper
Armour proficiency
Magic resistant
Weak to magic
Poison resisting
Weak to poison

Updated expert magic identify description with missing part.
Made notice near top
Good at seducing made stackable

New advantage/disadvantages
Master puzzler
Diferent genetelia

Organised advantages

Advantages/disadvantages added:
Weapon identification
Item identification
Basic creature identification
Advanced creature identification
Nutritious milk(Thanks to Kayi)
Need for milking(Thanks to Kayi)
Multiple-Pregnancies(Thanks to Kayi)

Next update will have big balance changes, hopefully for the better. If they prove to be bad changes, the game will revert to this version.

Advantage system change:

Every advantage/disadvantage now has a value, in "Advantage points", or AP. A character needs to have a positive amount of AP, or have 0 AP left. A character can spend these points on advantages, and get more points by taking disadvantages.

Changes to several advantages/disadvantages

New advantages:
Strong will
Natural armour
Enduring seed

V2.6 (Aka, suggestions added)
New advantages:(All suggestions this time)
Parental instincts
Connected holes(Both)
Extra sensitive
Heat(And heat2)
Toy expert
After Battle lust
Natural camouflage
Camouflage expert
Easy to notice
Multiple cumshots
Natural weapons

Revealed: Karma balancing system

Unlucky no longer needed to start naked.



Pre-emptive strike added because I know someone was trying to think of a character for it.
(Any requested characters, weapons, magic or skills that will have me trying to think of seige rules is pre-emptively rejected)

Other news: Started updates on forumbased game maps and files, current version is 0.3, technicly playable, but still being worked on.

Wings to neutral
new advantages:
Healing milk
Life milk
And their male variaties.

Need for milking now available to males, applies to the only thing that can be milked. Herms get both effects when picking it.
Loophole for free points fixed. (Thanks to Loli Defense Force)

Other news: Forumbased game in trouble, entire system failing for half the game.

Traits added:

Bad stamina
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Re: Dungeon of Doors (Chatgame)

Since I don't often do chatroom stuff: will you put up a post on this thread to say whether or not you are in chat?

Also, do we need to register to use either chatroom?
Re: Dungeon of Doors (Chatgame)

You do not need registration to use the chatrooms, and I am in the chatrooms whenever I am online, but I will edit in a few lines saying whether or not I am in.

As of now, DoD is mostly played starting at 8 PM(20:00) my time, which is GMT+1(Holland, Europe). It lasts depending on several factors, but mostly is up for about four hours, during which people can join whenever they want.

Most advantages are made by player request, suggestion, or improved with the knowledge of how they work in the game.

I am also working on a forumbased game using a similar, but improved system, and this(and the other) is still a work in progress, and will change over time to improve.
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Re: Dungeon of Doors (Chatgame)

You do not need registration to use the chatrooms, and I am in the chatrooms whenever I am online, but I will edit in a few lines saying whether or not I am in.

As of now, DoD is mostly played starting at 8 PM(20:00) my time, which is GMT+1(Holland, Europe). It lasts depending on several factors, but mostly is up for about four hours, during which people can join whenever they want.

Most advantages are made by player request, suggestion, or improved with the knowledge of how they work in the game.

I am also working on a forumbased game using a similar, but improved system, and this(and the other) is still a work in progress, and will change over time to improve.

Yeah, I Prefer forum based ones anyway. Games like The one already on here by Wraust, no need for constant updates, The creator/ Player can stop for a bit lol. Also, Just out of interest, do you have an ETA on The forum based version?
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Re: Dungeon of Doors (Chatgame)

The forum based version will be just the system, not the game.

But I would say expect it in about 2-3 weeks, as I'm still balancing this one.

Also, V2.4 is edited in.
Re: Dungeon of Doors (Chatgame)

By the system and not the game; do you mean that the forum based will just be the full list of rules, a game using the system but a different premise, or something else?

Also, would characters be posted here or...?
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Re: Dungeon of Doors (Chatgame)

With forum based version I meant a different game, based on the same system. So it would simply use this system, but with a different setting, back story, history, world, and most likely different characters.

As for characters, anything is fine as long as I get them, so that's posting here, sending the sheet in a PM, or just talking and sending it over one of the chat rooms.
Re: Dungeon of Doors (Chatgame)

With forum based version I meant a different game, based on the same system. So it would simply use this system, but with a different setting, back story, history, world, and most likely different characters.

As for characters, anything is fine as long as I get them, so that's posting here, sending the sheet in a PM, or just talking and sending it over one of the chat rooms.

How would it change? All I can think of is that it may be a little harder to interact with other characters.
Re: Dungeon of Doors (Chatgame)

How would it change? All I can think of is that it may be a little harder to interact with other characters.

The system itself would change just a little to allow for more stats, but besides that, just the backstory and other random small things.

As I said, different game, same system.
Re: Dungeon of Doors (Chatgame)

I believe I have a suggestion.
Durable Body. Able to manuever easily during pregnancies.
Innoncence Look (Some monsters treat you more gentle.)
Slutty Look (Some monsters will not listen to reason and jump you for lust.)
Disdain Look (Some monsters want to break you.)
(They are all subs of great looks. Also note that the some monsters are at gm's disecretion.)
(Can't think of one.)
Re: Dungeon of Doors (Chatgame)

I believe I have a suggestion.
Durable Body. Able to manuever easily during pregnancies.
Innoncence Look (Some monsters treat you more gentle.)
Slutty Look (Some monsters will not listen to reason and jump you for lust.)
Disdain Look (Some monsters want to break you.)
(They are all subs of great looks. Also note that the some monsters are at gm's disecretion.)
(Can't think of one.)

There are no penalties to moving around during pregnancies, so the first is not going to have any effects.

The other three are set parts of monster behavior, and can not be influenced a lot, and when those parts get influenced it is only a little bit and by an in-game action. Besides that, I'm already extremely busy with dice rolls(Sometimes more then 30 for a single post), and more would only make it worse for me.

Thanks for the suggestions though.
Re: Dungeon of Doors (Chatgame)

Wow, really? Sounds like you need to streamline it a bit.
Re: Dungeon of Doors (Chatgame)

Oh, it's streamlined and simple- On the player's side.

I always try to keep it simple for the players, but also always try to keep as many options and customisation open to players. Which means that with a good part of the game unpredictable there are a lot of rolls.

A part of having 30+ rolls per posting could also have something to do with having between 4 and 8 people playing at a time, while I originally planned for just 2 or 3 people at once, and 10 players total. Some rolls are actually fun to do, because of the results which could mean a big diference.

Stats time
Right now, there are 27 characters, for 17 people.

The map has around 80 sections, and 50 special NPC's with their own character sheet/personality and everything. So far 3 sections have been explored, and 2 of the 50 have been found.

There have been encounters with 4 traps, and 4 monsters so far, out of 50 and 150.

Nobody has had a temporary game over so far.(Temporary- as the character can simply be saved by someone else, kinda like just being in a very poorly gaurded prison)

1 person has had a lucky escape out of the temporary game over

3 people have had fights in an arena.

1 person has left the dungeon and returned shortly after.

A value of 2600~3600 gold has been looted so far.

(Update on forumgame: Test phase, closed testing for separate systems by messenger programs/pm's.)
Re: Dungeon of Doors (Chatgame)

Question: Is the forum based game based here on ulmf and when will you post the map to DoD?
Re: Dungeon of Doors (Chatgame)

Question: Is the forum based game based here on ulmf and when will you post the map to DoD?

If he'd post the map the entire game would be pointless >_>
Re: Dungeon of Doors (Chatgame)

The forumbased game will be here, on ULMF, but I've found a few big bugs, so its going to take a while.

Besides that, maps are send over msn, email, or pm to people who got a map(Ingame item)

Edit: And maps are cut to only be a very small area, not the entire dungeon.
Re: Dungeon of Doors (Chatgame)

Posting to help the people find it from the chat, and to say new, small update.

The forumbased game I was working on is unfortunately cancelled, but I got a few good ideas on how to fix what I ran into for later attempts.
Re: Dungeon of Doors (Chatgame)(And other chatgames by XSI)

Posting for an update on DoD, version 2 is ready, but not available to the public yet. And also posting because I need a place to put this for one of my 2 other new chatgames.

Background(Select 1)

(Normal family)
Grew up on a farm
Grew up in a city
Grew up in a suburb
Grew up on a spacestation
Grew up on a spaceship
Grew up in the army
Grew up with adopted family(Pick one of normal)

Trainings: (Pick up to 4)

Tier 1:
Basic combat training: Rifle use, basics of the army.
Basic medic training: Tending to wounds, no full on healing.
Basic engineer training: Maintenance of machinery.

Tier 2:
Advanced combat training, explosives: Grenades, grenade launchers, rpg's.
Advanced combat training, Rapid fire guns: Chainguns, automated weapons.
Advanced combat training, outdoor operations: Camouflage, outdoor survival.
Advanced combat training, urban operations: door-to-door combat, barricading bottlenecks.
Advanced combat training, sniper: Long range weapons.
Advanced medic training: Get marines back into action during combat.
Advanced engineer training: Unpack and assemble prepackaged machinery. Use of explosives in non-combat situations.
Basic officer training:(needs basic combat), Squad leadership and morale boosting.

Tier 3:
Extra engineer training: Create your own mechanical things.
Advanced officer training: Strategy and base management.