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Pathos Facility - REALLY Old Version

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Re: Pathos Facility

Bell makes a big show of being surprised he asked. "Who, me? Why I'd love to." She empties the last of her glass, then refills it and leaves it on the table, shooting Gil a mischevious grin. "So there's some left for me when I get back." She says, before standing up and letting Jack lead her down to the dance floor.
Re: Pathos Facility

There is a suppressed chuckle from Jack at the comments, and then he and Bell are out on the floor. "So, what kind of dances do you folks have around here? Anything interesting you'd care to share?"
Re: Pathos Facility

"There's a couple, but ma favourites all have lots of spinning and jumping around and stuff. You up for it?" She asks with that mischievous grin.
Re: Pathos Facility

There is a playful grin on his face and he whispers to her, "try me."
Re: Pathos Facility

Some time later...

Koike had gotten the others attention, and they were standing outside. "Sorry to cut things off but it's getting quite late and..."

He got that far when the Dark Hour arrived. As before, the power cut and the moonlight changed. However, Bell could now see the other changes brought on by it. Here and there, puddles of what seemed to be blood appeared. Perhaps even more disturbing, every person visible, save for the group of four, turned into large black crystals that resembled coffins.

"...Shit." Koike swore.
Re: Pathos Facility

"By the moons, what is all this?" Bell asks cautiously. "what happened to these people? What's going on?" She's torn between caution and morbid curiosity, hiding behind Jack, who she was previously leaning on, but peeping around his large form and looking at the coffin-like crystals.
Re: Pathos Facility

Koike swore. He'd intended to be back before this happened. "Jack, Gil. Run interference. I want a path cleared through those bastards."

He worked to calm himself before he addressed Bell. "This is what we call 'the Dark Hour'. Everyone, save us, aren't experiencing this. As far as they're concerned, this doesn't exist."

"There are some dangers, but the three of us know what we're doing here. The normal inhabitants aren't exactly friendly. Jack and Gil were hand-picked by me. We'll get you back to Pathos relatively safely. We'll fully explain things tomorrow morning."
Re: Pathos Facility

Jack nodded to Koike, then to Gil before speaking briefly to Bell. "Koike will get you back, I will see you both there. Stick with him and be careful."

Then, he stepped away and drew a single sword from inside of his jacket, and one might wonder just how the hell he had hidden and had danced with it there. He then held it before him and took off at a dead run, the only noises coming from further up after he had vanished, those being the sounds of something being cut into.
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Re: Pathos Facility

"But what happened to the people? And what are the pools of blood? What do you mean they don't experience this?" Bell asks, starting to freak out a little.
Re: Pathos Facility

Koike's voice took on what he'd hoped was a more calming tone. "Those coffin-like crystals merely mark where the people are. During the Dark Hour, normal people turn into those crystals. It's similar to stasis. They aren't aware of what's going on around them. As for the puddles...We still haven't figured out why they only show during this time. My guess is that it's a scare tactic, or something similar."

He paused, then added, "As long as they're in that coffin state, they're safe from everything in the Dark Hour. Jack, Gil, and myself have a special ability that enable us to act normally during this time, and defend ourselves. I'm starting to think that you might have the ability as well, but now's not the time to worry about it or explain. As soon as you think you can, we'll head for Pathos ourselves. We'll be safe enough there."
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Re: Pathos Facility

Jack nodded to Koike, then to Gil before speaking briefly to Bell. "Koike will get you back, I will see you both there. Stick with him and be careful."

Then, he stepped away and drew two swords from inside of his jacket, and one might wonder just how the hell he hid those and had danced with them there. He then held them before him and took off at a dead run, the only noises coming from further up after he had vanished, those being the sounds of something being cut into.

Gil followed, pulling out a .44 magnum from a coat he had brought with him.
Re: Pathos Facility

"O... Ok. Yeah, let's get moving then." Bell says shakily, following close behind him. "You said that everyone else is safe in crystals like that, and that you and the other two had a way of defending yourselves. What else is out here?"
Re: Pathos Facility

Koike answered as he moved in the direction that Jack and Gil had taken. "We call them Shadows. They have a wide variety of forms. Occasionally there's a normal person that won't change during the Dark Hour. Without the ability that the three of us have, they can't defend themselves, and the Shadows will prey on them. The result is a broken, almost empty, shell that was the victim. That's the real cause of the AAD cases that I've dealt with in the past."

After a couple of minutes, the pair start to cross a bridge. Halfway across, they'd hear a wet plop, followed by several more. Behind them, a large blob like mass of black...something...had climbed over the side of the bridge. What appeared to be a steel mask was clinging to part of it, and was facing them.

Koike shifted so he was between the thing and Bell. "There's one right now, actually."

It started to pull itself towards Koike. He merely reacted by smirking. In a taunting voice, he shouted. "The bigger you are, the more fun."

He reach into his coat with his left hand, and cross-drew what looked like a compact handgun. In the same voice he'd used to taunt the Shadow, he added, "Let's rock."

Then, he swung the gun up to his left temple in a sideways manner, and pulled the trigger.

Unlike what one might expect, there wasn't a spray of blood. Instead, a few shards of bright blue flew out from Koike's head. His eyes flared the same color, as a stream of the shard began spiraling up around him. As the swirl extended above Koike, a figure began to appear, as if a mist were rolling away.

It had a silver torso, dark violet arms and legs, a dark green scarf, a dark gray Greek comedy mask, and silver hair. A bright violet light was shining from under the scarf and behind the mask, and it was holding an electric guitar at the ready. Its other hand was raised in the "rock on" gesture.

A voice echoed. "Thou art I, and I am thou. From the sea of thy soul I cometh. I am Zagreus, master of revelry."

It struck a power chord, and a flash of fire erupted from the Shadow.

Koike got on the comm. "Jack, Gil, get back here. We've got a big one!"
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Re: Pathos Facility

Bell was still trying to process this last bit of information, so it wasn't until Koike had moved her behind him that she clued in that they were under attack. She managed to get a first glimpse of the creature before Kioke put a gun to his own head. She shrieked and lost control of her legs, falling to her knees before she realized that he hadn't killed himself. She watched as the other being appeared and attacked, jaw open amd completely dumbfounded.
Re: Pathos Facility

Suddenly, Koike shoved Bell, half-throwing his Evoker in the process, as a strange spiral of energy erupted from the ground where they'd previously been. Debris from the blast slammed into Koike's legs and knocked him down...

However, his Evoker landed in front of Bell. At the same time, some of Koike's words from earlier echoed in her mind. "Jack, Gil, and myself have a special ability that enable us to act normally during this time, and defend ourselves. I'm starting to think that you might have the ability as well..."

The creature turned its mask, presumably its face, towards Bell.
Re: Pathos Facility

Bell grabs the gun as she backpedals on her hands and feet away from the monster. She looks over to see Koike still recovering, and shakily brings it to her own temple. She closes her eyes and her hand trembles as she pulls the trigger...
Re: Pathos Facility

Oddly, there is no pain. Only a rush of...something.

Above, the figure of a woman in a silvery dress appeared, with long, flowing black hair. In one hand, a small, silver lyre is held. On the dress' belt sits a small bowl. A voice echoed, just as when Zagreus appeared. "Thou art I, and I am thou. I was born of thee and will walk with thee. I am Terpsichore, mistress of lyrics."

It played a chord on the lyre, and a glow appeared around Koike. He stood up, as if he hadn't been hit at all. The entity then began studying the bowl on its belt.

Meanwhile, Koike held his hand out, ready to catch something. "Bell, my Evoker!"
Re: Pathos Facility

By this point Jack had cut his way back to them both, and knew that despite the show of Bell's new found power, this was a dangerous one they were up against. He ran near the thing, slashing out at it with his weapon, knowing they wouldn't do awful much to one this large, but he wasn't aiming for damage. He was aiming for a distraction.

He got it, but only briefly as the thing swatted him away like a fly, as if he weighed nothing, and Jack went slamming into one of the walls of a building at a breathtaking speed. He slammed into the wall with a loud smack and then went down to the ground. Shockingly enough, somehow despite the horrendous blow, he managed to get to his feet again. Spitting out a small trickle of blood from his mouth, he spoke clear as day. "Ok motherfucker, THAT was a mistake."

His eyes looked briefly over to Koike, as if searching for permission for something.
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Re: Pathos Facility

Koike nodded. "Pull him out. Let's see if he can knock it down."
Re: Pathos Facility

Jack nodded once, then pulled his own Evoker out. Identical to Koike's, only Jack wasn't as flamboyant with the twirling. This would be Bell's first look at the absolute steel side to him as in on fluid motion he brought the Evoker out, put it to his temple and pulled the trigger, seemingly with absolute perfect timing down. It had JUST reached his skull when the trigger was pulled, leaving very little if any time to prevent such an action from happening.
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