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Just Twisting About


Mega Ultimate Jungle Girl 2000 Redux Z
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Figured I might as well start sharin' my stuff. :p

A Quickie to start off with:

More to come. Just got a tablet recently, and its making everything so much better. :)
Re: Just Twisting About

Super happy criticism time!

Areas worth praise:

Breasts, for being well drawn; the nipples' lack of clear definition is a nice touch.
Pubic hair, for the detail

Good areas:

Sweat (cum?), it certainly adds to the picture, but it's nothing exceptional in and of itself.
Cum - it's good but it makes the insertion look weird; I can't tell if it's in her or not. It looks more like it's in front of her crotch, as opposed to penetrating her.
Tentacles - I would say they are too 'lumpy' and not enough 'squiggly'; a more even tentacle depth makes them more attractive, as does curving bends, as opposed to sharp bends... oh, I'm not a very good describer, am I? See the tentacle that's apparently going into her ass, at the point where it stops going down and starts going sideways; this is the 'sharp bends' I'm talking about. Still, there's nothing wrong with the tentacles; after all, it's not like they have a set form, a way they 'must' be drawn.
The legs and feet - though the feet are very slightly iffy when you pay close attention to them, it's good overall. I would guess that it's mainly because the back part of her foot seems to be almost as long as the front section.

Areas that detract from the picture:

The head - crooked eyes, and I believe there's something iffy with the facial structure... my best guess as to where this iffy-ness comes from would be the cheek line as it curves backwards; the only reason I think this is because as I scroll up the picture, everything looks great until I reach the point where the cheek curves back. (Oh, and the hair is good, I don't count it as part of the head.)

All considered, it's a damn good picture for, as you put it, a 'quickie' without any shading - and it looks even better when you scroll the head off the top of the screen.

I must apologise, though; this kind of imprecise criticism tends to be more annoying than aiding, more 'hateful-sounding' than helpful. I would far prefer to give you more in depth criticism that properly points out what you could to do to make the picture better, instead of just saying 'this area is bad/good'... but I'm just not that good an art critic. Any more detailed advice I might try to give you would likely make the picture worse. Still, I try to do what I can, though my criticism in regards to art should be taken with considerably more seasoning than is normally applicable.
Re: Just Twisting About

Hah, don't worry about sounding hateful. I whipped it up real quick, so there's bound to be tons of mistakes in it.
Re: Just Twisting About

Super happy criticism time!

Cum - it's good but it makes the insertion look weird; I can't tell if it's in her or not. It looks more like it's in front of her crotch, as opposed to penetrating her.

Just look at the bulge in her stomach and the insertion will seem fine.
Re: Just Twisting About

Just look at the bulge in her stomach and the insertion will seem fine.

I have, and I know that it is supposed to be going in, but the end of the tentacle itself still seems to be outside of her when I look at it. If I had to make a guess as to why it seems off, I'd say that it's because the tentacle is a good centimetre or so above the beginning of the girl's vagina - if it were going in her, it would disappear immediately after her entrance. The only way it would work currently is if the lips of her vagina were as long as the tip of the tentacle to the bottom of the line for her crotch. ...Not to mention that the tentacle seems to cut off the crotch area as if it were in the background and the tentacle in the foreground, as opposed to pushing the sides apart, as it would if they were on the same level. Well, that's my attempt at explaining it, anyway.
Re: Just Twisting About

Hah, yeah, that was a fail part on my end.

Somethin new:


Mmm... Marsh-mellows.
Re: Just Twisting About

You're a much better artist than I am.
Re: Just Twisting About

Thanks :)

If there's anything off, don't hesitate to tell me :p
Re: Just Twisting About

my lights are off and my oven is off and my shoes are off and im not sure but i think my coffee pot is also off though like i said im not entirely sure...

(in anticipation of the post bound to follow)

WHAT!? he said anything

(and the response to this)

your face
I wish i had extra long prehensile limbs to stick in my fiancee would make for some fun times OOO and i could use them to grab things i guess all in all i think they would be pretty handy but the wierd looks id get at work might ruin the handy-ness no one wants to answer the door for a pizza guy with tentacular good-ness
Re: Just Twisting About

Woooo, colours! Took me forever to figure out what was going on in that pic - it looked just like a mass of gummi snakes or some such.

Dude. She's got cum coming out her nose. Extreme hentai is extreme... and is that a cadaver they're fucking? 'Cause she's kinda gone, um... blue-grey

Doubleplusgood shading/shadows/reflections/cum, Twisted.
For half the picture, I don't need to pick out individual things; effectively everything under the stomach is good. (Except for the clit - or is that the urethral orifice? It's not bad, and it certainly doesn't detract from the picture... but a bit more depth could be better.)
Background is good. Upwards lines for trees' detail and crossed diagonal lines for leaves' detail is a good technique, though it seems you got bored with the edge trees; their lines are more like the cross-diagonals on the leaves... It still looks good though.
Tentacles are very good - purple, orange and blue are my favourites.
Purple 'cause its ending curve and the shading on it are incredible, blue because it has nearly uniform width throughout, and orange for it's head despite the fact that it's a shrinking tentacle, something I've never really found attractive.

Breasts are iffy for some reason, though I'm not sure why... Random guesses: I think the orange tentacle's first loop under the breast may be making the breast seem larger than it is, or it may be that the breasts seem small in proportion to the size of the girl's body (the fact that the other breast is hanging so far means that the breasts are supposed to be rather large, but don't seem that big on the girl's body... perhaps?)
Her head is iffy too, and I have even less idea why than with her breasts… her hair is good though, and her eyes aren’t bad.
Last edited:
Re: Just Twisting About

Nah, she living. I just felt like doing a skin colour that wasn't normally done.

and if you think just nosecum is extreme, its a good thing you can't tell Both of those red tentacles are going up her ass. :p

And, well, I really didn't put any effort into the background. It was done in like two minutes XD
Re: Just Twisting About

...... oww... LM would be proud twisted
Re: Just Twisting About

Nah, she living. I just felt like doing a skin colour that wasn't normally done.

drows and night elves in my drawings... its more likely than you think
Re: Just Twisting About

I think I've found something. . . the purple tentacle seems to cut into her leg as it wraps around it. Look between the pussy and the coil in front of her leg.
Re: Just Twisting About

Not seeing it <_<
Unless you talking about the black part?
Re: Just Twisting About


This is what I'm talking about.
Re: Just Twisting About

Oh, dear..
i will have to fix that. ><
Re: Just Twisting About


Fixed it. XD
Sorry for being so... inactive <_<


Re: Just Twisting About

Holy cow, epic! :O I think the first is my favorite -- I like the background. o_O Also like the gal's skin colour (completely random, I know. XD) Ooh, and awesome job on the hair-detail in the second pic, too.

That's some seriously messy tentacle-sex. XD Great stuff!