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C.Y.O.A.S: Slave Hunt Edition [ZHAR]

Re: C.Y.O.A.S: Slave Hunt Edition [ZHAR]

B: SHOWER. Then collect the Mino.
D: Rk is teh sexay.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: Slave Hunt Edition [ZHAR]

A) Let's see how our cowgirl is doing.

D) Stop putting yourself down, damnit! >:E *boxes ears* It's very unbecoming of a person to fish for compliments; if people like what you're doing, accept that and trust that we're enjoying your fun ideas and threads! Honestly, kids these days... XD
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: Slave Hunt Edition [ZHAR]


Well, I was already doing something similar to part of C anyway, sooo... *grins*

You suck for cluttering our beloved CYOAS with Numbers and Shit!
Numbers and shit are awesome. I hear anyone bag numbers and/or shit, I sic tentacles on them.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: Slave Hunt Edition [ZHAR]

Zhar would mumble as he left his home, looking about curiously as he headed to the Slavers Guild, once inside, He'd meet Krism'zai once more, smiling warmly at the beautiful crimson draconian, whom would bow courteously infront of Zhar, as he did the same to her.

Krism: "Welcome back, Zhar, we have evaluated your Minotaur, would you like to read the information about her?"

Zhar: "Yes, I'd like to do so, mind having her brought to me?"

Krism smiled, and ordered a few Slavers to bring the Demon Minotaur to Zhar, as he read through the papers, grinning at the tidbits of information, until he crossed a certain line, where his grin turned into a frown followed by a sigh, as he read that Azkala was pregnant. By then, Azkala, as the Minotaurs name indeed had been, was brought to Zhar, shackled and collared by Silver, not even her demonic strength would break through that.

Azkala was a large Minotaur, even by normal standards, most likely due to her demonic heritage, her skin was hard and had a texture reminiscent of smoothed rock and stone, and her horns looked as if made out of gray rock aswell. Her tail aswell looked as if it was an animated length of stone, with a jagged endtip. Her bodys color was of slightly gray brown. She was of the Gargoyle strain of demons, as if Minotaurs weren't hardy enough normally! She'd make a powerfull warrior companion once properly trained, even if she where on the slow, almost sluggish, side in terms of agility. While she weren't the most beautifull female, she was quite blessed in terms of bustsize, filled with milk too if going by the information Zhar had recieved.

Zhar nodded, smiling at Krism, bowing courteously.

Zhar: "Thank you, Krism'zai, Guildmistress."

Krism'zai smiled warmly at Zhar, hissing softly, and ordered some Slavers to bring Zhar Azkala's former belongings; An iron greataxe, and a furhide armor.

Now, what would Zhar do...

-Azkala's Information-

HP: 55
MP: 4
SP: 8
PHC: +8
MHC: -5
DC: -8
CH: +0
PC: +6
PT: -4
DR: 2

Nympho*2(+6 Obedience during Sex/Seduction, -6PT, +6PC)
Poor Endurance(-2SP, -3PT)
Ample Milk Reserves(Eats one more Portion of Food/Day, Can be Milked)


=Zhar's Information=
Weapon: Bronze Mace (6DMG)
Armor: Cloth Robe

HP: 45/45
MP: 8/8
SP: 12/12

Iron Greataxe (8DMG)
Furhide Armor (+1DR)
1 Silver Collar
1 Silver Shackles
2 Steel Collars
2 Steel Shackles
2 Iron Collars
2 Iron Shackles
1 Mage Shackles
(Ordered) 1 Iron Mace

Time: Day 2, 2/8th of Day Passed

=Azkala's Information=
Equipment: Silver Collar(0 Gems), Silver Shackles

HP: 55/55
MP: 4/4
SP: 8/8

Pregnant(0/3 Days)

-First Vote: Zhar decides to...-
A: Head Home with Azkala(See Number Vote)
B: Take a trip to the Marketplace
C: Other

1: Head Home and begin Training Azkala
2: Head Home just to leash Azkala in the basement
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Re: C.Y.O.A.S: Slave Hunt Edition [ZHAR]

(Changing mah vote)

B, pick up some jars or cans... let's make some money off of her while she's still got the milk to produce. :x
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Re: C.Y.O.A.S: Slave Hunt Edition [ZHAR]

B - buy some jugs so we can milk her later.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: Slave Hunt Edition [ZHAR]


Re: C.Y.O.A.S: Slave Hunt Edition [ZHAR]

Zhar decided to head out from the Guild, and he would bow before Krism first, saying goodbye to his friend, and then headed out towards the Marketplace. He was bringing Azkala with him, after all, she was both collared and shackled, there wouldn't be much harm she could just aswell be taken with him.

Zhar dragged Azkala to the marketplace with little to no trouble, and soon found his way to the so-called "Cream Pie Store", where he would be met by a Lamia Female, red-scaled, with feathery wings on her back and glowing yellow eyes. A Celestian no doubt, her chest exposed, as she was busy milking herself from time to time, she fit rather well into the store. Zhar approached...

What would he do?

=Zhar's Information=
Weapon: Bronze Mace (6DMG)
Armor: Cloth Robe

HP: 45/45
MP: 8/8
SP: 12/12

Iron Greataxe (8DMG)
Furhide Armor (+1DR)
1 Silver Collar
1 Silver Shackles
2 Steel Collars
2 Steel Shackles
2 Iron Collars
2 Iron Shackles
1 Mage Shackles
(Ordered) 1 Iron Mace

Time: Day 2, 2/8th of Day Passed

=Azkala's Information=
Equipment: Silver Collar(0 Gems), Silver Shackles

HP: 55/55
MP: 4/4
SP: 8/8

Pregnant(0/3 Days)

-First Vote: Zhar...-
A: Offer to help her relieve herself of some milk
B: Purchases Something
C: Other

-Second Vote: Next stop...-
A: Head Home, See NUmber Vote
B: Other

1: Train Azkala, Sexually
2: Train Azkala, Non-Sexually
3: Just Leash Azkala in Basement
4: Other

That OOC Topic No One Ever Discusses In

Re: C.Y.O.A.S: Slave Hunt Edition [ZHAR]

Help her, buy stuff, then go home and train the Mino sexually. Woo!Fun day!
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: Slave Hunt Edition [ZHAR]

A and B, 1 jar for 20g.

A 1
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: Slave Hunt Edition [ZHAR]

B, 1 Jar for 20 g
A 1
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: Slave Hunt Edition [ZHAR]

B, 1 Jar for 20 g
A 1
If we milk the female, it'll likely take time. If we don't, we have more time to go hunt something else.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: Slave Hunt Edition [ZHAR]

A, then b (buy a jar)

Then back home for sexual training( a 1)

Who knows, maybe there's a reward for helping the girl.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: Slave Hunt Edition [ZHAR]

A, for the reason that XSI states, then B, save let's buy a can for 50g -- as much as it means we'll have no cash on hand, we can sell off the can from our cowgirl to make some quick cash. Besides, we have all kinds of shackles and collars, so I don't think we'll be screwed in terms of needing to nab some last-second inventory!
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: Slave Hunt Edition [ZHAR]

First help her milking then Buy a can [50g] (A+B) Hope for a reward. :)

Then Sexual Training (A-1)
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: Slave Hunt Edition [ZHAR]

Zhar licked his lips, grinning wickedly as he aproached the winged Lamia female, hissing softly as he stared at her large bosom, which she of course, noticed, causing her to blush as she hissed lowly, nervously.

Lamia: "H-Hello, Sssir... How can I help you?"

Zhar: "Right now, I am more wondering if you'd mind, if I helped you instead."

The Lamia blinked a bit, and then glanced quickly at her breasts, her hands on them, ready to fill another can of Milk, she blushed darkly, hissing lowly.

Lamia: "N-No, I wouldn't mind that... P-pleassse?"

Zhar grinned wickedly, and would leash his Minotaur slave on a nearby post, the Minotaur seemed to be very curious in what her forced Master would do to the Lamia's breasts. Most likely because of her fetish for breastplay.

Zhar walked up behind the Lamia, which looked at him a bit oddly, wondering what he was up to, and would soon enough, find out; He snuck his hands under her wings and arms, placing them on her milkfilled breasts, applying faint pressure, which caused her to moan softly, leaning against the counter, while Milk constantly poured into the Can placed under it.

The Lamia vendoress tried to keep business going while she was milked, and she, and Zhar, got a fair amount of odd looks, snickers, giggles and fingers pointing, aimed at them of course. Zhar didn't mind, and the Lamia was too busy enjoying the milking to care, just barely capable of doing her job as a shopkeep.

Zhar moved his hands, placing them fully onto the Lamia's breasts, splaying his fingers out, and then grabbed, causing long strings of her white, milky bounty to gush from her stiff nipples into the can, a constant pouring noise was heard, as he applied pressure to one breast, while softening his grip of the other, to then turn it so he applied pressure to the other breast, while loosening it on the first.

It didn't take long before Zhar went a little further, licking and kissing along the Lamia's exposed neck, causing her to hiss and moan in a delightful, if shy and submissive, manner, and quite loudly too...

-A bit later-

Once the Can had filled up with Lamia Milk, Zhar finally let go of the now weary and exhausted female, he gave her one final kiss on the neck, before rising, walking over to the front of the counter again, his pet Minotaur, had been as if in a trance as he saw her Master play the snake-lady's breasts.

Once the Lamia had regained herself a tad, she smiled weakly, panting exhaustedly.

Lamia: "H-How can I ssserve -you- now, M-Male...?"

Zhar grinned wickedly, pointing at a Jar.

Zhar: "One of those, I have the gold to pay for it."

The Lamia smiled, hissing softly, nodding as she went to fetch a Jar, bringing it to Zhar with a delighted smile, However, as she took the gold Zhar gave her as payment, She pushed back no less than four gold coins, while motioning for him to lean closer. As he did, she whispered.

Lamia: "Thanksss a lot, Male~... You're a very kind perssson, I'll give you a bit better deals here from now on, Okay...?"

Zhar smiled warmly, nodding with a bright smile on his lips as he picked up the Jar, he nodded politely, bid farewell to the Lamia, and then went homewards with Azkala, whom was leaving a slick, wet trail of vaginal juices after her as she walked after her Master...

|Fluid Containers are bought for 80% of Value(Instead of 100%), Fluids are sold for 40% of Value(Instead of 20%)|

-Later, At Zhar's Home-

As Zhar entered his humble abode, the Minotaur thrashed slightly in her bindings, he scowled and hissed, forcefully yanking the Minotaur female after him, as he went below into the house's basement. Down there, He leashed Azkala to one of the posts, grinning slightly as he licked his lips, and began to unclothe infront of the female, whom only struggled more, staring with longing at her Master. Once he was unclothed, he would speak.

Zhar: "You're easy to excite, aren't you, Slave? If you promise to be good, I'll even consider milking you..."

The Minotaur almost whimpered, she couldn't quite milk herself, which seemed to be one of her favourite things to do, given how strongly she had reacted to Zhar milking the Lamia. Nonetheless, Zhar walked closer to the Minotaur, roughly shoving her down onto her back, as she shuffled, trying to sit up again, he straddled her chest, adding his weight ontop of her, to keep her down, as his shaft began to potrude, erecten, from it's hidey slit.

The throbbing shaft began to squeeze between the Minotaurs breasts, the more it potruded, and Zhar soon placed his hands on the females breasts, pressing them together as he grinned wickedly, licking his lips as he spoke in dominance.

Zhar: "I'm gonna fuck your tits good... And you're just gonna lay down and take it, like a good Slave, understood?"

The Minotaur grunted slightly, it was obvious that Zhar's abuse of her fetish was working well on her, as she nodded eagerly, staring up at him with a longing quite visible in her eyes... And then she groaned out lowly, as Zhar bucked back, and thrust his now fully erect and potruded cock, in between her large bosom, squeezing the fleshy, bountiful orbs firmly together.

Zhar hissed delightfully, the Minotaur had very likeable tits, and the smooth, stone-like texture of her skin gave him a very peculiar sensation as he thrusted and bucked in and out of her bosom, his thumbs placing upon her nipples, toying with them as his hands added further pressure on her breasts. The inevitable occured, as milk in rather ample amounts began to spill from the Minotaurs nipples, Zhar only grinned, pressing his thumbs down on her nipples, in a rough attempt to keep the milk inside the tits, something that visibly upset the Minotaur, as she thrashed what little she could!

Zhar: "Sss, Stay still, Slave! Or would you prefer if I left you all alone? Remember what I said; Be a good Slave, and I'll milk you good later."

His words seemed to be enough to calm the Minotaur down, if very grudgingly, as she grunted and groaned, while Zhar only kept on and on to thrust and buck against the females tits, humping them good. His tail thrashed as he felt his cock throb violently, he was nearing his climax.

With a few more rough, deep thrusts and pounds between the Minotaurs tits, Zhar and her groaned out in unison, as thick, sticky strings of Zhar's seed began to gush out of his cock's slit, causing a white mess over the Minotaur's throat, chin, and face. She even had to close her left eye to avoid getting a good amount of spunk in it, and she herself, made quite a slick, wet mess on the floor inbetween her splayed out legs.

After some exhausted pantings and deep breaths, Zhar rose from the Minotaur's chest, some seed still leaking from his cock. He would gaze upon what he had done, and just grinned. The Minotaurs breasts upper side, was coated in cum, as where a large part of her face, and the front of her breasts was coated with milk too no less. He couldn't help but chuckle dryly, as he saw the Minotauress franticly try to lick what parts of her face her tongue could reach clean of cum.

Zhar: "I am your Master, and until you realize and accept that, I'll continue to abuse your body, wether you like it or not, you will make a very nice dump for my cum, Slave."

With another dry chuckle, Zhar turned, ready to leave the Minotaur, whom whimpered lowly, in the wake of sex and cum he had left her with...

|Azkala is 2/20 Points Trained|

=Zhar's Information=
Weapon: Bronze Mace (6DMG)
Armor: Cloth Robe

HP: 45/45
MP: 8/8
SP: 11/12

Iron Greataxe (8DMG)
Furhide Armor (+1DR)
1 Silver Collar
1 Silver Shackles
2 Steel Collars
2 Steel Shackles
2 Iron Collars
2 Iron Shackles
1 Mage Shackles
(Ordered) 1 Iron Mace

Time: Day 2, 4/8th of Day Passed

=Azkala's Information=
Equipment: Silver Collar(0 Gems), Silver Shackles

HP: 55/55
MP: 4/4
SP: 7/8

Pregnant(0/3 Days)
Training(2/20, 7 Obedience, +6 During Sexual Training, Can't be used for Services)

-First Vote: Zhar decides to...-
A: Milk Azkala
B: Train Azkala some more
C: Head out to Hunt
D: Get to Sleep!
E: Other

-If Milking-
For every 1 Load milked, Azkala will lose 1 Stamina. At 0 Stamina, She'll fall unconscious and can't be milked any more. Milking, no matter how much, takes 1 Time Period.

-Second Vote: If heading out to hunt...-
A: Head North to...
B: Head South to...
C: Head West to...
D: Head East to...

1: A Forest
2: A Jungle
3: A Savannah
4: A Plains area
5: A Mountain(Generic)
6: A Mountain(Arctic)
7: A Mountain(Volcanic)
8: A Swamp
9: A Desert
10: Something Different(AKA Other)
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