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Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

hi i could use some help in getting this to run link here for some info xuse.co.jp/product/narukana/sp.html , and here is another with more info //vndb.org/v26 just add the www to first and http to second. i am running my computer in jap Unicode installed and made sure all of those are setup right, the problem happens when i use there security program called drmbuddy link to site here .drmbuddy.com/ which i have bought the game and used my info to log in it acts as if my account does not exist which means i can,t access the game even though i can log in online, so i could use some help on figuring out what i might be doing wrong or if anyone has had a related issues that could give me some info or advice, any help or info would be appreciated since i already bought it to support the group. finally got my computer to give me a screenshot of the error message here is a link to it ://i46.tinypic.com/bhj9zn.gif just add the http.
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Hi there. Where should I ask questions about finding a game, which name I can't remember?
Well, I'll ask here as well. This game is a mario-like 2d platformer, but with bigger character sprites. Main character is a maid, that is following after her princess that was kidnapped by the bad guy. After each "zone", which contains 8 levels, there is a scene about the bad guy and the princess. There are 5 (or so) weapons, which include knives, bombs, swords I think... And the points that had been acquired from beating enemies were the money, which could be used to buy potions and weapons.
It would be nice if someone had remembered at least the title, much more than linked the thread. Thanks in advance.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Hi there. Where should I ask questions about finding a game, which name I can't remember?
Well, I'll ask here as well. This game is a mario-like 2d platformer, but with bigger character sprites. Main character is a maid, that is following after her princess that was kidnapped by the bad guy. After each "zone", which contains 8 levels, there is a scene about the bad guy and the princess. There are 5 (or so) weapons, which include knives, bombs, swords I think... And the points that had been acquired from beating enemies were the money, which could be used to buy potions and weapons.
It would be nice if someone had remembered at least the title, much more than linked the thread. Thanks in advance.

Sounds like Mushroom Kingdom Princess.

LiveMaker Extraction Tools?

Are there any tools out there that can extract images and text from a LiveMaker game and then repack them? There was one I was interested in translating but I have no idea how to get at the data.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

I would normaly not ask any help, cause most of the times I dont realy need any, I figure out what might be wrong quite easily alot of times....

But I got this game, and installed it a few times now, but still get some errors, not sure what might be wrong...

DLsite product is:

(sorry if this contains loli... have not yet played it myself, due to not getting the installation to work.... :S)

If I need to add a screen for the error, wil add one here:

Also, I am already in japanese unicode, so I dont think it can be that....
Also installed DirectX again to be sure I do have that as wel...

(firstly it says in my native language that the installation might not be correctly installed.... I reinstalled a few times, this doesnt seem to change...)
screen shot here:
(reinstalling didnt show this mssg again, but I dont think it wil change the fact that its not installed correctly I think???)

Thanks for anyone that can help me here.... :)
Hope there is something that can be done, cause I have no clue why its not working, I cant read the Japanese words so yeah.... :(
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

I would normaly not ask any help, cause most of the times I dont realy need any, I figure out what might be wrong quite easily alot of times....

But I got this game, and installed it a few times now, but still get some errors, not sure what might be wrong...

DLsite product is:

(sorry if this contains loli... have not yet played it myself, due to not getting the installation to work.... :S)

If I need to add a screen for the error, wil add one here:

Also, I am already in japanese unicode, so I dont think it can be that....
Also installed DirectX again to be sure I do have that as wel...

(firstly it says in my native language that the installation might not be correctly installed.... I reinstalled a few times, this doesnt seem to change...)
screen shot here:
(reinstalling didnt show this mssg again, but I dont think it wil change the fact that its not installed correctly I think???)

Thanks for anyone that can help me here.... :)
Hope there is something that can be done, cause I have no clue why its not working, I cant read the Japanese words so yeah.... :(

i had just about the exact same issue with this thought it might just be me messing up turned out it not only needed jap Unicode but i had to change the language of time date and other formats to jap for it to work maybe that game is giving you the same issue maybe you could try what i did, hope this info helps if not sorry no idea as to what else ya could try.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

i had just about the exact same issue with this thought it might just be me messing up turned out it not only needed jap Unicode but i had to change the language of time date and other formats to jap for it to work maybe that game is giving you the same issue maybe you could try what i did, hope this info helps if not sorry no idea as to what else ya could try.

Thanks, wil try that then... if that dont work, then I dont know what to do...
(maybe someone else knows... but wil try this first....)

Realy appreciate the help... :D

Dont realy seem to get how to do that.... without making it so, that I cant understand anything on my computer anymore...
Also when it 'unpacks' it says a certain number of files, and when it finished, it says a different number then it does first, so maybe something wrong with the files or something I am thinking??

Hope someone else knows what it might be, cause I am getting seriously frustrated with this not working.... :(
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

excuse me does someone know why some games (for example: RJ097098, RJ052839, RJ035000) show me only empty text box like this : s14.postimage.org/ei2y4jwr5/error.jpg , also is there a way to block the sound of a RPG Maker game ( i kinda like to listen to podcasts when i am leveling up), cause some games have the option to do so but many others dont (or i cant find it...)
Thank You Kindly
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

[A]carajé;394694 said:
excuse me does someone know why some games (for example: RJ097098, RJ052839, RJ035000) show me only empty text box like this : s14.postimage.org/ei2y4jwr5/error.jpg , also is there a way to block the sound of a RPG Maker game ( i kinda like to listen to podcasts when i am leveling up), cause some games have the option to do so but many others dont (or i cant find it...)
Thank You Kindly

well i can,t get you image to load up for the error you get but if i had to guess ether you don,t have the right rpgmaker program or you don,t have your computer in jap settings. to your second question i think if you hit F1 on your keyboard it should bring up options for the rpg maker and you should be able to turn of all sound by turning off the two bottom options which should be shown as play BGM and ME and play BGS and SE those should be the bottom two options just remove the check mark from those bottom two and it should cut the sound for it. hope this helps you.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

dude thank you! these crappy music were driving me crazy!! oh i uploaded the image in a different host i cant put links on post causa i'm under 15 (posts obviously) i49.tinypic.com/ra6o9u.jpg , but anyway THANK U! A LOT!
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

I just downloaded defeated devil girl it works till the ending then the screen goes blank I am running swift player to run the games at the moment do i need another player or anything. the game is fun would love to see the endings.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

I have a problem when I try to play some Japanese games such as
KurenaiKagura by Debonosu and Harem in Maze 2.

My game keeps trying to move backwards and to the left on its own.
It makes selecting in menu difficult, and moving in game difficult.

My character would keep going backwards, and if I press foward I can move forward but as soon as I stop, it begins moving backwards again.

I tried unplugging my Keyboard and Mouse so I know its not that.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Hello technical help people.

I'm having a problem with Wolf RPG games. Text in all of them are a mix of Japanese and English characters. It drives Chiitrans a bit crazy, and changing locales in both Windows and AppLocale (and keeping the locale in Chiitrans) doesn't seem to fix it. I'm unsure of what to do to fix it. It's preventing me from playing games like Dragon Slave and some others, because numbers are replaced by letters and characters, so keeping track of health, money, and amount of items I have on hand is impossible.

I've attached an example. I thought I had Dragon Slave still, but I got rid of it, and this game was the only one I had that was Wolf-based. But I've tried several Wolf RPG games from here, and I've had the same problem every time. I'd really appreciate it if there was some font I need to install or I'm missing something I need to have everything listed correctly.


  • Untitled.png
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Is there a way of editing save files in the rvdata2 format?
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

I'm having trouble playing RJ104683, though at this point I think it's just that I have no idea how to play .Wolf games.
Here's a Screenshot of the only thing I've gotten out of it.


  • Error1.png
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Erm guys, I am having trouble with RJ081934. Here is something to show my problem, hope someone can solve my problem. :D


  • RJ.jpg
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

The game - Ruin arms soul eater

onlyhentaigames com/ruin-arms-soul-eater/

A download link is there, just add the period.

The problem - I mounted and installed and ran it just fine but when I go to start playing a message pops up, and I don't know how to get past it to get into the game. I don't know what it's asking for.

Screenshot below, just add the period before "com"

i.imgur com/avEYw8K.png

I know hiragana and katakana, but not the Kanji and when I press enter with the default option nothing happens, AND I have to go to task manager to shut the damn game down despite it not being frozen.

So I'm not sure if it's a bug, or a setting thing、or it's looking for a cd key? I really don't know!

Help me ulmf.org you're my only hope!

I hope I haven't posted this in the wrong spot! Thanks for any replies! ^^
0x7b error, installation of Yosuga no Sora


As the title suggests, I am trying to install Yosuga no Sora, a Japanese hentai game, and I encounter an error 0x7b. Here are two screenshots of the errors:

To summarize: I started using applocale, and I could not run the setup. Then I put my computer in Japanese unicode and format (capture below for unicode), and I got both error messages above. Despite several searches on google (including Spanish and French), no way to solve the problem. I post here as a last resort! Do you have any idea?

Thank you in advance for your help ;)

(I'm on Windows 7)
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

I have extracted the scripts of a game (Dragon Slave) and got it to open up in the game Editor. The problem is not all the source/image files are being correctly referenced by the editor.

Specifically, the problem is when a file has Japanese characters in it. If its an image file, I can open it up just find in Windows Explorer and I can even see the full path in the Editor. But other than the path, the file itself isn't loaded.

Say for example we have 2 characters on-screen. The image files are called "English.jpg" and "JapaneseText.jpg".

In the editor, the character with "English.jpg" shows up well enough, but for the other one, all I see is empty space.

Any ideas on how I could resolve this problem? I'm already running my system with Japanese unicode settings.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

For those who care, I got an ... inelegant solution to my problem.

VirtualBox + Japanese version of Windows XP.

I'm still on the lookout for a native solution that will work in Win7.