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Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Same problem, so yeah, it's definitely Google, so I for now, just use Microsoft translator in the options. Seems to works fine, maybe even more faster and Accurate for RPG.

For me, Bing only returns a translation about 1/3 of the time. It's the lack of a transliteration that really gets me. Google was the only choice that actually produced usable results. The other choices are only recognizing about half the characters.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

With Chiitrans not working with Google, anyone know another program that will?
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

With Chiitrans not working with Google, anyone know another program that will?

and the latest version of are able to have translations through Google.
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

and the latest version of are able to have translations through Google.

That works, thanks.
I was playing around with Invoke-WebRequest and Invoke-RestMethod in PowerShell and it looks like it's just a matter of http vs https. When I sent a request to translate.google.com with http, it timed out, but when I used https, it worked. If someone's got a C# compiler, they could make that change in the chiitrans source code and make a fixed version.

and the latest version of are able to have translations through Google.

I finally got both of these running. Google isn't working in TA, but it does in VNR. I have the same problem with Bing in TA that I have in Chii: The translation cuts out after a while. In TA, it actually displays an error message that leads me to believe that access is limited (something like "this application ID has reached its message quota"). I think that once Bing receives too many requests, it stops responding. I don't know how VNR gets around that, but they obviously do, because I played a whole game today with Bing as the translator, and it worked just fine.

I like VNR's movable window, but it doesn't have a transliteration available. I installed MeCab as part of getting TA to run, and that provides a translit, but it's formatted oddly and hard to read. I really don't like TA's interface. I'd like to stack the boxes instead of having two columns.

In the end, I've gone back to chiitrans. I realized that chii can use MeCab for translit and I even like its formatting better than Google's. That leaves me Babylon, SysTran, SDL, Honyaku and sometimes Bing for translations.

I think I'll start using VNR for actually playing games, and stick with chii for translating.

This makes me wonder if Google changed their protocols for how Translate.Google works. They said they were going to do something like this because people were using the site as a proxy to view region locked sites. Think all we can do is wait for a new Chiitrans Lite update.

I kind of wonder if the main reason wasn't to "encourage" developers to move to their paid API instead of using free web requests.
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Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Somebody really need to take up the old Chiitrans (the real one, not the Lite version) and update it to the current translation standards.
Mainly because for Wolf RPG games and some RPG Maker VX Ace games, the old Chiitrans does not work.
It either gets only a small smattering of the text in the game or gets the wrong text (i.e. the game title).
I tried searching the forums, but couldn't found an answer to 2 questions.
I'm currently playing a lot of the RPG maker games, but many of them don't have a "skip text" option (like you hold down "ctrl" and the text speed up so you don't have time to read - which is useful when you keep getting the same text over and over when trying thing). Plus I'm lacking time to play all the games.
So I was wondering :
1 - Is there an easy way to add a skip text button to a rpg maker game so that it work on every text (I own a rpg maker version to edit the code) ?

2 - How can you edit a RPG maker game save ? (like for example, I'm bored of doing many run to get all the H-scene unlocked in parallel fantasy IF, so I'll like to be able to edit the save and turn all the flag on).

Pretty sure it must have already been asked, but didn't found it with the search tool and gave up.

Thanks in advance...
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

trying ot use VNR but it's a fucking slog.

It runs in the background with no actual program window open, the text thing doesn't manipulate properly (can make it longer but not wider, doesn't scroll half the time) parts of the UI only show up when they want to and none of the fucking buttons are labeled or explained.

Frankly the whole thing seems as unintuitive as possible.

How do i switch between monitored threads? and is there any way to stop the whole "turn invisible until moused over" thing?
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

trying ot use VNR but it's a fucking slog.

It runs in the background with no actual program window open, the text thing doesn't manipulate properly (can make it longer but not wider, doesn't scroll half the time) parts of the UI only show up when they want to and none of the fucking buttons are labeled or explained.

Frankly the whole thing seems as unintuitive as possible.

Yes, yes it is.

How do i switch between monitored threads? and is there any way to stop the whole "turn invisible until moused over" thing?

Mouse over and click Menu. Choose Text Options. Advance the text in the game. Choose the right thread. Hit the Save button. Close the window.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

My computer got a blue screen when i was playing this game (my computer is garbage) and now i get this error when i open my save file :(

The game is MaiDenSnow Eve
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Chiitrans is almost death without Google. Microsoft is not working here for some odd reason, not giving any characters after the translation.
Only Honyaku is working translating almost satisfactorily, but it is slow and skips some sentences.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Chiitrans is almost death without Google. Microsoft is not working here for some odd reason, not giving any characters after the translation.
Only Honyaku is working translating almost satisfactorily, but it is slow and skips some sentences.

someone will come with work a workaround for google.

I've heard things about downloading translation packets so you can run something like VNR or chiitrans offline, but i'm not sure how to go about that.

assuming it actually works, then you could use the google translate packets without actually needing to connect to google's servers, so it would work regardless.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Hey I hate to bring up VH yet again, but it's a fun game and if I can get a few kinks worked out it'd be awesome. So I'm stuck with a baby. I've abandonded/sold it/whatever tons of times and still won't go the hell away. It's not gamebreaking or anything, but all the npc's referring to her as a mother and the random dressing scenes that show a baby are really irritating.

I have the variable editor thing up from fatal's version, but it's all moonspeak. I'm assuming there's a variable for hasBaby, but again I have no idea what the variable editor says. Any help?
How to solve the missing text problem when hooked

The specific game I'm trying to hook is RJ079963. But it's an older game, and I can't find a hook that works right. I've tried TA, and AGTH with /x3 etc.

The problem isn't finding a hook: The problem is that as the game progresses, less and less text gets sent to the hook.

I vaguely remember a conversation years ago where someone was saying that this was the result of the game using cached text (therefore it didn't send text if those words had appeared previously). And that appears to be the case: The first couple of phrases that gets sent to the hook come through clean, but after a few lines, the dialogue could be a paragraph in length on-screen, but only 5 characters or so are actually captured by the hook.

I remember solving or alleviating the problem years ago, but it took several days of researching IIRC. Does someone know the answer to this general problem?

P.S. Before writing this, I searched the thread for "missing" as in "missing text". If the answer appears somewhere on the boards, please understand that I did try searching first... but couldn't think of any other search terms that would have worked.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Yeah, I think that's a font caching problem. You'd probably have to use a debugger to generate a custom /h code for the problem to be resolved or get someone to do it for you.

Only know this because I was trying to find a way to get a proper hook for another game ( ), but I don't have the patience right now to learn how to use Ollydbg and get it hooked properly.
Re: Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!)

Playing RPG Maker game and used chiitrans lite, it finds the right hook with the text, but if i use VNR it founds the hook too but using UTF-16 and that return gibberish, is there any way to fix it so it get the text right? any other that probably custom h code?
edit: also yay because while i managed to get the text reliably using OCR i cant automate it! so great! /sarcasm
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RyonaRPG issue.

Im pretty sure many of you know the game RyonaRPG. It plays similar to ViolatedHeroine. I have an issue with it. I get this error

ファイル NightmareImpact は開けません

Rough translation leads to "NightmareImpact" cannot be opened/found or something like that. So i decided to download the game and this time try without any translation patches being applied. Same error. I decompressed the game archive with 7Zip running with Applocale set to Japanese. So file name mistake is out of the question (i think). I tried googling my issue no luck.

Any help is appreciated.

I am sorry if this is in the wrong section. I didnt find a fitting place for hentai game help thread.
Re: RyonaRPG issue.

I downloaded and patched it just yesterday and it works fine for me.

A bit more info would be nice.

Have you downloaded core0091 and 0093?
Is TortoiseSVN installed? i guess it is.
Is it the proper RPGmaker?

And something else, just set your locale to japanese and uninstall applocale, it never worked properly for me and i didn't encounter any problems since then with jp games.
Re: RyonaRPG issue.

Is this game still getting updated? I could never figure out what you are supposed to do in this game apart from getting infected by parasites and becoming utterly useless.
Re: RyonaRPG issue.

I downloaded and patched it just yesterday and it works fine for me.

A bit more info would be nice.

Have you downloaded core0091 and 0093?
Is TortoiseSVN installed? i guess it is.
Is it the proper RPGmaker?

And something else, just set your locale to japanese and uninstall applocale, it never worked properly for me and i didn't encounter any problems since then with jp games.

I tought that 0093 was just picutres nothing important.I was wrong. I decided to quickly search the rar and i found the missing file instantly. Apparently i had to download that. And it worked like a charm.
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