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Orchrios - Old Version

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Re: Orchrios

A few hours into the morning, Jack's shop would get a visitor. A young human male, with a red shirt, and brown clothes otherwise, with a black guitar bag on his back. Something seemed to cause a sense of deja vu, but Jack couldn't quite place what.
Re: Orchrios

Jack had an uneasy sense that he SHOULD know this person, but for whatever reason it was eluding him. Nevertheless, he wouldn't let it dampen the first customer of the still young day. "Good Morning sir, can I be of any assistance to you?"
Re: Orchrios

Anthony shook his head. "Not really, at least right at the moment. Heard that there was a new shop opening up, and thought I'd check it out."

He gave what was visible a quick glance, then... "I might in a bit, though."

As soon as the man spoke, Jack picked up on the voice...One that sounded almost identical to "Cross" from that dream. The man also shifted his right arm, revealing that there was a scar running across the back of the forearm.

((20'd the recognition check.))
Re: Orchrios

Jack automatically responded, "alright, just let me know then if you need anything," and then turned back behind his counter. It was a moment later he suddenly realized that the voice and that scar had seemed strangely.... familiar. It took him an additional five minutes before it suddenly hit him like a bag of hammers. He'd seen this man, with that scar in that dream the other night. The odds of having it and then running into someone exactly matching the description not a day later were almost non existent, and after another moment or two he decided to just see what happened.

"Er, pardon me if I am wrong here, but you seem strangely... familiar to me, as if I've seen you before. Your last name wouldn't happen to be Cross would it?"
Re: Orchrios

The response told the answer. Anthony stopped, looked at Jack, and then finally responded. "I'm going to have to ask why you're asking that...And if the answer has anything to do with a dream, I'm going to have to ask that you follow me to meet someone."
Re: Orchrios

Jack's answer would be pretty clear cut itself. Being nearly noon now, he walked behind the counter and wrote a quick sign. "OUT TO LUNCH, BE BACK 1 HR."

He then hung it on the door. He then turned to Cross and spoke a handful of words, taking a stab in the dark that he prayed was wrong. "I'm guessing I'm not the first one to say this to you then. Lead, I will follow, and I'll be honest, this is quite strange."
Re: Orchrios

Anthony took off, almost at a dead run towards Avarras...But not before tossing a "No shit." over his shoulder towards Jack.
Re: Orchrios

Jack would follow him, never more than a step behind him. He silently thanked his days of football for this, since without gear on, running like this was a cakewalk.
Re: Orchrios

Once Bell made it back into Orchrios with Jack...Her bracelet went off, indicating an incoming message.

Oddly enough, it was pure text, and seemed to be random gibberish at first...But there was something of a pattern to it that might indicate encoding.
Re: Orchrios

Bell leads Jack down from Shiraishi's estate and down Main street, stopping at an outdoor cafe right as her bracelet goes off. She finds them a seat and checks the message, staring blankly at it for a moment.

"Huh, that's odd. Anyway, the service is usually pretty fast here." She says as she sits, and sure enough, a waiter stops by in less than a minute, dropping off menus and asking for drinks. "Can I have a cream soda please?" Bell asks. The waiter nods and looks at Jack, as Bell ignores the menu entirely and studies the strange message, trying to figure out what it was.
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Re: Orchrios

"Root Beer," Jack replies to the waiter, and then leans back, not sure what was bothering Bell, but remaining silent for now.
Re: Orchrios

While they're sitting there, waiting...The message shifts.

"yOu'rE nEXt. Master JOKER"
Re: Orchrios

Bell paled and a chill ran through her spine. She looked around nervously, spotting just the normal customers and the waiter coming back with their drinks. She smiled as her drink wasplaced on the table, and when asked if she wanted any food, she replied hastily. "Some Popcorn Chicken with sweet and sour dipping sauce please." She says, before going back to her bracelet. She frantically tried to trace the message, looking for who sent it, and more importantly, where it was sent from.

The waiter turns to take Jack's order, and turns to leave afterwards, when Bell speaks up again. "Sorry, can we get this as Take-Out as well? We're kinda in a hurry..." She says with an apologetic face for both the waiter and Jack.
Re: Orchrios

The trace turns up nothing...Almost as if the message had originated from Bell's own bracelet.

There's no internal record of the message being "sent", though.
Re: Orchrios

Jack made his order for Grilled Salmon, then when the waiter had left, he turned back to Bell. "You ok? Something about your tone suggests something is up."
Re: Orchrios

Bell answers with a question. "Did you hear the other two call Mr. One-Eye by any nicknames?" She asks, showing him the message from the Master JOKER as an explanation before continuing.

"And you said you only had another half hour when we left the mansion, I figured I didn't want to make you late. Speaking of that, actually, where is it you work? I haven't seen you around before and that's kinda weird, I tend to roam almost every public place in this town." She says, still looking around for anybody watching them.
Re: Orchrios

Jack thought for a few moments before shaking his head. "No, don't recall any nick names they mentioned at all for him."

He pauses for a moment before answering her. "Me? I'm fairly new here, just opened the shop this morning in the Northwest corner of the trade district. Shop's called 'O'Neill's Arms'. Yeah, I have about fifteen or so now, but if need be I can run a little late. Businesses are always slow the first day."
Re: Orchrios

"Oh, you run a store, I'm sorry, I got the expression that you just worked at one." She says apologetically. The waiter returns with their food, all packed up, and the bill. "Thanks, we'll be up in a second." She says, then turns back to Jack. "So it's an arms store? That's interesting, I'll come with you."
Re: Orchrios

Jack nods. "Yeah, I just opened today, got my living space right above the business itself, so you wouldn't be likely to see me in the residential areas unless I had reason to visit someone there. I've got a fairly wide variety of arms, mostly guns but there are a few crafted swords, knives and the like there as well, three or four crossbows as well."

He stops for a moment to grab his own bag then nods. "Alright, well then let's head up and pay then I'll show you on over."
Re: Orchrios

"Deal." Bell says, her smile returning. She chugss the last half of her cream soda, then grabs her food and heads to the till, paying for it then stepping aside so Jack can do the same. When he finishes, she tilts her head towards the street they came in on. "After you."
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