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Facility, Codename: Last Resort


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa jumps as Ava attempts to stand and use her bow. "Whoa!" she yells. "Stop! I told you to stay still! At least I thought I did..." As the energy began forming at her bow, Melissa remembered the devastating power of the weapon. "Power that thing down, right now! That's an order!" She yells, standing next to Ava, her hands on the woman's sides, helping her to stand. "You can direct Linda's fire, and she can take out the charge without blowing us all to hell. What are the charge's coordinates?"


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort


Powering her energy bow down, the girl wobbled unsteadily for a bit, allowing herself to be supported by the medic as she focused on finding out the exact coordinates of the explosive. This effort only generated partial success however, as she was unable to use her energy field for further reconnaissance as she had done before.

"The charge is... around grid location D5 near the center of the door... apparently the blast radius is strong enough that the Fallen have moved a fair distance away from the explosive...


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Not exactly the kind of called shot I was expecting..." Linda says, trading her ammo clip for one full of armour peircing rounds, and her scope for one that scans the area in front, instead of one that magnifies. "D5 you said, near the center of the door, there it is..." She says, taking careful aim for the door and firing three shots, pausing just long enough in between shots to eject the empty cartridge, the reports reverberating through the small-ish room.

A long moment passes, then she finally speaks up a big grin on her face as she returns the rifle to it's previous configuration. "Nothing's gone boom, that's good right?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria nodded. "I suppose. Our turn now."

She opened the doors, and then fired down the hall with her energy pistol.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Now now, just because you all are getting bored of watching me work my magic doesn't mean I have to stop just to make you feel better." Linda says calmly, picking off about every fifth or sixth Fallen to come around the corner, with longer breaks for reloads.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"...Mobility restored to long range minimum standards, resuming original orders: 'Slay all Fallen'."

Pulling her bow string back once again, Ava let loose a barrage of small energy bolts in rapid succession as the Fallen began storming down the corridor from around the corner. So long as there were no Behemoths, picking off normal Fallen was as simple as hunting rabbits. Even the crawlers were hardly a problem, seeing as the explosion from a dodged bolt would still light them on fire at the very least, causing them to burn and eventually shrivel up. Of course... things often did not go as smoothly as planned. And with the audible heavy footsteps from behind the Fallen soldiers? It seemed as if something was about go horribly wrong...

(Requesting permission to sic two final behemoths, more heavily armored than the ones before at our gathering. Perhaps as a "final boss" of sorts for this segment.)


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Xer sat in the corner, licking at her wounds, her body injured. "W-what now? what's the exit plan?!? We gotta get out of here!!!"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria pulled out something from her pocket, a small roundish device, pressed a few buttons and tossed it.

A moment later an explosion took out ten of the Fallen, shrapnel impaling two more in the rear.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Hey Xerberous, smarten up!" Linda yells, batting an ejected shell in her general direction in between shots. "Draw your weapon and help to stop these things!"


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

She nods, pulling her blaster and her gernades from the blaster, alternating between firing the blaster almost to overheat, and releasing a gernade


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

What happened to the grenades could be described as almost astonishing as they seemed to "freeze" in mid-air... before being flung back towards the squad and destroyed by gunfire in midflight. The result was a devastating explosion that temporarily blind both sides...

Having expanded her energy barrier to shield both her and the medic from the deadly sharpnel, Ava began scanning desperately for the source of the unnatural phenomena. And find it she would, although not in the manner she expected as she began clutching her head in pain after having found them, as if under attack by some unknown force. Fortunately for the Unit, the "mental" assault ended as soon as she shut off her scanners. As the dust settled, it would become clear what exactly had caused both the mental attack, and the grenades to have been flung back.

Enter the Hivemind. Appearance wise, they differed little from the normal Fallen soldier, their inverted bodies of mass and skeleton the same as any other alien of their species...with the exception of a slighty engorged cranium and a metallic ring floating around it. The Hivemind were more intelligent than the average Fallen soldier, capable of adapting to situations, taking independent action, and most of all, possessed psychic ability which extended to telekinesis. Stories on the battlefield would tell of how their telekinetic powers was not only capable of crushing a person into a lump of flesh, but drive people insane as well. Four of these horrors had been deployed to the assault on the ship, having chosen to remain hidden up to this point as their more simpleminded comrades rushed to their deaths.

Taking up her energy bow, Ava chose to test a combat theory that had been developed by scientists against the Hivemind, letting loose an arrow at one of the them immediately. As expected, the Hivemind would attempt to manipulate the arrows with their telekentic powers, only to find that they were unable to do so. If all went well, all four of them would be destroyed at once from the arrow...

But of course, nothing in life will ever go exactly as planned. As the energy shot surged forward towards its destination, it found itself lodging and blowing apart an enormous mottled green arm instead... an arm that completely regenerated within a few moments. Stepping forth from the hallway were two towering figures carrying gigantic rocket launchers, bearing no armor except for their own flesh.

The Juggernauts, similar in size and appearance to the Behemoth... but with one major exception. They wore no armor whatsoever. While at first this may seem to imply they were weaker than the Behemoths, this was far from the truth. Possessing the ability of "hyper regeneration", the Juggernauts could be blown apart, and still regenerate into their original form in a short space of time. What made it worse was that they possessed the same tendencies as Behemoths to carry heavy armaments capable of wiping entire squads at once. Making Juggernauts out to be one of the deadliest and "invincible" among the Fallen, and capable of changing the tide of battles when they made an appearance. Fortunately for the rest of the universe, Juggernauts were rarely deployed except for missions of utmost importance to the Fallen. But when they did make an appearance... the only ray of hope was a rumor that Juggernauts regenerated slower under heavy fire given time. However no one had ever been able to confirm that to this very date...

"...Class S fallen detected. Running combat simulation... Survival rate estimated to be at 5%..."

Things did not look well for the group at all... with the arrival of both Hiveminds and Juggernauts, the calculated rate of survival was accurate indeed. That being said, Ava drew her bow nontheless, still relying on the medic for support. Firing off more bolts, only to have them be blocked by the monstrosities time over time again, she continued her desperate barrage. That is, until she felt the invisible hands immobilizing her own and grabbing her by the throat. It was then that the Juggernauts fired off their rockets towards the group...

(I really don't want an easy win out of this segment of the roleplay. It wouldn't really make sense either, as this appears to be the "universe's last resort" against the Fallen's complete dominion. Thus I'm taking some of my own liberties and adding in some "elite" Fallen troops that were deployed specifically to wipe us out.)
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Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Linda silently cursed at their change of luck, holding back her shots to avoid drawing attention to herself at first. She silently switched to her explosive rounds, and took careful aim at one of the hiveminds when she heard the telltale *thunk*whoosh* of several rockets firing. acting mostly on reflex, she swiveled and fired for the side of the mostly open blast door, right where the charge was attached that she had disabled earlier...

She hits it dead on, the resulting explosion taking out the rockets, the door itself, and the eyebrows of anyone in the front row. She uses the distraction to fire two more rounds into the area of the hiveminds, aiming for any openings past the juggernauts, then rolls of the station and takes cover against the inevitable retaliation.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

While Linda had indeed succeeded in destroying the rockets, the Hivemind were once again, protected by their towering comrades as the explosive rounds blew away a chunk of the Juggernauts only to have them regenerate. This DID however, cause the Hiveminds to lose their hold on Ava, allowing her to move once again. As the explosion cleared, a raspy voice could be heard from behind the Juggernauts who continued their job as "living shields".

"Charge... Rip them apart..."

And so they did. Over the cover provided by one of the Juggarnauts who had switched to an enormous chain gun, the rest of the Fallen charged, guns blazing...


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

With a horrifying cry, Xer pounces at the charging mass, her wings buzzing quicky as a terrifying, insectlike screetch rang into the ears of the fallen. As the weaker guns of the basic Fallen missed thier mark- or bounced off her hardened parts of her carpace- she ripped into them, turning most of who she got in combat with into a bloody pulp- until the second Juggernaught tried to punch at her. Yelping in surprise, she leaped into the air, dodging the bone-shattering bow. "Hey there big boy, seems like you're NEXT!"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa ducked down, pulling Ava with her behind a thick control console for cover. With one hand around the woman's back and the other on her stomach, she yelled, "I think Xerb might be right. I don't think we can hold this position against those things!" Thinking back to the defensive preparations, however, she quickly realized that they didn't have many options for escape. The entrance door was right out, and only Xerberous could reach the ceiling vent, which left only the two vents that she had barricaded earlier. Maybe if they split up, they could lose the Fallen in the maze like vents and regroup later? But damn that was so risky. "Our only way out is through the vents, but I'm not too happy about that."


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"...Chances of successfully escaping calculated, 15%... 25% if dead weight are left behind."

The "dead weight" in the calculation of course, referred to Ava herself, seeing as she could barely walk at this point. If ordered, she would remain behind to buy as much time as she could so the rest could escape, as she had become more of a burden than an asset in accordance with the original guidelines granted her.

While they were discussing their next course of action, the second Juggernaut continued to swat at Xer, attempting to smash her into a bloody pulp... much to the chargin of the Hiveminds.

"Ignore the inssssect... sssshee is unimportant... continue your onslaught against the otherssss..."

To emphasize this point, two of the Hivemind opted to lift Xer into the air with telekinesis, and then slam her into the nearby walls of the ship, allowing the Juggernaut to load his weapon... and then send another rocket soaring towards the other end of the hallway.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

The smash barely fazed her- the 'insect' was in the middle of a self-induced battlelust, and a simple smash wasn't gonna stop her. Her wings snapped open once again, enough of a speed to knock the rocket off to one side, spiraling into one of the vent barracades. "Get out of here! I can deal with this!" she yelled, now returning her attention to the Juggernaught.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Michael stands shakily from his position on the floor, a look of anger on his face as he does so "This is MY SHIP you BASTARDS!" he yells, Tendrils shooting out of the collar of his neck and wrapping around him as he walks towards the door and walks out of it, seeming to ignore the Juggernauts "These bastards are mine!" he yells, the Juggernauts firing their rockets at him as he ducks and charges forward, the rockets whizzing over his shoulders, tendrils flaring directly up and hitting the ceiling, then rebounding off of it and thrusting directly down the throat of a Behemoth, stretching and ripping it's throat apart, preventing it from breathing and killing it "Come on! I'm not afraid of any one of you!" Michael screams.

He would then pull the tendrils out of the Juggernaut and charging at the other, his energy katana brandished in his right hand and active as he actually flies past the Juggernaut and lands, then swiftly turns around and slices vertically down the massive creature's spine, reaching in with his left hand before it can regenerate and grasping it's spinal cord, tearing it out with several loud pops and snaps, the Juggernaut falling over in a heap as Michael actually begins twirling the set of bones as if it were a whip. "Come on, come on! I don't have all d----" he is cut short as one of the Hivemind's lifts him and sends him flying with telekinesis back into the bridge, his face slamming into a console and breaking the left lens of his goggles "D-dammit. I was just getting started." Michael says, blood seeping out of his goggles, the glass from the lens having pierced some of his face, but not his eye


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Michael!" Melissa yells as the commander smashes into the control room.

Damnit. This is it. This is when it all starts going to hell.

"Ava, you need to move to the vents, and give us cover so we can get out of here. Can you do that?" Without waiting for a response, Melissa moves over to Michael, inspecting his new wounds, as well as checking his arm and leg for any sign of bone fragments puncturing the skin. Finding nothing life-threatening, she starts snapping her fingers in front of his face, fearing he might have a concussion.

"Hey, wake up!" she says sternly. "Stay awake now, we need to start moving to the vents." Throwing his good arm over her shoulder, she begins carrying the large man over to the open vent shafts, grunting in exertion. "Everyone start falling back to the vents!" she yells to the others. "I'm helping Michael, someone else might need to help Ava! No one gets left behind!"


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Michael, in his sub conscience, begins remembering the past that turned him into what he is......


"Are you sure you want to go through with this, Captain? This procedure is very dangerous. It could very well kill you." a man in a white lab coat says, Michael himself sitting on a bed in standard USLD uniform. "I'm fine. If it kills me, then it was for a good cause. Give me the stuff." Michael says, nudging up the sunglasses over his eyes as the doctor sticks a syringe into Michael's neck, then forces the green liquid within into his neck. As the doctor pulls the syringe back out, something happens. Michael's back begins to fester and move, causing a bit of shock to the doctor, who goes around to the back to inspect the soldier's back. Michael begins to scream as four tendrils shoot straight out of his back, impaling the doctor in four places on his chest and passing directly through into the wall of the room. Michael passes out, hearing a snapping sound, then returns to reality


"Ugh. What happened?" Michael asks, noticing the ground below him moving and a slight strain on his left arm "Let me down. I can fight." he says, getting free of Melissa and touching his left hand to his goggles to find the left lens missing, the missing eye underneath showing to everyone in the room "Well. Wasn't expecting this." he says, feeling the skin near the eye and making sure no glass had punctured the empty socket "Can't believe that bastard managed to repel me" he says, looking through his goggles with his one intact right eye "You all retreat. I'll handle these bastards." he says, limping back towards the door "I'll never live it down if I run from odds this easy." he says, blood running down his cheek as he finds his energy katana and picks it up, looking down the hallway at the Hivemind's "I'll hold them off as long as possible. You all get the hell out. You have to live! For the good of the galaxy!" he says, taking up a fighting stance and trying to steady himself. He was suffering from blurry vision and difficulty balancing himself, a classic sign of a concussion. "I promise. I won't die. Adria, you're in charge until I handle these fools." he says, raising his left hand to give a thumbs up before charging out of the room towards the countless Fallen in a loud battle cry