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First hentai ever?

Re: First hentai ever?

First ever hentai stuffs I saw were these old tentacle CG sets called Inju Genmu. I still find them pretty nice to look at

See here

The first hentai movie of mine was Lady Blue, a spin-off title from La Blue Girl

...I almost cried when I saw those cg's...It was the first piece of actual PORN let alone hentai I saw(and I thank you for findng the cg set)...as far as movies go....I think it was one of the bible black series....I didn't dive down into till much later....I do remember having to be stealthy as hell when I wasn't living on my own XD
Re: First hentai ever?

My first experience with hentai was the Dragon Pink OVA. Thing is that at first I thought animated porn was a little bit too strange for my taste, but it still felt somewhat strangely arousing, so I started checking out more titles, and, well..got hooked :)
Re: First hentai ever?

First hentai was La Blue Girl 01. I remember a friend of ours got it from the comic store owner (or that was the story) saying this was a cool anime. Back in 1994 anime was just starting to appear, so we were all a bit curious. Anyways, we popped it in, and pretty quick said "WTF?!?!" We turned it off another 10 minutes later when Miko was getting raped by the first demon.

That piqued my interest, and years later I started getting into hentai full time once popular females in video games got hentai pictures (Chun Li and Cammy being first, followed by Morrigan).
Re: First hentai ever?

My memory is pretty bad, I don't quite remember, excluding all the random pics I saw,it was a random doujinshi. All I remember though is reading alot of Crimson Comics' stuff.

First H-anime I saw though, think it was this rather old h-anime called Dragon Rider, either that or it was probaly random h-anime clips or the first few eps of Cool Devices.
Re: First hentai ever?

My first hentai was shit and I don't remember it's name.

My first GOOD hentai though, that was Discipline: Record of a Crusade (the six episode series).
Re: First hentai ever?

my first hentai was La Blue girl ...and I loved it very much ....!!!
Re: First hentai ever?

My first hentai experience is :confused: :confused: I forgot actually... But mostly i gotten into hentai when i was at the age of 12 years old where i was surfing the web and checking my email and i was send this bizarre girl getting fuck by a robot... It was a flash XD i was played over and over again... and soon i find myself click on it to know even more... And here i am... A hentai-lover thanks to that... And i stiL dont know from where is that busty babe getting fuck by robot go now...
Re: First hentai ever?

Hmmm, that's a toughie. I have to say probably DG or JG. Although I have seen hentai vids at my FYE in the adult/anime section before, but never actually watched them. :p Also as I've posted in the La Blue Girl thread, I have to say it's the one I enjoy most; in spite of my MANY fetishes, I enjoy tentacle sex/vanilla consensual the most of any sex scenes. And the setting and story was better then a lot of Pixy stuff I've seen IMOHO.
Re: First hentai ever?

The Bondage Fairies manga.

I found it on my family PC (long story, all you need to know was that this was the late-90s and I was still in high school). Got interested ('Hey, cool. Porn! ON MY PC!!!') and started Yahoo-ing ('Google? Pfft! Wtf is that?') "fairy", "bondage" and "fetish". That of course led to...

FURRY PORN! (Although in retrospect it was "monster girl/mamono" but back then it was simply labeled "furry".) Yes, admittedly I got started on furry porn but we all gotta start somewhere. Course one thing leads to another, furry porn led to "hentai" and "hentai" led to "tentacles" and... well. Once you reach "tentacles", you've gone past the point of no return.

And yeah, I still hold a special place in furries :p . I only started seeing stuff like La Blue Girl long after I got into the H-scene. ('There are hentai MOVIES?! HOLY SHIT, how am I going to download them through my 28.8k dial-up modem!?!?')
Re: First hentai ever?

Once you reach "tentacles", you've gone past the point of no return.

No, once you reach women being violently beaten while being raped with hot pokers then ripped to shreds and fucked a second time THEN you've gone to the point of no return. Tentacles are the new vanilla.
Re: First hentai ever?

No, once you reach women being violently beaten while being raped with hot pokers then ripped to shreds and fucked a second time THEN you've gone to the point of no return. Tentacles are the new vanilla.

Meh, different times different standards.
Re: First hentai ever?

My first hentai was.... Jiburiru.
Oni, it sounds as if you speak from experience.
Re: First hentai ever?

Not really, just giving out an example that's much further down the spiral than tentacles. Besides, I like to think I've fapped to worse than my example.
Re: First hentai ever?

Some of the stuff I've fapped to include a girl being raped and then slaughtered and cooked for her own birthday banquet and a school of loli's and shota fucking and being killed. One part of that doujin that stands out is a loli and shota hanging themselves and then they start banging each other as they die. I believe that one was by Juan Gotoh.
Re: First hentai ever?

Wow, and I thought that a picture of a girl coughing up blood while her entrails fall out of a huge gash in her stomach was messed up...
Re: First hentai ever?

I never said I enjoyed it, but I try to see what I can fap to. And they're some of the stuff I can.
Re: First hentai ever?

Guy - Double Target.

In middle school some perv was talking about it like there was some crazy shit going on in it and loli sex.

Fucking liar.
Re: First hentai ever?

My first hentai game was "the 3 sister story" and for me it's still pretty good. And my second and favorite hentai game was "Nocturnal Illusion".

I love this game, the atmosphere, the characters, the story and the multiple ending (from really funny to depressing).

"3 Sisters Story" have multiple ending too plus game over if you do the wrong choice.

At this time, those two games were perfect to me. And it's still enjoyable.
Re: First hentai ever?

First one that I remember ever watching was the fourth episode of Twin Angels...just the beginning clip where the sisters are caught and messed with.

Just been all down hill since hahaha :D