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Madrigal OOC Chatter

Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Well, I just popped in with an NPC (actually my character from the early testing stages of this game! Stoked to get to use her again!), so there's one more at least. X3
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Yeah. . . here's the deal. If we make NPCs for our own characters to interact with it's quickly going to turn into long posts that nobody else cares about as it doesn't interfere with their character. And if we make NPCs to interact with other characters - well, they're not exactly NPCs then.

Ha ha, if you're bothered by long posts then you might want to re-think joining the actual game. I do tend to post whoppers, as I like to have behind-the-spotlight NPC interaction and that works its way into my posts. I use this to generate ideas for later, so that if a character stumbles upon one of the non-spotlighted NPC's from earlier, there's background for me to build up on.

I think that players in freeform threads can create some good story fun in the same way, and you just helped me pin down something that I wanted to talk about, actually!

If you make an NPC that you wind up liking better than the character that you submitted to the open thread, you still have time to switch to using that character. I think that one of the main problems with the Main Cavern thread as it is now is that cross_grave's character is just... making it very difficult to play with, considering her attitude causes her to reject all of Rule's character's friendly overtures. Either tweaking that (in cross_grave's case) or creating an NPC and running with that (in either's case) might help the game to pick up the pace.

I'm going to say that the character sheets that you sign up with aren't concrete. And that folks like Xiv, Phe, and Kattunge are allowed to make up new character sheets to interact with the Main Cavern, though they lose the benefit here of gaining XP for their currently playing characters. (This game is still in Beta, so I'm willing to make changes when I see problems.)

The only solution I see is luring more active players into the main cave. Because frankly most people won't see the appeal in joining this RP if they don't get the full treatment.

Definitely. I'm not sure how to hype up Madrigal to the rest of the board, though I would love if more people signed up in the freeform section. Do you guys have any suggestions, short of me DMing? Would anybody be interested in stepping up and controlling more than one NPC to keep things moving? Since this game is still in Beta, I'm going to wind up using the next few weeks as a trial period for the free-form section. If it looks like it's hopping, I'll ask Nunu or Aika to create a sub-forum if things pan out. If not, I'll leave the freeform stuff to die or hibernate or whatever, and folks who want to play can lurk however they wish.

The way I see it is that wallpaper opened up the Main Cavern as a place for people to kill time while they're waiting to get into the roleplay proper, or maybe as a way to dynamically come up with characters and test them out before settling on them.

My original intentions were to have the game be a place to hang out and keep posting while you guys were waiting on me, in the event that I need to cut back how often I post per day. Using it as a section to test out potential characters is a good excuse, though.

Oh, as for the queue vs. randomized thing, as someone who isn't in the queue (which I'm not sure whether makes my opinion more valuable or less), randomization actually makes more sense to me.

Also the random pick thing; Then people will possibly feel that, they never win, over and over again. I'd suggest keeping the Queue thing honestly, since that's the most "Fair" thing to do. Early Bird Gets the Worm or whatever people say?

I'm taking into consideration the thought that by doing a randomization, we may be able to draw the attention and interest of potential players who want to stick around and see what Madrigal has to offer by playing in the freeform thread. If one looks at the thread, sees half a dozen 'Me next!' posts, and notes that it takes a while for a new DM-led game to crop up, they're going to shrug and back out and probably not come back again. As much as I know that Rule's going to have the most to lose if I go with this route (potentially -- the dice may like him!) I'm trying to think of a way that both generates interest and keeps potential players coming back. XD

I think I may just be getting too serious about it, considering that the game premise is basically "sex! And lots of it!" but I'm having fun putting the mod hat on and chewing over how to run a game. XD Please bear with me! Your input is very much appreciated!
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Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

I'm glad you're taking my criticism well. And as somebody who would DIRECTLY benefit from the queue solution I'm withholding my vote.
To draw in new players? Hm. Short of making more threads I don't really see a possibility. And you already made clear that you won't.
And I don't mind long posts, on the contrary. What I meant is that the players would essentially write One-Shots with their own characters and a few NPCs, since they don't have to pause and wait for another player.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

To draw in new players? Hm. Short of making more threads I don't really see a possibility. And you already made clear that you won't.

Actually, I'd be opening to making a sub-section of the board for free-form, if people want. Either listing a few set threads that are based off of areas, or allowing people to make new threads based on new scenes/encounters... let me know! I'm open to suggestions.

And I don't mind long posts, on the contrary. What I meant is that the players would essentially write One-Shots with their own characters and a few NPCs, since they don't have to pause and wait for another player.

Oh, blech. I suppose that is a possibility, but that's not why I opened up the idea of NPC's. If someone wanted to write up a one-shot story and post it (maybe in that sub-forum?) I'd be happy to read it, but I had figured that making more than one character/NPC to play would work in terms of posting to different people.

Speaking of which, I'm going to edit the General sign-ups to reflect the change of guidelines.

Once I go through another round of post-backs to the GM-threads (DM is actually more appropriate for this game, isn't it? XD) I'll start trying to gather interest for a random draw. How does one create a specific group?
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Maybe if you allowed people to play as non-human characters, or characters that have been in the burrows for a long time already, it might interest some people. Then if a spot opens up and they want to join the GM-run game, they can make a new character and the old character can become an NPC. Or they could just keep running the old character in the main cavern. I think giving players a bit more freedom for the free-form game would make it a bit more interesting anyway.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Playing non-human characters in the freeform section, or the whole?

The reason I'd limited that in the GM-led games was because the humans would get completely overlooked if I opened the race-selection up wide; I wanted the various species to be something to look forward to and as possible rarities, considering that I'm thinking the Burrows are composed more of humans than any other race. I'd imagine that people would avoid them both in character selection and in IC encounters, which would skew the game in a way that I'm not sure about.

I could think about that, though, if everyone would be happier to leave the humans on the sidelines for individuals to pick and choose when they want! I understand that this forum isn't necessarily geared towards humans being in the spotlight. (For the GM-led stuff, anyways!)

More freedom in the freeform, though, I can see doing that for sure. :) I may not import them to NPC's once one signs into the game-proper, depending on what's going on and if I want to snag them or not, but I'll keep that on the back of my mind.

Thank you for all of the suggestions, Rule!
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

I've gone and made a bonafide group for Madrigal:


And I'm going to wind up doing a draw for the open RP space, I've settled on. Should I post the 'drop numbers here!' in the group, or in this OOC chatter thread? (OOC seems more accessible to me!)
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Oh, I definitely meant non-human characters for the free-form section only. Normal humans do tend to get ignored when other races are allowed in games around here ;). Since the character interactions in the free-form section are limited to the players, and the players are limited to human characters only, it loses a bit of the charm of having all the different types of encounters that are available in the Burrows.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Your point has been taken, nommed, and spit out in the form of an altered first post in the 'Main Cavern Sign In' thread. I clarified and updated the rules:

1) Fill out a character sheet before playing your character in the thread.
2) You may make as many character sheets as you like.
3) You may create a character of any species to play in the free-form thread -- but no hybrids! At the moment, you'll only be able to enter the GM-led game with a human character, so you will have to leave any elemental/dragon/demon/daemon characters you've whipped up in the freeform section.
4) Do not post for another player-character's words or actions without first consulting them! Preferably, leave their actions and words them -- this is an RP, after all!

I can't think of anything else to add just now, but if there's anything that needs further clarification, please let me know. I got rid of the definition between 'NPC' and 'character', so that people don't have to feel as though one character is more important than another when they're just dicking around anyways!
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Oh, I definitely meant non-human characters for the free-form section only. Normal humans do tend to get ignored when other races are allowed in games around here ;).

Actually I'm running a Sci-Fi RP, and I have more human than non-human characters. . .

And dibs on lucky number 7. (Watch this only go up to 6.)
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

*hits open a Open Cavern char*
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Totally awesome! XD Welcome to the insanity~
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Oh dear. XD Heh, Lurker, this isn't a fantasy game where any random species can apply. Read the 'species/subspecies' information to see what is available, please! We don't have 'lung dragons' or 'the far east' in the same way as earth's traditions -- Madrigal is a completely different world.

I also specified in the rules at the top of the application section not to create hybrids, so please pick one species for each character!

Lastly, I'm not running with special magic and the like, so don't worry about thinking that kind of stuff up. XD There's set magic stuff that Kattunge and I can explain, if you like, but not quite like you're thinking of!

(>_> I should re-label them 'races', considering they can all interbreed. Hmm.)
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Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

ooopsie. may be better to start from scratch lol ^///^;
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Couldn't lurker's character be considered a "Near Daemon" though?
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

What do you mean by "near daemon"? XD I think it's either a daemon or it's not, unless it's a hybrid! Which you'd have to breed for rather than creating straight off, I think. :3
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

I was talking about how in the fetish categories, wallpaper made a distinction between Near Daemons (humanoids) and Strange Daemons (tentacle monsters).
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Ahh, yes yes. :) I think that was in reference to humans specifically, though... I should probably let wallpaper field this one. >.>
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Oh, a 'humanoid daemon' was what I meant. X3 Lurker, if you'd like to class your character as a daemon, that would suit. They can look like just about anything, though they don't get especial magic or tricks. I didn't actually get a chance to read through Mithral's background, if you provided one, but if you want to post something and either Kattunge or I could let you know if anything needs changing, that could work. ^_^
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Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

On that note, I'm running off to bed! I'm pooped! Goodnight, folks.