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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Good to hear, Squid. Finally ate the Jell-O, did'ja, and they let you come home?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I may be away for a few days or more, I've somehow managed to fuck up my neck pretty bad and am likely going to need one of those immobilizers for a time. Sitting for more than 5 minutes, laying down for more than 2-3 hours or standing for more than an hour, doesn't seem to matter, this thing just flares up after a set period of time depending on what I am doing, or not doing as the case goes. Until this settles down enough that I'm not in teeth grinding pain, I won't be around. Getting a second opinion from another doctor tonight and going off of that as to how to proceed.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yikes. Be well and take it easy. Remember that Norco is your friend in times like this.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Provided there are no setbacks, I should be back tomorrow.

Long story short on it, went to a chiropractor and my back/spine was apparently out (bad too). After some adjustments to it, well what do you know, the next DAY it's feeling better. Now, it's almost like there was no issue to begin with, so unless it pulls a 180 overnight, I'll be good to go by tomorrow.

YAY for not needing a neck immobilizer. Fuck that shit.

Also, welcome back Squid!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Glad to hear you're alright Siphon, had a cousin a long time back who broke his neck in a car wreck and didn't even know it was broken until after he'd left the emergency room and went back to the doctor like the next day because his neck and head were hurting so damn bad where they put him in one of those with the screws and everything. Took him quite a while to heal up.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yes, is good to heard than you are fine now Siphon, please take care and just try to rest what you can so any problem get solved
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So, without getting too deep into it, I'm just gonna say that I made the jump to the other side, and it feels FRACKIN' GLORIOUS.
Sorry guys, had to get that out of my system. Good night to y'all.
Ps. Solitude is absolute bs in the long run, so do whatever it takes to get out of it as soon as you can.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I... don't know what else to say. My last surviving grandma suddenly took a turn for the worse, and while the doctors were trying to find a way to save her, they are pretty much coming a blank all over, no clue what hit her.

Last call a few minutes ago is Grandpa was taking her off life support, as there was a good chance she was going to fade afterwards anyway. Mom and Dad are currently on a 5-hour trip to get up there, but I already know somehow that they're not gonna make it for the last good-byes.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Ah, Lurker, that sucks. Losing someone is never a good thing. Be there for your grandpa and your folks and for each other and you know that there are those of us here for you, even if it's just virtually.

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yo, feels like it's been forever since I last took a gander 'round here. Well it seems like I found my other half, so I'm doing pretty great emotionally, specially considering how solitude was about to finish me off about two weeks ago; but nah, fuck that, still got stuff and I don't wanna leave anything undone.
On a side note (more like the main reason for this post), yeah, I'm back and will probably be more active during these weeks. Or maybe not. We'll see. :D
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Sounds like things are going good for you then. Welcome back!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Some of you already know this, but I figured I'd note that I'll be away for the next four days or so. I'm going on vacation, and won't even be bringing my laptop.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm gonna be hitting on the road early Sunday (or so late on Saturday it may as well be Sunday) for Grandma's internment, possibly won't be back until Monday night or Tuesday morning, depending on how long we stay. Probably will try to stem some emotion with writing or w/e, but won't be able to post in Sanctuary or Dark Heresy until my return.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm just going to throw this out now, and hopefully head off any complaints...

I'm going to be under a bit of stress over the next few weeks, between a shitty situation at work and helping out with the tech end of things for a musical. I'll TRY not to snap at anyone, but if I do, I apologize in advance as it's likely just me being stressed out and venting.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm back from Grandma's internment. Surprisingly held up well, though didn't get to do anything creative and as expected I didn't have net access. Still, final goodbyes are worth saying.

AAANYWAY the dreary times are over, time to catch up!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So, I'm on my vacation from work now. That's some of the stress dealt with, at least temporarily.

Just if anyone runs into me offline over the next week, expect me to either smell like I just showered, or like sweat. When we run all of the theatrical equipment, we have to shut the AC off as well. Otherwise, it screws up the microphones.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I have started a new part-time job, which is going to eat essentially all my currently free evenings. THis is done with the hope of paying off my credit card, and affording a new computer. All of my current scheduled evening activities should still be free, but my already-abysmal postrate will likely continue to suffer. I apologize for that, but this has gotta happen. Wish me luck!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Oh hey there. I... I guess some of you are wondering where I went off to this last month and a half?

Maybe this picture I commissioned will bring some light into it...
Ever since I received Dark Souls II for my birthday, it swallowed me whole. I neglected my studies and my RPs for it. For a month and a half, I sliced and stabbed, crushed and thrust, I invaded and got invaded, I fought and lost, attacked AFKers and won. I launched lightning spears, soul arrows, great arrows and fire arrows. I backstabbed and parried. I created avatars, and then I created characters. I got three seperate characters to new game plus and was working on the fourth one.

And then, this morning, a pair of mammoth knights crushed me, and I put down the controller... and realized I was done. Done. Finally I can move on - OH WAIT THERE IS DLC COMING NEVER MIND.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Some may have noticed my sudden Psychotic Reappearance at the forum. Do not be alarmed simply follow you local disaster protocols and you will be fine.

Be advised to prevent unwanted pregnancies and the loss of brain cells it is best you simply ignore me were ever and whenever I am found.

This has been your Forum Weather alert.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Tragedy! (But more in the "woe is me" kind than actual heartwrenching stuff)

So, today is Free RPG day. Kind of like Free Comic Book day, but with different publishers giving out boosters, start-ups, etc etc for various games. Paizo (makers of Pathfinder) also do a module for this day.


So, my town has two "gaming" stores. One is actually a comic shop that happens to sell gaming supplies. This is *my* store. I guess due to a shipping problem, the order didn't come in and they don't know if they're going to get them.

The other gaming store in town is run by a self-serving, opportunist jerk that caters to the (and I hate to say it, but it's true) "stereotypical gamer nerd." And before anyone objects to this, two of my gal friends went into the store one time, looking for miniatures and swear to God, they hear "Girls!" whispered in this awed/hushed tone, like someone had just spotted an Entwife. The guy pays no attention to us whenever we come into the store, not even a "Hey, looking for anything?" or anything. So needless to say, I was not surprised to find out that he was not participating in an activity that gives things away to his customers for free.

So, where am I going with this? Mostly just lamentations. The first FRPGD module Paizo put out is going for $100 easy, and that's if you can even *find* it listed. Now I'm missing out on another one. Granted, they usually have it on their site in PDF, but I like having the actual modules. Guess I'm also looking to see if any kind souls managed to score an extra, as I'm willing to pay for shipping. If not, just getting the rant off my chest. Blah.