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Shop, and missions

Re: Shops, and missions

Selena shrugs as she looks at the list,

"I meant do you know where I can find a store that would have this stuff that isn't looted to hell and back?"
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse smiled, as if having an answer,

"Nope!" she said with glee, not having an answer.
Re: Shops, and missions

Jenn walks into the store, grinning.


"Hey, guess what I found!"

Jenn empties her pack on the counter, revealing three sets of clothing and a .38 pistol.


"Don't want people to walk around naked. Well, to have to walk around naked, I mean. Anything else in particular you need, or just more of the same?"

(I still have 2 sets of clothing plus armor of my own, right? All undamaged? Also: am I wearing armor over clothing or just armor?)
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Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse nods happily, kissing Jenn on the cheek,

"Thanks so much! Yes, we're always in need of more clothing, apparently." she giggles, putting the three sets of clothing in the store, as well as the gun.
Re: Shops, and missions

Selena sighs and lights a cigarette,

"I'm going out to the office supply shop, see you guys later."
Re: Shops, and missions

Meredith enters the store in a bad mood. She literally stabs her pen into one of the new mission sign-up sheets with an obvious swinging motion before writing her name down. Making much noise, the blonde trudges out of the store with heavy steps. In fact, she ignores all human contact. With a closer glance, one might notice that she is hunched over slightly in pain. (period for a about the next five days ^^)

((Signup for looting run.))
(Also RJ if you could send me/post any rules pertaining to wielding two weapons at once))
Re: Shops, and missions

Josie walks into the shop area, standing in the back, eyeing around to see if Jesse was busy or not before approaching.
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse was just minding her guns, seeming in distant thought, unaware of the brunette that approached her as she was cleaned the barrel of the dismembered gun.
Re: Shops, and missions

Speaking quietly, trying not to startle the preoccupied shopkeep, Jo leaned over the counter.


"Hey Jess. Listen, I'm sorry I wasn't able to find supplies. However, I did find a survivor, hurt and naked, at the cost of my own clothes. I was wondering if I could get her some?"
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse gave a bit of a start as Josie began to speak, and walk quietly, not noticing her until she was right over her counter.

Quickly setting the gun down, she nodded with a smile at Josie.

"Y-yes! Of course, sweetie!" she gestured with her hand at the clothes, "You should take a pair of your own as well, but could ya please find some more when you go back out there? It's obvious by the small pile, but we really need more clothes... We're running out of that faster than we are food..."
Re: Shops, and missions

(Jesse obviously failed her perception roll)


"Thank you so much. I hate going out and ruining your clothes all the time. I wouldn't know where to get more for you, but I do have some good news. Although I didn't find many supplies, I won't be needing these anymore."
Josie hands over the two swords to Jesse.

"Maybe they can help someone else as much as they were helping me. Oh and the cop I found told me they had some supplies locked away in the station, and first thing tomorrow I wanna go out and retrieve them personally. I just feel bad that I promised I'd get em for you and I haven't yet. But you will, I promise."

Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse takes the two swords, placing them in her stock, then leans over the counter, towards Josie's face, kissing her a kiss on the cheek,

"Thanks so much, you're a dear!" she said in such a warm, sweet tone, it could melt butter, "So, were you wanting two sets of clothes, sweetie? You're starting to look a little perky!" she giggles, pointing at Josie's full breasts, her nipples were getting quite stiff.
Re: Shops, and missions

(AW GODDAMNIT! I went all out on a response, previewed it to make sure it was ok, and apparently I closed it on the preview)

Jo's cheeks flushed when Jesse kissed her, ducking her head a bit to hide a smile. Her hands raised to cover her breasts for a second instinctively when Jesse pointed them out, but dropped them immediately after.


"Guess there's no shame in that anymore."

Jo looked back up with a smirk. Reaching for both sets of clothes.


"Thanks a lot Jess, you're the best!"

She turned away smiling, on her way back to Dixie's room
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse nodded, and whether or not Josie looked, she didn't care, as she gave the woman's rump a good inspection before she left.

(I'll go ahead and throw Dixie's room up. >.>)
Re: Shops, and missions

Lin checked the board, after searching for her sister.
And to her dismay a quest to rescue her sister had been put up, she signed her name on the board right away, before running back to the lobby up the staires.
(Lin had signed up for the Rescue Rin quest)
Re: Shops, and missions

(haha, I almost said "Josie walked to the shops and missions thread")

Josie walked to the mission area, trying to think of how to scrounge for people to get a lockpicker.


How the hell am I going to find more people, let alone how do I find someone with a particular set of skills?(cue deus ex machina)

Josie looked over the mission list and saw a few rescue missions. She felt good ever since she brought Dixie back. She was upset for hurting her, but it still didn't tip the fact that she saved her and helped her out.


Maybe I can kill two birds with one stone. The storage locker is always gonna be there. Maybe this way, I can help rescue someone, get more acquainted with a few of the girls, and by extension, maybe one of them can help me out. I should at least tell Dixie I'm leaving and check on her. She's still unfamiliar with this place.

*Josie conveniently o.- signs up for the rescue rin mission*
Re: Shops, and missions

After mulling over her defeat for a period of time in her room, the petite blond haired girl finally left it to set the foundations for a plan of assault against her father's killer, plotting to humiliate her in a similar manner. She wouldn't kill the brown-haired woman, at least not outside of a clean duel to the death. Her honor and principles forbade her from doing so. That being said, her honor didn't forbid her from trapping her opponent in her room for a few days, and getting back at her in other ways...

Walking into the store, the "child-like" girl proceeded to the counter in order to ask for things she needed for her plan, having managed to blend in well enough that the few people she met believed her to have been at the inn from the start.


"Excuse me...may I have a length of rope please?"
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse leaned in to look at the little girl,

"Awww!!!" she shrieked with glee at the sight of Fleur's tiny frame, running away from her counter, and around it, to wrap her arms around the little girl, lifting her into the air as Jesse squeezed her passionately, "You are the cutest thing I've ever seen! Oh, I love you!" she exclaimed, causing quite a commotion.

Some of the guards were watching Jesse's antics, and many were laughing at the poor Fleur's torment.
Re: Shops, and missions

(Oh dear, should have saw that one coming. Now if only Jesse knew that this little girl was capable of beating Luna to the ground in a hand to hand fight...)

Letting out a small squeak as she was lifted into the air and hugged in such a manner, the petite girl was at a lost for words as she was handled a stuffed animal of some sorts. Unsure whether to be angry or happy at such treatment, the dilemma had caused the girl's strength to leave her for a second as she began squirming weakly, as a small child or animal might, blue eyes scanning the other people in the area in hopes for a savior. Such a search would turn out fruitless however, when she saw that many of the guards and other people around were laughing at her predicament, causing her to blush furiously with embarassment. Left with no other alternative, the girl piped up amidst the hugging and squeezing in her typical child-like voice.


"Um... Thank you... but... could you please let me down?... "

She fervently hoped that the woman hugging her wouldn't take this as a cue to smother her with "more affection"... Her plans of humiliating Luna would all go down the drain if the said person saw her in such a state...
Re: Shops, and missions

Without answering her, she let the smaller girl's legs touch the ground, and Jesse smothered her with a siege of kisses on the cheeks, and forehead, pulling her into another big hug, bet letting her feet stay on the ground.

"Oh, you are so cute! Like an adorable little doll!" Jesse shouted eccentrically, "Oh, I just wanna keep you forever!"