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Shop, and missions

Re: Shops, and missions

Selena looks around, then puts Kitty, the .32 bullets, and her notes on the table,

"I... did something, and I need to get out of here... where do you think I should run to...?"
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse was shocked out of her depression at Selena's words, as well as the unconscious Kitty suddenly in front of her.

"S-sweetie!" she exclaimed, "What on Earth are you talking about? Why would you need to get out of here? Is something wrong?" she asked, concern in her voice.
Re: Shops, and missions

Selena looks around, then slowly pulls her pants down and shows Jesse her new... equipment,

"This wouldn't be as big of a problem if I hadn't accidentally... raped both the doctor and Kitty..."
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse actually smiled and blushed when she saw Selena's now soft cock, and looked up at her sheepishly.

"I... I could..." she began to suggest, blushing heavily, "I could hide you in my room and tell everyone you left..."
Re: Shops, and missions

Selena looked at Jesse with a smile, then sighs,

"That... would never work... and you know it."
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse lowered her head.

"There must be a way to make you stay... I'd miss you terribly..." she admits to Selena.
Re: Shops, and missions

Selena looks around anxiously as she pulls her pants back up,

"I'm... I'm sorry Jesse... but as soon as the doctor wakes up... I'm in so much trouble..."
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse blinks,

"I don't know where'd you'd go, sweetie... Besides..." Jesse added, blushing and smiling, "It's not like I haven't done worse!" she winked.
Re: Shops, and missions

Selena smiles wryly at Jesse,

"Worst then pumping the doctor of the inn full of baby juice?"
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse smiles mischievously,

"Running off with a little blond girl to your room, and everyone around you knowing your intentions?" she giggled.
Re: Shops, and missions

Selena sighs and shakes her head, then leans forward and hugs Jesse,

"And that's why I trust you with Kitty more than anything... anyway, here, these are prototype plans I drew up for a dual gun with a melee weapon, sure they're crude, but I think they'll work." She looks around and kisses Jesse, "I need to go before the doctor recovers..."
Re: Shops, and missions

Accepting the kiss and hug, Jesse holds onto Selena a little longer, prolonging the kiss for just a little longer, before backing away.

"Look, where will you be staying? I'll see if I can pull some strings, and get you pardoned." she told Selena.
Re: Shops, and missions

Selena shrugs as she looks around,

"No idea... I would hobo it, but given the cirumstances... probably not too smart. Maybe one of the nearby buildings... or if I'm desperate, the jail..."
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse shrugs as well.

"The jail, huh...?" she wonders, "Well, I don't know what'd be so bad about that. The path there is relatively safe, from what I hear, unless women in underwear scare you!" she giggled.
Re: Shops, and missions

Selena pauses, then smiles,

"I guess I could go there... hope you visit one day~ I'd love to share my new found joy with you, but it has the unfortunate side effect of putting women into semi-comas~"
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse giggles.

"Sweetie, just give me some time, and you can come back here anytime you want!" she leans in, a confident smile on her face, "I have more influence here than you think! How do you think I get away with all the things I do?" she said with a wink.
Re: Shops, and missions

Selena grins and slings the rifle over her shoulder,

"See you later then Jesse..." She leans forward and kisses the shopkeeper passionately, "Don't ever forget me~"
Re: Shops, and missions

Returning the kiss again, Jesse smiled,

"I'll be waiting for you to come back sweetie, I'll ask someone to find you when the coast is clear. In the mean time, I'll take care of Kitty for you!" she announced, sliding her hand under Kitty's dress, and fingering her a little, then she brought her finger up and began sucking on it, making sure to take in all of her juices.
Re: Shops, and missions

Selena simply laughs as she turns to head out of the inn,

"Please don't break her too much~"
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse sighs, she knows that it's going to be a pain to get Selena off the hook, although that might take a little, "persuasion" towards Violet.

Laying on the counter, Kitty moans a little, shifting slightly.

"Oh, shush, you." she tells the unconscious Kitty.


Heading out of the Inn, Selena finds that what Jesse said was correct, as there wasn't a single monster to be seen along the whole trip to the prison...

( Continued in the thread I shall make, "The Prison" )