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Re: In today's news...

The only thing about communism I took from star trek is "Red = dead"

Really? The whole "humans don't use money anymore" point was very labored, throughout most of the different series.

Oddly enough, red = command as well...
Re: In today's news...

Really? The whole "humans don't use money anymore" point was very labored, throughout most of the different series.

Oddly enough, red = command as well...

As I understand it, yellow was command and red was engineering/security in the original series. Red was command and yellow was engineering/security in the Next Generation, and all series chronologically subsequent.

Still, I don't think it's communism... the idea was that humanity had developed technology that allowed it to evolve beyond ANY economic system. There's no need for equal distribution of goods when you have replicators, and there's no need for most services when you have a holodeck. It's similar to communism only in that capitalism has little meaning in a world in which all people are guaranteed their own basic needs are met.
Re: In today's news...

Its pretty impressive sociologicaly that the entierty of humanity is also will to work towards its beterment purely through altruism..

regardless, star trek also isn't news.
Re: In today's news...

Well as far as communisim being bad, if you have ever seen star trek, and I imagine if you've read any of the books too, you've gotten a view of the best case scenario for a communist society.

If only it were actually a possibility.

Oh, and Christan Bale, even if I think he's stupidly overrated, is an awesome bro who recently visited the victims to cheer them up. That wins points in my book.
Re: In today's news...

The guy also visited the memorial site for the victims. Without telling the media about it none the less. People only found out after some facebook statuses and local pictures were put on the web talking about it.
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Re: In today's news...

You make a law forbidding guns and that only keeps guns out of the hands of the lawful. Gun laws may cut down on gun related crime slightly, but other violent crimes (knives, clubs, bats, ect) start shooting up in numbers.

I'm getting a concealed weapon permit and a purse gun soon. Then I will get lessons in marksmanship before I ever start carrying it on my person. I will learn how to clean it and take care of it well.

We should be less anti-gun and more responsible gun.

Not everyone is responsible, never , 'responsible gun' is just a dream. One sicko can kill 10 or 12 person with only two gun, it is quite harder to kill 10 or 12 person with a knife... (at list without training). In my country almost no one have guns, except police, and it is really more secure... But i agree to others' arguments : social help and police help decrease violence and criminality.

One thing i found really strange is associate rules with communism (as forbiden guns). Society is rules, often bad rules, but rules...
Re: In today's news...

As an American, I think most Americans believe Socialism is just whatever social laws get passed that they perceive as screwing them, despite how it works with anyone else.
Re: In today's news...

As an American, I think most Americans believe Socialism is just whatever social laws get passed that they perceive as screwing them, despite how it works with anyone else.

Pretty much. I feel dirty saying I'm a Republican, so I stopped and changed sides.
Re: In today's news...

if i under stand correctly gun control would effect our economy in odd ways most people don't think about.
Re: In today's news...

About economy : guns are not an important part of the US' PIB... But naval production, car production, steel industry, chemistry etc are or were really important in US' economy... This is really sad to see our occidental government let others kill our economy, should be great protect industry (unemployment and decrease of fiscal income in Europe and US are one of the bad consequences of actual form of free trade we practice), but this is another debate.

So, i don't agree about the economic impact of the prohibition of firearms, gun's industry is really too small (180 000 jobs against 1,8 M for automobile for exemple) to be considered.
Re: In today's news...

o_O meant more like how our guns end up in other countrys, like Mexico.....
Re: In today's news...

I'm sure a lot of people already said this, but now science supports it.

Re: In today's news...

Reminds me of this.

Re: In today's news...

We just landed a rover on mars. Like a half hour ago. People are psyched.
Re: In today's news...

Colonization to begin in at least 8 years.
Re: In today's news...

Meh, with the way our governments all are nowadays we'll be lucky to see colonization in our lifetimes. I won't believe it until I see it, because they said 20 years ago we'd have colonized Mars by now and guess what? We didn't.
Re: In today's news...

So it DID land without a hitch? Sweet :D
Re: In today's news...

Eh... there's been some chatter around that makes me think it will begin in our lifetimes.
Re: In today's news...

Governator Arnold should be the first man on Mars. Just sayin'.

At least, I'm pretty sure we haven't put a human on Mars yet.