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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Another one, a bit late since I thought there would be some more news on it, but nothing seems to be happening

So here's some more news.
As a warning, some of these include rather shocking accounts of what happened and was threatened

Gangs of 'asian' men(Also known as Pakistani immigrants) have been running a child abuse and rape ring with horrible things happening to the girls. 1400 were identified as being victims of this ring. Government and police knew, but refused to act.
Re: In today's news...

Ukrainian ceasefire

It's still not entirely stable there, but at least they'll stop killing eachother. Progress at least
Re: In today's news...

The referendum on Scottish independence is coming up in ten days. I'm somewhat curious what our UK forum members think about (a) what they want to see happen and (b) what will actually happen.

From what I've read, the polls show that it's going to be a close vote, with the status quo slightly ahead.
Re: In today's news...

The referendum on Scottish independence is coming up in ten days. I'm somewhat curious what our UK forum members think about (a) what they want to see happen and (b) what will actually happen.

From what I've read, the polls show that it's going to be a close vote, with the status quo slightly ahead.

Whilst I'll admit that I've not actually been following or investigating the issue myself, and thus don't know any of the details that well, my gut reaction is definitely that separation isn't the right choice. I fear it would only harm both countries global standing. Obviously the reputation and image of the UK would be devastated by the loss, but I also really struggle to imagine that Scotland would come out any better. In terms of tax spending and income, Scotland already runs at a loss. They want to discontinue using the Pound Sterling, whilst wanting to stay in the EU, whilst also not wanting to use the Euro.

The UK barely managed to get away with being a stuborn mule and opting out of the Euro as it was, back when it was first being introduced. A tiny little separatist nation (as it will be considered) won't get the same privilege. And how much will a new local Scottish currency be worth to the world after they cause their stock market and global business contacts to panic?

Again, I am missing details, and don't know the common debate points, and being English I'm naturally predisposed towards not wanting to see my own nation fracture any further, but it does feel like a movement being pushed more by emotive speaking and optimistic "hype" than it does sense and foresight.

My opinion is generally the same when it comes to people talking about the UK leaving the European Union, often with reasoning such as, "We're on an island! We're not part of Europe!". This is not the time to be cutting ties and closing doors. If something is going wrong, what Scotland needs to do, is kick the UK parliament in the ass, and work on getting things fixed.
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Re: In today's news...

Because you asked...

And spoilered, because rant. Includes what I know/remember, as factual as I can be, with an aroma of biased opinions. Enjoy. If I am incorrect or overly rantydragon, my apologies.

Personally? I cannot see the sense in breaking up one of, if not, the oldest unions in Europe or anywhere else, this debate has been going for generations, but it hasn't been that long since the SNP took majority vote in Scotland to try and gain independence.

Call it status-quo if you like, but ah... the Union ought to be better, not just for the over-negative reasons the Unionists are putting across. Shame the pro-union campaign isn't being run very well, being called 'patronizing' and such, by both sides, reasons and more as Squid mentioned.

In my humble opinion, Mr.Salmond doesn't seem to understand the severity of what he'll do, giving the impression he wants to go down as The Man That Broke The English Hold Over Scotland, neither he nor his party are willing to give satisfactory answers regarding the economic plans, aside from 'We'll keep the sterling' which by the way, they wouldn't be able to, he also said, directly or not, a Independent Scotland would be free of debt... doesn't work like that. They keep blaming the English/West Minister for interference and privatizing the Scottish NHS, never-mind the SNP isn't being limited to -that- degree and already has powers it won't use, like raising taxes (which itself, -will- absolutely need to happen is Scotland goes independent, since there are pretty hefty financial subsidizations by their counterparts that can't go on if the UK breaks up). Including that many businesses' HQ's, including part of the Oil fields/HQ the SNP proclaims will last, including RBS (if not the HQ, but because it was bailed out with English money), will have to move south.

The SNP seem to whipping up resentment and treating it as a 'Us V Them' and generally... being highly cynical and not being overly honest about the details. That isn't counting the now-infamous 'Cybernats' and general aggression/harassment that has occurred against anybody that disagrees with Independence. To add, while 'Max-Devo' may not be a option right now, West Minister is offering more powers to Scotland for self-rule if they vote to stay, so SNP may win either way.

On 'our' side, we have Alistair Darling (to his credit, actually speaking sense in the recent debate between himself and Salmond, for some reason not broadcasted outside Scotland, 'not our concern' they say...) and former PM Mr.Gordan Brown, lecturing the Scots on financial matters... same members of a party who introduced us to the financial crash through sheer mismanagement, with the current party leader, Ed Miliband, scoring petty points by roughly saying 'vote Union! Because I'll be Prime Minister next year!' Thanks for the support, Wallace. Speaking of which, his own supporters may be the ones to swing the vote, whom are also now supporting the SNP's bid.

At no point however, do I believe Salmond may be a bad man, but I can't agree with his readiness to carve the UK up, given how little he seems to understand/care, and his tactics don't settle well with me. Not exactly thrilled by the Pro-Union's somewhat belated and weak campaign either. Regardless, I shall wish Scotland the best if it chooses to go independent, rather than shrug off the fracturing of the UK with indifference as some are liable to do, if the media is correct.

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Re: In today's news...

Interesting. Thanks for the input.

In other "news," if you can really call it that...

A Russian Orthodox activist now . That's right... a divine being among us.

So there's that.
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Re: In today's news...

Oh dear, as if his ego needs more boosting...

Subject; Large cable companies wanting to impose a 'fast lane' charge to people and companies... to use the same service they already have, at the same speed as before, while punting companies and people not willing to pay, on a 'regular' lane... which is much slower. He notes that some sites may encounter such difficulty, especially the rivals of cable companies (who will muddy the waters even further by offering the same services as aforementioned rivals), they may cease to work, effectively 'censoring' a site.

Re: In today's news...

Another good reason to block ads

Basically just advertising being bad for your computer
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Re: In today's news...

Looks like its just a thing that redirects you to a page and says "DOWNLOAD THIS AND INSTALL IT - YOU NEED IT FOR REASONS"

Basically the usual shit.
Too bad the average computer user is now a complete fuck wit so a lot will fall for it.
Re: In today's news...

"Now"? :p

I'd say it's better than it used to be, probably as good as it's going to get. All the people who were truly truly incompetent are at least not walking disasters anymore.
Re: In today's news...

Hello all, I rarely post here. But, I feel compelled.

In Today's News, I remembered several important lessons that everyone should learn at some point, probably have experienced, and often take for granted or forget.

Anyone who has ever hit a low point, emotionally, financially, romantically, In any way, for any reason, and come through the other side, learns this lesson over, and over again. And I state it here now for everyone who's low once more, who needs to remember. And first I shall describe my own current situation, and the lesson itself.

As of a week ago, Several bills were due, large expensive ones, and my car also broke down, the repair and the paying of these bills has left me financially helpless for at least one more week, and low on food, simple pleasures, my vices unfulfilled, I went to my pantry tonight, after an entire day of ramen, and found something that would normally not even arouse my interest. I found half a bottle of Maple syrup, years old, but still good, I found several boxes of tea leaves, still sealed, and unused, and a coffee mug.

I nearly cried when I found all of these things, these little things, that at least for tonight, and the following week, will give me pleasures I normally take for granted. I continued to dig in this rarely explored area of my own pantry, and came up with dried milk as well, Masala, Ginger, Cinnamon, in fact, I found things I had squirreled away carefully years ago, just in case this ever happened, last time I was so completely screwed. And I realized as I sat down with these simple things, Cheap, little, tiny things, that would make the next week more bearable, that I remembered WHY I had put these things in THIS place, where I wouldn't find them normally, Why I put These specific things here, things I always have, things I always take for granted, things that only need water, to make a daunting period, less so. I'm sure this seems silly, but for anyone who doesn't even have bread, this is no small matter, these things.... are as precious as gold. Precious in a way a Homeless man regards a sweater without any holes in it, as winter approaches. Precious only to those who have very little, who know their value. And it's now, As I sit here, drinking a cup of hot tea, the first sweet thing I've had in 2 weeks, the first taste of caffeine to drive away the headaches, that I take the first step out of a brooding depression. It's as I REMEMBER their worth, that I look ahead, and realize that now not only can I improve the situation, but that Ive done so before, and prepared beforehand to do so again. So it's on this tale, that I offer this Wisdom that I'm sure many people think they know, and some do, and I hope everyone takes it to heart once again, as it's a lesson easily forgotten.

Look around at all you have, at all you've accomplished, and imagine your world without them. Remember that all you need is that little nudge, to push forward again. Do Not Take what you Have, for Granted. You are not entitled to any of it, you must earn each and every thing you possess, from the simplest pleasures, to the most complex. From the tiniest convenience, to the most crucial. Don't Prioritize them separately, simply... Remember their value not in work, or in coin, but to You, from where I am now, with a simple drink sweetened in an unorthodox way (For me) to the home you live in, or the computer you post from. Take this moment, to be grateful that you still have these things, and prepare for the moment when you may not have them anymore, as I did years ago.

It's with a far lighter heart that I look forward to the coming week, and all the challenges it's sure to have, including everything from finding food, to finding a way to heat my home before winter hits, and it's because I took the time to prepare for the worst, that I'm turning that corner now, and shrugging off the worries at least for this small moment, that made it all seem like it was so much more.

As you lay your head down to rest, take the time to smile, find a way. Weigh your choices, your gains, and your losses, what is precious to you in any sense, and find it. If it's a flavor, taste it, if it's a substance, indulge. If it's a loved one, let them know. Whether Hell comes tomorrow in whatever form, or whether it's simply another day, you'll know you took that small moment, to enjoy some facet of your life, however grand or small. Rest Well ULMF.

~Courage Wolf.
Re: In today's news...

Looks like Win8/8.1 will be the first windows release I've skipped since XP.
Re: In today's news...

I'm using XP right now ;)

Was going to bite the bullet finally and get 7 about now, though, now that my finances have cleared for this semester, but with all the rumors that 9 will be free to XP/Vista/7 users I'm thinking I might hold on and see what all the fuss is about first.
Re: In today's news...

Ukraine stuff might be solved

The Ukrainian parliament has approved laws on special status for the Donetsk and Lugansk Regions, as well as amnesty for those participating in the hostilities.
Possibly not completely independent, but with a special status within Ukraine.
It appears, at first, that both sides agree on it.

And its finally mainstream, Gamersgate was noticed on Al-Jazeera

This one apparently constantly updates. Not sure where that one has been for so long

Also on Slate
Re: In today's news...

Today's the Scottish Referendum on Independence. I've visited both Scotland and England, decades ago, and I can tell you that I enjoyed the warm hospitality of both people while recognizing their differences. I don't blame the "Yes" people for wanting to cut constitutional ties.

On the other hand, the possibility of Scottish independence presents complications for not only Scotland and the rest of the UK, but also for NATO, the EU, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime, Continental Europe, and the US. I think that the immediate result would be a significant economic crisis for both countries, as well as a few years (or decades) of tense negotiations and compromises. Obviously, it remains to be seen whether or not the change would be beneficial in the long run.
Re: In today's news...

Today's the Scottish Referendum on Independence.

From what I've heard of it, polls are slightly in favour of 'no' at 47%-49%
It's close either way


Yeah, I can confirm there is a part of 4chan that's cheering for Ebola
Yep, they have a personification of Ebola as an anime girl(Of course, with porn)
And yes, there are some making blood sacrifices to it(And unmentioned in the article, they are also having synchronized masturbation and have a guide on how to make an altar to it)

The whole situation is pretty retarded in my opinion
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Re: In today's news...

In today's news, the Scottish Referendum vote has come to a close.

To sum up:

SNP have made a sterling attempt to separate the union, but their tactics, indirectly or not on a local scale, seemed to devolve into people bullying, intimidating and making out-right death threats (graffiti or face to face) to residents and to the animals of farmers.

On our Pro-Union side, the Labour top-figures controlled the Unionist campaign, managed to just about balls it up, right up to the end when the former Prime Minister, Gorden Brown, stepped in with rightfully passionate speeches, promising (despite his actual lack of power) extra powers and contributions to Scotland, giving more to the Scottish Parliament.

The current Prime Minster of Britain, the deputy Prime Minister and the Opposition Leader (David Cameron, Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband) promised several such powers and additional grants(correct word?), allowing the 'Max Devolution' Alex Salmond originally desired. That was helpful but rightfully decried as financially unsustainable by pretty much everyone.

In the end, votes have been cast, and the people of Scotland have spoken!

45% in favour of Independence.
55% in favour of remaining in the Union!

Hip hip, hooray! Toodle pips ladies and gentlemen!

In addition, the promises made to give more to Scotland, will now apply to all of the UK; Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Not only that, but the SNP First Minister Alex Salmond has announced he is standing down from his position. Although I find it difficult to feel sympathy for him, one can't deny he had a good run, but he relied on relentlessly bashing West Minister and the current Tory party, didn't provide facts about his economic plans, misclaimed he could start a 'new Scotland' without any current debt and mistakenly said 'West Minister' was privatising the Scottish NHS, nevermind SNP was doing it/not using their existing powers. He also turned the matter of 'Should Scotland become Independent' into 'Goddamned English!' with a rather divisive repertoire of speeches and sound-bites.

So, the question is put to rest 'for this generation', hopefully there won't be any lasting bad feelings.
Re: In today's news...

45% in favour of Independence.
55% in favour of remaining in the Union!

Frighteningly close result, but everyone knew it would be. Going to be continued and long long lasting strife over it for sure. But likely to end up resulting in Scotish people hurting other Scotish people over it, and souring the cause. Will be in parliments hands now to make sure that the people that voted for union, continue to feel it was the right choice. Which isn't the most reassuring thought honestly, but fingers crossed I guess.

Glad we're managing to hold together. Even if only just.

I do laugh though, at how I forgot to check this incredibly relevant local news today myself, and heard it here first, on a hentai forum. Good thing too though, since I have to talk to non internet people tomorrow. I suppose I am more a citizen of the internet than anything else really.
Re: In today's news...

On our Pro-Union side, the Labour top-figures controlled the Unionist campaign, managed to just about balls it up, right up to the end when the former Prime Minister, Gorden Brown, stepped in with rightfully passionate speeches, promising (despite his actual lack of power) extra powers and contributions to Scotland, giving more to the Scottish Parliament.

In addition, the promises made to give more to Scotland, will now apply to all of the UK; Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Does this mean that I, an Englishman, will now be eligible for free prescriptions and tuition fees? (that latter being quite important to me as I'm literally sick to death of this dead end crap field called IT and want to go back to uni to earn a degree but dont want to be bogged down with debt)
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Re: In today's news...

I think we already have free tution and prescriptions - but that is more down to some exceptions than the rule for certain conditions, places, etc. I'm not sure about that, or what, exactly, will be entailed. We'll have to wait until the politicians decide to elaborate, in that language of theirs, what will happen.

Sorry if that isn't too helpful. ><'

Also, 'frighteningly close result' is rather correct, given the sheer number of consequences that would've arisen either result, but keep in mind that Mr.Salmond absolutely accepted the result, nobody is really disputing it, and given he's stepped down, suggests he won't fight against it.

Although saying that, go onto youtube's front page and several videos are claiming the ballot was rigged, apparently to help the No vote. I'm inclined to look at those but... hng, given how the Nationalists conducted themselves, I'm more inclined to believe it is them being sore losers.

Ten percent voting difference, overall, is pretty substantial - at the very least it's conclusively stating we have answered the question and need to move on with sorting through with any ramifications. From what I've seen, Scots have already hurt Scots; anybody that reads the British news will note figures like JK Rowling or other known individuals that are both Scottish and stand for or otherwise give time/money to the union are receiving death and rape threats from Nationalists and cybernats. Yeah. :\

But anyway, hoping people will actually just calm down and be adult about it. As unlikely as it'd be.