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Re: In today's news...

Wait what

How did UKIP only get 1? Weren't they like incredibly popular in some parts of the country?

Welcome to the UK voting system, where your popularity only matters if you get the most votes in your district. Needless to say, the system heavily favours the most popular parties - you know, even MORE than most others.
Re: In today's news...

Wait what

How did UKIP only get 1? Weren't they like incredibly popular in some parts of the country?

And their one win was by a guy that was a Torie MP until he switched parties 5 months ago. Take that how you like I guess. :p
Re: In today's news...

Looked into it, first past the post voting system

Banana republic tier, that's a voting system in need of change

But in other news

Pirate Captain Kidd's 'treasure' found in Madagascar

One of the oldest pirate treasures potentially found
Re: In today's news...

It's only a Banana Republic if they're taking orders from the CIA, Comrade ;)
Re: In today's news...

Pretty much every minority party is in favour of voting reforms to be rid of the "first past the post" system. Both of the major parties however do their best to perpetually sidestep the issue or make up excuses, and have no interest in stirring anything up.

According to people I've spoken to, the very first thing that all students studying politics are told, seemingly regardless of university, is how ridiculous and undemocratic the current system is. Voters end up looking at the previous statistics or predictions for their county, see things like Conservative 45%, Labour 45%, and all the others only reaching 10% between them, and thus many will rather than voting for the one they actually want, will vote for the competitor of the one they don't want. The more people dislike either of the two big parties, the more people will try to keep who they feel to be the worst out, and the more votes they actually get.

It skews the way the seats are assigned, and it monumentally skews the motivation for voting.
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Re: In today's news...

We have a few political science majors here, and I think in all seriousness, the first thing said about the British political system is generally just "wtf". It defies all conventional wisdom that applies to other countries, sometimes for good, sometimes not.
Re: In today's news...

From ye olde Blighty news.

Kinda difficult to believe, reading the news, apparently Far-Left Protestors had attempted to violently storm No.10 Downing Street, as well as attacking and defacing a war memorial in anger at David Cameron becoming Prime Minister. They launched smoke-bombs and missiles at riot police during the clashes.

Re: In today's news...

Not a fan of the cameron guy, but that's uncalled for

Violence tends to not work out
Re: In today's news...

We actually had a referendum a little while back, over whether or not we'd keep the First Past the Post system, or switch to some form of Proportional Representation, but people voted to stick with FPtP.
Re: In today's news...

We actually had a referendum a little while back, over whether or not we'd keep the First Past the Post system, or switch to some form of Proportional Representation, but people voted to stick with FPtP.

We did? I certainly never heard about it. Signed a miscellaneous internet petition on it, but not like that will mean much. : /
Re: In today's news...

Tonight's the last episode for the Late Show as David Letterman is retiring, are you guys going to catch it?
Re: In today's news...

We did? I certainly never heard about it. Signed a miscellaneous internet petition on it, but not like that will mean much. : /

Yep, there's a wiki page on it called "United Kingdom Alternative Vote referendum, 2011". I'd have just linked to it directly, but my post count's too low to be allowed that.

I voted "yes", by the way.
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Re: In today's news...

They did not respect the robot

Re: In today's news...

I would vote that guy. Or the t-rex, whichever.
Re: In today's news...


Sort of

Re: In today's news...

As a Trekkie, I'm kind of put off that they *don't* consider us a a threat anymore :(
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Re: In today's news...

star trek 4 life.

Also in today's news. I am moving to sunshine and beaches in 9 days. Goodbye cornfields. Long story short, fuckin hate where I am and I've put off a change in scenery for too long for so many reasons I can't even fucking count them anymore.

I've finally hit the fuck it all point, and am doing something for my own gods be damned sanity.


That is all.
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Re: In today's news...

Congrats Cdubs. Enjoy the sunshine and beaches! Are they the kind of beaches you wear a swimsuit to or more like the kind where dipping your toes in the water is considered an adventure?
Re: In today's news...

Lol Swimsuits. Headed south more then a little ways. Goodbye Winter. You will not be missed -.-
Re: In today's news...

-Chin-rubs the wolf furiously.- Yaey!

From Ye Olde UK-land.
Charles Kennedy, Former Leader of the Liberal Democrats Party, has suddenly passed away at his home in the Scottish Highlands, aged 55.
It is suspected to be natural causes.

One of the few highly experienced Members of Parliament who was apparently and universally well-liked, given his easy-going and congenial manners.

Other Party Leaders have given their sympathies.