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Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
(Loli had an idea, or at least I made an idea off of what he said, when you sign up for a mission, just post something here. Ergo, "Signing up." Once I see three posts below, the mission will start.)
Re: Sniper

Emily - The Weird One

I think BG Fell asleep <.<
Re: Sniper

Selena - The Cruel Traumatizing one? (and why does everything think I'm a guy >:)
Re: Sniper

I say he as a generalization, just like how some people would say to a bunch of girls, "Hey, guys!" :p
Re: Sniper

(( Sorry for falling alseep on you guys. Ill be able to do this quest tonight though. Promise.))
Re: Sniper

(( If all three of you guys get online feel free to start without me. I'm getting offline now. Later. ))
Re: Sniper

(Selena's scent is being carried on the wind due to lack of coverage, are you sure you want to travel this way?)
Re: Sniper

(The tentacles took em... Or did you buy clothes and I didn't notice?)
Re: Sniper

Emily, Selena, and Iris leave the hotel, as they discuss their tactics in the event of a monster attack...

(Just let me know where your character will be when a monster attacks. Like, far back out of sight, up front, etc, etc.)
Re: Sniper

Selena looks at the two, then looks at her rifle, then walks so that she's behind the two, about twenty feet or so,


"Wish I could be standing closer! But I can't really hit anything up close!" She says with a cheerful smile.
Re: Sniper

Iris continued to walk next to Emily. Iris was ready for a monster attack. Upclose or medium range. Her short sword and 9mm were a great combo of weapons. Iris was considering upgrading to an assault rifle, the only problem was Iris hadn't had much practice with one. Iris figured she could always get some practice in and go shooting with that woman who runs the shop, assuming she knows how to use the weapon. As She continued to walk Iris said to Selena-
" If anything gets to close to us Emily and I can handle it. Selena you should consider getting a short sword. It's a great weapon once you get the hang of it. "

(( If Selena has a short sword tell me before posting so I can edit this.))
Re: Sniper

When Emily saw that Selena was staying back she started getting mad at her. When Selena said it was because she couldn't hit anything up close she started to get pissed. "What type of idiot would believe that..." She thought. Then she heard what Iris said. She wanted to yell at both of them but just said to Iris letting some of her irritation show.

"Iris... she's using us as bait, and I wouldn't be surprised if she 'accidentally' shoots us."
She wasn't as angry at Iris as she was at Selena. She knew it was in Iris' nature to be trusting but it still irritated her.
Re: Sniper

Iris felt surprised at what Emily was saying, even more surprised at the amount of irritation in her voice. Would this girl really use them as bait? Sure she looks... Odd but Iris didn't think she was evil. Iris didn't want to have to attack a fellow human. However looking at the situation closer now... Iris thought the chance of Selena betraying them was... Moderate. Iris tilted her head towards Emily and quietly said to her-
" you... You really don't think she is doing that do you? "

Iris wondered if she was to trusting.
Re: Sniper

Hangs behind the two girls as she removed the safety from her rifle,


"What are you two whispering about? Planning on backstabbing me?" She yells cheerfully to them, "Just kidding!"
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Re: Sniper

Emily sighed. She felt like she just put a burden on her friend. Also she had let some of her anger show to Iris. She was mad at herself now but she knew Iris had to know the truth. A girl wouldn't stand back and make such a shitty excuse but Emily thought she might be being too hard on Selena.

"Sorry Iris I jumped to conclusions. Our first conversation with Selena made me angry at her, but she is definitely at least using us as bait. She's probably just a coward or not very good at combat or something. I doubt she'll shoot us unless it's a real accident."
She said this to Iris hoping it would calm her down. She also ignored Selena. She'd prefer to get pissed at her when they come back from the mission.
Re: Sniper

Ignoring Selena Iris said to Emily-
" Alright, if you say so Emily. I don't really like the thought of being used as bait though... "

Iris could tell already that things were not going to be easy. Iris felt that Emily and Selena were going to get in a fight at some point, like Emily and Shiva did before. Iris then decided to see if she could get Selena to come walk with her and Emily. Iris turned around and called over to Selena-

" Hey Selena! You might be safer walking with us. "