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Re: Sniper

As Iris and Emily talked among each other in the front, as Selena finished off her cigarette. She noticed there were only eight cigarettes left.

(Perception check)

Iris was looking to the ground, reminiscing about various things that happened, and Selena was idly smoking her cig, causing them both to remain oblivious to the things that were approaching them. Emily, however, heard the threats.

Two large creatures, with the body of a beetle, tentacles for arms, and human like legs, appeared from the alleyways, Emily quickly made some distance, but Iris found herself wrapped in it's tentacles, as she began to be dragged across the ground towards her attacker.

Selena was dreaming about how to torture Kitty, until she heard Iris and Emily making noise.

(Only Emily passed the perception check, only she can make an action this round)
Re: Sniper

Iris felt the tentical wrap around her and begin to drag her way it caught her off guard and that kept her from being able to take her sword or 9mm out and defend herself. All Iris managed to do was look at Emily for help.
" E-Emily! "
Re: Sniper

(Eh? I thought Fast Reaction Time would negate the surprise round -3-)
Re: Sniper

(The enemy won a perception check to spot your characters, Iris and Selena failed their perception checks, so they couldn't react quickly to a situation they didn't know was going to happen.)
Re: Sniper

Selena curses to herself as she hurries to get her rifle up, if she screwed up.. she would never hear the end of it.
Re: Sniper

Emily noticed the enemy approaching before everyone else. Before she could warn them all it got a hold of Iris.

"Fuck, Iris!"
She yelled. She took an aimed shot at the tentacle holding Iris making sure she doesn't shoot too close to Iris. "Please hit" she pleaded to herself.

( Aimed shot at tentacle holding Iris )
Re: Sniper

(Unknown sniper attacks, two shots)

As Emily began to aim carefully, a shot seemingly from nowhere pierced the bug holding Iris. It dropped dead immediately.

Another shot was heard, as the other bug was also instantly killed.

Iris untangled herself from the tentacles, as Emily and Selena look in the direction of where the shots seemed to have come from. Though very far away, the mall they were headed to was in the distance.

The mall was over five hundred yards away, and the sniper pulled two shots off in quick succession.

Standing in the middle of the street, the girls took in the situation, then decided what to do...
Re: Sniper

Selena puts down her rifle with disappointment, then lowers her gun and flips the safety off, holding her gun in a way that it wouldn't go off,


"Hope whoever that is... they understand this is a sign of peace." She grunted and started to walk towards the mall, trying to see where the shots were coming from (breaking formation)
Re: Sniper

Emily was glad that Iris was freed now. She reminded herself to thank the sniper later. Emily quickly ran over to Iris and see if she could help her in anyway.

"Oh fuck, I'm glad nothing happened to you Iris."
She was amazed by the shot but she didn't care. The sniper helped save her friend so she probably isn't an ass or crazed or anything. Remembering back to what Iris said to Emily about a crazed sniper she smiled and said

"See there's no way she could be crazed if she can save you and kill two monsters so quickly."
Re: Sniper

Iris once again felt like a usless weaking. She hadn't been paying enough attention and left her guard down. Iris's mistake could of resulted in her own destruction, along with Emilys and Selena's. Iris didn't want to worry Emily with her stupid emotions so Iris compressed them once again, standing up from the ground.

Iris couldn't help but notice how worried Emily had gotten. She really did care about Iris. That was weird for her because Iris hadn't had anyone care at all for her sense her father. Iris turned to face Emily. Emily was right, any sniper willing to help people couldn't be crazy. Maybe they could get this person to come back with them to the inn. Iris made eye contact with Emily and said-
" You're right Emily. There is no way the sniper could be crazy... Well lets get moving. By the way Emily umm... Th-thanks for getting worried about me. "

Iris felt she had to thank Emily for that. Turning away Iris began to walk, trying to catch up with Selena.
Re: Sniper

When Emily heard Iris' words she realized what she was doing. She wasn't used to showing emotion to people unless she was manipulating them. She could feel herself starting to get embarrassed. "Well.. I was worried about her..." She thought.

"Heh, no problem Iris."
She said still embarrassed.
Re: Sniper

Walks into the mall, ignoring the two other girls

"At least she or he hasn't fired yet..."
Re: Sniper

(( Hey Raptor I don't think anyone wants to do character talk so I think you can post without anyone griping.))
Re: Sniper

As Iris began to catch up with Selena, almost to the mall doors, she suddenly stopped her jogging. Iris turned around and began walking back towards Emily. Iris wanted to make sure she made it inside the mall with her. Iris made her way in front of Emily, walking at a steady pace. Iris brushed her white hair back, getting it neat again.

Iris thought about something. She didn't know much about Emily, nor did Emily know much about her. Iris didn't think about the consequences of putting her guard down by having idle talk thus why she said to Emily-

" Hey Emily. If you don't want to that's fine but... Would you mind telling me a little bit about yourself? "
Re: Sniper

When Iris came back to Emily she was glad she wasn't walking alone and that Iris wasn't walking with Selena. When Iris asked her about her about telling her about herself all she could think about was her childhood and how much she hated it. How she hated her parents and hoped this monsters killed them, and how she had refused to ever use her last name again if she could avoid it.

"Sorry Iris... I don't talk about myself much... I just kind of want to forget some things."
When she said this she looked at the ground and away from Iris. She was visibly depressed now but didn't want Iris to worry so she tried to make it seem not as bad.
Re: Sniper

Iris mentally scoulded herself seeing Emilys reaction to her question. She shouldn't of asked her about her past. Iris wanted to get Emily out of this mood somehow. Iris didn't know much about cheering people up, with the lack of human interaction in her life she had never learned. Iris thought about her father and how he use to cheer her up. He used to clasp her shoulders and say something, after that Iris usually felt better. It was going to feel awkward but Iris was going to try. Whilst Emily was still looking at the ground Iris clasped her shoulders. Looking at her Iris said-

" I'm sorry, I shouldn't of asked... "

Iris hoped Selena didn't come back for them and say something stupid.
Re: Sniper

Emily sighed. She shook off her depression and just pushed it back deep into herself where it always was. Then she noticed Iris going around to the back of her. When she put her hands onto her shoulder a shiver went down her spine. She knew Iris was just trying to cheer her up but this was embarrassing her.

"Its ok Iris, I'll just tell you for now that my parents weren't really parents ok? I might tell you more later who knows, and you... uh... don't have to do what your doing..."
Re: Sniper

From what Emily was saying Iris gathered she must of had it tough growing up. Iris let go of the girls shoulders, seeing as she wasn't a fan of being touched. Iris didn't know what she should say. All she had managed to do was upset EMily by asking about her past then annoy her with physical contact. Iris then said-

" ...Lets catch up with Selena... " On that final note Iris slowly began heading towards the inn, not going as fast as she had been before.
Re: Sniper

Looks at the two girl from the entrance of the mall, smoking a new cigarette,


"You two lovebirds done yet? I need to start checking this place for traps... and y'know, talking to our shooter." She looks up, "Which luckily has not shot at us yet."
Re: Sniper

(( Hey TheWeirdOne, are you planning on posting before or after Raptor?))