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Logs of the fortress manager

Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Meh. I've always liked goblins in a demented sort of a way. They're perfect dragon fodder, if you ask me. However, recent events gave me a reason to kill a few f***ers in a brutal way. Also, I think we should start a goblin fighting league.

P.S. The new hunter owns.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Meh. I've always liked goblins in a demented sort of a way. They're perfect dragon fodder, if you ask me. However, recent events gave me a reason to kill a few f***ers in a brutal way. Also, I think we should start a goblin fighting league.

P.S. The new hunter owns.

I agree, on all points.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager


Leaders log, page 18, 11 felsite, year 237

Seems like the rest of spring is going without any events, everybody is just doing what they should do. I've noticed a few things though, one good, one bad. First the good, I've checked our stockpiles and found that the new hunter Dogstile took down a giant jaguar on his own, and brought it back, before going out and grabbing a large crocodile. One day he sat around because there was nothing left to hunt, but well, he earned a day rest then. Secondly I've noticed Beardy was feeling a bit sad after the loss of some cats a while back, so I made sure his tomb with favourite items would be done soon, and gave him a large barrel of his favourite alcohol to help him feel better. It seemed to have worked a little, so I've put him in charge of the newbie miner to keep him busy.

9 hematite

More goblins, I'm counting 11 of them, but only 3 have actual weapons. This group should be no problem to our military, but I'm ordering the other dwarves to stay inside to prevent the goblins from ganging up on them.

(Later that day)

Another group, 12 of them, 6 have weapons. No ranged fighters, and they're all rookies, they shouldn't even have survived the trip out here. Oh well, we have one way into the fort, and a lot better soldiers then they have. This is promising, one of the goblins from the first group has tripped over a rock, clearly a sign they are not the smartest race to visit(Except maybe the elves, they haven't even discovered fire)


1 war dog dead
1 goblin captured(Execution of public choice)
3 goblins escaped(Heavy injuries, of which one with brain damage)
1 escaped, unharmed
3 new shields
1 new mace
Plenty of goblin bones for practise ammo
A lot of scrap metal to smelt down
And an entranceway with a new red paint job.

Beardy noticed the fight while digging out extra defensive structures, and he threw a party right after it. So, I'll just stop writing this and grab some booze.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Execution? Training and fighting, like the rest.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

im, just wondering, are goblins edible? if so lets start roasting them, if not, gladiator arena, any that survive and are badley wounded can be roasted slowly then fed to the dogs and or dragon (when we find one)

also are armour and weapon productions running? you havent mentioned much about armnent of the dwarf military.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Goblins aren't edible, and we have all the leather armour and quality weapons we need. Only problem is no metal armours..Yet. I'm also having trouble to get a swimming room without drowning whatever I put in it.

Leaders log, page 19, 15 malachite, year 237

I am getting a little concerned about the human merchants, they should have been close by now, yet no dwarf has seen any trace of them yet. But, on the bright side, if you can call it that, Kharak's friend, the fish cleaner Tekkud got possessed today, and he will most likely create an artifact for us. It would most likely be something of the usual, a rock or wooden item for show, but I guess we will just find out in a few days what he's going to make.

Update, it seems he's taken over a workshop and is asking for trees, so like normally, I've send Oni and the woodcutters out to cut some more trees. I should probably also mention that the swimming chamber isn't progressing at all, there are a lot of difficulties setting this up.(At least, without outright drowning the goblins)

22 galena

No sign of the humans, they won't come to trade this year. Maybe the goblins stopped them? Whatever the case, the dwarf caravan should be coming in a few weeks, so I'm personally going out to check on the terrain to see if wagons can come through, and place roads where needed. As a side note, a guard apparently got drunk and fell off a bridge, landing head first against the rock below. He's dead, and being moved to a tomb right now. As side note, Tekkud, the fish cleaner, is still gathering things. Whatever he's making, it's going to use 3 wooden logs, 2 sheets of cloth, a large leather skin, 6 goblin bones, and a large construction block of rock. It is also today that Dimmy, Clothiw's son, has grown enough to help out with some hauling.

27 galena

Tekkud has finished his artifact, "Shasargutid", "Frighteneduttered", a palm scepter valued at 13 200 bucks, It has pure rock around the wood core, with more wooden decorations on the outside, it also has cloth and bone decorations and a leather handle. It also has large wooden spikes and holds the image of a cow and a diamond, it is also surprisingly light for having a layer of solid rock. I find this a very high quality item, even more so when you remember it has a wooden core. This is going into the vault.

17 limestone

Instead of the expected dwarven caravan, Ensign Redshirt went out and noticed a small group of goblins, he got shot in the leg once by a goblin bow user, but in return shot that same goblin in the head, to be precise, the bolt went right into the goblin's eye. He also hit a wrestler goblin,in the arm and through one of the bones in it's leg, thats sure to improve it's wrestling. Unfortunatly, they surrounded him, and that was all he could do before being beaten to death.

It seems Redshirt's death was heard by a few guards, which rushed out to attack the goblins, resulting in 2 dead guards, and a wounded guard, the guards calling for help in return got one of the axedwarves to see whats going on, resulting in a dead axedwarf, and a dead goblin. After this, one of the retreating guards claimed to have seen the dwarven caravan coming in our direction. After the axedwarf died, the goblins left, as the small group of 5 lost 2, I assume they knew it was hopeless. (Also, remind me not to let the suicidal dwarves into the military or guard)

Battle result

Ensign Redshirt killed.
2 guards dead
1 axedwarf lost
4 goblins dead(2 thieves tried to sneak in, bad idea)
2 goblins injured and escaped
1 goblin escaped unharmed
a few pieces of scrap metal
And some giant cave spider silk.

5 sandstone

The dwarven caravan proved useful, unloading a few metal bars, a lot of wood, cages, food, and a few other things that seemed interesting in exchange for a fair bit of the goblin's clothes. I've also got us a bin of cave spider silk we can use to make our own clothes, and a steel plate outfit for Sin. Trading is good, and I'll meet with their leader in a moment. As side note, Kharak got, by his request, his tomb filled with furniture and sculptures decorated with fish bone(His coffin with that of his favourite fish, carp). Besides that, Sin has a nice big tomb, with a few engravings, and it will be filled with her favourite material, unless she requests specific other items. We are also growing all underground crops now. While trading, we also caught a goblin "Masterthief" in an obvious cagetrap, and if those are the masters, then we really have nothing to fear. And as further side note, I've found our new hunter Dogstile had a softer side too, as he adopted a kitten, and was the only one to give water to a wounded axedwarf, which has been laying on bed without any food and water for at least a week now. Orrin provided the food, and I've told Orrin to make some armours for the axedwarves to make sure they don't get injured again.

3 timber

Migrants, no doubt attracted here by our wealth, but I'll have them work for that wealth, lets see what we're getting.

1 recruit, axedwarf
1 fisher
1 peasant, now a miner
1 cook
1 experienced marksdwarf
1 carpenter
1 mason/engraver
1 newbie hunter, "Sally Redshirt" I think she's family to the other Redshirts we had here, I'll keep following this one.

..Thats all, not a lot, but well, at least there are some new migrants, I guess our wealth isn't that much then. Anyway,

Sally Redshirt,
Likes: Nickel silver, indigo, gems, pearls, fish bone, waves, hatch covers and coins. Hates spiders.
Personality: Very active, self conscious, compassionate, confident, and hates rules. Needs alcohol to work.
Worships the goddess of metal.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Oy, XSI, I've been thinking about something... After we reach the magma pipe, will charcoal be necessary at all?
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Yes, to make steel, we still need charcoal(Or normal coal), but a lot less. For now, charcoal production is the main bottleneck in the metalworks industry.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

I believe someone mentioned a need for a guard captain?

Name: Host
Custom Title: Overlord
If he could start as a hunter, that'd be even better - but axe dwarf and marksdwarf would fit with his old activities too.

Host moved out of his first fortress, his very own creation (which failed horribly), wherein he tried to lord over the other dwarves as a good overlord should. After that didn’t go so well, he went looking for a job with somewhat... less management. Captain of the guard for a growing fortress? The perfect position!

Oh gods, I just gave backstory to an @.
Hi everybody, I'm Host, and I have a detail problem...
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

No, he isn't, the next migration wave I'll kick out the peasant-turned-guardcaptain for someone more experienced, besides that, a small update today because I accidently collapsed the entrance, and had to fix it by closing the game with taskmanager and starting an earlier save.

Leaders log, page 20, 21 timber, year 237

So, I've finished talking to the trader leader today, and the result was a bit less then expected. They hope to buy swords, cheese, and drinks, all things we need ourselves and as such won't sell. I've promised him all the goblin clothes and rock things he would ever want though, and that seemed to be good enough for him. I've checked out some of the new engravements, those in the barracks are particularly fitting, half of them are images of weapons, and the other half is of goblins being killed. And there is one of a cheese, I'm not sure why they thought that was a good idea. Besides that, we really need more engravers, masons, and miners, things are going very slow.

14 moonstone

Goblin ambush, it could be worse, but for now, there are 6 goblins spotted near the eastern swamp, heading in our direction. Dogstile the hunter found them, and shot one before retreating. I've told the soldiers to get ready for some more goblins, shouldn't be a big problem. 3 of their thieves tried to sneak in as well, only to run right into an obvious cage trap. We got 5 more prisoners, all supposedly "master thieves".

The battle didn't last long either, in the end, they shot 2 puppies, and one of them ran into a cage. The puppies survived, but they were in terrible pain, so I've had them put down. We also lost a recruit that thought he was rambo.
No goblin survivors, and in celebration, Beardy adopted another kitten, making his total 10 cats.

18 opal

Apparently, I completely missed that a planter completely withdrew from society, and started making something in an unused crafting shop. So, I introduce you, a wooden toy hammer, "Alodbem Othlestmözir" Or "Dayflutes the Scorching Rout". Worth 49 200 bucks, it has gems in it, giant cave spider silk, and rock spikes. There are also images of squares in it(Rock blocks?), and images of the founding of our fort, and our civilisation in cloth. Worth a lot, this will be moved into the vault. As a side note, I've set up a ballista near our entrance, larger groups of goblins that try to come in will be pierced as goblin shishkabob, and served in portions of 5 or more on a stick. The only problem is that it's slow to reload, but that shouldn't be a problem.

15 obsidian

When I heard of something approaching, I thought the elves were early. It was a... small surprise when there was a huge dragon at the door. We are being visited by Slusa Uslotangot Tusnongosna, dragon of legends. I'm not sure how the legends know specificly that it's a female dragon, but I don't think this is the moment to ask that question. I just hope she ends up in a cage, if she gets past the cage traps, I have little hope we could survive.
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Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Holy shit. We're screwed, aren't we?
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Well, it's a big, legendary, firebreathing dragon, and I only have wooden cages installed. Besides that, we have mediocre armour at best, and weapons are a little bad, and the crossbow ammo is made of random bones. If we were to fight it, yeah, we're fucked. But, I prepared for this, instead of goblin-kebab, why not try some dragon-kebab?

And who knows? Seeing as wooden walls are perfectly acceptable for a magma reservoir, maybe a wooden cage will do good enough for a dragon, even if that cage is the size of a goblin/big dog.

edit, just double checked, and you can capture a dragon in a small, low quality wooden cage.

edit2, more info on the dragon,
22 kills(Not including animals), worshipped by at least 30 humans, razed at least 25 homes, but just 3 of the 22 kills were important people. This dragon has been around since the beginning of time.
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Re: Logs of the fortress manager

How elves trade:

Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Well, if the dragon attacks and we have to kill it, I guess that it'll be a bit o' work for Bofur, ne?
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

well, if the dragon attacks we can send in goblin prisoners as meatsheilds. if not well dragon-kebab or close it in a cage. also if that entrance would collapse, lets say on the dragon i'm imagining it would kill it. that can be our last resort.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Leaders log, page 21, 18 obsidian, year 237

In a very anticlimactic showdown in our entranceway, Slusa the dragon let loose a loud growl, before sitting down and getting captured in a wooden cage.
So, we now have a dragon in a cage, I'll just make a room for her and then we can start feeding the extra goblins to her. The only harm she did was to a single kitten that was already injured from goblins, and now kind of burned to death. Back to our daily lives then, with the only change that we can just feed goblins to a dragon now.

9 granite, year 238

The elven caravan is here, so I've ordered all goblin clothing to the trade depot.
It doesn't look like the elves have a lot, as they only have 3 mules, but it's not like we actually spend a lot of time on making goblin clothes, so it's like they are just bringing 3 mules of gifts. This year the gifts were a few bins of clothing, and 10 berries. Could be worse, so thank you elves and now lets get back to work(Or to drinking booze, that's always a valid alternative to work)

20 granite

A walkway to a mining shaft collapsed, knocking a mason down a pit near it. Besides getting knocked out, and the walkway destroyed, nothing was harmed or damaged.

8 slate

Beardy found copper ore while digging out a few rooms, and to celebrate, he adopted 2 more cats. The ore is a nice dark green of colour, and can be used for a lot of alloys. Lets dig it out.
Update, just behind a single layer of ore there are valuable gemstones, followed by the rest of the ore vein.

7 felsite

I've just heard that our little fort is now recognised by dwarves everywhere, and we are getting a count soon. I've got a few rooms ready, but nothing fit for a count, so he's going to have to be happy to just sleep in a room thats still under construction(With a conveniently placed pile of rocks suspended above his bed in case he demands wierd things.) Besides that, a hammerer, the executioner, and a tax collector have arrived. I think I may be able to fit these guys into a few normal rooms. Along with them, a few new migrants.

George Redshirt, hunter, I think the Redshirts like our fortress, seeing as this is the fourth to arrive.
"Host", which requested to be called "Overlord" as his title, he has very good skills with a war hammer, and seems to know what to do, so here's our new captain of the guard.
1 engraver
2 guards, arrived with Host, both skilled with a spear
1 leather worker
1 axedwarf
1 jeweler
1 mechanic
3 useless, now guards
2 masons
1 seige engineer
1 tanner
1 brewer

Also arrived:
1 child
2 mules
1 puppy
1 donkey

A few details on our new important friends.

George Redshirt
Likes: Nickel, opals, coral, and the colour aqua. Hates flies
Personality: Quick to anger, likes being alone, extremely creative, extremely careful, does not like relationships, but likes helping others. Drinks more then an average dwarf(Which says a lot)
Worships the goddess of mountains

Host, "Overlord"
I'm going to ask our new captain for his background someday, seems like a nice guy.
Likes: Rock salt, brass, gemstones, leather, and rope reed, the colour amber, shields, rings and traps. Hates lizards.
Personality: Assertive, knows his own emotions, open minded, doesn't go out of his way to help others, and prefers to intimidate others rather then compromise.
Worships the god of Dance.

We're going to have to do a lot of building to get the new "Nobles" happy, which I guess would be what we're going to do next year...Unless someone released Slusa into the counts room by mistake, just saying, accidents happen sometimes.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

That'd be fun. Can we tame the dragon?
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Worships the god of Dance.

Ah man, I lol'd. Apart from that, though, that is a freakishly accurate personality.