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Research [Azure]

Re: Research [Azure]

(Azure's currently broken, and will start to make wake-up checks when her essence comes back from the minus zone. But she's also gonna have to pass a stamina check soon as well, that went below zero when she came.)
Re: Research [Azure]

Iris felt the slime trying to encase her. She wasn't going to let it win. She was going to kill it and save Azure. Iris was going to escape this bastard slime before it got her and kill it. After what it had done to Azure, Iris wasn't going to slow any mercy. iris cried out-

" Get off of me!"

Iris attempted to escape the slime. She only hoped she was strong enough to do so...

* Attempt to escape the slime.*
Re: Research [Azure]

Emily hearing Iris looked over at her. She didn't even hesitate to cut her battle short with this slime and run over to help her. She finally noticed that Azure was on the ground. When she pieced it all together she thought that Azure had been caught and Iris was trying to distract it now, but got caught herself. Preparing to swing she said

"I'm coming Iris!"

(Aggressive Stance)
Re: Research [Azure]

(Emily attacks)

As the slime began to envelop Iris, Emily slashed it furiously, and Iris was able to yank herself free.

Not soon after, Emily found herself caught by the slime she neglected to kill, pulling her to the ground as it enveloped her body.
Re: Research [Azure]

(( Can't put work into this post. Next post will be better.))

" Emily!"
Iris cried out. Iris saw the slime get off of her and get on Emily. Iris acted as fast as she could and slashed at the slime holding Emily, trying to hit one of its organs.

* Attack slime thats on Emily *
Re: Research [Azure]

Emily was furious at getting caught again. Although since she managed to help her friend she felt proud of herself. She saw Iris trying to help her and decided it was best just to sit still so she could aim easier. She also decided to cover and shut her mouth again in case if Iris missed or this thing was acting faster then usual.

(Sits still.... and covers mouth and closes mouth! =D)
Re: Research [Azure]

(Iris attacks)

Iris delivered the killing blow to the slime on Emily, as it stopped moving, and let her go.

The slime left behind by Iris was quickly on her trail, but Iris managed to sidestep it's attempt to snare her.
Re: Research [Azure]

These things were really pissing her off. They attacked Iris and they wouldn't just fucking die. Seeing Iris kill the slime on top of Emily and seeing Iris sidestepping one made Emily feel proud of her. She slashed violently at the slime trying to take advantage of it's failed attack on her.

"Die you piece of shit."

She said this in a very calm voice for the situation.

(Aggressive Stance)
Re: Research [Azure]

Iris was getting very tired of this fighting. She was having trouble compressing her emotions now and her cold, naked, slime covered body was trembling with anger and rage within her. Iris was going to kill this last slime and attend to Azure. Iris brushed her hair back and out of her face.

"... "

Iris didn't say anything. There was nothing she could say to let the slime know how much she hated it. All Iris did was run at the slime and attempts to slash one of its organs once again. Iris didn't even notice Emily doing the same thing.

* Attempt to slash one of the slimes organs.*
Re: Research [Azure]

As Iris was still recovering from getting out of the way, Emily ran her blade through the whole of the slime's body, as the previously firm mass of goo dissipated, spreading all over the ground.

(All enemies have been defeated, Azure is in a comatose state, impregnated.)
Re: Research [Azure]

It was finally over. The three slimes were finally dead. Iris turned to see Azure, laying on the ground, covored in cum and and slime. Iris's body quivered, seeing Azure like this, in her state. Iris slowly walked over to the woman, depression showing in her eyes. At first all Iris did was get down on her knees and look at Azure. The slowly, Iris ended up putting her head down on the womans stomach and silently she began to cry. Iris began wispering out-

" I'm sorry... I should of gone to help you... "

Iris didn't say anything else. She just continued to cry on Azure's belly.

Re: Research [Azure]

Azure mumbles something incoherently, obviously still out of it.


"cute thing... so much fun... director wants me to... needs feeding... the basement..."
Re: Research [Azure]

Emily walked over to Iris. Seeing her like this was breaking her up inside. She sat down next to her and tried to comfort her. She really wasn't used to comforting people but she stroked her bare back not really thinking about how they had no clothes on. Then she felt an urge to touch Azure's belly like back at the warehouse. She felt power flowing through her hands. She placed her hands on the parts of Azure's belly that she wasn't covered by Azure's face. Her hands began to glow a blue color. Instinctively she said to Iris

"Don't worry Iris I'm gonna help her.... please don't cry..."

(Purge the Seed of the Wicked)
Re: Research [Azure]

(Emily's Mental Status: Yellow)

As Emily focuses on her spell, inanimate cum begins to pour slowly from Azure's pussy, oozing out of her until there was nearly nothing left inside of her.
Re: Research [Azure]

Azure felt the gooey mess leaving her body, soft moans escaping her lips as she was freed from the monster's spunk.


"mhmn.. don't want another... already two down there..."

(Azure's mind tries to recover.)
Re: Research [Azure]

Having her bare back stroked Iris began to calm down. She didn't know what Emily was doing, if she knew she was curing Azure Iris would of felt a lot better then. Iris got up and off Azure and wiped her face off. Her tears stopped flowing. The reality of everything that had happened suddenly hit Iris. They were all naked in the hospital, Azure was weak and raped, and they had to walk back to the inn with the box of supplies. Iris felt herself lean onto Emily's side as she shut her eyes. Iris then mumbled out-

" Thank you Emily... What should we do now? "

Iris wished she had a way to contact the inn for a ride back.

Re: Research [Azure]

(Azure's Mental Status: Red)

Azure's mind gathers itself, as she regains her bearings.
Re: Research [Azure]

Emily was a little freaked out about what she just did. She stared down at her hands in disbelief. Then she looked over at where all the shit just came out of Azure. She realized it was pretty gross as well.

"What... the fuck?"
When Iris leaned against her and asked her what to do she snapped back to reality. She really didn't care about the physical touch anymore after what they've gone through and it helped her think. With Azure down she didn't know if they should carry the supplies back...

"Hey Iris... I think we should leave the su-"
She was cut off as she saw Azure began to move around. "Oh thank God" Emily thought, "This woman would kill me if I left this shit here."

"Hey Azure... I'll carry the stuff for now I guess, you're probably out of it after what just happened."
Re: Research [Azure]

Azure drags herself to her feet, looking over herself and mumbling under her breath. She didn't feel quite as bad as she could have, but she still felt her mind was in a weakened state.


"urgh... need to figure out how those fuckers do that... it'd be so much better if we could hold out against that."

She looked around for the remains of the slime's organs, any bits of clothes left, her gun, and most importantly, their box.


"I don't know how bad I was when... that thing had me... but I'm sorry if I freaked either of you out.... Try not to think about it. They do things to your mind... The most important thing is for us to find something with wheels and load everything on. Then we can take turns pushing it and riding it with our supplies on top. That way we'll have a rolling point to fire from and keep a move on in case we're attacked out there on the way back."

She shook her head again, as if trying to wipe cobwebs off her mind.


"I'm glad you managed to save me... remember, as long as these... things... are on us, they're vulnerable... Try to fight with it, if any of us are nearby, don't try to break free... Try to hold it in position for us to kill it instead..."

Azure smiled and patted both girls on the shoulder reassuringly, though she felt like shit, she didn't want the girls blaming themselves for it, and hoped they wouldn't take it so hard. (High charisma FTW)

Between her little pep talk and regathering supplies, she searched for a stray hospital bed, remembering they all had good, durable wheels on them that would've been perfect for carting all of this stuff, and the girls themselves, back to the inn.

(Actions: Regather lost materials. Collect Slime Organs. Search for hospital bed. Rally the girls.)
Re: Research [Azure]

(Survival check)

Azure begins to stand with a whole assortment of objectives in mind, but the experience had left her wobbly, as she nearly blacked out when she stood, falling back to the floor, butt first.

(Azure's stamina is in Danger status, she's going to need help moving around.)