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Deadliest warrior awesomeness

Re: Deadliest warrior awesomeness

I am sure anyone acquainted with the tools and tactics of any of these combatants could call bullshit on any or all of these episodes with relative ease. Like I said up top: It's TV, it amuses me, and I know the results are not relevant or likely even correct so there's no harm done.

Good point, and well made. Still it bugs me a little.

Also, I'm impressed that they showed the Spetsnaz winning. Not usually something you would see on American television.
Re: Deadliest warrior awesomeness

also, it's my belief sinny, that they hold back weapons on propose, each season if they re-use warriors they have to actually test weapons for them, not just say 'oh, we already tested all this warriors' weapons, so, on to the fight!' and they wouldn't test them again with the same weapon set-up, that'd be too boring, so maybe they're saving some of the other Taliban weapons for later seasons.
Re: Deadliest warrior awesomeness

Still, not fair to test someone in a battle and hold back their weapons.
Re: Deadliest warrior awesomeness

I shout at my TV whenever this show is on, mostly due to things they're getting wrong. Especially at their little end fight scene thing. Spartan vs Ninja actually had me screaming, because the damn dumbass ninja gave up the element of surprise 3 times. My favorite episode was Viking vs Samurai, because they're the only two fighters on the show I ever thought were well matched based on tactics and training.

The big problem I have with the show is that they only compare the trauma caused by the weapons, without factoring in tactics or average user skill. Spartan vs Ninja exemplified this, as the ninja had a weapon meant for stealth attacks, that could be used from underwater, in a tree, or almost anywhere, that resulted in death if it hit anywhere on a persons body, namely the blowgun, and it got only 4-10 kills out of a thousand. He also had a weapon the blinded the Spartan, which wasn't neutralized by his armor, helmet, or shield. And then there's the ninja star, a throwing weapon made to go through the samurais STEEL helmets, which I think got 1 kill. Blarg.

And why did they show the hook swing for the shaolin monk, but not the spin for William Wallaces claymore?
Re: Deadliest warrior awesomeness

there will always be flaws with a show, and the ending sequences are meant for entertainment, not reality, i agree with you in most of those points however. however however, lol, sinful, you can only carry so many weapons into battle, and it's still just a computer simulation, making each member of the squad have different weapons would be nearly, if not actually impossible to program.
Re: Deadliest warrior awesomeness

He also had a weapon the blinded the Spartan, which wasn't neutralized by his armor, helmet, or shield.

Actually, if I remember right, the helmet did bupkiss against the "glass egg" due to it's design. Now the shield on the other hand...

there will always be flaws with a show, and the ending sequences are meant for entertainment, not reality, i agree with you in most of those points however. however however, lol, sinful, you can only carry so many weapons into battle, and it's still just a computer simulation, making each member of the squad have different weapons would be nearly, if not actually impossible to program.

Yeah, the end "battle" is what I based my comments about the "knight with mace" on. That right there showed that unless the pirate got the hell out of the way in a f'ing hurry, he was in for a world of hurt but they had to go with the results of the simulation.
Re: Deadliest warrior awesomeness

Actually, if I remember right, the helmet did bupkiss against the "glass egg" due to it's design. Now the shield on the other hand...

Yeah, the end "battle" is what I based my comments about the "knight with mace" on. That right there showed that unless the pirate got the hell out of the way in a f'ing hurry, he was in for a world of hurt but they had to go with the results of the simulation.

It's a close range throwing weapon, he could get it around the shield.

The Pirate vs Knight end fight was silly, they both got in 3 each kill shots before the fight ended. The pirate got hit by the morningstar twice, and by the crossbow, and the knight got hit by the grenado, the blunderbuss, and got shot in the back by the pistol where the plate was weak.
Re: Deadliest warrior awesomeness

I think we're both kind of arguing the same thing differently. Getting around the shield, yes, the glass egg would be a very bad thing, but at mid to long range, the shield will protect the Spartan from being hit with it.

Given, too, that the knight got the mace hit in before the fight even fully started, yeah, the pirate would have been done.

I still liked how when they tested the boarding axe, the pirates were all gung-ho about it and when they put it up against the helmet, all it did was...dent the helmet.

And I still say broadsword beats cutlass in that test. If you watch, the broadsword shears through the pig, the cutlass more cuts enough of it away that velocity takes care of the rest but they're both pretty fatal strikes, so I guess they could call it even.
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Re: Deadliest warrior awesomeness

True, at mid range the shield could block it, probably easily too.

Yeah, when I saw the ride-by I thought "well, that's the shortest fight of the series." Then the pirate got up. :confused:

Yeah, I don't know who thought that thing was going to do anything. Axes are crap against hard armor, too little cut over too much area of resistance. The piercing end's too short to get through the armor meaningfully anyway, even if it got through to the handle, it's get maybe an inch into flesh after the plates, chainmail, and padding.

Broadsword vs cutlass, I'd actually say they're equal after using them. The cutlass is shorter, but the curve makes slashing more efficient, and it's capable of getting into the weak spots in a knights armor, namely the armpits and neck. The broadsword has longer range, and is capable of doing a lot more damage per blow, but it's also slower, and the only effective defensive technique with a broadsword is the spin, which is useless against a pirate that could easily outpace the knight and has a gun.
I thought the swordfight at the end was actually quite well done, and the way the knight finally died was hilarious.
Re: Deadliest warrior awesomeness

It's fun to watch but completely inaccurate. They don't take into account a lot of the weapons, they test purely on equipment, they use different tests for the compared equipment, if they even use the appropriate test in the first place.
Otherwise, it's fun to learn about each weapon and the damage it can do, as well as my appreciation for their choreographed fights in each one (with the exception of this newest IRA v Taliban one, that was funnier than it was cool)

Who else here was laughing their ass off during that fight? Team kill, door smash, the last explosive, not to mention the flamethrower
Re: Deadliest warrior awesomeness

IRA v Taliban
Ok, can someone tell me what IRA you're talking about because I keep thinking of the USA tax collectors.
Re: Deadliest warrior awesomeness

Irish Republican Army
Re: Deadliest warrior awesomeness

American tax is IRS, not IRA. So Irish terrorists, vs Muslim terrorists.
Re: Deadliest warrior awesomeness

you guys do realize also, we don't see all the testing that's done, they may test fighting styles and skills as well.
Re: Deadliest warrior awesomeness

They should say that in the show.
Re: Deadliest warrior awesomeness

they show small clips of testing that never happen in the show except in those clips, also, they say they do multiple days of testing, but only show a few hours of it at most.
Re: Deadliest warrior awesomeness

They definitely don't take into account styles. But in terms of weaponry we don't see tested, they do a lot of that. There were clips of the shaolin guys throwing those (forgot the names) circular blades, and he nailed two right on top of each other on a target, but they never did it in the show.
Regardless, by the end, they don't take those things into account in their explanation and bastardize it as if the ones they went over are the only reasons for the win, in which place a complaint still stands.
Re: Deadliest warrior awesomeness

i think you guys are getting entertainment mixed up with a documentary. not that documentaries can't be entertaining, but these are just people sitting around speculating so in many ways your guess is as good as theirs.
Re: Deadliest warrior awesomeness

What Spoony said on the show basically wrapped up my opinion of it.

Re: Deadliest warrior awesomeness

The guy from Deadliest Warrior (can't remember his name) bet that the Predator would beat the Alien, unless the Alien came with the whole hive.