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Peiquok Town Hall

Re: Peiquok Town Hall

This time it's Melissa's turn to reach out to Morgan, her hand quickly sliding across the girl's back, ready to catch her if she needed it. "Whoa, easy," Melissa said. "That's three people in a short amount of time," she said, once Morgan had recovered. "I didn't see anything out of the ordinary in here," she mused, almost to herself, though the others could hear. "Maybe some kind of gas or radiation."

Raising her head up, she looked at Rosie, "What about you? Has anything happened to you?"
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Morgan's eyes close and she sighs happily when Melissa's hand rubs down her back, actually leaning against Melissa weakly until she can recover.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

((I'll try to whittle it down to two or less paragraphs per post, then. ;3))

She went tense as he placed his hand on her, waiting to see if the odd sensation would get worse. To her relief, there were no sparks or embarrassing further losses of control; his concern only added to the sense of relief. Inwardly, she pummeled the odd little flare of lust back into submission. 'I'm not that bored,' she thought to herself, regaining her composure with a grin as she nearly laughed at herself. "Yeah, I'm alright, I just had a thing," she told him, "um, a moment. Never had one like that before, it just felt like jerking out of a dream." She rubbed at her face again, hand coming up to scrub at one temple and then at her still burning cheek. "Fucking town. People going missing and I feel like I'm on a really strange trip of my own here, sometimes. Not often, just... this morning it's like there's a jolt of 'oh, fuck, I'm going to die' and crazy coyote howls. Some skinhead told me off for it, but I know what I heard." She looked a little vexed. "Now this. I'm not that crazy. My body doesn't fuck with me like this on a regular basis, just since I've been to Peiquok."
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

(don't worry, I was joking. Just do however much you can or feel you're up to and I'll return in kind)

She gathered herself and seemed back to 100%, so Buster no longer worried and returned the smile she now had. She went on explaining her issues with the situation, and Buster turned back downward. I guess there's just no way to avoid talking about what's going on here. I can't cover this up with laughs, that's just being ridiculous. "Well, extreme situations lead way to extreme emotion. I don't think any of us are thinking totally clearly and it's having an effect on all of us. Trust me, you're not the only one." Buster leaned forward with his forearms across his thighs and moving his hands from in his lap to between his legs, before looking back up to her. "You're not going to die. We have plenty of people with guns around. Plus I'm here, so that's like times ten awesome, haha." Goddamn it, stop trying to be funny, you know you can't ignore this forever. His laugh stopped instantly, but quickly realizing it, tried to recover. "..wait, what do you mean crazy coyote howls?"
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Cara's face refused to stop burning as her blush changed to one of self righteous annoyance. 'What is it with men laughing me off around here, first that dipshit with the beard and now this guy?' she knew what she'd experienced, it wasn't just 'some woman's emotions getting out of control again'. Come to think of it, she'd run up against that a lot outside of Peiquok too, though for entirely different reasons.

Then she realized that Buster was trying to make a crack, and she loosened up a little. She'd really had him going, there. Scowling at him for a moment, budging him with her elbow to show that she hadn't liked that one, she tried to think of a way to explain that wouldn't sound crazy. "Like howls from something you've never heard of before; eerie, haunting noises as if they were coming from outside, somewhere. Just quiet, but I still heard them."

She glanced at him and down at her guitar, then made busy by settling it in her case again and snapping the case shut. "Look, I'm gonna go see if I can get some answers. If anything when we can get out of here. I don't care if it's just me being an overstrung psychobitch, I don't like being kept cooped up with nothing to do and nowhere to go."
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

She didn't at all seem entertained at what Buster had said and he didn't understand why. She didn't keep it for long though and gave him a little elbow. He picked his hand up out of his lap to rub where she hit, not that it hurt, but to show that he got the point of it. He listened to her try and explain the sound she hurt, nodding his head to what she was saying. "Must have been before I got here. I haven't really had the chance to hear anything since I got here."

His smile faded when he saw she was putting away her guitar. She told him she was off to get some answers as he peered back up at her. "Sorry," he turned to himself in confusement for saying that, he knew her mood had changed but didn't really tack it up to his fault, so not sure why he said it, must have been at just the guilt of seeing her walk off. "Good luck. If they tell ya anything, let me know k?"

His gaze dropped back down to his knees for a bit, which started to bounce again as he once again went back to biting his nails. He looked up and scanned the room, looking for more people to meet. Hopefully everyone here's that interesting.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Leianna walks into the building sighing as she played with the release and close functions of her claw. This was definately not where she wanted to be, and that stupid arcade owner had lied to her. She was going to take that bastard to the cleaners once she got out of here... whatever the hell was going on here anyway...

She smiles as she walks around the room, twirling her weapon as she looks around for a conversation to drop into, or someone interesting to talk to...
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Kaci, still keeping an eye on Shiva, smiled as she saw Shiva starting to eat again. Maybe she was starting to feel better. She still ate slowly, though, just in case if something happened again. She said to Shiva, "No need to thank me, like I said I'm becoming a doctor because I like to help people." She added to her sentence still smiling at her, "I think you'll make a good friend, so what'd you come here to work as let me guess... A doctor?" Kaci hoped Shiva would stay in town for a longer period of time then a common traveler....
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Although it took Shiva to piece it all together in her mind, at first she gave a start when Kaci knew that she had come looking for work as a doctor. Letting out a small gasp, she looked over to Kaci with her red, devilish eyes, and gave a slight nod, "Y-yes..." she whispered in answer to Kaci's assumption. Taking another bite from the salad, she noticed half of it was eaten, and she didn't think she could eat the rest. She set the fork down for a second, and thought to herself.

"Why is she being so nice to me...?" her brow furrowed in confusion, "No one's ever treated me like this before..."

Shiva let out a sigh, and looked over to one of the windows outside, watching the persistent rain batter the window, feeling entranced once more by the white noise of rain landing on the roof, window, as well as everything else. She sat, and stared, drawn in by the sound without rhythm, letting it dull her senses...
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Leianna notices the two girls eating salad by the table and thinks to herself,

"Man... I haven't eaten anything except granola bars and stale candy for the last two days..." She quickly walks up to the table and stands there, staring hungrily at the salad, not even realizing there was a much bigger table with food on it, as soon as she sees the girl put down her fork, she quickly grabs at it, "Mine!"
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

As Cara got to her feet, she nodded to Buster and told him, "promise, if I can spot you again anyways," considering there were many people here, she didn't think it'd be hard for the freckled blonde to hide away somewhere.

That said, she turned away and sought out the nearest clump of soldiers, maybe a medic if she could, to see if she could find out what the hell was happening... or maybe just to be able to sit down somewhere out of the way; she'd seen some people getting escorted out of the main hall, maybe Buster was right (she hated to admit it) and she was letting the fear get ahold of her.

...Then again, while Cara did enjoy a good rush of adrenaline now and then, she'd never really been the kind to get... worked up... over being frightened. Angry, sure, but not frightened.

((Search out some soldiers, unless someone else wants to intercept her? :D))
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shiva gives a start as some strange girl runs up and takes her fork, but only sighs, and pushes her bowl away, the white haired, red eyed girl using the newfound excuse to stop eating. Shiva sits quietly next to Kaci, and waits for the Raven haired girl to finish her food as well, not wanting to pay any heed to the girl that, for some reason, wanted her fork...
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Leianna notices that the girl pushed her bowl away and hadn't reacted to her taking the fork, she smiles, taking this as a good sign that the girl was done anyway. She reaches over and grabs the salad bowl, starting to eat it hungrily and voraciously, "Thanks for the food!"
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shiva shook her head, not responding to the crazed woman's actions, or words, allowing her to take the salad bowl. Shiva looked over to Kaci, wondering if she was almost done eating, wanting to take any excuse she could to put distance between her and this crazed woman.

(That's your cue, Neo, post dam it!)
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Kaci watched the strange girl taking Shiva's food. She was going to yell at her but Shiva seemed to give up her food willingly. Shrugging she went back to eating and watching to make sure Shiva was ok at the same time. When she was done she said to the girl that took her food in a cold voice, "Hey, next time before you go around taking people's food... look around to see if there is a huge table with food on it alerady." Not caring if the girl saw her she pointed to the table with food on it... (Whichever direction it is)
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Leianna continues to eat the salad happily as she looks at the two girls, "Ah... really? Is it free? Or do I have to pay? Uh..." She reaches for her back pocket and pulls out her wallet, which seems rather light looking, "I uh... don't have very much money... um... so..." She scratches her head, then puts her wallet away and offers a hand, smiling happily, if not a little silly looking, "Hi! Uh... nice to meet you! Can I borrow some money?"
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shiva looks away from the girl, shaking her head at the ridiculousness of her words. With all of the food being right in front of them, Shiva just didn't say anything, as the only things she did think of were very rude, and she wasn't in the mood to start something with some strange girl she didn't even know...
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Griffen snorts, then looks across the way to the refreshments table. "If your majesty would prefer, I'm going to go get some chow. Stay here if you want."

He pauses as the lights in the room flicker momentarily, scowl apparent clearly even through his trimmed beard.

Melissa and Morgan
Rosie gets a little rosy in the cheeks as Melissa begins to question her. "No, not exactly. Not like this. I've heard stories but..." she pauses as the lights flicker, revealing how dark it can get in the hall as night seems to be drawing on. Swallowing, she glances around the room, looking at all those others trapped with her. When she doesn't seem to find what she's looking for, she tells the two women, "I don't think that anybody here is gonna be able to help us..." she mutters absently, then more clearly, "I just have my grandfather's stories to go off of, and half of what he used to tell me was chaff, you know?"

When Melissa asks Rosie about her own experiences, she looks to the floor, thinking long and hard. "Before I met Morgan," she begins, "a few minutes before, actually." She chews on her lips and thinks. "I just got this awful feeling that I'd gotten sucked up and entombed by something. I think if I hadn't been in the middle of the open hall I'd be a lot worse for wear, but I just..." she shrugs, "shrugged it off at first."

Kaci, Shiva and Leianna
As the three women chat (or rather, as Kaci and Leianna chat and Shiva seems to give the good approximation of a hellish glare), they are briefly interrupted by the flickering of lights. Somewhere nearby -- there are a lot of people seated near the table that bears food and drink, after all, -- they can each hear someone mutter, "great, here we go," as they notice several soldiers heading for the side door...

Jen has a few hours to rest somewhat peacefully... visions of snakemen and strange sensations begin to fade from mind as she rests, but as the night begins to draw on, she's wakened by the flickering of lights. A child begins to whimper in a cot against the wall while his mother shushes him, and then two soldiers bring in another woman, slightly older than Jen, who is wailing at the top of her lungs. "Don't touch me!" she shrieks as they wrestle to calm her down. "Leave me alone! They're after me! They're after everybody!"

The blonde catches a lot of interesting little tidbits. Two families nearby -- a mother and two twin sisters, as well as a father and mother with their son -- are deep in conversation, nearly huddled together for all that they're intent on one another's words. Several soldiers are mulling through the crowd, either to comfort them or to gain information. A boy of seven or eight is wandering through as well and looking for his mother, who is apparently one of those who have disappeared.

As he watches for someone to come by to talk with, Buster sees the lights flicker briefly. His proximity to one of the windows allows him to hear what might be gunshots and a noise... much like what Cara described earlier. The howl is not close, but it sounds pretty unearthly.

As Cara looks for someone to speak with, she encounters a group of soldiers heading back outside. The lights flicker, and in the moment that they return, she sees that one of them stumbles slightly, head drooping for a moment before she curses and regains her bearings. The three of them stop altogether when she stumbles again... none of them look happy, and none of them seem to notice Cara heading their way.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Cara paused as the soldiers did, not sure about approaching them now that they were going through what looked like... maybe... the same thing that she'd seen others in the town hall experiencing. She looked around her to see if anyone else was watching her, then moved a little closer if the soldiers decided to take off. Maybe they'd be more willing to speak if they didn't know that she was hanging around and listening.

She hadn't liked the way that things were turning out as the sky had begun to grow dark, and she was absolutely certain that she'd picked up more of those noises that she'd heard earlier. If they were in real trouble, she wanted some kind of heads up on what it was that they'd been corralled in here for.

((Use stealth or awareness or something to try to pick up some information? Maybe track 'em to the doors if they're heading that way? :O))
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Melissa winces as the lights flicker. She hadn't realized how late it was getting, the sudden realization of how dark it might become in here gave her a momentary shudder, before she hugged Morgan. "Don't worry, everything's okay," she told the girl, though she honestly wasn't sure who she was trying to comfort.

Looking back at Rosie, Melissa said, "I think you'd better tell us about these stories, even if they sound crazy."