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Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Before continuing her assault, Shiva shouted, "If you fools were wise, you'd have taken the opportunity to avoid conflict! Stand down now, and all of this needless bloodshed can stop!"

(Deciding against attacking, Shiva addressed the slavers:)

"Your leader is dead, surrender now!" she commanded them, "Don't join his fate! Just walk away! We don't wish to fight!"
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

When Siehydra killed the leader and noticed that none of the slavers seem to be backing down she started scratching the back of her head like she was nervous. She said goofily out loud, "Ahh poopie that didn't make you guys stop..." Hearing Shiva's words she waved at the slavers and said, "You know you should listen to her... I really don't like killing people, and you can live longer... and stuff..." At the part about killing people, she seemed to have gained a frown for about about a second but it quickly turned turned into her usual smile.

(Try to convince them to stop if that's an action)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Before any of the Slavers can attack, the quick-witted Siehydra was able to keep them from harming her friends.
"Yea, I mean, nona us really wanna die... Yaknow?" One of the slavers asked his friend.
"Yea, let's just get tha hell outta here." He responded, turning to walk away. The Slavers weren't going to give up their weapons (It was a dangerous world out there), but they did drop gold each: 66 Gold (11 split up evenly). The heroines rummaged over the dead Slaver quickly, finding nothing of use on his body - his weapon was misused, mistreated, and looked like it would fall apart quickly. The leader's weapon was exactly the same - but it was what he carried with him that caught the attention of the women.

x1 Slave Collar - When put on an unwilling victim, the wearer becomes docile and complacent, and does almost everything their new master asks. Will Power check; if the wearer fails to override the collar (requires a check of 125 or higher), they are forced to do whatever their commander asks. The wearer can never take off the collar; it's only removed -For- them.


With their second battle through, and finally now in the mountain range, the Heroines look around. To the Northwest, there were more mountains, but in the distance they could see it tapering off to foothills; To the North, they could continue up the mountain range, same with the Northeast. The East featured a small plain, Southeast being the direction they came from. The South, Southwest, and West all had nearly identical plains, with some foothills they could venture to. Their target was still to the Northwest.

((Edit: That battle -sucked-. >.> Either I need better monsters, or a much more lenient work/life schedule.))

((EDIT 2: As I was in the shower, I realized I forgot to calculate EXP.>.>

Everyone gains 8 EXP.
Siehydra gains 20 Aptitude Points.
Shiva gains 16 Aptitude Points.
Lilliana gains 7 Aptitude Points.))
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Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread


Celestia try to give a decent burial to the corpses of the slavers, after that she prepare all to continue to the northwest

(vote to northwest)
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Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Kaye remains vigilant until the slavers leave. "Surprising to see ruffians such as those possessing common sense." She takes her share of the gold and gives a disgusted glare at the collar. "A vile piece of trash. We should burn that wretched thing."

She moves to a ledge to study the countryside, then says, "Our progress will be slow if we continue through these mountains. Perhaps traveling through the plains will allow us to get ahead of the evil creatures that are no doubt making their way to our goal."

(vote: west)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

"...Was it really all right to let them go?..."

Making this comment as she looked around her surroundings, it appeared that Aegis was not fully happy with letting the slavers escape...

(Vote Northwest)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Whether or not anyone picked up the slave collar, Shiva rushed over to the horrid object, and snatched it. After walking some distance away from her comrades, she placed the thing on the ground, lifted up her sword, and sliced the thing in half.

"No one, will be using this repulsive thing anymore!" she assured everyone, by getting rid of the slave collar, making sure it could never be used again.

After destroying the collar, Shiva decides to cast her own vote once again, "As per our command! We continue North-West!"

(Shiva votes: North West)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

(( Wow I'm surprised that worked... and it was hilarious ))

"Yay! They didn't fight!" Siehydra exclaimed happily. When Shiva destroyed the collar she said with a small frown on her face, "I thought it was pretty... I wanted to wear it..." Quickly regaining her goofy smile, though, She said as if nothing happened, "What way are we supposed to go again...? Oh yeah... North West. LET'S GOOOO!!!!"

(( Go North West ))
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Shiva turned to Siehydra in scolding manner, "Don't say such things!" she scolded the Elf, "Such material is used on victimized women who have gone through terrible horrors! I won't permit such talk in my presence!"
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Please! calm down, these things are useless for us, after all there are best ways to take information or make ours opponents give up. Also thanks to Siehydra we avoid to take the lives of them, so just forget this, lets go to our destination.:)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Siehydra's ears drooped down and she had a sad frown on her face after Shiva had yelled at her. She didn't say anything to Shiva and this time it seemed like she would be sad far more longer then just a few seconds...
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Shiva rolled her eyes at the Elf's expression, and felt a little guilty after realizing she must have hurt her feelings, "Don't look at me like that..." she said, sounding a little apologetic, "It's just... There are more suiting things to wear than a slave collar... Please understand."
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

((Just waiting for Innocent to post now. Also, I'd like to know if Xivvix goes a separate direction than you guys.))
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Siehydra raised her ears up once again, but she still had the sad frown on her face, "It's ok... I talk without thinking a lot... You're right about the collar... sorry." If anyone else listened in on this other then Shiva they would definitely notice this is the first time Siehydra seemed to be acting normal rather then a giant goofball.
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Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Shiva sighed, and placed a hand on Siehydra's shoulder to comfort her, "It's alright... Don't worry about it," she tried to assure her.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Siehydra said to Shiva as she tried to comfort her, "Don't worry bout it... as you've probably seen I get over stuff quickly." Which seemed to be true because as Siehydra was talking her voice got goofier little by little and her smile was coming back...
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Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Shiva nodded at Siehydra with a pleased smile, "Good to see you back in high spirits,"

(Also, I updated Shiva's character sheet, and I'd still like to know what the stats are on the net, club, and knife...)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

((Just waiting for Innocent to post now. Also, I'd like to know if Xivvix goes a separate direction than you guys.))
(No, just voting. Kaye is sticking with the group.)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

((Been 24 hours. I'll wait a few more before I start weaving my post.

You know, so I can finish crafting my super-creature.>.>))
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

(Sorry computer crashed)

Lilliana wakes up from a strange trance she had been in. "Yes i agree let go that way."

(Vote: Northwest)