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This is your problem! I've been nothing but a faithful raptor to you!

*Runs out of room, crying*

Children, do I need to revoke your ice cream privileges?

Huh, you started updating again. I was all glad, then I remembered that my story was finished. And AWMBI is finished. And the other possibly interesting ones haven't started. Then I remembered why I haven't visited here very often recently...

Oh well, there is always hope for the future. Except I'm like 5 years behind in my plant to take over the world now, and that may have been a little too time-critical to put off... damn.

Anyway, have fun. >.>

Something to consider, surely*, but I might feel selfish. Or have a little trouble playing a notably different character? I suppose I'll think about it.

*Must... resist urge... to download.... Airplane!

Indeed. I can't help hearing one of the better horrible puns from that movie whenever I say/type/think "surely" as part of an exchange with someone else. But I've already indulged in my "accidentally reference a cult classic then spend two hours watching it" reflex this week. (Life of Brian)

I'm not joking. And don't call me... out on an attempt to move to a textual medium a joke that depends on the misunderstanding of homophones.

*cough* Sorry, I'm allergic to puns. >.>

Anyway, perhaps I will think about a second character.

Hrm... okay, I've decided that I will indeed make a new character, if that's still alright with you. Just don't be afraid to drop a bridge on this one if there's too much going on or you decide you want to move to a v2 or something.

I think I can make one suitably different from Jamie, though I have a hard time changing certain inherent aspects... I could never play someone who would give up before she was beaten without at least some substantial expectation that giving up would be better then being beaten. Also while I'm sure I *could* make someone stupid, I might have a hard time convincing myself *I* wasn't giving up before I'm beaten if I saw a way out that my character notably would have missed...

Yea sure go ahead and start a new one, that's fine by me. I am working on v2.0, so once I do, you can jump to it if you want. Or run both concurrently.

Any idea on the very approximate ETA for v2? I mean... if it's tomorrow, I'd rather wait. If it's in the next week or two, I might say "start, but with the additional rule that con=0 is unconditional game over". If it's the next month or two... well then I might not even have to think about it.

I'm going to say late 2009/early 2010. It is really dependent on how many people return and finish/"game over" on v1 and if my classes go crazy as the semester goes on.

I've been wanting to try what I had Casey just do for a while now. Oh and Gatorbait, how come Casey's defense is 3?

Because I am a bit dyslexic, and I type too fast for my own good. Keep me straight! hah hah

Okay. If it's not being too presumptuous I think my new character is someone who might *agree* to the experiment even knowing what it entails, if she were given a chance. (Though of course she might not be given such a chance.) Either way, she cares enough about winning that this will be her goal even if the other choice looks tempting. It'll be posted shortly.

Haha, this is really funny to me. I'm considering having Casey do this to every single person she runs into.