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Ava (Keylo)

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Re: Ava (Keylo)

Larry immediately tends to his unconscious friend. He checks him over for a moment or two before looking back at Ava. The devious playfulness is now gone from his eyes and is replaced by only anger. "You are going to pay big time for doing this to Dave. I am going to tear the shit out of you until he wake back up, then you're all his!" he says. He lunges at Ava, but in his blind rage misses and runs straight into the sink, falling to the ground. Ava looks at him and realizes that he has knocked himself out.


Ava DEF: 0
Larry HP: 0
Dave HP: 0

Search Dave
Search Larry
Search the area
Travel South
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(Her shirt and weapon are still in the room right?...)

"Dream of your revenge in the pits of hell bastards..."

Picking up her improvised weapon that had fallen to the floor earlier, Ava proceeds to brutally smash the faces apart until they are no longer recognizable, before picking up her shirt and then searching the bodies...

(Action: Search Dave, followed by Larry...)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

She puts her bra and shirt back on, followed by slinging the club back over her shoulder. Searching what was left of Dave, she finds a that note shows the following path (Stairs: S,W,N,N,N,E). She then turns to Larry but couldn't find anything useful on him. Looking around the room she takes a couple of deep breaths trying to calm herself.

Ava DEF: 1 + 1

Search the area
Travel South
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Taking a few moments to rest up, Ava searches the room in the meanwhile to see if there was anything else of use left around...

(Action: Search the area/rest)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava searches under a sink when she sees a small slime blob under it, similar to the one she fought earlier. Slowly backing away from the sink, she take a few deep breaths, hoping that the slime didn't see her.

Ava DEF: 2 + 1

Flee South(83% Chance)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Deciding that fighting two fights in a row probably wasn't the smartest idea Ava proceeds to exit the room, hoping that she could escape before she was spotted.

(Action: Flee south)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava quickly exits the cell door, closing it behind her. Her last vision of the room involved the slime coming out from under the sink. Now back in the hallway, she sees a door to her south and a hallway to her west.

(flee successful, but just barely lol)

Ava DEF: 3 + 1

Search the area
Rest/Recoup DEF (38% chance of enemy encounter per point DEF recovered)
Travel S/N/W
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Deciding that it was probably better to keep moving and not waste time... Ava decides to head west as per the instructions, hoping to reach the stairs and perhaps leave this nightmarish place behind...

(Action: Travel west)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava turns to the west and encounters an intersection. The Hallway continues to the West and another appears to travel north. The Hallway seems to be deserted save a few bags of what appears to be waste.

Ava DEF: 4 + 1

Search the area
Travel N/W/E
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Continuing her journey to the stairs, Ava moves north, hoping that the instructions are correct...

(Actions: Travel North)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

She moves down the northern corridor, taking note of stacks and stacks of trash on both walls. All of a sudden, a scrappy looking woman in taters of clothing jumps out from behind a pile of trash. "GREEEAAAAA!" the woman yells as it stands in from of Ava, assuming an aggressive posture.

Wild Woman HP: 2

Flee N/S (67% Chance)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

"Not another one..."

Groaning a bit, Ava readies her club in case the woman should pounce towards her, intent on beating her to a bloody pulp should she try.

(Action: Wait)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

The Woman stares at Ava for a minute then pounces on Ava, smacking her upside the head with an open palm. The woman then runs behind Ava before hitting her in the back. Turning around, Ava gets a good look at the woman in the dim light. It appears that the woman has little expression on her face, almost as if she were a drone...

Ava DEF: 3 + 1
Wild Woman HP: 2

Flee N/S (67% Chance)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

"You're going to pay for that you stupid puppet..."

Angry, Luna swings at the wild woman, intent on killing her on the spot if possible.

(Action: Attack)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava lands a forceful blow on the woman's temple, sending her flying through the air. She impacts the wall and slides lifeless to the ground. Almost certain that the woman was not going to get back up, Ava turned back to her map, trying to regain her bearings.

(Crit Hit)

Ava DEF: 3 + 1
Wild Woman HP: 0

Search the body
Search the area
Travel N/S
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Letting out a breath of relief before turning north again, Ava began mumbling to herself in regards to everything that had happened so far.

"Crazy scientists, rapist tendrils, smelly men, mindless women, what's next? A killer poodle?..."

(Action: Travel north)
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava comes to an intersection of two hallways. One continues to the north while one travels east to west. (suddenly, A killer POODLE ^_^) She is fully expecting something to jump out at her again, but when nothing does, she breathes a sigh of relief.

Ava DEF: 4 + 1

Search the area
Travel N/S/E/W
Re: Ava (Keylo)

(Aya: .....*smacks Gator with pipe*)

Apparently relieved no (*cough* killer poodle *cough*) mutated creatures or rapist had appeared at this intersection, Ava proceeded north once again, where she believed the stairs should be around the corner...
Re: Ava (Keylo)

Ava comes to the end of the hallway. In front of her is a sign that reads "Stairwell: East." Seeing that the door to the east is the only other way to go other than back, she scans the hallway. Other than the usual trash, there is nothing dangerous jumping out to attack her.

Search the Area
Travel S/E
Re: Ava (Keylo)

All these trash bags... what's in them anyway?...

Deciding she could spare a little time, seeing as she had found the stairs, Ava decides to satisfy her curiosity by searching the bags to see what they held...

(Action: Search Area)
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