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Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

I don't have any pictures or anything but I'm looking for this one group of flash like game makers that had a series of rape story games, where in one there was a purple haired woman who was sleeping and then got raped by this dude who then blackmailed her into having sex with more dude, and in another game from them there was 2 best friends, a girl with green hair I think and a pink haired girl who both got raped in the bathroom. These games are extremely old, like a couple of years and I can't find any of them anymore.
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

I have searched the updata version of Leed's Story (RJ086085) for several days, but I just can not find it anywhere.
Is there anyone still have it and upload to mega?

Thank you.
Re: Question About H-Game Circles

the first flash is JSK's early work,but I cant find which circle make the other games,though I had met them many times....
Multiplayer games

Anyone know any online multiplayer adult games, particularly one that allow rape?

I know of , which is a graphical persistent online world game
Looks like a ugly version of Ultima Online

It's not F2P though, its a monthly subscription of $9.95...

And for the text based theres always Hellmoo, although I don't know if the main branch even allows rape anymore (they heavily restricted PvP), the other branches will pretty much ridicule you for being a dirty sexhaber and try to grief you off the game.

Know anymore?
Re: Multiplayer games

There's another text based MUD called "Flexible Survival" by Nuku Valente. It's about transformation and some sort of a plague and most sex or rape scenes between players is roleplay. However, one can interact with NPCs as well.


Oh and it's F2P, though you can contribute money or new scenes for NPCs if you want to.
Re: Multiplayer games

I want more of a co_op H-game then a VS game. but I to would love to find pretty much any type of online H-game that was actually had game play.
Re: Multiplayer games

i remember a few years back there was a modded ragnarok online server that had rape in it, you could literally rape other players. but i remember it being buggy as all hell. and i doubt its still running.

but I don't know of any online multiplayer games with rape to be honest good rape games are hard to find as it is.
Re: Multiplayer games

but I don't know of any online multiplayer games with rape to be honest good rape games are hard to find as it is.

sadly very true. I tried to make a fighter maker H-game playable online but my laptop died so I've never was able to figure it out.
Re: Multiplayer games

There is this game called Venus Rising, it's trying to get funds to make the game. It will be P2P.

Re: Multiplayer games

The best one is ragnarok online hentai/modded version but is japanese only. The last version has fixed many bugs
Re: Multiplayer games

wel..the site where i downloaded my version has been shut down (and my version were full japanese)

try this one . Btw i not checked those links. Also the description says that the game is English..it seems strange to me
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Re: Multiplayer games

Reminds me of Hellmoo (A.K.A orphan rape simulator.) ...If you want to talk about multiplayer rape games. Was a text game but you could do about anything to other players. You could basically destroy their entire life if you were clever/strong enough to break into their apartment or hunt them down constantly. Was a very deep game with a pretty awesome concept/story and you needed a really thick skin to survive since all your hard work could be wiped out by one dick in an instant.

It broke into 2 separate versions (Hatemoo and Hellmoo) last I heard after aliens destroyed the game, not sure what became of them after that. I think I played both versions for a little while but things changed and it wasn't really the same in either version.

The carebear version got updates more often but was really easy on players and the one that stayed more true to the hardcore version didn't get updated much. One or both of those servers are probably still around. It has a pretty steep learning curve but once you understand everything, it is just amazing.
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

hi guys,,
someone know where i can find other link dwnld for this games ??

game called RJ116034 変態黙示録ズブリウス
i know there's have a thread,but is 3 months ago and someone has reply with error link games but link save still can open
i'd tried to download the game about 3x from these game
and always get "Decryption error" [ mega*co*nz ]


thanks before :)

*if someone can reupload this
very grateful for his


EDITED : Found Other link
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Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Seeking a game that contains a particular image. However, I don't have the image in question. ~_~

I haven't ever played the game. It's just something that someone mentioned to me a year ago, before I knew how to use Chiitrans and such.

Here's what I think I recall: It's a jRPG that includes a few characters, one of which might be a paladin or holy warrior of some type. I think they might have been fighting some sort of demon overlord or king, or trying to prevent it from entering the world or resurrecting or something.

What I /really/ have to go off of is that I was shown pictures of a particular character, that kind of reminded me of Saber from the Fate series. Armor and a skirt kind of thing. She was on her back with her arms on the ground making a |_| kind of position in surrender or defeat. It looked kind of like the attached image, but the image isn't it. There was an image with her lower body clothes off, and another with the same, but cum coming from her vagina.

Does anyone have any idea of what game it might be?


  • f8ca12205ce0df3bb57e85896c3cb746c1963401.jpg
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Re: Requesting English, Rpg maker style games

Well I can tell you of a few that are still in production(that I know of) that I found interesting to say the least one of which I discovered after scrolling through lots of pages randomly okay so
all of these games use 3D custom girl for the cg
Elysium: Rise of the dark king
Harem Collecter(one i found on this forum)
AND Despair Labyrinth (you play as one of many girls through the story rape/loss kind of game but not always loss when you get raped....okay you lose you get raped but it might not be game over unless they kill you then it's game over)
Elysium and Harem have a kind of karmic scale to them while Harem collecter has no scale and your charecter refers to themselves as chaotic neutral lol

Edit: said 3 originally when there were 4 XD
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Re: Requesting English, Rpg maker style games


the rpg maker thread

theres about 50 there:D
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Hi guys, I search games like BFRPG and BFRPG2. You play a pure girl who become corrupt.

Sorry for my bad english :D
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Hi There.
I am looking for a game of wich i had a very early demo on my pc.
In this game you were stranded with several girls on some island. you goal in this game is pretty obvious :). you can talk to the girls and make them gifts.
You can explore the island, by clicking arrows to the left, right, top and bottom of the screen. Also you will encounter animals in the jungle (a gorilla and a tiger).
i have completly forgotten the name and artist of the game and it would be great, if someone of you could tell me.
thanks in advance
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

im stilling looking for this game

Makai Tenshi Djibril -Episode 4-


any one know where i can get a torrent or DirectDL? if i knew where to buy it i'd buy it but all sites have been sold out for years already. game is old, but not that old yet still not recent enough to be around.