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Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Hi, am looking for links for this one, but couldn't find any threads here about it :(


Help be appreciated >.<
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

This is out 31st December 2013..looked almost everywhere(most of them were fake..)
So..it would be awesome and cool if anyone can help some DOA fans out.

Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Does anybody know where I can find Valis X? I have a torrent that I've been downloading, but it will not download more than 184.5 mbs.
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Thought I'd try this thread. Anyone played this?

Looking for an H-game. Forgotten the name.

  • Had a party of three player characters. A sword user, a gunner, and a blind miko.
  • Used 3D Custom Girl for the character models.
  • Plot involved an island where a succubus had cast a corrupting pink mist over an island.
  • Player had to select two of the three girls to send on each stage, and try to clear out all the monsters, retreating if the girls got too tired to fight safely.
  • Letting the girls get raped too much would result in them getting corrupted, and eventually unplayable.
  • The longer you took to clear the island and defeat the succubus, the more corrupted antics would occur back at the village in little cutscenes. Eventually you'd get a game over.

Has been on ULMF before. Just can't find it for the life of me. Any help, even just a name, much appreciated. Thanks.
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Thought I'd try this thread. Anyone played this?

Looking for an H-game. Forgotten the name.

  • Had a party of three player characters. A sword user, a gunner, and a blind miko.
  • Used 3D Custom Girl for the character models.
  • Plot involved an island where a succubus had cast a corrupting pink mist over an island.
  • Player had to select two of the three girls to send on each stage, and try to clear out all the monsters, retreating if the girls got too tired to fight safely.
  • Letting the girls get raped too much would result in them getting corrupted, and eventually unplayable.
  • The longer you took to clear the island and defeat the succubus, the more corrupted antics would occur back at the village in little cutscenes. Eventually you'd get a game over.

Has been on ULMF before. Just can't find it for the life of me. Any help, even just a name, much appreciated. Thanks.

I think you're looking for Succubus Nests.
Dating Sims with H-Content?

To cut to the chase, I haven't seen one of these since. Well. Forever. Minus those few flash games like "sim girl", etc that I must have played a decade ago when I first started crossing over to this side of the internet.

Are there any recent ones that people are aware of (hopefully have played and liked)? I've scoured Japanese catalogs of sims and came to the depressing conclusion that this genre is dead and long dead. I'd like to be proven wrong, if at all possible.

To be clear, I'm not looking for rpg-maker games or flash games and the such, I'm looking for actual studio produced games. Any hope out there?
Re: Dating Sims with H-Content?

I've searched for years, and sadly, I've not come across any. I hate to say it, but at least to me, this is dead. I don't think we'll be seeing any of this coming around.
Re: Dating Sims with H-Content?

In regards to 3D games, I believe lessonofpassion.com and vdategames.com still produces dating sim games. christiesroom.com probably does this as well.

I myself have been looking for Japanese made dating sim games without a time limit.
Re: Dating Sims with H-Content?

"To be clear, I'm not looking for rpg-maker games or flash games and the such, I'm looking for actual studio produced games." - OP

Both games you've mentioned definitely are dating sims but it's not what the OP is looking for. They are looking for games made by professional or in other words, non-indie games.

I haven't played an actually big circle dating sim in a long time, but there are new big circle based eroge coming out almost daily, btw the term "big circle" refers to companies,....so I've missed a LOT of games. A few may look like pure VNs at a glance but actually be dating sims. Sadly, it's a huge sea to swim through...
Re: Dating Sims with H-Content?

Isn't 'Life Is Paradise' one?
Also <link>

Sadly, the thread you linked held one of the games I already checked. I excluded RPG maker games to see if I could find one made by some money swinging studio.

The responses in this thread are a little disheartening thusfar, but I hold hopes someone somewhere must know of one.

Anyone know any good games with egg laying or oviposition? Doesn't have to be central to the game just include decent bits of it.

Not a theme I run into much (usually no more than a single instance per game), so I challenge you Hentai Finder thread!
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Hello guys, so a little while ago I downloaded a game off here and now I can't remember the name or find it again to play it. It was a simple little pixel art game that I believe was done in flash. It has a girl stuck between two walls, like holding herself up from a pit. You can change her look, clothes, add tentacles, all kinds of stuff like that, and I'd really like to be able to find it again, thanks in advance to anyone who can help, sorry my description was so vague.
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

I think you're looking for Succubus Nests.

Awesome. Thanks a bunch (games) dude. : )

Hello guys, so a little while ago I downloaded a game off here and now I can't remember the name or find it again to play it. It was a simple little pixel art game that I believe was done in flash. It has a girl stuck between two walls, like holding herself up from a pit. You can change her look, clothes, add tentacles, all kinds of stuff like that, and I'd really like to be able to find it again, thanks in advance to anyone who can help, sorry my description was so vague.

I think this is the one you're looking for. (Although I practically stole this link from Toxic helping that other guy. ^_^; )
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Hi guys.

I just want to know if there is any more games like these ->

Drama Quest
The demon's kingdom
The Litle Brave

If you don't know this games . I'm searching for animated H-Scene RPG games . (RPG Maker ones , or Flash Ones)
The games can be japanes .I have Chii Trans so no problem . But i prefer english games more because of the storyline .

Sorry for my bad english
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Hello guys. i want request this product
dlsite com/ecchi-eng/work/=/product_id/RE128696.html
please share a link here or send me PM thanks :)
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Awesome. Thanks a bunch (games) dude. : )

I think this is the one you're looking for. (Although I practically stole this link from Toxic helping that other guy. ^_^; )

Thank you so much! ^^
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Looking for a game I saw on here awhile ago. Only the demo was out at the time and I totally forgot about it until now.

It was an rpg and the demo was fairly short. You started in an inn, left it, went right a screen, found the heroine being attacked, save her, carry her back to the inn, get a choice to change her clothes or rape her, and then she joins you. Only other thing was a dungeon that had a few enemies, a dragon boss, and a little demo thing telling about the clothing destruction.

Game had some kinda moral choice?/affection thing. Had the rape choice and I think you could agree with what the heroine said or insult her.

any ideas?
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Does anyone know if this clip is from a game? cuse if it is then i neeeed it

Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Does anyone know if this clip is from a game? cuse if it is then i neeeed it


That is The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. The mod is called Estrus. I played the game some years ago (before Skyrim release). YOu will need to install some mods for it to bring it to the same status like in the video (better body mods etc.).